Chris Montague, Acting Chair
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo
John Welter
Chris Simon
Deborah Hoban
Alice Warren
Tracy Tebo
Kimberly Bain, Alternate
I. Call to Order
Craig Clark, Library Director
Anne Watts, Assistant Library Director
Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian
In the absence of Chair Hoban, Chris Montague Chaired the meeting. He called the
meeting to order at 6:16 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes — May 24, 2017
Mr. Welter moved to approve the minutes. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
III. Correspondence and Communications
Craig Clark, Library Director, announced Deborah Hoban, Tracy Tebo and Alice
Warren advised they would not be present for the meeting
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to three-minute
Presentations): None.
V. Chair's Report: None.
VI. Unfinished Business:
Board By -Laws — Updated, need signatures
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 28, 2017
Mr. Clark retyped the by-laws and explained they need to be signed by the Chair, Co -
Chair and Secretary at the next meeting. Since there was no Secretary, that signature
would be removed. The change reflected the time of the meeting was 6 p.m. as
opposed to 4 p.m. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo advised she would not be present.
Required Ethics Training
Mr. Clark commented the City Clerk had informed him the members needed to take the
required Palm Beach County Ethics Training. He distributed a copy of the Code of
Ethics and explained the members are required to sign a Palm Beach County Code of
Ethics Training Acknowledgement form after viewing the training on YouTube or online.
Once signed, the forms must be returned to the City Clerk or to him to forward to the
Clerk. It was noted all City employees are required to take the same training.
Career Online High School (COHS) Update
Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian, mentioned the Career Online High School
(COHS) program was not funded and staff is working with those currently enrolled in the
program. Nine scholarships had been awarded; two participants graduated; and one
participant did not make it through the probation period. The six remaining students had
their funding previously approved and have 18 months to complete the program;
however, the platform for the program will no longer be available in July.
Mr. Clark explained the Governor vetoed the funding for the program. He had attended
an American Library Association Conference and spoke to a representative from the
company that created the program's platform and there was agreement they would work
together. The State Librarian also had an online meeting and the members discussed
fundraising to continue the program. Mr. Clark had recommended multi -library
cooperatives become involved to keep the program going, state-wide, for a year until
the Legislature can approve funding for next year. The State paid the $50K platform fee
for the 23 libraries that are involved in the program and each scholarship is $1,295. Dr.
Hayden queried how fundraising would occur and learned a GoFundMe page could be
Ms. Taylor clarified the platform involves a prerequisite survey the participant takes to
determine if the student can commit the needed time to complete the program. Next, the
student takes a two-week career certificate choice which will provide an example of
what the courses will be like. The program has audios, visuals and alerts the student to
the pace and style of learning. This portion of the platform will go dark in July. Mr. Clark
hoped to have a positive update next month and will work hard with other libraries
around the State to keep the program going.
VII. New Business:
Summer Reading Club
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 28, 2017
Anne Watts, Assistant Library Director, explained there are 412 students up to fifth
grade, including students from Galaxy Elementary School signed up for reading and
262 teens. Based on prior experience, the Library likely has more teens enrolled than
any other library in Palm Beach County and staff was pleased. The Library has
programs with Peggy Adams Animal Rescue and the Community Gardens. Tutoring is
in the morning. Mr. Welter asked if some of the summer camps come to the Library for
Movie Day and learned they do. It was also noted students from Galaxy Elementary
School were busy making pom-pom rugs. Ms. Watts noted the yarn was donated and
fabric was often donated as well.
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
Monthly Report for May 2017
Mr. Clark reviewed customer visits were up 5%; print circulation went down, and e- book
usage increased. Usage for audio/visuals, which were DVDs and audio books were
down. Selfcheck is not used often and Zinio downloads were up. Gale Legal Database
usage, which offers free legal fill in the blank forms specifically for Florida was
unchanged. Mr. Clark explained the City is a 20 -year member of the Southeast Florida
Library Information Network, (SEFLIN) which is one of five multi -library cooperatives
throughout the State that operate by region. SEFLIN provides services to Palm Beach,
Broward, Martin and Miami/Dade Counties and these libraries work together to obtain
Zinio and Overdrive at a lower price. Onecard, obtained through SEFLIN, allows library
patrons to sign up for access to other public and academic libraries at the reference
desk. It is publicized in the newsletter periodically, but mostly through word of mouth as
staff intercedes when the public requests information that is outside the scope of a
public library. Brief discussion ensued about inter -library loans. Ms. Watts advised the
Library is an Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) participant.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo pointed out a lot of people use the study rooms and not many
libraries have them. Mr. Clark agreed the rooms are an attraction. The library
supervisor overseeing the study rooms advised people drive from Broward County just
to study because most public libraries are not quiet any more. Mr. Welter agreed and
pointed out he travels with his children to libraries that match the interests they have.
He was not surprised someone would come from Broward.
The Library has 44 adult computers; 20 for teens and 20 for younger children. Computer
usage has diminished over the years because more people have laptops. There were
7,201 Wi-Fi Library connections. Mr. Clark commented patrons connect to Wi-Fi all the
time and there are people using it in the parking lot when the Library is closed. Mr.
Welter felt library Wi-Fi connections were safer. Mr. Clark explained the Library Wi-Fi
blocks gambling and pornography and is CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act)
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 28, 2017
Ms. Taylor announced in addition to offering basic computer classes, the Library added
an Excel class which has seven students and an intermediate Word class which has
fewer students. One instructor will not be available in July for Pad and Excel classes,
but those classes will resume in August. Ms. Taylor spoke to instructors about teaching
a MAC class and was approached by a person interested in teaching the class, but he
did not respond. It was noted the instructor has to become a temporary City employee
and pass a background check. It was possible to add Mac classes in the future.
Collections management is discarded items whether they were damaged or items no
longer needed. Conversely, 1,346 new items were added. Esequel is a database of
authors that write novel series. Freegal offers free music streaming for two or three
hours a day. All these services are available through the Library website with a library
card. Transparent Languages offers patrons the opportunity to learn languages at their
own pace.
Chair Montague asked about the marketing budget and learned the Library does not
have a marketing budget. He asked if the Library experimented with boosting Facebook
posts and thought whatever funds are used for print advertising could be better used by
boosting social media; otherwise the posts would not be seen by very many people.
The Library could boost different posts based on the kind of engagement wanted. He
thought posting to an audience above the age of 16, boosting on Facebook would give
the most bang for the buck. Mr. Clark agreed to consider it, but reiterated he has no
budget. Ms. Taylor noted she used Twitter for the COHS program. Dr. Hayden
suggested having a balance and thought the children and teens using the Library sell
the programs. She noted three nearby schools have media specialists and students
were not using the Library as much because they had the school library. She thought it
would be helpful to create a partnership
Mr. Clark advised the Library submitted for an LSTA grant which is federal funding that
trickles down to the State Libraries. There is $2.1 million available and there has been
about $3.1 million in grants submitted. He serves on the panel that recommends funding
and he recuses himself from the panel when the City applies for grants. The City
submitted a grant to microfilm and digitize the Lake Worth Herald for just over $40,000.
The grant will be reviewed next week and the archivist will be available via phone to
answer questions when the City makes its presentation. He anticipated grant awards
would be reduced because the requests were for $1 million more than was available
and there were 27 grants. Ms. Watts explained the Lake Worth Herald covers the time
period from 1912 to 1940 and was the newspaper of record for the City as Boynton
Beach that did not have its own newspaper and the Herald had a section just for
Boynton. Digitizing the paper will allow for full text searching. The City of Lake Worth
was trying to find its oldest houses and was using the 1910 census which was published
entirely in the paper in 1912. Mr. Clark commented the Library is a small to medium
sized public library, but they are setting the standard across the state for these types of
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 28, 2017
Mr. Clark reviewed AmeriCorps is a federal program called Literacy AmeriCorps. Funds
trickle down to each state and are then disbursed. The Literacy Coalition in Palm
Beach County received funding and has 40 AmeriCorp positions, which uses college
graduates of which the Library will receive three employees. One employee works with
young children; another works with teens; and the third teaches English for Speakers of
Other Languages (ESOL).
Mr. Clark explained the Library started using Unique Management Services for its
collections in 2012. Since then, the Library submitted $166,000 worth of accounts for
collections and returned materials. He encouraged the members to view the information
that is included in the meeting materials.
News/Media Coverage: None.
IX. Announcements
Chair Montague and Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo attended the Special City Commission
Budget Input meeting and requested funding to open the Library one extra day. He
commented several other people liked the idea and it appeared some of the
Commissioners did as well. He noted the budget hearings w08pd be held at the Library
on Monday, July 17th and Tuesday, July 18th. He thought the Board would be busy as
the Library is targeted as the site for the new city hall. He expressed the members
should be familiar with the plan and it may give the Board more of a say. Dr. Hayden
asked if the CRA would provide funding to the Library to eliminate blight and/or for
lighting or sidewalks. Mr. Clark commented the City would provide the sidewalks and
there is no CRA funding for the Library. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo pointed out CRA events
use library parking and finding a parking spot is very challenging. Brief discussion
followed it is a special event day. Mr. Clark anticipated the City Commission will review
the Library budget on Monday and if not, on Tuesday.
Mr. Clark advised the Town Square project would be about $95 million to upgrade the
16 -acre area around the Library encompassing Boynton Beach Boulevard, down one
block and down to 2d behind the Library. Originally, the idea was to build a City Hall
onto the south side of the Library, which is the oldest part of the building, and further
expand the Library to the north. Staff was asked to think of what a futuristic library
would need over the next 20 to 40 years.
Mr. Clark advised Colin Groff, the Assistant City Manager, is a fan of libraries and staff
will work with him to get the best library they can. Mr. Welter hoped the Library Board
would assist in the process and inquired about the architect. Mr. Clark responded right
now the process is still in-house in administration and it is very preliminary. He
requested the members gather their thoughts and send them to him. Ms. Watts
explained staff looks at items by function and what is wanted in an area, such as a non -
carpeted floor in the kids craft area or how tall should the bookcases be. Mr. Welter
agreed there is always opportunity to improve and add features such as large reading
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 28, 2017
rooms with natural light. New libraries have different considerations, but the City's
Library was able to navigate the new digital world and still have a classical reading
environment. Mr. Clark and Ms. Watts have a lot of experience with Library construction
and there are benefits to combining the Library and City Hall. Mr. Clark advised there
would be some shared meeting space and there needs to be discussion about who has
priority as the Library needs to provide space for their programs as well. Mr. Clark
agreed to add this topic to the agendas as Unfinished Business to provide updates and
receive input. He suggested the members email any suggestions to him. Mr. Clark
thought the plan would be on the City's website.
Next Library Board Meeting — July 26, 2017 at 6:00pm
Budget Hearings — Monday, July 17, 2017 @spm, Tuesday, July 18,
2017 @10am, and Wednesday, July 19, 2017 @2pm (if necessary)to
be held in the Library Program Room
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Montague moved to adjourn. Mr.
Welter seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at
7:18 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist