Chris Montague, Acting Chair
Alice Warren
Chris Simon
John Welter
Tracy Tebo
Robyn Boucard
Deborah Hoban, Chair
Dr. Stephanie Hayden- Adeyemo
Kimberly Bain
I. Call to Order
Craig Clark, Library Director
Anne Watts, Assistant Library Director
Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian
In the absence of the Chair, Deborah Hoban, Chris Montague called the meeting to
order at 6:02 p.m.
New member Alice Warren introduced herself and presented her credentials, noting she
is a retired Librarian from the Dade County Public Schools. She lived in Boynton Beach
since 1995 and had moved to Texas for seven years. She returned about a year and a
half ago.
New member Robyn Boucard also advised she has lived in Boynton Beach since 1982.
Her first job was working with Betty Thomas as a bilingual Classroom Assistant at
Galaxy Elementary School. During the last 15 years, she worked her way up to
becoming the Media Clerk at Galaxy, also handling some of the summer programs. At
the time, Marva Collins was the Media Specialist. When the new Galaxy School was
under construction she was hired by the Village Academy in Delray Beach where she
has worked since 2011.
All welcomed the new members. Self -introductions were made.
II. Approval of Minutes — June 28, 2017
The minutes were tabled to next month.
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 26, 2017
III. Correspondence and Communications
Craig Clark, Library Director, announced he received an email from Deborah Hoban as
she a had scheduling conflict. She had a suggestion for October, November and
December meetings that will be heard later in the meeting.
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute
V. Chair's Report
There was no report given.
VI. Unfinished Business:
Board By -Laws — Updated, need signatures
Mr. Clark explained the By -Laws were changed to reflect the new meeting time from 4
p.m. to 6 p.m. A copy of the By -Laws were included in the meeting materials and
needed to be signed by the Chair, Co-chair and the regular members of the Board.
Required Ethics Training
Chair Montague advised last month, the members had to take the required ethics
training. There are several different ways to take the course. When completed, an
acknowledgement form must be submitted to the City Clerk. Mr. Welter's form was
Career Online High School (CONS) Update
Mr. Clark explained this was a new program funded by the State Department of
Education with a pass through federal dollars to the State Library and disbursed to
public libraries that chose to participate. Boynton Beach was the only library in Palm
Beach County to do so. The Library awarded nine scholarships and had two graduates.
He explained it is a true high school diploma and not a GED. Each scholarship is worth
$1,295; however, the Governor vetoed the program funding for the coming year. Mr.
Clark explained the program has two parts. The scholarships are through Smart
Horizons which created the curriculum. The second part was the platform the students
use to complete the program. Staff was working on ways to split the cost for the
platform in order to keep the program going. There may be only five scholarships
available for fiscal year 2017/2018. Ms. Warren asked if the school board could help
finance the program and learned the Library and others have not approached the
School Board as the program was for youth 19 and older and adults. The Library will
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 26, 2017
fund some of the program with State Aid funds and have it only available to Boynton
Beach residents. Large companies sometimes fund the program, but not usually. Staff
was pursuing every avenue possible. Mr. Clark advised the platform already blacked
out and had received a quote of $2,500 for the platform per year for the library plus the
$1,295 per student with a minimum of five to purchase. The program is a great program
and Mr. Clark and Ms. Taylor have been keeping it up, working together as a team. Ms.
Warren suggested approaching wealthy communities. Mr. Clark explained Hunters Run
has donated in the past and have been approached. Ms. Warren thought the City
Commission should fund the program. Ms. Taylor announced the program was close to
receiving their third graduate.
Library Budget Request — FY2017/2018
Chair Montague advised the Library Board was trying to obtain funding for the Library to
be open six days a week. The City budget meeting was held and there was no
discussion of the item. He indicated he would make it a point to attend future City
Commission meetings, and it would help if the Board was more vocal at City and CRA
meetings. He advised the input meeting was not well attended and funding the Library
the extra day was the only idea that was brought up.
Discussion followed if there was a way the Board could make an impact or if the City
Administration contacted Mr. Clark about the matter. Mr. Clark advised he did not
request funds for the extra day in his budget, but it is a discussion he has with the City
Manager each year. It is a very high cost item and the initiative was not discussed at
either budget meeting although he was prepared to speak about it. Only Commissioner
McCray had remarked about the Library in the past. For the benefit of Ms. Warren, it
was explained that Mr. Clark is the Library Director, but the Library is run by the City. It
is currently open Monday to Thursday, closed on Friday, open on Saturday and closed
on Sunday. It would cost $165,000 more per year for the one extra day including hiring
additional employees. Mr. Clark had requested an additional position for the last five
years which the City Manager believes is needed, but it is a financial issue. The City
Manager promulgates the budget based on the City's priorities, but the revenue is not
covering each department's budget requests and the City Manager had to cut $4
million. He pointed out all cities have varying amounts of revenue and taxes based on
home values.
Mr. Welter commented the members are a Board that, until last month, did not have
enough attendance to have a quorum. Two members attended a City Commission
meeting and it did not sound promising if the City Manager makes the decisions
regarding the Library. He thought the Board should show solidarity and how important it
was to have a City Library open six days a week. He proposed emphasizing other
areas have city libraries that are open all week. Ms. Watts expressed the Library is a
municipal library, and the Lake Worth Library has similar hours. Ms. Taylor also
explained the Board's role is to advise the City Commission about policy decisions.
Even if a petition was used, the Board initially has to raise the issue to raise awareness.
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 26, 2017
The budget hearings will take place on September 7th and September 19th at 6:30 p.m.
with adoption occurring on the 19th. Chair Montague thought the City Commission
meetings was a good way to raise awareness. Ms. Warren also commented the Palm
Beach Post has a column about Boynton Beach every Thursday.
The City Library organizational chart and copy of the personnel allocation, line items
and expenses were reviewed. The Schoolhouse Children's Museum is supported by
the City through the Library's budget. Mr. Clark pointed out there was funding in the
Capital Improvement Plan which will later be used to upgrade its radio frequency
identification which is great for inventory and security. He thought it was good for the
members to be aware of what was proposed.
VII. New Business:
Library Building Renovations
Mr. Clark noted there was a flyer in the Board packets that discusses the upgrades the
Library will receive in association with a new City Hail. Mr. Clark did not know exactly
what would occur, but advised the Library will physically change. Information about the
Town Square project should be in the paper. Chair Montague urged the members to
attend the meetings. All elements of the project have not been finalized and all the
meetings are public input meetings.
Grant Award — Digitization of the Lake Worth Herald 1912-1970
Mr. Clark announced the Library received a $35,000 grant. Anne Watts, Assistant
Library Director, and Susan Swiatosz, City Archivist, worked hard to put the application
together to digitize the Lake Worth Herald. The paper dates back to 1912 and has a
section on Boynton Beach. The City has the only known copy, but it is deteriorating
rapidly. Mr. Clark advised the City was partnering with the Lake Worth Public Library
and the copyright holder of the Lake Worth Herald. He was waiting for the Secretary of
State to sign the document. Mr. Clark serves on the selection panel and had to recuse
himself on the vote for this grant, but felt strongly that if he was not present, the grant
would not have been funded. A bid will be issued on August 1St in the newspaper and
on Demand Star which is software the City uses to find a vendor. Staff also provided
the City with a list of vendors who have successfully worked on similar projects All the
work must be completed by September 30, 2018 Once legal permission to digitize the
paper is obtained, it will be posted on the City's website. Ms. Watts explained digitizing
will allow for full text searches. The material will be digitized from microfilm and then the
microfilm will be put in storage.
Ms. Boucard explained she loved the older look of the Library and commented years
ago, there was an area in the old library where she found newspapers articles of her
grandfather's family, the Girtman's, who owned land in Pineapple Grove. Mr. Clark
thought that information was already contained in the archives. Ms. Watts explained the
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Boynton Beach, Florida July 26, 2017
Lake Worth Herald was a newspaper in Lake Worth, Florida which was important
because there was no newspaper in Boynton Beach, Greenacres or Lantana in 1912.
The project will start with the early dates and continue to 1970. The material Ms.
Boucard found in the newspaper was probably from other local papers that have
already been digitized that are available in the reference department. Mr. Clark
suggested the members tour the Library in September. Ms. Warren noted she received
a wonderful tour from Jonelle and she praised him.
Mr. Clark explained for the past several years, the Board has made the decision to
cancel the August meeting and merge the November and December meetings to the
first week in December.
Chair Montegue moved to hold the August meeting. Ms. Warren seconded the motion
that unanimously passed. The meeting will be held August 23rd at 6 p.m.
The members discussed combining the November and December meetings due to the
holidays. After brief discussion the members agreed to meet on December 6th
Chair Montague moved to hold the meeting December 6tn. Mr. Welter seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistic
Monthly Report for June 2017
Mr. Clark reviewed the Library statistics and explained the statistics were compared to a
year ago. Ebook usage increased and they can be used with iPads. They have over
10,000 Kindle books to download through their membership with SEFLIN. Zinio and
Overdrive are also services offered through SEFLIN. SEFLIN provides for staff training
and statewide delivery service. If Mr. Clark has to send an item to the Boca Raton
Public Library, he puts it in a certain bag and the delivery service delivers it to the Boca
Library. It is a statewide library loan.
Mr. Clark explained the State negotiates contracts for library services and has
negotiated contracts with large book vendors. SEFLIN is a multi -library coop and the
State has five of them. It covers Miami, Dade, Broward, Martin and Palm Beach
Counties. The members are able to serve on committees. The organization provides
networking opportunities, and Mr. Clark was formerly the President. SEFLIN will be the
contracting agent for the Career Online Program.
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Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 26, 2017
The SEFLIN Onecard is another membership card which FAU, NOVA, Southeast
University and Palm Beach County State University use. Patrons can apply to receive a
card from that Library to check out materials, but cannot use their data base. It is a
resource sharing tool available to anyone over the age of 16. Ms. Boucard asked if
usage could be tracked. Ms. Taylor advised quite a few college students use the
Library study room and staff helps. Mr. Welter asked if the study rooms could be
advertised and learned the Library could provide additional advertising. The card was
formerly called the Sunshine Library card. There are bookmarks the Library distributes
with the information as well as a welcome packet for new card holders containing
information on all the services the Library provides. Staff can advertise it on Facebook
and Twitter.
Ms. Watts explained residents can go to any Library in Palm Beach County, except for
Boca Raton, and get a card without going through any of the processes. Onecard
permits the holder to go through the Library registration process at FAU's Library and
several other institutions of higher learning. The patrons that benefit the most from
Onecard are college students. Ms. Taylor advised the following libraries use Onecard:
Everglades University, Florida International University, Florida Memorial University,
Larkin Health Sciences Institute, MSU Alvin Sherman, Palm Beach Atlantic, Palm
Beach County, Palm Beach State College, Richard Sullivan, School District of Palm
Beach County, and St. Thomas University Libraries. Broward should also be joining.
The advantage of Onecard is it is beginning to include people from outside of Palm
Beach County. She recommended, if thinking of going to another Library in Palm
Beach County, it is easier to apply directly for a card and use Onecard for libraries
outside of the County.
Ms. Watts also explained the Library has a policy that if a patron requests a book the
Library does not have and it falls within the purview of the Library's collection policy, the
Library will order it if it is not extremely expensive. Staff accepts patron requests as
often as possible and most often, the book is received in less than a week. Mr. Clark
explained the Library honors 98% of patron requests including DVDs, books, music
CDs. There is a request for purchase form at the front desk.
As a Library that receives State Aid, Mr. Clark explained Boynton Beach is required to
reciprocate with other libraries in the County that receive State Aid. Boca Raton does
not apply for State Aid so Boynton Beach does not reciprocate. There is no reciprocity
with the Highland Beach, Palm Beach and Manalapan libraries either. Mr. Welter
learned individuals using the Boynton Beach Library have to be a resident, own property
or be a teacher to get a free Boynton Beach card; otherwise a card costs $30. Staff
verifies all patron addresses. Ms. Tebo advised many people think they have to pay to
use the Library. Ms. Warren explained a Library in San Antonio has received national
attention because its Library has no books and is all high tech. Mr. Welter was trying to
survey policies and procedures from other libraries and put together preferences. Chair
Montague explained advertising is as much of a challenge for libraries as it is for
everyone else.
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Boynton Beach, Florida July 26, 2017
Ms. Warren asked about the percentage changes from last year for Customer Service
and was told the economy improved. Mr. Clark explained the cost of books increased,
and when recessions hit, Library use is very high. When things are good, usage
decreases. Library use is cyclical over time and with the economy. Ms. Watt also
explained Libraries perform a very different function than they did 20 years ago.
Mr. Clark explained the Library just obtained a software package that allows staff to
count the Wi-Fi connections. Chair Montague pointed out the Library has a recording
studio in the teen center. it is a free space and an AmeriCorp member with a
background to record helped. No one was presently on staff with a recording
background but the youth are familiar with the equipment. In future, there would be two
studios at two different locations or at different times by different age groups. Ms.
Taylor explained small businesses are using the Makers spaces to create podcasts.
Attendance for computer classes increased and staff is trying to find someone to teach
the makers class. The Library is down one instructor and Ms. Taylor will teach Pad
classes herself. Teaching is one hour, two to four times a month. They do an hour of
instruction and another hour of one-on-one instruction.
Social media and Freegal were reviewed. Aildata is car repair articles. Mr. Clark
explained staff conducts return on investment reviews to be sure the information is
worthwhile. He reviewed adult services and had conducted outreach with the Lantana
Rotary Club. The Library offers a lot of youth and teen programs including the Virtual
Zone. The Library would have three AmeriCorp volunteers paid for through the General
Fund instead of Library Donations.
Chair Montague reminded the members no one will see the Library on Facebook unless
they ping, but one strategy used by non -profits was the Director giving a live periodic
update. He thought it is the most economical way for people to learn about the Library
and its services. It was noted a performance by the choir at Boynton Beach High
School was streamed live.
News/Media Coverage
Ms. Tebo noted a realtor flyer for a home for sale included a great picture of the
Boynton Beach City Library. She agreed to try to obtain the flyer and thought it was free
IX. Announcements
Mr. Clark pointed out a letter to Adopt a Magazine was included in the meeting
materials and a few hundred dollars was already received. He also announced a
Schoolhouse Children's Museum fundraising Casino Night event at the Woman's Club
on Friday at 6 p.m. On a different matter, Ms. Warren shared an article about the
Florida Legislature giving every resident the right to formally challenge the use of
Meeting Minutes
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Boynton Beach, Florida July 26, 2017
specific books in the public schools and thought this would impact public libraries. Mr.
Clark explained every public library has its own policy to handle those types of
situations. Schools and public libraries are very different.
Ms. Boucard attended two City Commission meetings in June to be visible to the City
Commission. She agreed the members should push its services and thought they
should publicize what activities are planned for September. She suggested having
something for attendees to take to the meetings. Chair Montague suggested taking a
copy of the calendar and announcing the event and other positive things the Board is
doing during public comments. Mr. Welter agreed the meetings are the venue to talk
about issues and get a better sense of what is occurring and forming consensus.
Having the Library open for a sixth day was a common issue but there are bigger and
broader topics. Chair Montague explained an engaged Board would have much to talk
about and have a unified voice. It was noted the Mayor announces events on the
Next Library Board Meeting — August 23rd
X. Adjournment
Chair Montague moved to adjourn. Ms. Warren seconded the motion that unanimously
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist