Nayor 'Banks called the meeting to o~der at ?:SO p.m. The
Rev. Edward Stauffer of the First Methodist Church gave the invo-
cation. Star Scout Jon Archie of Troop ~20 led the Salute to
the Flag.
Mr. Mahoney moved that minutes of regular meeting of October
19, 1964 be approved. Hr. S,mm_ers seconded. Motioncarried
Mr. ~/adsen moved t~mt m~utes of special meeting of Octobe~
22, I9~ be approved.. ~. A~chie seceded. Motf~ car~led 5-0.
~. ~oney moved ~at m~utes of speclal meet~g of Octobe~
51~ 1564 be approved. M~. Supers seceded, ~otion ca~led 5-0.
Street Improvement - N.E. 7th St. -.,,Pot,fiche off N.,E., 8,9,10 Aves.
M~. Kain reported to Council that the condition of N. E. 7th
Street and adjacent avenues showed heavy signs of deterioration.
He said that nineteen owners which ~uld be benefited by the
provement were contacted. Ten owners ~esponded--four indicated
}~proval and six disapproval. Estimated cost per front foot was
$2.42. Mr. Arohie moved that the item be tabled and that
be instructed to con~act these people by letter again, stressing
the u~gency of the situation and informing them of the four pro-
perty owners willing to participate and report back to Council
at the earliest possible date. Er. Mahoney seconded. Motion
ca~ried 5-0.
Hr. Harry LeFort asked Council if the sewer rates would be
raised as a result of the study being made by Russell & Axon.
Mayor Banks reported that the Council was not sure what the ou~-
come would be but that they were of the opinion that the $4.00
minimum now charged for single family residences would not be
Boynton Beach, Fla.
November 2, 195A
Mrs. Carrie Gladuey asked the Council for assistance in gettin
transportation for the Boynton Beach Dixietanders, ~ho had been
invited tcrepresent Boynton Beach in a parade in Ft. Lauderdale,
Florida, on November lath in connection with Youth Appreciation
Donald Ward, candidate for City Council in the upcoming elec-
tion asked if all entered candidates qualificatimas had been
checked. He was told a report wou~ be made later in the meeting.
He also inquired ~oout a civil service elestion to £ill a vacancy
in that Board. He was told that the election was held up for a
two weeks period and would take place on November 13, 1984.
Mrs. Edith Thompson of 912 N.. E. ?th Street urged the Council
to take action on the improvement of N. E. ?th Street which had
previously been tabled.
Mr. Harold Fey of 210~ N. E. 3rd Ct. asked for clarification
on his tax bills which he said had tripled in amount this year.
Mrs. Padgett was asked to check on this for Mr. Fey.
Two Police Cruisers
The following bids were opened and read by the City Olerk~
Adams Chevrolet Co.,Delray Beach,Fla.
(Delivery within 45 calendar day~) ~4,380.00
Earl Wallace Ford, Del~ay Beach, Fla.
(Delivery within A5 calendar days) ~A,~O0.30
Blank & Smith, ~uc.,W. Patm Beach,Fla.
(Delivery within 30 to 45 days) $4,410.S0
Florida Dodge-Ch~ysler,~.Palm Beach,Fla.
(Delivery within 30 to 45 days) $4,319.88
M~. Mahoney moved that all bids be turned over to a committee
composed of Mr. Summers, Mr. Kain and Chief Erwin for tablUation
and recommendation to Council. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion
carried ~-0.
~eceiptof tenders for purchase of Refunding Bonds r Issue 19{9
Mrs. Padgett reported that no bids had been received from
tenders for the purchase of the refunding bonds. Mr. ~ahoney moved
that~ the City of Boya~on Beach recall the remaining Refunding Bonds
Issue of 1949, as outlinedin the advertised call for tenders.
Mr. Archie seconded. Notion carried 8-0.
Boynton Beach, Fta.
November 2, 1964
Rezoning ,application Lot 24~ Blo6k F ~ . .
l, rank eb~er Addition.
14~ N. W~ lOth Avenue - ~aryFrancis - From C1 to R1
There were no objections made to the requested rezoning.
Mr. Moore read Ordinance 64-20 which affected the change. Mr,
Summers moved that Ordinance 64-20 be accepted on f~st reading.
Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 6-O.
Elimination of Ju~,,~,Cars Throughout the Cit~
Mr. ~adsen reported that in working on eliminating old aban-
doned Junk cars throughout the city, that he had been told a man
in West Palm Beach would pick up all the cars at no expense to
the city. Any cars on the public streets could be hauled away
at any time. Regarding cars on private property, the present
ordinance could be amended to make it possible to give a property
owner V2 hours to remove the cars and then go in and have them
removed. According to Mr. Kain, Delray Beach has an ordinance
with this provision that has been working very well~ Mr. Moore
said that an amendment to the present ordinance would cover it.
Mr. Madsen moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up
the necessary amendment to the existing ordinance. Mr. Arohie
seconded. Motion carried
Request from, LuiEi' ~irisola tq County for Fillin~ DrainaEe Dit~w
Mayor Banks read s letter addressed to the Mayor and City
Council from Luigi Mirtsola and a copy of a letter M~. Nirisola
had sent to County Commissioner Warren conce~nlng the filling of
a drainage ditch adjoining his property on South Federal Highway
in Boynton Beach. Mr. Nahuney moved that the City notify Commis-
sioner Warren that they have ~eceived the letter from Mr. Mirisola
end that the Council ~uld appreciate any prompt consideration he
maybe able to render to Mr. Nirisola. Mr. Archie seconded.
~otion carried ~-0.
Occupational License - All Florida, Sanitation Service
Mr. Maurice Nanola of All Florida Sanitation Service asked
the Council for a date when he might be expected to receive an
occupational license. He stated that he had a contract with Kwik
Chek Food Store to dispose of their garbage and that he wanted to
be able to give them a date when he would be able to start. He
was told that it was only a matter of receiving answers on refer-
ences and that he could expect ~o have the license by December lst~
Boynton Beach, Fla.
November Z, 1984
0,,rdinance 64-19 - 2nd.,~eading - Rezonin6 Lots ~0~21~ and 2~ Blk
Lake Addition.
Ordinance 64-19 was read by caption only. Mr. Arohle moved
the adoption of Ordinance 64-19. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion
carried 5-0.
Mr. Moore told Co~ncil that the problem of increasing the
amount required for occupational licenses fo~ sign painters and $~N
contractors to better conform with other cities was just one of
a numbe~ of items that ia to be included in the discussion for a
general amending of occupational licenses fees. He recommended
that the Council approve this item at this time. Mr. Mahoney
moved that the licenses for sign painters and contractors be
raised from $10.00 tO $30.00. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion car-
tied §-0.
Resolution 64-UU
Mr. Moore read Resolution 64-UU validating partially mutilated
interest coupon No. 19 on Certificates Nos. t20~,1205, 1210 and
1254, Water & Sewer Revenue Bond issue of 1581, Series B in accor-
dance with the request of Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New
York. M~. ~adsen moved the adoption of Resolution 84-UU. M~.
Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Resolutio~ 64rV~,
Mr. Moore read the resolution authorizing and directing the
investment of monies held by the Atlantic National Bank, ~es$ Palm
Beach, Florida as Trustee and Eserowee. Mr. Summers moved the
adoption of Resolution 64-VV. Mr. Mahoney seconded, Motion
carried 5-0.
Presentation of Nominees for City Council
The City Clerk read the list of nominees for City Council.
J. Allison Banks
Charles N. Boos
Gilbert Collins
Emily M. Jackson
Nalter A. Madsen
Roger D. Nicholas
James J. Sarno
Thomas A. Summers
Joseph Tomberg
Donald ~ard
Boynton Beach, Fla.
November 2, 1964
Mr. Moore reported that he and the City Clerk had checked the peti-
tions in accordance mdth qualifications as outlined in the City
Charter and found all candidates were qualified. Mr. Mahoney
moved that the names as read b~ Mrs. Padgett and lismted above be
accepted by the City Council as nominees for the coming election
and that they be placed on the ballot in alphabetical order.
Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried B-O.
Mr A_chze said that in view of a request from one of the
candidates to have his nickname on the ballot, the Council had
conferred and decided to allow any nickname ~hat any~ candidate
desired on theballot, to appear in parenthesis after the first
Appointment of Election Board
The City Clerk read a list of citizens that had requested
that they be appointed to serve on the Election Board. They were
as follows:
t. Mrs. Edythe Hood, VOl S. Seacrest Blvd.
2. Mrs. Ma~belle Beckwith, 2628 N. E. 4th Ct.
3. Mrs. Frank Durrett, 3221 Orange Street
4. ~rs. Erna Weaver, 322 S. W. 8th Avenue
5. Mrs. Helen Brull, 127 N. E. 16th Avenue
6. Mrs. Dorothea Rich, 309 N. E. 1st Street
V. Mrs, Mildred Hallier, 322 N. E. 1st Street
8. Mrs. Marjorie Kirkpatrick, 635 N. W, 5th Street
9. Mrs. Jan Wertz, 27 Gondola Court
10. Mrs. Anna Sincoff, 315 N. E, 3rd St.
ll. Mrs. Marie Deyo, 131 S. ~. 14th Avenue
12. Mrs, Frances Van Devender, 3165 E. Atlantic Drive
13. Mrs. Louise LePort 725 Ocean Inlet Drive
14. Mrs. Helen Kirkeby, 504 N. E. 22nd Avenue
15. Mr. Robert Ryd, 2510 N. E. 3rd Street
16. Mr. Arthur Hartwig, 126 S. E. 2nd Avenue
17. Mrs. 01lie Heath, 522 N. ~. llth Avenue
18. Mrs. Marie Olds, 651 Ocean Inlet Drive
19. Mrs. Mildred Lofley, 145 S. E. 3rd Avenue
20. ~rs. Guy Dodson, 185 S. Palm Drive
Mr. M~honey moved thst the City Coumcil accept the list as read
by the City Clerk to act as clerks, deputies and inspectors in
the two polls and that the City Clerk be instructed to place
these people where they will best serve the Cit~ Mr, Madsen
seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
F -C u cT -
Boynten Beach, Fla.
November 2, 1964
Requests fo~ Solicitati,on Permits
The following requests for solicitation permits were presented
to Council:
1. Boynton Beach Dixielanders Band: Sell tickets to
benefit UnitedFund from Oct. 28 thru Dec. 2nd.
Kiwanis Club: Sale to benefit underprivileged
children from Oct. 31 thru Dec. 51st.
Soroptimist Club: Sell candy for benefit of sev-
eral service and charitable projects from Nov. 15
thru Dec. 30th.
Heart Association of Palm Beach and Martin Counties:
Conduct general solicitations to promote the goals
of the heart association during month of Feb. 1965.
Mr. Archie moved that the permits be granted to all above listed
organizations and that the fees be waived. Mr. Mahoney seconded.
Notion carried 5-0.
United Fund Dixielanders Show - Civic Center Rental Waived
A request from the Dixielanders, a local teenage ban~, for
the use of the Civic Center. without charge for rental on Decem-
ber 2nd for the purpose of raising money for the United Fund was
considered. Mr. Archie moved that the request be granted but
that in this and o.ther similar requests a fee of $5.00 be charged
to pay for janitorial services. Hr. Nadsen seconded. Motion
carried 5-0.
ChanEe Order #2 - Project 5754-8G~ Cleary Brothers
The Change 0rder~hich woul~ approve the extension of the
sanitary sewer main in Section 10Al four hundred and ten feet
south of the original planned terminus was considered. The
additional cost of this work would be $20~0.00. Mr, Mahoney
moved that the Council approve Change Order #2 for Cleary Bros.
Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion ca,tied 5-0.
Request for Beverage License - 212 N. Fed.Hwy. - Henry T.Jaeque,a
Mr. Nadsen moved that the request of Henry T. Jacques for
beverage license for beer served on premises and take out at
N. Federal Highway be granted. Hr. ~ahoney seconded. Motion
carried 5-0.
~ I N U T E S
~i ~y--C ~ul~c ~l--
Boynton Beach, Fla.
November 2, 198~
Designation of Registrar. ~.or 1984 RefundinE.and. imorovement Bonds
At the recommendation of the Cit~ ~nager, Mr. ~ahoney moved
that this. item be tabled. Mr. Summers seconded. Motion carried
Aoproval of Bills
Mr. Kain presented the Following bills for approval:
1. Russell & Axon Invoice
Work completed to August 10, 1984 $180.21
ReSident Inspection for month of Aug. $1997.§0
Total to be paid from Sanitary
Sewer Construction Fund
Russell & Axon Invoice #28:
Resident Inspection for month of September
198A to be paid from Sanitary Sewer Const.
Fund $2099.96
Russell &Axon Invoice #1 Special:
E~gineering Services in connection with preparation
of report dated April 1964. TO be paid from pro-
ceeds of t984 Bonding Issue.
Mr. ~ahoney moved that the bills be paid and that they be paid
~he Funds as outlined above. Mr. Summers seconded. Motion car-
ried S-O.
DeparSmental Reoorts
Mr. Madsen moved that the October reports of the Building,
Tax Collector and Treasurer be accepted. Mr. Mahoney seconded.
Motion carried~ ~-0.
The meeting was
adjourned at~mo
Boputon Beach, Fla.
November 2, 198~
(Signatures Continued)
ereesa Padgett,
City Clerk
Thomas A. Summers, Councilman