Minutes 10-31-64MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD IN CITY HALL, BOYNTCN BEACH, FLORIDA, 0CTCBER 31, 196~, at °~:00 A.Mo PRESENT: J. ALLISON BAI~KS, MAYOR F. T'. KAIN, CITY M~KNAGER JAMES ~. MAHONEY~ VICE MAYOR (9:45a.m.)GENE MOORE, CITY ATTORNEY JOHN L. ARCHIE~ COUNCIlmAN TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLEPJ WALTER Ao MADSEN, COUNCILMAN THOMAS Ao S~MERS~ COUNCI,LMAN Layor Banks called the meeting to order at 9:20 aom. The 1964 tax roll was presented showirg the following totals: (see attached) M~. Archie moved that the 1964 tax roll be accepted. Motion seconded by Mr. Madsen and unanimously carried by the four councilmen present. Discussion followed on establishing a date for a joint meeting of the City Council and the Inter-racial Committee. The Council instructed ¥~ Kain to get all the details from the Planning and Zoning Board and when the facts were compiled to his satisfaction he should contact the members of Council and set a mee~ing date agreeable with all concerned. Mr Msdsen requested that further study be made and necessary action be taken regarding the removal of abandoned automobiles within the City. The City Manager advised the Council that he and the City Attorney had discussed sewer rates a~ length with the engineers. Mr. Osteen, representing Russell & Axon, Consulting Engineers~ read a letter to the Council under date of October 30, 1964, in which he recommended that a careful study be made of sewer rates by his firm and a detailed report be returned vo the Council in February 196~o (Mr~ Mahoney entered the meeting at this time (9~4[ a.m.). He had been detained by car trouble.) Mr~ Archie moved that Russell & Axon be ~uthorized to prepare a sewer rate study and report to the Councml in February, 196~. Motion seconded by Mr. Summers and unanimously carried. MINUTES ~-~y Council Boynton Beach~ Florida ¢ctober ~l, 196~ MrT Kain read letter dated October 9, 196~ from Russell & Axon in which they outlined the proposed schedule for sanitary sewer extensions. Ccpy attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr~ ~lahoney moved that Russell & Axon be authorized to proceed with the house count and preparation of plans and specifications of the im'provemen~s as outlined in said letter of October 9~ 1965. Motion seconded by ¥~ Summers and unanimously carried. Mr~ Michael Susik, developer of Colonial Ridge Club Co-op Apts., Ocean Ridge, appeared before Council to request consideration to tie into the Boyn~on Beach Sewer System° He stated that the ' Health Department had refused to accept septic tanks and had suggested that he contact Boynton Beach for consideration. The City Attorney stated that the first step necessary would be for the developer to contact Ocean Ridge Council and get their approval for such a project. ¥~. Osteen stated that he felt that the Boynton Beach Sewer System, with minor adjustments~ could handle the area east of the waterway. Mr. Mahoney suggested that a joint meeting be held with Ocean Ridge, the developers and Russell & Axon if Mro Susik gets tentative approval from the Town of Ocean Ridge° Mayor Banks requested that s detailed study be made on S~ E. Avenue for improvements after sewer job is completed a~ that location. 23rd Mr. Osteen introduced Mr. Ray Curry, of the Lake Worth office of Russell & Axon and Mro Randall Crowell, Assistant Chief of Construction from the Daytona Beach office. Mr. Mahoney asked if the work on South Federal would be completed on schedule. Mr. Curry advised that Cleary Bros. would have two crews on the job next week. The City Manager advised the Council that a request had been made by Maurice Nanoia and Jack Cianciatto for a license to pick up trash and garbage at the Kwik Chik Grocery store° Mr. Archie moved that the request be tabled in order that the City Attorney may have time to study the matter. Motion seconded by Mr. Madsen and iLuanimously carried. -2- RUSSELL & AXON OFFICES Consuking Engineers, Incorporated October 9, 1964 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Boynton Beach City Hall ~rnton Beach, Florida Attention: Mr. F. T. Fain, City Manager Subject: Sanitary Sewer Extensions City of Boynton Beach, Florida Project No. 5754-8f Gen~/emen: As you are awar~, the recently implemented Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bend Issue included the cons~-uot/on at an early stage of ad- ditional sanitary sewers. Essentially, the project financed from the bond proceeds consists of providing sewers for Systems lA, 2B, 5, SA, 5B, 10 and 10A as previcrus- ly indicated on sheets 1 to 4, inclusive, of the project maps issued concurrently with the Preliminarf Eng/neering Repor~ dated August 1964o It is estimated that the to~al cost of proM/ding sewers in these areas will not exceed $i, i00,000, which includes cons~.ructio~n costs, con- t~ngenoies and all other attendant costs. The necessi%y for providing the additional sewage works e,~enSlons was one of ~he prime mot/vatin~ factors for iraplementLnG the new financing plan. In order to assure ~he City the accrual of additional revenues from ~he proposed ex~ensio.ns in accordance %~lth the method of financing es~abllshed~ it is necessary to ~ro~eed as soon as possible with placing the proposed improvemer~s into opera,/on. It is ~ '~herefore ~ recommended that the Ci~ of Boynton Be. ach consider taking ~ follo~Lng action at ~he earlies~ possible date: Honc~able Mayor and City Co~uucil Atten~On: Mro F. T~ K~i~ Ci%~F Manager O~tobar 9, 1964 Authoriz~ o~r ~ir~ to proceed wi~h the i~epara~ion c~ final construction plans an~ specific~O~s of the i~provements for the areas previously elesignate~. Establish, in coc~dination with th~ engineers, completion s~hedules, tentative target dates fo~ aah~ert/sing for bids, etc. We shall be pleased to distress the matter with you in more detail should you so desire. If necessalT, may we suggest a special meeting with the City Council at its convenience, to discuss the improvements as recom- mended in order that final plan preparatton can be initiated. Please advise us of your wishes in this matter. Respe~f~dly, RUSSELL & AXON GONSULTING ENGINEERS, lNG. TJS FTO/bh CC: Hon. I. Allison Banks, Mayor Members of the City Council City Attorney Gen~ Moore, Esq. City Clerk Teresa Padgett Frank T. Osteen, Jr. - Vice President RUSSELL & AXON cruces Consulting Engineers, Incorporated October 30, 1964 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Boynton Beach City Hall Boynton Beach, Florida Attention: Mr. Tom Kain, City Manager Genti amen: During the past few weeks we have discussed the present sewer rates and rate categories with both the City Manager and the City Attorney. It is our opinion that the present rate schedule may cause Inequities in certain rate categories. However, we feel that in order to achieve a rate schedule equitable to all users that it will be necessary to carefully study the problem over a period of two to three months, particularly since the City has had little experience in billing on this basis. 'We further feel that the anticipated expansion of the system will influence the final rate schedule and that we cannot accurately formulate the rate schedule until such time as our surveys have been completed on the proposed expansion and a careful house count made. Therefore, we are suggesting that along with the - author!zation for suveys and final plans that the City Council authorize us to prepare a detailed repor~ on rate and rate cate- gones ro be presented in February 1965. This will give us and the City adequate t~me to solve this problem to the best interest of ail the citizens of Boynton Beach. In the meantime some in-- - equities on the present rate schedule will exist. However, the period of time contemplated is not lengthy and any additional financial burden ~mposed on users at the present time will not be severe. Very truly yours, RUSSELL a AXON CONSULTING ~ ~ ~NGIN~;ERS~ INC. FTO/bh Fra~'~k T, Os~