BORON BEACH, FLORIDA, OCTOBER 19, 1964, at 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Banks called the meeting to order at 7:$0 p.m.
Rev. Vernon P. Perkins of the First Baptist Church gave the
invocation. Scout JonArchie of Troop 320 led the Salute to
the Flag.
Mr. Mahoney moved that the minutes of regular meeting of
October 5th, 1964, be approved as written. Mr. Arch~seconded.
Motion carried 5-0.
Rezoninq Request - Forest R. Hanqae - On the Table
Mr. Madsenmoved that the rezoning request of Forest R.
Hangge be taken from the table. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion
carried 5-0.
Location of the property was 612-14 N. E. 8th Avenue and
the request was from R1A to R3. Public Hearing had been held
on October 5th. Two objections had been received by mail.
~. Hangge desired to improve and enlarge a non-conforming use.
Mr. Hangge was ~resent and told the Council that in view of
previous objections to placing the pool in the front yard, he had
altered his plans and would build the pool between the two
buildings and use an ornamental iron enclosure instead of the
chain length fence. In this way the deck of the pool would not
extend out beyond the two buildings.
~r. Moore read an ordinance that had been prepared to cover
the zoning change. Fnr. Archie moved that Ordinance 64-19 be
passed to second reading. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion carried
City Council
BoyntOn Beach, Fla.
October 19, 1964
Renewal of BuildinG Permit - Johnnie Lee Johnson
Mayor Banks read a letter from Rev. Randolph M. Lee in be-
half of Johnnie Lee Johnson, requesting that the Council grant
his request for a renewal of building permit in order that he
could complete his home. Mr. Madsenmoved that Council approve
the renewal of the building permit at the normal fee charged for
such renewals. Mr. summers seconded the mOtion w~ich carried 5-0.
Proclamation on United Nations Day - October 24th
Mr. Archie moved that the Council authorize the Mayor to
issue a proclamation declaring United Nations Day on October 24th.
Mr. Mahoney seconded.
Dr. Richard G. Mantbey directed objections to the Council
on the motion, stating that he was directly opposed to U. N. Day
and the United Nations. Mrs. Kathleen Kirton of 603 N. Seacrest
Blvd., also strongly opposed the motion. Marian Beck, 1115 S. W.
2nd st. spoke in favor of the n~otion. Mrs. Emily Jackson request-
ed that the Council get two e~perts from the opposing sides and
have a public debate. 5~. Summers called for the question.
AYES: Messers. Archie, Madsenand Mahoney; HAYES: Mr. Sun%mers
Mayor Banks abstained.
Harold Monchick request Transfer of Alcoholic Beverage' License
The requested transfer of a license presently issued to
Locksley Thompson doing business as Bahama Bar at 116 N. E. 10th
Avenue, was called for Public Hearing. There were no objectors
present in the audience and none had been received in writing.
Mr. Archie moved that since there were no objectors at the
Public Hearing that the City Council authorize the transfer of
Locksley Thompson alcoholic beverage license from its present
site to the site in question, namely, 1005 N. Seacrest, when
said application is made pursuant to applicable ordinance for
such a transfer. ~. Summers seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
October 19, 1964
Resolution 64-PP - Authori~in~ a Utilities Aqreement
Mr. Moore read Resolution 64-PP which authorized approval
of utilities agreement in the vicinity of South 15th Avenue
crossing of the Intra-Coastal Waterway. Mr. Summers moved that
Resolution 64-PP be approved. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion
carried 5-0.
Resolution 64-QQ - Author~A~ a utilities Relocation AoTeement
~. Moore read Resolution 64-QQ w~ich superseded Resolution
64-EE enacted amending utility relocation agree-
ment. Mr. Madsen that Resolution 64-QQ be approved.
~. Mahoney seCOnded. Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution 64-R~R - ADDrovinq Plans for Road ImDrovement Pro~ects
Seacrest Blvd. and 2nd Avenue North.
~. Moore read which had been requested hy
the County Commission to ~ approval to plans for
right-of-way and lay-out on pro3ects for the improvement of
Seacrest Blvd. and 2ndAvenue North. Mr. Archie moued that
Resolution 64-RRbe approved and that a copy be sent to the
County commi~ appended stating that the Coun-
cil is in the four-laning of Seacrest Blvd.
a distance of to South 5th Avenue, thereby affording
a traffic flow ,o~er the FECRailroad to the east. Mr. Madsen
seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Madsen read a report on a conference that several of
the Councilmen had with County Commissioner Warren and County
Engineer George Frost regarding the above road projects. He
moved that the report be made a part of these minutes. F~.Surmners
seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Emer~enc~ Ordinance 64-18 - Amending BudGet 1963-64
F~. Moore read the ordinance which transferred certain
amounts within funds which was required for good accounting and
tx~dgetary practices. F~. Archie moved the adoption of emergency
Ordinance 64-18. Mr. Summers seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
October 19, 1964
Res.olution 64-ss - Transfer of Funds
Mr. Moore read the ordin~ance which authorized the transfer
of the remaining 1961 construction funds to the 1964 Refunding
and Improvement Bond Issue Construction Fund. F~. Mahoney moved
the adoption of Resolution 64-SS. Mr. Madsen seconded. Motion
carried 5-0.
Water Main Extension - 3600 Block S. E. 2nd Street.
Mr. Mahoney moved that the City extend water distribution
by installing a 4" water main on S. E. 2nd Street south for
approximately 686 feet at a cost of approximately $1500.00 to
the City. }~. Sun~ners seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Fire Protection - Renewal of Contract - Briny Breezes
~. Summers moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized
to sign a fire protection contract with Briny Breezes for one year
beginning October 31, 1964, and ending October 31, 1965, incorpor-
ating the same terms as the expiring contract. Mr. Mahoney se-
conded. Motion carried 5-0.
Boynton Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce - Solicitation Pernti~
Mr. Mahoney moved that the request of the Junior Chamber of
Commerce for permission to solicit for their Thanksgiving TUrkey
Shoot be granted and that no fee be charged. Mr. Summers seconde~
Motion carried 5-0.
~ayment of Bills
1. Feldcamp Electric co.
- Mr. Madse~. moved that Feldcamp Electric Company be paid
1,055.00 due zor labor and materials in the ins%allatio
n of
railroad crossing lights, pursuant to a bid awarded Mr. Feldcemp
in 1963. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Ronlee, Inc.
Mr. Summers moved that Ronlee, Inc. be paid $20,288.47
which amount represents sanitary sewer construction for ,the
period of July 21, 1964 to Augus~ 20, 1964. Mr. Mahoney seconded.
Mr. Madsen stated that in view of the fact that the follow-up
City Council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
October 19, 1964
work had not been completed he felt that the bill should not be
paid. ~. Mahoneyseid that 10% of the total amount of the
contract was beinq hold back to insure completion of the follow-
up work. Mr. Kain recom/nended payment of the hill. Discussion
was held regarding the progress of the follow-up work. Upon a
call for the vote, the motion carried 4-1. F~. Madsen voted
3. Russell & Axon
Invoice ~.25, engineering fee for consulting services and
resident inspection in the amount of $2177.71 and Invoice 4~26,
resident inspection services in the amount of $2099.96, was
presented for Council aPproval. Mr. Mahoney moved that payment
of the invoices be tabled. Mr. Archie seconded. Motion carried
4. Municipal Code Corp.
Fir. Madsen moved that the Municipal Code Corporation be paid
$688.25 for 100 copies of Supplement ~5 to the Code of Ordinances;
Mr. Archie seconded. ~tion carried 5-0.
DeDartmental Reuorts
Mr. Summers moved that the departmental reports of the
Police Department, Fire Department, Recreation, Public Works and
Budget be accepted, for the month of September 1964. Mr. Archie
seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
payments made in SeDtember bv. Funds
Mr. Mahoney moved that the list of September payments be
made a permanent part of these minutes, in the total amount of
$242,141.45. Mr. Sur~ners seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
General Fund $ 77,509.42
Water Revenue Fund 18,109.94
Meter Depositors Fund 365.00
Sewage Fund 3,262.74
Municipal Swirmming Pool Bond Fund 14.50
Police Retirement Fund 3,063.12
Firemen's Pension Fund 878.50
Boynton Beach M~morial Park 1,500.00
Sara Simms Memorial Gardens 900.00
Publicity Fund 10,980.45
Special Assessment Fund 1,907.78
I & S Fund 3,650.00
City of B.B. Refunding & Improvement 120,000.00
Revenue Bond Trust Fund
Cits, council
Boynton Beach, Fla.
October 19, 1964
Mr. Moore
of Lot 28, Glen Arbor Addition
donate the lot to the City
care to make. Tax value as
approximately$700.00 or $800.00 pez
thet Mr. Kain be directed to
~econ~nendation to Council. Mr.
.that ~ tender had been made
is concerned is
· ~ir. summers moved
tender add make a.
~ Motion carried
The meeting was adjourned~P.M;
J%h/~L. Archie, Codncilman
Thomas A. Summers, Councilmen
Tereesa Padg~, Ci 5' clerk