Minutes 09-21-64NINUTES OF REGULAR N~EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, HELD IN CITY HALL, BOT~TON BEACH, FLORIDA, SEPTENBER 21, 1964, at 7:50 P.M. J. ALLISON BANES, ~tL~YOR JANES J. ~LAHONEY, VICE-~I~AYOR J0ttN L. ~ARCHIE, COUNCt~N ~H?¥~AS A. SU~RS, COUNCILMAN ~ALTER A. 2vIADSEN, COUNCIIf.?~AN F. T. KAIN, CITY NANAGER G~E ~00RE, CITY ATTO~EY TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK The M~yor called the meeting to order and gave rich. Mr. ~adsen led the Salute to the Flag. the invoca- Nr. ~ahoney moved that be accepted as written. the minutes of September 14, 1964, A~chie seconded. ~otion carried 8-0. OLD BUSINESS ~Pp0intment to Resources Developm~t Boar8 ~. Nadsen moved that the Council appoint Vice-~¢~yor Nahoney to a three-year term to the Palm Beach County Resources Develop- ment Board to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the term of 2~ayor J. Allison Banks. ~ayor Banks' appointment expires Septembe~ 30, 1964. Nr. Summers seconded. ~Otion carried 4-0, l~r. Nahoney abstained. PUBLIC HAL~-HOb~ The Nayor introduced ~r. A1 Avery, I~ayor of the City of Detray Beach, Florida. i¢~yor Banks also welcomed John Ryan who was in the audience. Nr. Ryan asked if there was an anti-howlir~g dog ordinance. ~r. ~oore told him that the C~t - y did have an ordinance for this, and if he would go to the Police Station and sign a complaint, the case would go ~o municipal court. ~r. Ryan complimented Chief of Police Erwin for prompt attention and service to an inquiry Nr. Hyan made by telephone from North Caro- lina regarding the condition of his home following the recent hurricane. -1- MINUTES Oity CouuciI- Bo~nton Beach, Fla. September 21, 1964 NE~ BUS~ESS Establis-hment and Ao~Intments to Industrial Commissioo Mr. Archie moved that t~e Council establish au Industrial Con~ission aud that l~r. Robert Golish and Mr. Frank Kelly be appointed as members. Mr, Summers seconded. Motion carried 8-0. LEGAL Resolution 64-II Authori~f~ Execution,of RefundinE Bonds I~,strum~ Mr. Moore outlined the Resolution to the Council authorizing the ~ayor Cit ~ - , y ~anager, City Clerk and City Attorney to take the necessary steps to execute the Lustruments regarding the issuauoe and delivery of ~6,000,000 in refunding and improvement revenue bonds of the City, dated June l, 1964. ~r. Sun~ers moved that the Council adopt Resolution 64LZI. ~.~. i~honey seconded. Notion carried 8-0. Rgsolution 64-JJ Retiremen~ of OutstandinE Water & Sewer Bond~, Mr. Moore briefly explained the Resolution which provided for the payment of outstanding water and sewer revenue bonds issue S ' of 1961, ermes A & B and provided for retirement of outstanding water revenue bonds Series 1960, and approving the form and author- izing execution of escrow deposit agreement. Mr. Mahoney moved the adoption of Resolution 64-JJ. Mr. Summers seconded Motion carried ~-0. · Resolution 64-EX Investment of Monies held by Trustee The proposed resolution was drawn for the purpose .of author- lzing and directing'investment Of monies held by Atlantic National Bank of ~es~ Palm Beach~ Florida, as ~rustees. Mr. Archie moved the adoption of Resolution 64-KK. ~. Nadsen seconded. carried 8-0. Resolution 64-LL ,and Resolution 64~t~ - Postoone~ M~. Madsenmoved that Resolutions' ' 64-LL and 64-N/~, relating to the Bond Issue be postp,oned until Special i~etlng September ~6th Nr.:Archie seconded, Motion carTied -2- M I N U T E S City ~o~nc~-- Bo2nton Beach, Fla. September 21, 196~ AD,IN iSTRAT IVE Deoartmental Reoo.r~s ~r, ~honey moved t~hat the Council approve departmental reports of the Police, Fire, Public Works & Recreational Depart- ments for the month of August and the Budget Report as submitted at the September 14th regular meeting. Nr. Summers seconded. ~otion carried OTHER CiDy of Bo.vnton Beach vs. James Sommerville - Nuisance Abatement ~r. ~oore reported to Council that after three yea~s of effort the City had finally instituted suit to affect the abatement of the nuisance existing on the Sommerville property located on S. ~. 1st Avenue. Final Decree dated September 18, 1984, had been handed down which declared the property a nuisance and directed the Sommervilles to abate the nuisance within ten days from the date of the decree, and i~ not abated, authorized the City to take the necessary steps to see that it was abated and eharge the owners and if not paid to impress the cost as a lien against the land. The Sheriff's Department was to aid the City, if nec- essary. Nr. Noore, in answer to a question by the City ~anager, said that he thought that the City should wait until the 30th of September before taking steps to clear the property, The meeting was adjourned at 7:~5 p.m, J. Allison Banks, ~ayor ereesa adge~t~tT, City Clerk ~al~er A. Thomas ~. Summers~" Bouncilman