HELD ON THURSDAY, ,JULY 13, 2017, AT 6:30 P.M.
Kim Weiss, Chair
Cindy Falco-Dicorrado
Lauren Huff
Golene Louis (arrived 6:55 p.m.)
Clovis Moodie
Robyn Lorenz
Anderson Slocombe
Ms. Coles-Dobay, Public Arts Manager
Chair Weiss called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
Self -introductions were made.
Ms. Coles-Dobay added Art showcase to Item E and Item F Town Square plan public
input meeting dates.
Ms. Falco-Dicorrado moved to approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Huff seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
A. June 8 minutes
The minutes were not available
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach,1
Susan Oyer, former Arts Commission member, advised she is no longer a member
because she was appointed to another Board and she is also on the Historic Resources
Preservation Board. She will remain on the Arts Commission mailing list. Her first love
is history and she could not contemplate leaving the Historic Resource Preservation
Board. At some point she would like to run for commission or Mayor and she wanted to
be as well rounded as possible. She can only serve on two Boards.
Ms. Coles-Dobay recommended Ms. Moodie contact the City Clerk to request being
moved up to a regular position. There would then be two alternate positions open.
A. Sat., July 29, 10-12 noon, Breaking Barriers, Artists With Autism exhibit
reception at the Civic Center.
Chair Weiss announced the Breaking Barriers event and hoped all would attend. Ms.
Falco-Dicorrado advised she had another function that day at the Carolyn Sims Center for
the HOB from 1 to 5 p.m. She will only be present at this event for an hour and invited all
to the HOB event as well.
Web link exhibit info: www.boVnton-beach.orq/departments/pubIicart/exhibits
B. Sister Cities Young Artists Young Authors national award
Chair Weiss advised a few of the members were judges for the Young Artists
competition. Ms. Oyer advised the ceremony was at the mall. There were many
participants and almost all the kids that participated were present. There was a large
display of all the works, very nice set up outside of JC Penney. Jeanne Heavilin, Sister
Cities, Mayor Grant, Eleanor Krusell and someone from Sister Cities were present. The
Arts Commission is always asked to judge the event. The art the Arts Commission
selected by Rodolfo Ledezma went onto the national competition and won first place.
His work was exceptional. He won $1,000 and the exhibition goes on tour. Ms. Coles-
Dobay explained they will try to display it in the City Hall Lobby. The artist was from
South Tech Academy, who just graduated and is studying architecture at FAU.
• http://sistercities.ora/sites/default/files/press-
releases/2017%20YAAS%20W inners%20Press%20Release. Of
C. Fri., July 7 - American Association for Landscape Architects FL conference
PBC Public Art tour
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained Allan Hendrick, who is a member of the organization had
put together the agenda and activities for the Florida Conference, which was held in
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 13, 2017
Boca Raton. He was planning to hold a Palm Beach County Public Art Tour showing
how art fits into a landscape and wanted to use sites in Delray Beach, Boynton Beach
and West Palm Beach. This would be a great opportunity for a new group of people to
learn about citing public art and creating eco art, which was what Boynton Beach
showcased with the Old Dixie Eco Walk and the Avenue of the Arts Tour. The Eco walk
was created to attract and sustain butterfly wildlife. The project provided the developer
with another opportunity to sell another project in a sensitive area of Palm Beach
County. The developer had advised officials there about his prior projects and he has a
better chance for approval. Additionally, when a developer develops a project, they
usually sell to a property management company and they have to maintain the project in
perpetuity. Since it is unique, the management company cannot use pesticides, trim
properly, use certain fertilizers, some plants die and others come back, and weeds have
to be hand pulled. It is an education. The Old Dixie eco walk is unique and it is a brand
new amenity. She noted the development is the largest green community in the U.S.
Ms. Moodie asked about the role the committee played for the artwork by WalMart and
learned it was probably one of the first public art projects for WalMart in the Country. It
is also a great welcoming piece. The piece was a marlin and was one of the nicest
pieces of art in the City.
• https://www.facebook.com/BoyntonBeachArtlnPublicPlaces
D.Cultural Council PBC Chicago Media Luncheon
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained she is working on the Albert Paley 500 Ocean project and
the accompanying Albert Paley exhibition on the Avenue of the Arts. She mentioned this
to the president of the Palm Beach County Cultural Council and has been talking with
them how they will help promote the event. They have national campaigns and Art and
Culture magazine which attracts people to Palm Beach County and the Paley event
would appeal to people. There is a new marketing person, director, public relations and
concierge. She spoke with all of them and the marketing director, because they
attended the America for the Art Public Art Network, and the director invited Ms. Coles-
Dobay to attend a media luncheon on August 2nd in Chicago about Public Art
Transforming Communities. They will showcase the Avenue of the Arts, the Albert Paley
exhibition, iconic art and showcase art in the City, Delray Beach and West Palm Beach.
Ms. Coles-Dobay thought they would receive good coverage. Most cultural publications
and other Chicago newspapers are lifestyle and travel publications. Chicago Tribune is
nationally publicized publication and it was hoped they would provide good coverage.
(Golene Louis arrived of 6:55 p.m.)
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 13, 2017
E. Arts Camp judging
The City of Boynton Beach Recreation and Parks Department holds a reception each
year for their art camp and they ask the Arts Commission to attend and help select three
awards. Ms. Coles-Dobay advised the event will be held on Wednesday, August 2,
2017, at the Civic Center from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Arts Commission members should
arrive at 5:30 p.m. Ms. Moodie, Ms. Louis, Ms. Falco-Dicorrado and Ms. Huff agreed
to attend. Ms. Coles-Dobay will email the information and contact person. The Mayor
gives out the awards and the artwork is great.
F.Town Square public input
Ms. Coles-Dobay wanted the members to reserve Thursday, August 10th, August 17th
and 241h for the Town Square public input meetings from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. She did
not know the location but thought the Library Program Room may be used. She
explained the topic on August 10th is the playground, the 17th is architectural style and
the 24th is open spaces/public spaces.
A. None
A. Executive Committee
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained this was a result of feedback from the event. The Executive
Committee is a group of people who have connections to people who may want to be
sponsors and have connections here in Palm Beach County. Ralfonso would be on the
Committee and Ms. Coles-Dobay has others to attend. If the members had any other
names, they should forward them to Ms. Coles-Dobay as resources and get the word
out to help on the financial side. These could be curators or buyers. Ms. Coles-Dobay
would apprise the Arts Commission of the members.
Ms. Moodie understood the need to review the financial aspects and inquired how
education would play a part. She asked if the Arts Commission works with art teachers
in the schools and thought the Arts Commission could build bridges and get art teachers
and art aficionados involved. It would expose youth to art and foster art appreciation.
Ms. Coles-Dobay responded they have been doing so. She asked Ms. Moodie if she
would be on the Committee and Ms. Moodie agreed. The kinetic art project also has
people independently working on a project and wanted to involve more students. Ms.
Coles-Dobay has been trying to guide them, but she cannot do it all the time. There is
an entire group. Ms. Coles-Dobay will provide information and Ms. Moodie will research
it and consider. Kinetic art is not only for public art, but to educate people to the value
of art. It was noted kinetic art emulates Science Technology Engineering Art and Math
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 13, 2017
(STEAM). They started the symposium because it had to have an educational
A. Proposal for future EXHIBITS form and schedule
Ms. Coles-Dobay had asked the members to submit comments and had drawn up a
four month schedule of exhibits because there is a lot of work setting up and breaking
down and the reception. The Arts Commission also has the listing of some of the
descriptions of upcoming exhibits.
The members discussed Photo Poems. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained the artist will read
new stories and there will be a connection with the various images. There will be other
organizations involved and the artist will ascertain who would be present so those
organizations could take part in the event. The artist had a good story. There had been
previous discussion about Bush wildlife. The artist will contact these organizations and
explain one goal is to educate the public to visit and have new experiences.
Arts Commission members would meet at about 5:30 p.m. to greet all, make
announcements, introduce the artist who will talk about her work and story and read a
few poems for about 20 minutes. There will be a question and answer period and then
welcome these organizations because her inspiration is going out into the outdoors and
the inspiration is go get people to go to these places and enjoy nature. Chair Weiss
disagreed and thought this was the one chance to focus on the artist. She thought an
animal might be distracting. After discussion, there was consensus for representation
The other events for the Library were listed. The Delray Art League and artist Deborah
LaFogg-Docherty will do a live demonstration at the reception and maybe have her work
that would be on auction. People can sign into book, there will be a base bid and silent
auction. Ms. Coles-Dobay noted the Delray Art League is active. They do not have an
exhibit name yet, but the League will have selected 35 artworks to exhibit and the City
will plan something exciting for the reception.
For the exhibit in January, the City of Boynton Beach will take a leadership role as an
all-inclusive City as contained in the meeting materials. These groups, from around
South Florida, will all make a contribution to the reception and showcase work from
individuals of all abilities.
The Arts Commission is seeking to get groups to propose exhibits that are a little more
interesting and intriguing. Ms. Moodie suggested asking for a list of activities in
proposals to exhibit that will be used to promote audience engagement during the
reception. Ms. Louis recalled at the last meeting, the members were wondering about
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 13, 2017
the PhotoPoem artist's style of speaking to engage the audience. It was important to
interact with the audience.
Ms. Falco-Dicorrado inquired if the same people come to the events and learned
different people come to the different events. Discussion followed about marketing and
including social media. Ms. Coles-Dobay recalled a famous artist was in town and was
asked to judge artwork. Ms. Coles-Dobay videoed him critiquing and judging the pieces
and she posted it on social media. She noted most people were unaware. Ms. Huff
suggested asking artists interested in exhibiting what outlet they use and what following
they have. Chair Weiss thought it was something to think about. Having a list would
allow interested parties to check off what they use as there is an expectation they will
use it. The Arts Commission would be looking for evidence of marketing. Ms. Louis also
favored asking what do they do to attract followers. They can market there and have
them do their own marketing. Events should be on Eventbrite. The artist can create
their own event.
B. Town Square Plan & public art
• Americans for the Arts Public Art Year in Review - Bit oard choices and
Ms. Coles-Dobay attended this event and explained it is held every year. There was all
kinds of public art and this year they had commentary and categories. It gives a scope
of what could be and why they thought the works were award winning. Ms. Coles-
Dobay wanted the Board to look through some that spoke to them
Symphony in Color was a mile long and it connects two different areas in the City.
Multiple people helped out and there were motivational words written in some of the
blocks. Ms. Huff commented there are certain spots in the City where you walk and
there is nothing going on. She thought it was cool people could see this color pop out
from a black street. It offered connectivity. Ms. Coles-Dobay noted the art is temporary
and not a permanent piece. It cost $45,000 and is privately funded. Ms. Huff
commented the art made her want to walk on the street. It had beaming light and was
Another piece of art, resembling coral is in Orlando was viewed. Ms. Huff liked the
magnitude of it as it was massive and porous. It feels alive and it reminded her of the
public art being installed at the corner of Woolbright Road and Seacrest Avenue. Ms.
Oyer thought it looked like the inside of a golf or wiffle ball. It is distinctive and cool
almost like a frothy white save.
Chair Weiss and Ms. Huff both liked Mesa Musical Shadows as it was unique to every
participant and it creates music. She liked the artwork and the public interacting in the
public space. She thought it might be cool to do community yoga or dancing. Ms.
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 13, 2017
Falco-Dicorrado liked the colors. It was brilliant and it appeals to a broad range of
people and is adaptable to any space. The piece played different kinds of sounds
depending on during the day. Ms. Louis thought it was attention catching. This was a
permanent project costing $310,000. The budget was $250,000 to $499,000. This is a
kinetic art piece in an entire plaza. Ms. Louis liked the different type of music. It is an
attention getter. Lauren thought with so many people the music is likely harmonized
could be used for Kids Kingdom. This is a place making art piece.
The Trumpet Flower wood pieces are refurbished. It is a temporary site integrated
piece in Houston. It is a shade structure. It was a temporary piece designed to coincide
with improvements on the Main Street Square. The budget was $100,000. Ms. Huff
read the description. She liked there were young and old people enjoying the piece. It
was painted and recycled wood and the art is people and it is not the typical piece. She
found it curious, thought provoking, while providing shade. Ms. Moodie saw the potential
for this piece to promote engagement if the materials selected were worked on by
various groups in the City and then assembled to create art. Different segments of the
community could be invited to participate to make a work of art. Ms. Huff liked it and
she and Chair Weiss thought it was like the Harry Potter Hat that just landed. Ms. Oyer
also liked it up close but did not like that from afar. She thought it looked gray and it is a
huge detraction. Ms. Falco-Dicorrado also thought it looked like chaos. Ms. Oyer
suggested it be one solid color; however, it attracted people to it to see what it is. Ms.
Moodie thought it was a placemaker and a meeting place.
Ms. Oyer and Chair Weiss liked the Exchanged Promenade. Ms. Oyer thought it was
exciting with vibrant and happy colors. She liked the LEDs and the flora. She
commented this could be a destination. The promenade has more than one aesthetic
appeal as the color of the pieces can change by season and the LED flowers are
always in bloom. Chair Weiss felt like she was inside a painting. It gave a supernatural
Alice in Wonderland fantasy feeling, with the flowers being pretty and delicate. Ms.
Louis liked the lighting and the color change. It was thought the flowers were an
attention grabber, being rmantic, fragile and beautiful. It would be hard to be sad
walking through the Promenade.
Chair Weiss also liked Seeds of Change which was a collaborative event in St. Louis at
the Rivers Arch. The piece was a collaborative event, based on native wildflower. The
sidewalk along the river was renovated to make it a more inviting gathering place,
creating peace and community interaction. It celebrated the process. Ms. Moodie
thought of the community noting Lake Worth has sidewalk chalk art. Boynton Beach
can have seeds of change. It was noted this project was a temporary exhibition.
Ms. Falco-Dicorrado read her comments noting there are five senses and art should
have five forms of dazzling. She favored humorous art near the children's area. She
loves bling and wanted more colors than white and grays and felt color will raise the
standard and humor is magical. She liked the idea of music and wanted artistic
speakers in the downtown area. She likes inspirational statements through touch and
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 13, 2017
affirmations of love with an artistic touch. She thought a mural would be reflective of all
Americans in the community enjoying life together and a mural could be situated at the
new train station. She favored fragrant plants and restaurants.
The projects in the City should not be plop art. The art used as examples were site
specific and the Arts Commission is coming up with the criteria of what they want
people to experience and what is meaningful. Ms. Coles-Dobay suggested letting the
artist come up with something that meets the criteria. It was also noted a City building
has a function. The public goes there to pay a bill or fine or get a permit. She thought
there were no happy thoughts associated with a City building, but art could enhance it.
A. Moonfish kinetic art permeant placement
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Huff moved to adjourn. Ms. Falco-
Dicorrado seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned
at 8:32 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist