Minutes 05-04-64MLw~BTES OF REGULAR ~EETING OF CITY COUNCIL, HELD IN CIT~ HALL, BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, N~Y 4, 19~4, at FRANCIS T, F~AIN, OlTY MANAGER GENE MOOP~E, CITY ATTORNEY TEEEEBA PADGETT, CITY CLERK The meeting was called to order by the Mayor who gave the iuvooa~ion, The Flag Salute was led by Gil ~ordon and John NoDonald, Eagle Scouts, Post 222. Reoogui~ion of students pa~tietpating in Youth in Govern- ment Day~ May §, 196~, was made by the Mayor, Thi~tyV-one stu- dents of the ~inth g~ade ~unlor High School who had been chosen the of various city offioi~ls for s two-hour given the Oath of Office Nm. Mahoney moved that the minutes of April 20, l~S4, be approved. ~r, A~chie seconded. All Councilmen Vo~ed AYE. LEGAL Or~i~nance.. 64~? ,,-- Charitable Sqlicitation -- 2nd Readin~ The O~dinance, which had been passed to second reading on April ~0, I964, was re~a~, by 5{~, ~oo~e by caption only. Mr. Madsen moved that' Ordinance 64 ? be passed on ~econd and final read- lng. Mro ~ahoney seconded. All Councilmen voted AYE. Ordinance 64-10 - Estabtishina. ,----.R-SA .Z.o~.in. E District - ~nd Readin~ ~ The Ordinance was read by caption only by the Cit~ Attorney. F~rst reading of the Ordinance was held on April 20, 19~4. ~. A~hie moved that Ordinance 64-10 be passed on second and final reading. Mr, Summers secC~ded, All Councilmen voted AYE. Resolution 64-V - AMreem:~nt ~.~it_~-h F.E.C. Ra~,trgad on Effluent Line CrossinE at Br~.dge The was read in its enti~ety by the City for the approval of th~ crossing of the fee of ~2Oo00 for the first year and ~1.OO ~r~ ~ahoney moved the adoption of Resolu- ~s seconded. Ail Councilmen voted Res°lu~!°r~:~'$& ~'~7{' 7, A~emen$ ~i th ~ .E.O. Railroad on. Effluent Line On East Side o~ T~cks~ Dish'anco of 84~ ~eet~ Th~ y. ~e ResolU- tion ~ of way installation ~ r~tal fee of ~%00~00~ i~ ~ted. ~. Nadsen Resolu.t~_~o~ ~d4~.X~, ~Aband~otment of PUblmc U~ilit.v Easement - Boynton Ordinance ~4~9~ ~-~, Sub-division Plat of Sierma Hei~hts The ~~1 ~gi final aoproval of the Plat for Sierra for their that the sire In but were in placed in approval to the Ordinance 64~9 reading, held until such Office relative ~r= ~adsen second the plat to the Council~ of Public ~orks, stated ~er lines were not actually completed; and money had been ~--th~t he would give his lines. ~r. ~rchie moved that reading and passed to second signature on the plat be with~ by the City Eanager's 'the sewer work is assured. voted ~i. -2- PUBLIC H~ AR~TG P.a,ving ~_sse,ssment - S. E. ?th Avenue between ,S,. E. tst Street and F.E.C. Railway: D~rected by ,Reso!utmon 64-T. The City Attorney on the above affected property 13. Bower,m ~ated ~hat the Fit his property busi~ ~2.15 per of Lots ~ r~aso~ls re to All PUBLIC- HA~HOUR oil address. the Beautif~ A diac~ pair Office to electrical ~u~ rial zone, complaint ~ from eon the matter Nay The City tify if a ~. Archie sec~ ~BO~ Ocean Parkway inquired of the Coun- ~he island strip in area of said be turned o~er to City clean-up mhd install se~er lines was held. ~tter from the City ~anager~s his aLledgedly running an ~hich is located Lu a residen- ~r. Spath said his first and the man wasstill operating take action. ~fter moved that the Council turn and City ~nager to meet according tothe Charter. t~hi,f he ~ould be willing to tes- ~ir. Spath said that he ~ould. All Councilmen voted AYE. By a unanimous vote of Council the Public-Half Hour was extended ten additional minutes. Nr. D. J, Kenny of Ocean Parkway, asked Council about the Electrical COde requirement of steel tubing within a wood par- tition, stating that he had used extra-heavy duty plastic covered Romax and the Electrical Inspector had said that he would have t.o pull it out. Mr. Kenny was instructed by Mr.S~ ~mer~ to ask for a hearing before the Electrical Board and present his OG. SG. NEW BUSINESS Co rresp onden~ e A~lette~ had been received from the City A~torney's O.ffice tn. Niami~ re~ue~sting participation in a rate study of ~ertain utilities. N~. Archie moved that the item be taken under ad- visement. Tr. Nahoney seconded. All Councilmen voted A~E. AD~,I~ !STRATIVE A, opli~a~io~ for Beverage License - Beer Only - Sunse~ Restaurant 208 SG.~ ,Federal Hi~hway. ~e Ci~y ~lerk infor~d Co~cil that the license was fo~ beer e~iy to be consumed on the.pre~ses; t~ applic~t was Alta Warne~; ~here had been a license at this location before, ~oweve~, i~]~ ~d e~ired; and t~t t~ subject location had j~st b~-~6ked out on the applicati~ for a restaur~t license, ~. Arohie moved that ~e application be approved. Mr. ~iS~ome~ seceded. Voting A~: Arc,e, Naheney, Nadsen ~d S~er~$ V&tt~ NA~: Banks, Fire ~ee~n~ - ~o~ of ,Gulfat~e~m ~he a~eement ~o~ fire p~otection with the Town of Gulf- stre~ ~hi~ t*r~ates ~y 18, 198~, was brou~t befo~ Co~oit for t~ ~Pproval. ~e agreement included the following terms~~ l) A base fee of $~,780.00 (8 yea~s). 2) A call fee of ~lO0.O0 per fire. $2.80 per hour, per m~ for each The TO~ of Gulfstream to provide t~ City with e~dence of inde~ification..~ -4- Th~ City Manager stated that the agreement would in no wise affect the presen~ fire rating. Mr. ~iadsen moved that the agreement be approved and that t~ Mayor and the City C~e rk be authorized to sign sams, Mr. Mahoney seconded. All Couneil- men vo ted AYEo ~Approv~l. Of Bi,Is The City Manager asked approval of the following bills Rubin Construotion Co. $ ~,83~.02 (Payable from Street Maintenance 255-D-8) Rubir~ Construction Co. $ 1,774,62 (Payable from Street Assessment 11-40~) Mr. ~ahoney moved ~hat the bills be paid as recg_~m~nded.b~ the City ~anager. Nr. Summers seoonded. All Counci.lmen vo~ea AYE, DepartmenSal Reoort$ Mr. Mahoneymeved that all departmental reports be held ~ntll the next ~ee~ing. ~r, Summers seoonded. All Councilmen voted AI~Eo There being mo further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Terees~.~ Padg~tt~~ City Clerk~× 1man Thomas A. Summers., CoUncilman