Minutes 04-09-64~I~VUTES OF SPECIAL ~ET~G 0P CITY C0~NCIL, b~I~ IN CITY HALL, B0~TON BF~CH, FLORID&, &PHIL 9, 1964, at 9:00 &.M. P~S~T: FRANCIS T. KAIN, CITY GENE ~00KE, CiTY A~T0~!Ey TERESA P~ETT, CITY The Special Hooting called for course to be followed regard~_ug the termi~ S o the purpose o£ deciding on a installation of effluent line ~r. Kain asked the Council for a motion tra~sferri~ $8,~00.00 to our~ent revenue for the force main crossing at Boynton Canal. ~. ~ahoney moved t~t the Council authorize th~ transfer of $8,800.00 from current revenue, said trs~sfer made avail~ole in addition to the contract figure for ~he immediate construction of force main cross~ug under the Bopnton Canal. l~tr. S~un~ers seconded. All Council~en voted ~. Hain recom~ended to Council that Husseil and Axon be authorized to make surveys on how water pressures would be affected on *~he South beach if the water l~ue on lSth &venUe South were abandoned for a year. T~s ~as in reference to a recommendation that the present water line crossing be ~oandoned ~ud not constructed until next yea~ when f~nds may be available. ~o ~l~oney moved that the Council accept the recon~nendation o£ the ~ity ~anage~ for a possible t~porary ~oandonment of reb~Llding and replacing the 1Sth &venue water line running from No. I Highway to Al& end that the engineers be instructed to submit such reports that are necessary and that ~. Kain be instructed to consult with the State Head Department as to any possible loss of revenue to the City that might accrue to them for such s~oandcnment. I~r. ~chie seconded the ~tion. ~ll Cotu~cftmen voted AYE. ~. ~n inz~ormed the Council that the primary purpose of the meeting was to discuss and arrive at som~ course of action on the construction of the effluent line at the north end of town. He gave a report to the Council on the meeting ~th ~. David Lee ~ud ~o Ealph Baker o£ Florida State Boa~d of Health in J~cksonville on Na~ch l~, 1~84, ~nich was attended by ~ayor B~uks, Co~cilman &robie, the City Attorney and the City ~ager. As a result of ~he meeting the State Board of Health had agreed to allow ~t~he terminus -1- of the effluent line on the north side of th~ Boynton Canal just east of the locksite now under construction, Structure &!, ~ith the c~ndition that the City, within a two yea~ period, extend that line to deep water~ either by continuing on out the canal or going northward. ~, Eai~ said that in hi~ opinion the City had two courses. The first would be to leave the ter ~minus at its ~resent location, with this there would be no expenditure, and the money saved could be used to ex~end sewers. Disadvantages inherent in this: other controlling ag~neies eo~ld order the City to cease dumping i~to the oauaI at an~ tfme~ citizen objections the possibi!it~ of De- lutio~ ~o our water supply here ~d in other e~eas. Construction ox the exfl~ent l~ne along the Florz~zast Coast rmght-of-way to Oak Strew? ou~ to deep water would cost approximately; the extension in the Beynton C~ual Would ~un ~145~000 approximately. t~r.-S~mar:s as~en if ~of_ug out at Oak otree~ w utd m~au~u additional expenditure cz ~26,000. ~r. Banks asked if this had any bearing on the South extension down to ~rd Avenue. It was~ decided to deal with the two separately. ~. Mahone~ asked ~. Kain if the State Boa~d of Health had objection to allowing it $o go into the canal at its present locatio~ ~o Kain tol~ him ~hat they were opposed to it, Y~ Suers asked Mr. Kain if he could foresee any trouble with right-of-ways if they decided to go to Oak Street. ~ Kain said that he dfd_u~t foresee ~ay problems. & twenty-five foot right-of-way about one-hundred~ssouth of Oak Street was discussed.~ ~· ~ ~ ~.· ~i~ ~r. ~vchie stated that ir. Baker's main objection to leaving it where it was now was the fact that there was no moving water; he wanted so many thousand gallons of moving water. ~ow, however, with the removal of madergrowth ~ud deepening of canal by the Flood Control the water was moving faster. ~. ~chie suggested that tests be made now as to how fast ~ae water is moving, again in two weeks when 350 more homes wilt be tied in, and then that tgooratory tests be made and if something can be found to ~mow to ~r. Baker, so they will allow the effluent to be deoosited at its present location; th~n the City would have $170,00~ more to work with m~d bring in paying sewer customers. ~r. B~uks said that since the canal had been d~g deeper ~hat the wa~er was flowing to the east. Iir. Nahoney said that if the Co~ucil saw fit to save the ~l~O,000 and use it to hook up customers to the south amd leave the outlet at its present location the problem of the effluent would then be greater with more customers hooked up to it. Added to that was the orzt,_ezsm ~t the Council would receive from eh_ aged cltl zone. N~, Mahoney asked ~. Kain to read the last page of his comments o~ the meeting, which were as follows: ~e statements made by both Nr. r~ee and i~r. Baker mee~ that, regardde ss of what temporary steps are taken to solve this problem, the City of Boynton Beach is goir~ to have to build the effluent line to salt water within two years. Since this is a certainty, course one is almost academ~e. To follow the proposal ~de by the Board of Health see~s ~uso~ndo Construct!oh costs rise daily ?nd zn t.wo yea~s a~uy adv~utage gazned by ~nvestmng funds zn additzonal collection systems may be nullified by Lucreased costs. mFurther delay in a~_ewering this problem is undesirable; but it is quite obvious that the city may not D~ve any choice, If this situation is to remain under the control of the Cz~y ~ouncml~ the second course ms the one to be followed. Outside controlling agencies and protesting citizens' groups would not have ~ny further legitimate objections. The City Council would also have shown to the citizens a proper concern for the welfare of all per- sons in this area. However, as ~nentioned above in this paragraph, the City may have no choice in following course two. 'This is because of the size of the expenditure neces- sary to build the effluent line. At the present time such an expenditure is not possible from the water-sewer fund." After some discussion as to alternative routes available to the north, ~r. Summers moved that Course 2, as-recommended by the City Nanager,~ be adopted ~ th the possible exception that if the utilization of an easement robe obtained over the Dunn Tract or a 28' easement approximately 100 feet south of ~ak Street proves feasible that, with the approval of the consulting engineers, the most southerly of said alternate routes be used. (Course as recommended by the City ~auager, was to construct the line northward along the F. E. C. right of way to Oak Street eastward to salt water.) ~.~. ~oore was requested to have au answer regarding the Dunn property and a check on the 28~ right of way within three days. N~. ~honey said that the money was available according to ~s. ~allace this morning. There is a ~2,000 ~ud interest bond payment coming due in June~ ~l~,00 ~s already ~nder contract for th~ effluent line and~10,000 ~ue Interc0unty Construction Co. This leaves a balance of ~2,000 in the Construction ~rust Fund and Federal Grant jointly. The ~26,000 to relocate this line would leave a oalance of ~16,000, Mayor Ba~uks stated that he was in favor of Course 2 when they came back From the r~eeting in Jacksonville. Since then, however, he Felt that consideration had to be given to the extension of the lines to the south since the additional revenue needed for the investment would have to come from there° Upon a call for the motion Councilmen Mahoney, Summers, and ~dsen voted AYE; Nayor Banks and Councilman A~chie voted i~AEEo The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 A. Mo Allison Ba~ks, Mayor g ~z~y Clerk ~alt er A. Madsen, Councilman -4-