Minutes 02-17-64MIEUTES OF ~Rf~GUL~R 5~TiN~ OF CITY OOU!~C!L, ~'f-D It~i OiYY ~L, The meeting was called te order by the ~yor at ?:35 p.m~ The invocation ~as giv~ by Rev. Earl Downey of the First P~esby- teria~ ChU~ch, fotlewed by ~he Salute te the Flag led by Vice-~yor ~o ar~ ney. heamd regarding special street assessment on N. P~ ~th &venUe be- twee~ N. E~ ~th Bt.. ~ ~lread &v~ue, ~d, like,se, in the irst paragraph on Page ~, Du~ltc heari~ was held to afford epportu~ty fe~ ebjeeti~a te be heard ~ega~g special at,eot asses~nt on $. E. ~d S~. between S. E. 12~ Avenue to a pe~t 296 feet northerly ~e~ef~o~ N~. ~dse~ move~ that the ~utes ~e approved with the a~itions~ ~r. ~c~e seceded. ~tion ea~ried ~ously. ~. ~aheney moved that miuutes of speeial meeting of Pebruary ~th be a_oproved. ~ A~chie seconded. ~etien ca,fed Z-O, ~. B~nks a~d. N~o S~mme~s stating that they were not Dresent at the meet~no. ~r. Naheney moved that the ~t~s of Special Meeting of February ]~th be approved, Mr. SUmmers seconded. ~otio~ carried ~ua~imo~ sly. IEGAL The 01ty Attorney read emergency Orally. au. ce 6,,~.,.3 regarding operation of vehicles ove~ railroad tracks within the Citgo The 0rd~_uance ealled f~ ~high-railers not to exceed 15 miles per hour a~d to yield the might of way at all crossings. It further ~egu- lated the ~imm crossings should be blocked by trains te not me_~e than ~0 minutes fo~ single erossings and not mo~e than l0 minutes for double crossings. ~. ~adsen asked that the "yield right of -1- way" be eha~ged to "stop." Er. Archie moved the adop$iom of Eme~- in order railers~for the next at ~the..mext ~ Summers seconded° The mott~ te table was defeated ~, Madse~ a~d Mayor Banks voting "No. ~ Regarding t~he that and amez~lments oemld be vo~ed on Nr. ~adsen ~tien c~- to se~ a tole- the request by G~aS$ Rail- carried hi ~e was ~as ~ l~OV e~ reading and passe~ to second ~eadimg. ~ar~ied unauimously. Atto~e ~. N~ ~osed Tract on West, Boy~o~ Road, moved the adoption of second reading,. ,~o A~chie BIDS 0~e bid was~ received on Stoz~ Gutters a~d Dow~ Spouts for the ~0ivic C~enter Complex From~odern Roo£mng' Co. in the amount of $2,506~50o r. A~chie moved that it be tu~aed over tea committee of N~..~adsau, N~o Taylor and N~. George Jehuson, for theiw me~dati.e~. N~. Nahoney secom~led. Eotion carried' unanimously. BIDS. ANARDIN~ i~e: City Jail and Equipment A report was read fram the commiStee recommending tb~_t the low bid of YoUng & ~aldie, as amezded to $~0,9~8,20 with Change Orders for deletions a~d additions, be awarded. Nr. N~aho~ey moved the report be accepted. ~ro ~L~ise~ seconded. Carried unanimously. ~. ~honey move~ that t~he Council award the bid ~or the jail $o Young aud ~aldie fe~ a total cost of $~0,~,20, Mr. ~rchie seconded. ~otion carried U~animo~sly. -2- Nr. A~ohie~meved that the City At$orney be instructed te d~aw up a ce~t~act with Te~ & Waddle ~ud that the Mayer and City Clerk ~ be authorised ~o stg~ ~e contract. N~. Naho~ey seceded. Motie~ e ~ a~med unm~im~msly. The eemmi~t~e~$~ortwas read by E~yer Bank~; it was as fellows: c~mmittee O ' sec ndedo ~otiom Nr. ~oney PUBLIC AUD~OE ~s. Edith ~ate~m amke~ several questions of the Co~ncil gadding pa~ supplements. ~s. ~l~ Jaokso~questiened the ~iffere~ee in Public Audience s~d Publi~ ~al~ Hour. ~. C. ~. Rlcker~ asked about a request eF last July regarding clear, lng of the ca~als and was told that it would be taken mp later in the meetl~go BUSINESS ~rs. Padgett read a thank you letter from Jack and Sally Naddox regarding s~eet lights; also a letter from the Lions Club thanking the Council for the use of the Council Chambers° A letter was read from the Board o£ Realtors requesti~g i~stall- atien o~ sidewalks from U. S. I to Seacrest Blvd. along ~nd Avenue North. Mr. Archie moved that the Board ef Realtors be requested to oi~cUlate a Detitie~ getting the approval of the property owners ~f£ected. N~. ~onsy seconded~ Notion ca.tied ~imeusly. gave a report on a meeti~g of The Palm Beach Co~ty by the House and Semate ~nioh ruled that the survey had to be unde~- in order te receive £edera_l ~ssista~¢e which ~ou~ts ~ie~ ~ld guar~tee ~e ~e~y the act as ~e~ ef ~ City in cemd~t~g t~s work. ~. ~ehie ~ved t~t~ the ~o~cil accep~ t~ reper$ ef be N~. ~chie mewed the appointment ef Francis T. Kai~ as City ~e~ ~f ~e City of Beaten Beach. ~ ~emey sec~ed. C~le~ ~usl~. ~. ~ey moved She appe~t ef Curtis Emg~e ~ri~t as O~ef~ ~ Fi~ ~a_~tm~$ ~f the City ef B~ton Bea~. Mr. ~eney ~ved ~e a cintra - · ~ ~ ~ ..... Dp ~t~o~ Curtis EUg~e ~rm~t as D~ecte~ ~ 01vil De~en~ ~d Herbert ~ r. ~e move~ ~he appoin~en~ of Je~ O. ~*illi~s ~s Judge ~. ~chie Eve~ ~hat ~e O~cil aceep~ ~e Tayle~ per ~nth crease the ~ry~ e~ ~s. ~ ~lli~, Perse~el ~dPUbic' Rela- ~iens, in ~e ~o~t of ~2S. 00 wee~y, ~d f~rthe~, tha~ ~e Co~cil sit tegethe~ ~ the ~e~ fmt~e teal'rescues the w~e imcreases of ~e e~her deposit he~s. ~. N~se~ seconded.~otmon~ ear~ied of Eesolm$ien 6~-I. l~r. ~ahoney s~eOnded the motion which carried un animou St ~. darien ef the ~ivil ~e~vice Board. N~. Nahoney seconded the which ea~ie~ un~aimouety. -4- Er. Maheney moved that a license request for a used car lot at 1009 N. Federal Higkway in the name of Ullman be approved. ~. S~rs seconded. ~otien c~ie~ ~imousty. The follewi~ bills were p~es~e~ ~e~ Council ~proval: U. S. Pipe & Fo~dry Co. $2,989.9~ ~. ~se~ ~ved the Dills be ~d. ~. ~e~e second. ~eusly. N~. I~adse~ moved that departu~ental repex~hs ffrom Police, Fire, for the mo~th oF January be accepted; and the Budget t the mo~ths oF Deco--herald 'January be steeped. ~ the motitn which passed unanimemsly. Nay~r Ba~ks read a letter from Co,sty Co~ssioner George Narren the-~equired'amount of Acrolin--meeded to rid ~e Oity~o~u~s to the C~ty ~ould be $~,I80,00. ~ter ~scmssio~ ~e o~tee that~d ~wo~ked so h~ o~ ~is that the Oe~cil go ~e~with the project, ask Oe~ssie~e~r~ to c~e ~ou~ with a~ly ~e Acrel~ te ~c~s ~eughoUt ~e City. Netiem carried ~imously. eet~ng aa~Ourned a 9:00 P.~ son Banks, Nayer Tereesa Padget Walter A. -5-