Minutes 02-13-64TEP~ PAB~T, Gi~/
10:l~,~ A..M. fo'r the ~s~ oF disc~si~ a propo~l to
sh~ mot ~k~ ~ ~is t~e sT$ce Nr~ Eem~er~SO~ is leaving
and ~e ~va ~ n~w-a~inis~rab~r com~g ~to office.
.~$~n ~mM~ fe~t thaD ~b~ect Dropo~sal ~ee~s ~ediate
~, He~{er~gn ~es:Sed hi~ desire that action be tarn now
and s~t~a$~ ~ it ~id ~t ~tber who was sitt~g ~ ~e ManaE~ ~s
c~haSr~.aS ~eithe~ wo~d. h&v~ ~y~ to do With i~flmemc~g
m~c~p~l bondSmmn ~ ~s~t~ up a new progr~ for the
~o~ci~an ~em s~t~ he was in accord wi~h ~. Henderson.
Via~ Mawr M~o~y po~e8 out that thi~ w~s a contact between
the ~il ~d ~t~s Bo~$n ~irm ~n~~ i~s not.b~d~g on the City of
BoStOn ~ach ~es~ hs c~ ~erform accord~nE to the c~ontract ~ibhin
a s~ mo~mth period.
Eotioa ~ by Nr. ~ers t0 ~s~r~ct tbs att~ey to ~aw
~p a contract with T~ R~ Al~ck ~ ~o. to negotiate ref~e~ the
~onds with all ~he~ ~e~ss~y[ i~tr~etio~s to be ~c~d ~ t~e
agre~t ~d a~t~o~iz~~ the Mayor and ~ity Clerk to sign same.
~oti0n saconde~ b~ ~- ~sen because ke felt it wo~d be to
the a~t.aEe o~e 9xt ~s~d on ~e ~f~rmati0n received ~om
N~ Gerald E~w~: ~Tty Au~tor ~d ~. ~allace~ f~ance director
and ~.
~nder ~is?~ssiom: ~ir. Arehie ~sked if the ¢o~citme~ had~
e~hecke~ ~out ~ ~s~ f~m ~nd also re~q~est~ a
feel that the ~ity wo~ld
is ~o~mat when
he feIt th'a ~ w'as' q~i%e ~apaB~.
The ~ayo~ '.catted for ~ roll cell yore.
Amchie:"Ive~e.!~0~ I it is a goo~m~ve' for
GitY. aEent~ Nr. ~hapar~,
that 0rf~asi~l~ to
im~ ~t I fe~! that the cost is
exo'rb~a~t th~afore~ I vote
Mr. ~ad~en: ~t~:~oteY~B~- ~or th~ sim~te reason that I do not
~tie~ ~hat ~'~,~ b~hePar~s co~e ~p with the figures
w~e' r~q~aeS't~d]him ~o ~ke ~d a~ this~ Proposit°-~o~
~i~gw~ A!caek wi~[ eo:s~ ~s n~th~ if ~ ~o not
ag~ept, it~ it leeks to m~ as a V~y beneficial
si~atiam~for th~ ~i~F ~fBo~tom B~ch as f~ ~s
Mr. ~aho~ey.. I Vote ~.~ ~y Vote is baSe~ e~ the faot tha~ t~e
fm~ ~ S~m~ ~e~ bY~Nm~ ~epard e~m~ot st~d scrutiny.
He h~s r~i~ bhe r~e of the w,a~r ~ap~m~t ov~r
a~ 'ab~V~ wh~ the ~i~ ~E~r h~s ~ t~ b~dg~t. I
m~Eht d~i1 a~ ~tio~:to th~ Co~cil the fact tkat we
~r~ not stlo~ 1 to ~ge the budge~ With~t f~l
a~re~l of ~ Li bo~d heifers and Yet Nr. ~ep~r~ is
~I~E~ to Eo ahead ~d do it. He: has' a~so
~o~me~ ts thatw~de~not ha~ to live~p to the
Re~sg!~i~whieh~er~ adopted ~ t~ Bomd isaac for
w~t~r ~d s~r. ~hls I d~Sa~ree ~It~.
D~r~ct~ey ~ not ~ ~i~
th~ ~1t ~il ~$~ City is: E~E, to ~ ~ ext~
dif~ty ~tart~E ~i~
~'I ~te ~:. ~t~r .s~y~E bo~~ re~o~t~ I.~
~fi~d ~a'~ ~ ~a~d. to do some ~e~tlat~g."
Motion carri~ ~ ~o ~
/ /~. Al!iso~ Bamks~ Mayor