Minutes 01-09-64JAN~AI~ 9~ 196~ at ~:~0 p~m. TEEEE~A ~GETT: Ci~£ ¢~ ~art~' Ee~y ~n ~ro~-~r~ Zoc~ted at 129 N. E. N~th Govern ~C~e' ~OVe~ that ~bj,ect be r~eg ~om the motion seconde~ by ~cz~n ~ers a~d '~a~oUS!Y carried. ~tar a l~ng~ ~scms~ion ~f tbs f-ages ~volV~ the Manag~er~ ~ th~.abs~ce o~ ~e City A~to~ .M~d ~r4~ce Motiom seeon~ed hy ~ei~n ~e ~nd ~ime~Sly ~rrieS. ~. ~e ~ve She that ~o~c il- co~ilmsm the Motion Mrs.. Padg~tt ~a~ ~e. ~uest fro~ B~a~rest members fer ~r~ssio~ t~ s~etl %igket:s to' t~e benefit d$~er scheduled ~o~ J~ary i8~. P~mi~sio~ ~ted ~y ~a~imous ~oms-e~t of the It was mo~ed t~at ~e ~a~e o:f Women ~oters would tour City The ~ity ~a~g~r Neeti~E acijom~ at ~'o:citoek -2- THE OHASE MANHATTAN 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York BANK November ~5, 1~3 Nr. J.B. He~ersom Ofty of Boy~t~m'Beach l~0 N.E. ~a~.'Avemme Beyatem Beach,. ~lori~ DemrNr. Hem~er$on: We emclose two coma~er~arts each ef tea cr~m~tio~ certificates evidemcl~g of cemcelled co~oms ~ bonds of the ~ity of Beymte~ ~eaeh, Oo~rpoAs Bem~ 10,000. / 1,365~ d~ted October 1, 1~. dated October 1, 1946. July 1, 19~, 33 < Pool l~o~ds 3 l, 19~0. A00 ~ ~E" date~ September 1, 19~0. 17~000./ t0,000. Serie~ 10~ 1961. ll~v Please ae~mowle~ge reeei~tl~y sig~ a~d req~r~i~g the enclosed copy o~ Tllis totter. Very truly yours, Paul L. N~rtin ~or~oration Trust Officer THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK I Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York SECURITIES: The above bomds were pai~ ~uring the perio~ of Jmme 3, 1963 to July 1% 1963. DATED '" ' THE' CHASE MANHATTAN BANK 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York HAVE THIS DAY CREMATED THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED 10 csmeelle~[ City ef Boy~a Beach: Florida ~ ~ate:~ Revenue B~ds, Series 1960, ~ate~ December l: 1960, ~ue J~ae !, $10,000. ~riacipa~l amc~mat, nmmbere~l ~ i~clusive ~ $1~000. each. The above ben~s were pai~ Jume 3, 1963. ~A~ O~ ~JOV lfl~$ ' HECHASE MANHATTAN BANK 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York TRUST DEPARTMENT SSCURmES: 1~6 c~acelle~ ¢o~e~s ~et~ml~e~ from the City of Boy~to~ ~each, Flori~, ~ & 5~ W~er Reven~ B~a~s~ d~e~ ~ecember 1, 1950, Common Na~arity Nmm~er of tom, em To%at Number D~,~e Cou:per~ Value Value "The mbove condoms ~ere ~ai~ ~h~ring the perio~ of ~ae 3, 1~3 to Amgms~ 13~ 1~6~-~ · ;~'HE' CHASE MANHATTAN ] Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York BANK Nam~er .~te ¢o~s Valme Valme 1,365 7,300.00 2g,050.0o..Tetal "~he a~eve co~po~s were l~id ~,~iag the ~erle~ of June 3, 1963 to July 23, t963." DATED :~THE' CHASE MANHATTAN Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York BANK TRUST DEPARTMENT i~Hs fs ta Certff'y ..AT WE .A,,= T.,= OA,~ C.EMA.EO ..E ~O---O,,,,NG SECURITIES: 366 caacelle~ coup~as ~e~ache~ frc~ the City of Boron BeaCh, Florida, 3~ Rei%m~4~ ]km~ Issme of t~46: d~te~[ Oeto~er l, 1~6~ sF~reg~timg $?~0~0.00 principal amount) ~umm~ize~ ~s follews: Coupon Maturity N,~mher of Compo~ ~otal Nmmber Rate ¢oa~oms Y~l~e Val~e 3~ Octol~er 1, 19~3 5 2.0~ 1 10.00 1%2 2O.0O 10. O0 10.00 2~8/I-0;00 7,030.00 "The ~bove coupons were l~ai~ ~mriug the perio~ of May 7, lg63 to 0cto~er 2t, 1963. DATED -~ I~HETM CHABE MAN HATTA N 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York BANK TRUST DEPARTMENT The a~ove ~ma~s were ~ai~ during the ~erie~ of October l, 1~63 to October 21, 1~3. DATED ~,^~ o~ ~V 1<1(,5 THE CHA$£ MANHATTAN BANK City of Boymton Beach, Fterida Refun{[ing Bca~is, Issues of ~te~ ~r l, 19~ ~e ~teber l~ l~T1 Cou~em Nes -35 /~0 Due $~y 1~ 19~ & subse~ue~, coupoms attached $!~000. each 24ff 24 J 3 63~' 3 63 t 379/ 379 1 598'~ 398 1 406~ 408 ~ 417~ 417 I A28~ ~28 1 45~,/ 454 2 46~J 462 2 47~.~ 473 3 T~t~... I 7 ~'~?H E OHASm MAN HATTAN BAN K 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York smo~m%, s,~m~n.~'ized as follows: Cempon Natmrity N~m~er of COUl~e~ Total N~ber Ba~e C~a~ems ~s~lue ~al~e 28 a~.v i, i~3 i $ !9.o2 $ 3.9.02 33 $~ ..~ota:L "The abeve ¢~apoms were paid ~rimg the period of Jul~ l?, 1963 to J~ 2, 1963. DATED :.~H~' OHASE MANHATTAN BANK 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York TRUST DEPARTMENT SECURITIES: -~0 ~ ~e ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ori~ S~g Pool ~n~s~ Se~es , 3 ~/~ ~e~ ~ 1~ 1~0 ~egmt~ $3,T50.~ ~rimcip~ ~o~t~ s~ized ~ follows: O~pom ~t~rity N~ger of C~a]~e~ Total 5 mu~cm l, ~.963 ].oo $ t$.75 $ 1,875.oo 6 SeDtem~er l, 1963 100 -- 18.75 2O0 $ 3,750.00 · .Total "The above ¢oupoms were pai~ ~rimg the perie~ of Narch 1, 1963 to SeDtember ll, 1963. '~,THE CHASE MANHATTAN Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York TRUeT DI~PARTM£NT BANK !0 caacelle~ City of Beyato~ Beach, Flori~ 3 3/4~ Swimming Peel ~om~s, Series ~E", ~mt~ Se~er l~ t~0~ ~ue Se~ l~ l~ ~- re~g ~0~0. ~r~ci~ ~o~t ~re~ ~/30 ~cl~ive ~$!~000. each. The above bon~s were t~u%~ SeDtember 3.~ 1963. OR',' o~ ~oV 19~3 '.TI IE OHABE MANHATTAN BANK I Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York 15, New York TRUST DEPARTMENT SZCUR'T.~: ll5 camcelle~ court.as ~etache~ from ~he City Of Boyatem ~each, Flori~, ~ 1/2% Nmai¢ipal Civie Center B~l,'~'~g Bom~s~ Series 1961, ~ate~ ~ecem~er !0~ 1961, aggreg~iz~ $2,012.50 principal omoumt, as ~escribed below: ~om~oa N~arity Nmmber of ~omPom Total Number ,~ate ~ Valme Value June 10, l~6B ll5 "The above co~s w~re ~i~[ during the perio~ of Jmme 11, 1~63 to September ll, 1~3." DATED