Minutes 01-06-64MiNIF~ES OF THE REGULA~q ~-~TI~7~ OF T-~ CITY COUNCIL, ~ELD IN CITY HALL~ BOYNTON B~ACH, FLORIDA, JANUARY 6, 1964, 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: JO~ L, AROH~, MAYOE J. A~SON B~_%~_S, VICE MAYOR ~ALTEI{~ A. M'~, COL~OII~AN JA~$ J. ~iA~OE~EY, COL~NCI~N THOM&S ~Ao SLr~ERS, COU~CIi~ ~faN J. B. HENDERSON, CITY MANAGER GENE if~OOEE, CITY ATTOHkrEY TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. The invocation was given by Vice Mayer Banks, followed by the salute to the flag~ Mr. Madsen moved approval of minutes of December 16, 1963. Mr~ Banks seconded. Mayor Archie requested that t~ minutes reflect the Council's intent to in~orporate in the motion on Ordinance the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board Lu that ~ir. Pipes provide enother access road to the property via east-west street. ~r. ~adsen and ~. Banks acceded to this and the minutes were unani- mously approved as changed~ 0ID BUSINESS Ordinance 63-37 was read, by caption only~ Mr. Ms3aoney moved that the ordinance be adopted on second aud final reading. ~. Summers seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance 63-38 was read by caption. Ordinance 63-38 be accepted on final reading. Carried unanimously~ Summers moved that ~. ~ahoney seconded. Ordinance 63~..~9 was read by caption. Mr. Banks moved the adoption of the ordinance on second ~ud final reading, Mr. Eadsen seconded. ~otion carried unanimously, Ordinance 63~40 was read by caption, i't~r, Mahoney moved the adoption of the ordinance on second and final read. lng. Mr. Banks seconded the motion which carried unanimously. -1- Correspondence was read from the following: Hon. E. F. V~uEessel thanki~ the Council for the contribution to ~orld's FairCo~ittee; Hollywood Shuffleboard ClubS and the ~namber oi Corm~eroe regarding ~nristmas decorations. Gilbert Collins was~esented with~ a plaque from the City for outstauding service. N~._ Henderson recommended to the Council that the bra~ch library at NilsoD be closed due to lack of patronage. He stated that this was _also the recommendation of N~s, Sullivan and ~he Library Board. ~r, Nadsen moved t~t the b~auch be closed ~ud the becks moved to the mai~ library or otherwise disposed cf as per the recorm~e~dation, ~r. Ba~ks seconded the motion which carried ~uanimously, ~r. ~ahoney moved that ~he reports of the Building Department ~ud the Tax Collecter'be accepted and that the Treasurer's Report be held ~n~b~.ys~ce un~l the 00until had tim~ to study it. ~Lv. B~uks seconded. Eotion carried un~uimously. ~. Eadsen moved that the Council approve the tr~usfer of ~ oevera~e ~ce~se from Bernard Brock Sturz to ~thur Brown at 601 S. Federa~ Highway, subject to all inspections. Er. Summers seconded the motion Which carried un~nmmously~ The City ~anager informed the Council that plans.and specifica- tions had beem cOmPleted by the Architect on the jail building aud r~quested per~s'~$on to go out fo~ bids, bids to be returned by the Feoruary 8rd meetmng. ~r. ~honey~mcved that the City Eanager be authorized to go out for bids to be returned by February Er. Nadsen seconded the motion which carried unanimously. PUBLIC AUDIENCE ~rs. Emily Jackson of 7~8 N. E. 9th Avenue requested the Council to consider h~ving its workshop meetings open to the public, in the Council chsm~0ers with the microphones on, so that interested parties could attend. ~r. ~adsen assured her that the workshop meetings, though held downstairs in the City Hall, were always open to the public. Er. Ed Wa!nau of ~!0 S. ~. tst Avenue congratulated the Council on its work the past year and presented Nayor ~chie with two ttcksts to the ~orld's Fai~. ~yor Archie ~nounced the public hearing on requested zoning change of Blocks 21, 2~, 2~ ~nd Lots i thru 7 and l~ thru 20, Block Bcynton Ridge from R-1 to H-2. The following Dersone presented obaect~ons to the zoning change: A, Hineman, 2646 N. Eo 4th Court; Harry Forems~u, 6~6 Oak Street; 0la H. Newman, ~621 N. E. ~rd St. ~Ar, Nahoney moved that the Coun6it follow the reco~endatlon of the ._Zo~._zng Board s-ud deny this reques~ for a zoning change oy Mr. William ~e~nstock. Er. i~adsen seconded the motion which carried-un~uimously. The public hearing on requested zoning change of Lot 8, Block ~, Palm Beach Country Club Estates from C-Z to R-8 was an~uounced by ~ayor &rchie, ~s. 2~artha Eelly appeared as the applicant in the request. There were no objectors present. It was pointed out that the ?ec.ommendation of the Pt~'.~ing ~and Zoning Board was that a non~ cor~orm~ng Use b~ allowed, which t~e ~ity A~to~ney 'said was imposs-ible ~tuder ~e new Zoning r.aw. Afte~ ~c~ssion ~Lr~ Nadsen ~oved that the request ~e tabled until the next meetimg~ but that She City &ttorney be a~horized to d~aw up a proposed ordinance covering the change. ~. Ban_ks seconded %he motion. Eotion carried unar~mously. A five minute recess was declared ~y the ~ayor, The City Clerk administered the oath ef office to N~. Eahoney and Nr. Archie for their i964-65 term of office. · The Chair called for the election of ~ayor for 1966, ~ad opened the floor for nominations. ~r. Nadsen moved that ~r, Banks be elected ~ayor of the City of Boynton Beach for 196&. ~r. ~ahoney seconded. ~otion carried unanimously. J. &l!ison Ba~ks was olven the oath of office for ~ayor, and took the chair. ~Mayor Banks thamked the members of Co~ucil fo~ the high honor given him and~ pursuant to the Charter change, procl~med James J. Nahoney Vice ~ayor of the City of Boymton Beach for 1964. ~Arso Padgett a .,-~nzs~ered the oath to the Vice ~ayor, ~ayor Banks made the following appointments of Councilmen to departments: ~. A~chie, Sewers and ~ater; ~. ~adsen, Streets, Pa~ks ~mdP!aygrounds; I~, Nehoney, Sanitation; ~r. S~mers, Rolling Stock; and ~ayor B~uks, Police aud Fire Departments. Upon a me,ion by Er. Eadsen, seconded by Er. Summer~ and unani- mously ~ ' ea~r~ed, the following City Officials were appointed for 196&: City Eanager ~lunicipal Judge City Attorney Plar~aing & Inspection Directo~ Council Secretary J. B. Henderson ~artin Dumkin ~ene ~OOre Ditek G~oetenboe~ Dorothy Jones City Clerk & Tax ;Oollector Deputy City Clerk Deputy Tax Collector Deputy Tax &ssessor Finsnce ~ Director Treasurer 0bier ~f Poliee Fire ~ief P~blicit y & Pe~s~el OTficer Supt. o~ P~olic Norks, Public Utilities and Purc~si~ ~ent Recreation ~Direct or Bui~ing ~spsct or Pi~ i~g I~oect or Teree sa Padg~tt Peggy 0tterson CalIie Clant on Kathr yn Hoe~muth Ada Shook Olive Wallace Eena Carrier James A. Erwin Jo~u ~. Tuite Ann Hilliard ZeI1 Taylor George Johnson Harold Blauohette Wil!is~m ~cKec,hnie Leon Vice Eayor M~oney read m list of proposed Boards ~o serve, which is attached hereto and m&de a part hereof. ~. Archie moved their appoir~tment in accordance with their prescribed terms. Vice ~ayor ~sizoney seconded th~ motion which carried unanimously. The City &ttorney read Eesolution 84-A designating bank signa- tureso Nr. Archie moved the adoption of the resolution. ~r. Eshoney seconded. ~otion carried unanimously. T~e City ~ttorney read ~esolut~o~ 84-B pertaining to '~' aad Poi!cements pension ~uuds. ~r. Summers moved that R~sol~t~on 84-B be adopted. Seconded by ~&v, ~ahoney. Unanimously carried. ~. George ~iiles was appointed to serve as layman on the Firemen ~ Policemen Pension Fund, by a motion by ~. Archie, seconded by ~r. ~ahoney and unanimously carried. The following bills were presented for Council approval: Palm Beach Harley-Davidson Adams Chevrolet Co., &dams ~uevrolet Co., Inc. Auning-Johnson Russsll~Axon Eechantcal & Chemical Equip. Southern Gulf Utilities Gene Moore ~i195.00 ~1~5o00 $780.00 ~5@~50 Co. ~9?68.51 $23,81B.95 ~, &rch~e~ 4 moved the bills be approved ~ud paid. ~r. Mahone¢' ' v seconded. ~otion carried unanimously. B~ILDING BOA~ %~illiam Q', Hays~ Doyle .Irwin~ Henry' ~omp'son~ ~ Ed E~O~d~ ~Ja:ck ~ddox~ Mrs,. Wm. V~n D~e~er~ Ei~ard New~n~ Bertha ~w~li and Tsree~ Bill ~ ~. ~. ~or~ Jo~ Ho~ton~ Cla~d~ T. CoZ, Herbert ~tsey~ J. M~ ~r~wford~ Sianley Porter~ Jus~Dh Tomberg ~d A~ H~ ~ ~ iar~) Sec~tary. ~. T, ~oolbri~t~ ~ Greenleaf~ Thomas ~ean% Gene ~Sn Gr~mo~. ~s. ~e~ Gocdwin~ Mrs. Nsrk ~t:e~ Mrs. Estelle Sabot~ ~tti* Pie:rcs and Mrs. Helen Brull. P~IN6 ~ Z0~ING BOA~ ~otantey Weav'er~ M, I, Wertz~ William Nohlleb~ Dr. Jack Ea~ston~ be~ O~s~ Bob ~on~ He~bert Ke~tts~ Mayor J, ~Iison B~s and'City ~nager~ J. B. ~e~erson)both ex-officio. P~ING Willi~ EeK~e~e~ ~. A. ~itm~ Ray ~wser~ No~n Willies and Walter Madsen. ~T~ J .. Williard Pipes and'- ~ed ~e~ser. ~C~TION A~ P~S B0~ Jo~ Horton~ Bill Ti~sbier~ ~$~en Kirke-~y~ A, A. S:~art~ Jr;~ Mrs, D~w~s ~ther~ord~ W. A. Gzbson and ~y from ~iorgan~ GUaranty Trust Coo recommended that they be made a pa~t o~ the mi_umtes~ moved that they be made a part of the minuteso~ I~JIr, Unan~mo'~sly carried, ~r. Henderson requested that the Council consider a Change Order drawn up,at the request of ~oun~_& ~aidie for an additional expendi- ture of ST~.l~ on the Casino~u_ldiog. ~. Arc~hle m~ved the accep- ~ · tance of the Cha~ge Order, ~r, ~a~oney seconded. ~otzon ~arried unanimously. ~r. Henderson presented the Council with the cremation certificates and the ~ase ~a~hattan Bank I~Er. ~rchie The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Tereesa Padge~ City Clerk OF NE~V YORE. ca~oelle~ C~u~e~s ' ~¢hed from ~ity of & Sewer Revenue Bo~ds Issue of 1961, Series B dasd December. ~l~ 1~t, ~ ~· ' ~· : as follows:- upon Nos. Naturi%~r. Da~e t J~ne 1, 1962 1 J~ae 1, 1962 1,450 $20.00 , zoo 21.25 The above Coupems were paid by Norgan ~maranty Trust ~ompany of New York daring the period June 1962/November 1962, Inclusive. MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY Series A c~ed Decemt~r .1, 1961~ as follows:' J~ne l, 1962 ~,~%o $~9.2~ June 1~ 19~2 200 20.00 1,7%0 ~e above Coupons were paid by Horgan ~_~r~u~y Trust Company of ~ew York during the period J~ne 1962/N-ovemt~r 1962, I~-clusive. MOl{GAN GUAl{ANTY TRUST COMPANY