Minutes 07-27-17
ON THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2017, AT 6:00 P.M.
Dr. Tiffany North, Chair Sherri Claude, Recreation Administrator
Angelica Nevin, Vice Chair Mona Laventure, Prototype, Inc.
Valencia Spells Anderson (arr. 6:13 p.m.)
Gregory Murphy
Dariana Rodriguez, Student Reg. Voting Member
Alana Thomas, Student Reg. Voting Member
Carla Colebrooks
Peggy Laguerre
Anthony Altieri, Alternate, Voting
Robert Whedon, Alternate
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student Reg. Non-Voting Member
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair North at 6:05 p.m. Roll call was taken.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Approval of Agenda
Motion made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Vice Chair Nevin, to approve the agenda as
presented. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (6-0).
IV. Approval of Minutes of June 22, 2017
Motion made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Ms. Rodriguez, to approve the minutes of the
June 22, 2017, meeting as presented. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Post cards announcing upcoming public input meetings for the Town Square project were
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 27, 2017
VI. Public Audience
Jeanne Heavilin, Greater Boynton Beach Sister Cities, reported that Rodofo Ledezma, a
senior at South Tech, won the grand prize at the international competition for Young
Authors and Artists Showcase. He will be honored at the August 15 City Commission
meeting. She said that the art will be touring the country, and Boynton Beach hopes to
host the exhibit in April, 2018.
Ms. Heavilin said they did not send anyone to the Youth Summit Leadership Conference
this year, but they have money set aside for a scholarship for next year’s conference.
She asked the board members to keep in mind they are looking to send a sophomore or
junior to the conference in Aurora, Colorado.
Regarding the sauna, Ms. Heavilin reported that the event is confirmed for November 18,
2017, at Intracoastal Park, and they are working on fun activities and food. She asked
the board members to let her know if they had any ideas for activities to tie into the event.
The Mayor of Rauma, Finland has been invited - if he attends, there will be a reception
for him at Intracoastal Park following the sauna event. She gave a description of the
event and the sauna itself.
\[Ms. Spells-Anderson arrived\]
Ms. Heavilin advised that the event is to raise awareness of the Sister City program with
Rauma. There will be a nominal cost, and reservations will be handled by the traveling
sauna. Souvenirs will be available to help defray their costs. The CRA and the City will
be assisting with marketing, and she thought they would get good press for the City.
VII. New Business
A. Sunshine Law
Ms. Claude reminded the board members of the content in the Sunshine Law. She
distributed packets with ethics training materials included. Acknowledgment forms must
be signed and returned for the training. She will find out if the training needs to be
completed annually or otherwise.
VIII. Old Business
A. Breakfast/Awards Fundraiser
Chair North reviewed an update that was provided by Ms. Laguerre. Highlights of her
report follow:
Secure a specific date and location reserved ASAP (Intracoastal clubhouse in
spring of 2018)
Begin sponsorship opportunities at $200 minimum
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 27, 2017
Discuss how to split proceeds with prospective partner, the Greater Boynton Beach
Tax-deductible donations must be made in the Foundation’s name
Foundation members are discussing the proposal (still waiting on decision)
Dr. North recommended waiting until Ms. Laguerre returns before moving ahead,
particularly since she was not aware of splitting the proceeds. The board agreed to
postpone the discussion.
Ms. Rodriguez said she was interested in making a video that would showcase the board
and what they do. Ms. Claude will find out if there are any concerns from the City’s
standpoint, and Mr. Murphy said he will also confer with Eleanor Krusell from
B. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Claude advised that the online application will be available by October 1, 2017, and
she wondered if the board wanted to change the deadline, which has been April 1.
Discussion ensued about the deadline, and it was noted they are only $9.00 short of the
$1,000 award. Ms. Claude said that if they make a change to the deadline, they need to
inform the counselors.
Dr. North returned to discussion of fundraising activities. She said she had an idea to
have a day open to the public at Hula Surf and Paddle, and have a surf event with part of
the proceeds coming to the EYAB. The Board agreed that she could go forward with
contacting the company.
Upon a request by Mr. Murphy, Ms. Claude reviewed the procedure for awarding the
funds for the Youth Volunteer Bank. If necessary or desired, the money may be allocated
toward something else.
C. Back to School Event - August 5
Chair North reviewed that it will be at St. John Missionary Baptist Church from 8:00 a.m.
to 2:00 p.m. They will have an inside table. She asked for board participation and
reminded members to get their t-shirts from Ms. Claude (she will email members when
the new shirts arrive).
Suggestions for handouts were regular pencils or school supplies, Sun Chips, or stickers/
tattoos from the Dollar Store. Chair North said there will be snacks at the event, so they
do not need to provide that, and she said she will look for stick-on tattoos.
Ms. Claude will prepare a sign-up sheet with two-hour time slots.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 27, 2017
The gift card from Publix is for St. John to use in their raffle, and Ms. Claude said that the
card needs to be picked up from her.
A cap of $25 was decided upon for the giveaways, and if necessary, Chair North said she
would contribute any extra. They could use money from the Harvey Oyer funds if they
wanted to buy the pencils with a logo or printing on them. Chair North will look into if
there would be a set-up fee if they just used words and not a logo.
Motion made by Ms. Rodriguez, seconded by Ms. Spells-Anderson, to set a spending
cap of $25 for “trinkets” for the children attending the Back to School Bash. In a voice
vote, the motion passed unanimously (7-0).
IX. Future Meeting Dates: August 24, 2017
September 28, 2017
October 26, 2017
X. Adjournment
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
\[Minutes transcribed by J. Rubin, Prototype, Inc.\]