FLORIDA, ON MONDAY, JULY 10, 2017, AT 2:00 P.M.
Janet Harris, Chair
Terry liams, Vice Chair
Marsha Bionta
Margaret Newton
Jean Young
Andrew Richardson
Michael Brevda
Chair Harris called the meeting to order at 2:20 p.m.
Brenton Rolle, Center Supervisor
Amy Blackman, Board Liaison
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Self -introductions were made. A quorum was present
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
2. Adoption
Vice Chair liams moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Young seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (for April 3, 2017 meeting)
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 10, 2017
Vice Chair liams moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Young seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Chair Harris introduced new member Margaret Newton. Ms. Newton has served on
other Boards in the past and the members welcomed her. Ms. Newton explained she
was asked to serve on the Board and advised the Palm Health Care Foundation
provided $5 million for the Palm Beach County Community Initiatives for Health Care.
She is a member of the Boynton Beach Healthier Together organization which is part of
that team. The team wants to spread the word they have funding and there are ongoing
initiatives about caring. Jupiter chose diabetic care. Delray Beach chose mental health
and Boynton Beach chose caring as it pertained to adult caregivers. Ms. Newton did
not think many people were aware of the initiative, so Ms. Newton was asked to join the
group and take information back and provide information if necessary. There are
meetings held each month at 9 a.m. at the Children's Services Council. Richard Petty is
the new leader for Boynton Beach. She noted there were a number of heavy hitters on
the Steering Committee that are caregivers and some information was not
disseminated. The caregiving field has many components. Bethesda Health has
information and there are other groups, but there is no coordinated effort to guide
impacted individuals to assistance. The Foundation is contemplating how to assist
caregivers who have no funds to take care of a loved one and has no help.
The organization wanted to target the 33426 zip code in the Heart of Boynton and then
branch out from there. The Foundation issued funding to Jupiter, Delray Beach and
some other cities in the County, and it was noted not every city in the County was
participating. Generally, Palm Healthcare Foundation funds initiatives, but leaves it up
to the individual city groups to decide how they want the initiatives to be implemented.
The Palm Healthcare Foundation has learning situations set up throughout the Country
that teaches them how to establish their mission. Ms. Newton invited Vice Chair liams to
the next meeting and would forward Vice Chair liams' name to Mr. Petty.
Amy Blackman, Recreation Superintendent, advised last May, they brought in a
company from Canada to provide training and to develop a strategic plan. They are still
in the strategic planning stages. Vice Chair liams thought they should contact all the
home health aides and agencies to assist. There was agreement, information on
resources is needed.
A. Review Code of Conduct Handbook (members will receive it at sign up)
A two-page Handbook was distributed. Chair Harris had hoped the members could
review the material ahead of time and commented she had read beforehand several
times. The handout would be distributed to new members and whoever is registered.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 10, 2017
There were very minor changes since what was discussed in April. Staff will enlarge the
B. Request for budget information of the Center
Brenton Rolle, Center Supervisor, distributed a copy of the budget and Chair Harris
pointed out the various line items. Vice Chair liams asked where the membership fees
are deposited and learned the fees go into the Revenue Fund. Mr. Rolle explained
every facility has a General and a Revenue Fund. The General Fund covers one set of
things for every facility. The Revenue fund covers the program for that facility. If it has
to do with a program, such as fees for swim lessons, those fees are deposited into the
Revenue fund to fund a program. If it operates the building, independent of programs, it
goes into Revenue. Every facility would be the same way, but not every facility uses
revenue dollars. Ms. Blackman explained they use funds sparingly because the funds
have to last and that money rolls over from year to year.
There was discussion about the bus and drivers. It was noted there is more than one
bus, but the priority is to use the buses for camps and aftercare programs. There are
200 seniors paying $40 once a year versus 200 children who pay $125 a month for 10
months. Ms. Blackman invited the members to the Art Center to see what buses are
available. She explained if people pay taxes, those monies go into the Operating Fund
and when the City provides their budget, most of the tax proceeds is used by public
safety. The balance is divided between seven departments. Ms. Blackman invited the
members to meet with her to review the budget and she pointed out there are eight or
nine facilities. The members discussed Intracoastal Park Clubhouse. Facility rentals are
limited to Friday and Saturday nights as Sunday morning is church. The cost to rent
Intracoastal Park is $150 an hour.
Ms. Blackman explained staff starts compiling the budget in January. The administrative
team reviews it and then submits it to the Finance Department in February. After
Finance and the department discuss the budget, Finance compiles all the department
budgets and they discuss it in July with the City Commission. It is adopted in
September and it becomes effective October 1St. Vice Chair liams requested a copy
and Mr. Rolle agreed to provide budget sheets for the Senior Center. Ms. Blackman
explained the members can also meet with her or Mr. Rolle and they can clarify it as
some items are lumped. The two largest budget line items are other contractual
services and program supplies. Each supervisor has to be a good steward of the
finances and meet projections. There are also indirect costs for heat and air
conditioning for operating. When things break they have to be repaired and there are
funds budgeted for contingencies.
C. Our Library combined to one location (some given to the Civic Center)
Mr. Rolle explained the Center accepted books from snowbirds that were leaving and as
long as the Library stayed neat, it was fine. He threw out at least 80 or 90 books that
were either old or outdated.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 10, 2017
D. Copies of full-scale health agreement for this Center from Mr. Rolle
Mr. Rolle had copies available.
E. Staff and Volunteers usage of cell phones for personal use (non -emergency)
Mr. Rolle did not recall this issue being raised at the meeting. Vice Chair liams noted it
pertained to staff and volunteers. Ms. Blackman responded cell phone usage would be
regulated under the Personnel Policy Manual. Mr. Rolle would address it if it is a
A. Have a picture shoot w/a photographer
Chair Harris commented this could be a free activity. Members could bring in pictures
of themselves when they were young and other members could guess which member
was who. They thought a photographer may want to be available for those members
that would want to pay for a before and after picture It would not cost the Center
anything. Ms. Blackman was amenable to the activity and noted they have a iPad and
photo printer they use at events which could be used. Chair Harris thought it may be a
formal picture.
B. Also have a contest -members bring in old photos and an essay if they like
Chair Harris noted the above activity could be made into a contest.
C. Show and tell bring in old item to display and discuss at preset tables on a
certain day
Chair Harris commented some members brought up having a program where members
could bring in little things and discuss the significance of them.
On a different matter, Vice Chair liams asked about umbrellas at the Center. Chair
Harris recalled the umbrellas would not be pursued. Ms. Blackman explained the
department went through this at the Tennis Center when they added new concrete
tables. Individuals were upset because they liked the tables that were movable
according to the shade. Staff bought three or four folding chairs patrons can check out
with the understanding that if they were not returned, staff will not replace them. It
would be the same with the umbrellas. Vice Chair liams explained the Center just
needs one large umbrella for when it rains as she escorts patrons to and from the bus to
the Center when it is raining. It would be a voluntary thing and the umbrella would stay
behind the desk. Vice Chair liams commented the drivers do not have anything to
shield patrons using the bus lift. There is a small umbrella at the desk. Ms. Bionta
suggested asking the members to bring an umbrella if they have one. Ms. Blackman
thought it was a good idea, but she would not expect Center workers to stop what they
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 10, 2017
are doing to escort patrons to the bus when it rained, nor did she want patrons to expect
to be escorted to and from the bus every day. She was also sure a golf umbrella would
disappear. The umbrella would be a courtesy and not a policy. There was discussion
about if the member tripped and fell assisting a patron with the umbrella and learned it
would be the same as if she fell at the Center.
Vice Chair liams heard the Center was losing members. New members come in, start
to participate, and they are shunned. They do not get to participate in a card game or
mahjong or bridge and the Center is losing new members because of that. She asked
for suggestions. Ms. Bionta agreed new members have tried to join a game and have
not met with success. Sometimes the patrons already have game partners. Ms.
Blackman suggested starting a beginners group. It was noted the Hand and Foot game
has expanded from a foursome to eight or twelve participants. Ms. Blackman suggested
reaching out to staff when the occurrence is noted. It was also noted staff is doing a
great job keeping track of who is a member and who is not.
D. From the Supervisor's Desk
Mr. Rolle distributed a list of some of the quarterly accomplishments from the Senior
Center since the last meeting. He encouraged the members to read the activities at
their leisure. It was noted the Paint for Fun event drew 25 attendees and there is now a
wait list for the activity.
VIII. Amy Blackman —Q & A
A. Any scheduled renovations
Ms. Young asked if a yoga program could be offered as the Center does not have one.
Mr. Rolle explained unless someone would volunteer to lead the class, they would have
to hire an instructor. If they hire an instructor, they would have follow the City's
guidelines and the person would have to be an LLC. It would result in patrons having to
pay to take the class and it is not a cheap class to offer. Ms. Blackman commented
there is a yoga class at the Civic Center and the class fee is $15 per class. The Center
has a contact with someone to teach meditation which could be offered as a free class.
Vice Chair liams explained most programs are in the morning and not in the afternoon.
She noted there are only cards, Dominos and a little bit of line dancing. Mr. Rolle
explained there has to be a demand for a class to be held. They had one Tai Chi
instructor and another instructor broke his wrist. Mr. Rolle recommended finding the
interest first, then the time and space. Ms. Blackman reminded the members there are
activities at the Civic Center and the space at the Civic Center is available. Vice Chair
liams suggested they poll Center patrons.
It was noted in addition to Funfare Magazine, the Recreation Department has a
quarterly newsletter listing all the activities which are publicized through flyers, media
releases, Facebook and social media. They also have a Twitter and Instagram account.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 10, 2017
A package was given to the members regarding Ethics Training. Ms. Blackman
explained all public service employees and/or advisory Board members have to take the
Palm Beach County Ethics Training. An acknowledgement form must be signed and
submitted to the City Clerk's Office when the online training is completed. Mr. Rolle
advised he could set up a time to view it at the Center. Ms. Blackman will try to obtain
a DVD.
IX. NEXT MEETING: Monday, October 2, 2017 at 2:15 p.m.
Chair Harris thanked the members for attending.
Their being no further business to discuss, Chair Harris moved to adjourn. Mr. Richards
seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 3:43
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Minutes Specialist