Minutes 12-28-62SPECLA-L MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT ©ITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, DECEMBER ZS, 196Z at 3:00 P.M. PRESENT: THO1VIAS A.~SUMtVIERS, /viAYOR WALTER ~2. A/LADSEN, VIC-E AfL~kYOt{ JOI~ L.-.AP2CIqlE, COUNCILA/LA-N J..ALLtSOAI BANKS, COUNCILMAN WALTEt~ A. lv!ADSEN, COUNCILMA1W G~.iN~ M~3P~, CITY ATTOI~IEY TEtLEESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK J. B. PIENDERSON~ (On Vacation} This meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m; by Mayor Summers primarily for the purpose of discussing means of alleviating suffering of destitute families in Boynton Beach. The City Attorney read Ordinance 6Z-Z5 regulating distance between filling stations in the City of Boynton Beach. A/~r.~ Banks moved that action~be deferred on this ordinance until it can be studied further. Motion died for lack of' second, The City Clerk brought to the attention of the Council the letter received from Carroll-Riley opposing Ordinance 6Z-Z5, dated 1Z/Z1/6Z. Mr.~ Archie moved the adoption of Ordinance 6Z-Z5 on second and final reading. Motion seconded by Mr. }~ahoney and motion carried 4-1. Mr. Banks voted "No "because he felt in the expansion of the City this ordinance ~night become a hardship and consideration should be given in regard to 4-lane highway. On the request of 3~, B. Boldt for partial paymen~ on paving contract in the amount of $4,400., A/Ir. ~rchie moved the request -be granted and that the City Attorney draw up add~nda to the con~rac~ to be signed by ~ayor Summer s and City Clerk, ~ereesa Padge=~. ~otion seconded by ~r.' Banks. ~r. ~adsen ~oved the request of ~r. Boldt be tabled ~ntil January 7th meet~g~ seconded by Mr. Makoney and motion carried ~animously. On the request of ~Arard Cummings for release of $6,000., Mr. IViakoney moved '[his request be tabled twatil nacre information is available. Motion seconded by A/ir. Madsen and motion~,wvas withdrawn. Mr. Mahoney then moved that payment be authorized in the sum of $Z,480,3Z to Y~rard Cummings on his contract for the Civic Center. Motion seconded by Mr.~ Madsen and unanimously carried. Mayor Summers announced uhat on Christmas Day he distributed baskets for the Lions Club to several families ~n difficult financial condition, lie stated he had visited the locations and requested council to accompany him to see for themselves the circumstances which exist in the City of Boynton Beach and to see if assistance cam~ot be given to these people. Mr;~ IVtadsen stated that often times money is not used in the proper way and ~hat is what causes some of the circumstances. Mr. ~iahoney recalled that a check was made in 1959 and at that time-the migrant-'workers were instructed to contact the welfare department in P~lm 'Beach County because an association was formed to assist them and that the association ~s still functioning~ A/ir o Edell)appeared before Council and reiterated theA4ayor' s statements and stated there are gi families badly in need. tn response to state~en~s that excessive drin~ng often cause~ destitution, he stated he did not feel the children should be p~ish~d for fhe sins of their parents. ~rs~ S~piel, speaking fro~ the audience, state~ when her husband was C~ef of Police, ctoth~ng taken to needy rarities frequently was not appreciated and that ~ was sold for liquor. She suggested t~ng c.lo~ing to Thomas ~ashing who would kno~ whero to distribute ~r.~-~rchie ~oved taut the ~ayor issue a ploa to the Civic Clubs and send a letler to the Co~nt~ ~elfare and ~r.~' B~ow, County Commissioner, oatlin~g what is needed in Bo~ton B,each ~ ~sk for aid. ~otion seconded ~ ~r. ~ahoney and unanimously carried. IVir ;[ 1Viakoney moved that the City go out for bids ~o purchase gO, 0700 brochures for the Chamber of Commerce, seconded by M~. Banks and unanimously carried. Mr.-Archie moved that the requisition for 1087 of 4"MJCI pipe lAr//kce @ $1.Z7 per foot.- U, S~Pipe, as requested by. Mr. Graham be approved, seconded by IVir. Madsen and unanimously carried. Mr.llV[ahoney moved that the bids received on rubber matting for the Civic Center be rejected and the City re-advertise for bids. iv[orion seconded by 1Vir. Archie and unamimoasly carried. 1Vir. Mahoney moved the bills he tabled until Mr. 'Henderson returns, seconded by Mr. Banks and unanimously carried. Mr: Mahoney moved that the City Attorney start preparing amendments for ordinances covering the election of 1Viayor by the people; Increase amount from ~100 to $500 authorization on bills without council approval; Give further considera- tion regarding salaries of council and include Mr. ~hie~s recomn~ ndation that elections be held every two y~ars and that council be elected for four years; include~"Mr f. Iv[arisen~s recommendation that primaries he eliminated and that a workshop meeting be scheduled at the January 7th meeting for the other ztems. lVIotion seconded~by Air.~Archie and unanimously carrzed, In answer to Mrs. Padgett:s inquiry about revaluing Hunnicutt & ~kssociates Air.~Aiahoney moved that the City obtain a price from Hunnicutt as ~o their fees, seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. Mr. I-Iarry Lefort made inquiry in regard to lot clearing and was advised by the Aiayor this was being taken care of as fast as possible. -3- ivir, ~Moore read Ordinance 6Z-Z6, rezoning ~he Top Hat property on S. Federal Plighway from t{'-3 to-C-1. Mr, ,~rchie moved the ~dopt~on of Ordin~ce 6Z-Z6, on second a~ fin~ reading: seconded by Mr. Mahoney and u~nimously carried. Mr. lVfoere reviewed his conference with Mr.7 Clapper and Dr;' Nelson regarding"xsewe~ ~asements through the Boyntoh Tr~ile?t~rk property, and stated t~t ~.~t~p~ had ~greed to give ~e~er ~ ~atar tine easements. ~z. B~s me.ed that ~r,. ~oore proceed' ~ith this item ~nd work ~is out with ~, Clapper and DrJ Nelson and that ~e City get the other easement a~d quit-clai~ b~ck to h~ an~ authorize tke M~yor ~ ~ity Gle~k to sign the deed. ~otion seconde~d by. ~r; ~a~sen a~ ~eanimously carried, There being uo further business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 4:00 p.m; Te cos P ge ,~ y Cter Thomas ~k. Summers, Mayor · ~S~rchie: Councilman ~on Bazuks ~ ~guncilman