Minutes 12-21-62 SPECIAL MEETING O1' CITY COUNCIL I-IELD AT CITY HALL, -DECEMBER Zlst at 3:00 FRIDAY ~Pd~.SENT: THOAdg~ A.,SUMM~S, MAYOR WALTER ~; MADSEN, VICE MAYOR JOHN Li~ AR'Gt-IIE~ COUNCILMAN J. ALLIsoN B~Ni~/S, COUNCILMAN JAtVIt~ 2[. tV~HONEY, COUNGIL~ GENE MOOIW~, CITY AT.TORNEY J. B., HENDERSON, CITY 1VIANAG~.R TEI~EES~x I~ADGETT, CITY CLEt~K At the public h~aring for rezening'fro~q C-1 to C-Z~ Lots 1 to 8, inclusive. and lots 15 to ZZ, inclusive, Bl~ "~4, Beverly ~-tills Addition #3, there wore objections. City'~ttorn~y r~ad ~din~c~ 6Z-Z8 cove~ing ~ above Mr;,:,.Archze moved that 6Z-Z8 be passed to second and fin~ reading. Seconded by Mr.~: Makoney and unanimously carried. The City Manager reported on the following bids: On Bids for traffic signals, the Committee recommended that the contract be awarded to McDonald Distributor Company in il%e amount of Mr.-Mahoney moved tha~ upon recommendation of ~he Committee, that the contract for signal lights be awarded to McDonald Distributor Company in the amount of $1774.90~ seconded by Mr. Archie and nnanimonsly carried. The Committee recommended the contract for shell rock belawarded to Keat~s Trucking at $1.90 per yard for shell rock and,award contract re Ed Clearon for pit rock at $1.78 per ton. Motion secondect by l~r. ;Mahoney and mnanimously carried. C~n the bids for tractor and mower, the committee did not submit a written report and Mr. Mahoney moved that this item be tabled until report is received, seconded by Mr.-, tViadsen and unanimously carried. The Committee recommended that bids be awarded to the ones circled on the attached report for the Civic Center Equipment. Filing Cabinet - V~-hotesale Distributors 71,30 Bulletin Board - American Seating Company 72,50 10 x 96 Folding Tables - Wholesale Distributors 42.55 Game tables 36 x 36 - Wholesale Distributors (no recommenda- tion until Maggie and Jiggs bring in their sample} Desk - Wholesale Distributors 137,00 Secretary Chair - Wholesale Distributors 43.80 Executive Desk - Wholesale Distributors $137 o 00 Executive Chair - ~holesale Distributors 88. Z0~ l~ober matting - @ SZ. 89 per yard. (Defer action on this until samples are furnished.) Peel Cane Chairs ~ no bid, and committee feels peel c~%e no~ ~ o rthwhile. ~u~in~ ~hair - $5.70 - deferred. ~ard tables - ~agE~e & Jiggs 10.44 6 - 30 x ~0 ~hecker tables ~ith inlaid la. in.ted top 47.Z0 ~holes ~e Distributor s Electr&c ~ef~iger~or - no bid. Electric r~ge - Sh~flebo~rd Club deszrous of s~l~ng stove to ~ity 160.00 T~ bid - $1608. ZZ without 300 a~ditoriu~ ch~irs ~nd ~ayor Sub.ers recommended the checker t~bles and ga~e tables bids not be awarded ~t t~s ti~e~ ~r. ~rch~e ~oved that the bid' for ~i~c ~en~er equipment be a~ardcd on filing c~binet~ b~lletin board~ 36 x 96 folding t~bles, secretary desk and ch~ir, executive desk and chair, 18 - 30 x 30 card t~bles and the electric r~nge and that ~l other items be held in abeyance for further discussion. ~otion seconded by ~r. ~ahoney and u~ni~ously carried. ~r. ~ahoney ~oved that the bid for folding chairs ~not be a~arded and that this ite~ be tabled and advertise for ne~ bids and the City go out to bid on storage trucks at the sa~e ti~e and rejecI all other bids rec~v~d on lhese items. ~otion seconded by ~r. Archie and ~ni~ously carried. On the bids for gas and oil, the committee recommended that Gculf Oil Co. ~ Miami furnish gas and diesel fuel and that Pure Oil Co., be awvarded the contract on me, or oil on the basis of the lowest bids. Mr. Ale_ hie moved that the recommendation of the committee be accepted and award bids as specified, seconded by Mr. Banks and unanimously carried. On the contract for tires, tubes and batteries, the committee recommended that Don~ s Firestone be awarded the- contract. IV~r. Archie moved that the City accept the recommendation of the Committee and award bid for tiros, tubes and batteries to Don~s Firestone, seconded by Mr. Banks and unanimously carried. In reference to the Boynton Trailer Park t{ailroad Crossing, the City Attorney explained Dr. Nelson' s viewvs on this matter and said he is willing to give to the City 50~ dedication through his property Iq orth and South aT no expense, with the reques~ that the pro~perty surrounding this dedication be zoned for use ~s a trailer park (Z66~ west) After discussion~ Mr. Malmoney moved that the City Attorne~ instruct Dr. Nets. on-to make application through the Planning/Zoning Board. seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. In reference to establishing holidays for City employees, Mr. 1%iadsen moved that Monday preceding New Year~s be declared a holiday, seconded by Mr. Banks and motion carried 3-Z. ivlr~; Archie and Mayor Summers voting -3- /v~ayor Summers appointed Mr,~ 1V~oore~ iVirs. Padges~ and tVir~ Henderson as a committee in regard~ to registration books. In reference to the bevera'ges licenses, tVi~r. ]~anks requested tV~r o Moore to read proposed Ordinance 6Z-Z7 amending section 3-15 of the cod~f~e~ ordinance of the c~ establisk~n~ ~istances between location of beer an~ ~v[ne establish~e~s_~ establ~shin~ ~he~ footage requirement not less tha~ ZOO yards fro~ e~ch other. ~r. ~oore ~ead the proposed Or~n~nc~ 6Z-Z7 and ~r. ~dsen moved it be passed ~o second reading, seconded by ~r. Ba~S and unanimously carried. On the request for beverage license transfer by Tropical ~res from th~ Carriage ,House: lVir.'~IVfadse-n moved the request be granted subject to State Beverage approval, seconded by~ Mr. irchie and unanimously carried. P~eference to-Chamber of Commerce brochure, Mr. Adahoney moved this item be tabled until next meeting, seconded by Mr. Banks and unanimously carried, In reference to the request of the Cemetery t~oard to i~!er~ease opening of graves from $15;,~,to $25. - Mr. Iviahoney moved the request be tabled until a recommendation is received from Mrs. Wallace in regard to the best place, to invest money and also to study further the recomrne~udation of the Cemetery ]Board to raise the fees for opening and closing graves. Motion seconded by Mr; B~nks and unanimously carried. In reference to furnishing Pine Tree Golf Club fire protection, theFire Department does not feel this is feasible wvith present manpo"~er. tV~r. Madsen moved that 1Vir ~ Ptenderson notify Pine Tree Golf Club that Boyn~on Beach Fire Department can not furnish fire protection, seconded by Mr. Mahoney and u_uanirnously carried.' The Fire C~ef Air. Tuite, appeared before Counc~I and stated it ~as urgeD-t that he be furnished two additional men to adequately cover the obligations they no~v hay e, tV~r.~ Archie moved that the' Fire Chief be requested to get as ~uch information as possible ~roughout Florida of cities co~parable to Doynton ~e~ch: sho~ing the n~ber of ~en used by the 6epart~ts ~nd etc. In reference re an ordinance pertaining To occupational licenses, Mr. Moore ~vas delegated to check into this matter. A suggestion was made that the responsibility be placed on general contractors 0 Mr..A,rchie brought mp~or discussion the recommendation of t/ae Gity of Delray Beach in re~gard to th~ locution of the new bridge across the Intrucoastal Waterway, and, stated he felt this Cou~ucil should take a stand. Ik~r. Mako~aey ~ove~ that t~he City~of Boyn~on De,ch notify the ~ounty ~o~ission that after further investigation ~nd r~uests by bu$~gs~ that t~a Gi~y Co~cil is no~ ~ favor ~of t'k~tSth ~v~nue location ~d ~oet, ~ith the Delray Beach Council. ~o~ion seconded by ~r. ~ckie and u~ni~ous iy car rind. The City. Manager reported that he would like to invest $155,000. in the Sinking Fo_nd in ~ime deposits. He was instructed to invest wherever interest is the greatest. A4r, Maho~ey moved that the Engineers be authorized to go out for bids on final prsuas for sewer system, seconded by Mr, _~krchie and ~nani~ou~sly ~r. ~anks explained a proble ~ on the existing co~ract with Inter- co~a[y onSections 5~ ~ 5B in the a~o~t of $117,000. in that easements had no~ been obtained. ~e stated Intercoanty is ro.~aing out of work in this area and ~less bids are obtained on ne~ constr~ction tko city wi~ have to ~ake provision in d~cing this ~o~ the contract they have. ~r. Banks explainod that the city can delete Z5%~ provided ~oney zs no~ available to pay for it. ~r, ~anks s{ated he felt tko City should protect Intercoanty~s interest and City ~ttorne~/ ~s studying this ~atter. ~r, ~aho~ey ~oved that City of Boynton Bea~ch notify Interco~y Constr~ction Co,, that due ~o a lack of lands zn establishing and purchasing right of ways that the city is deleting 5, 5A and 5-B and that these three sections be r~a~vertised intke new items going out for bid. ~otion seconded by ~r. ~rchie and ~an{mously carried. Mr.~ Mahoney moved tha~ poles be purchased from Florida I~ower and Light Co., and that they make installation at the Tenaais Court. Motion seconde~d by~'/Vfr. Archie and unanimously carried, Bills were submitted by the City Manager for the following: Res sell & Axon, engineering work 7Z, 621.14 Ptaleys - meals for Board dinner 647.50 Signal AssociaTes, Inc., - railroad lights Z,161.40 Consolidated Electric Supply - 60 floodlights-Pence Park 149.31 H, W. ~Drewv Co., ~ Police Docket book 113.99 Mr. Archie moved the bills be paid, seconded by Mr. Madsen and unanimo~as ly carried. Mr. ~Archie moved to accept the recommendation of the Finance Director and Acting l:~urchasing ~kgen'~ ~o purchase from National Cash l%egister Co., 5,000 payroll checks. Motzon seconded by Mr. i~ahoney and unacalmously curried, -5- )~Ir.' Manoney :moved that. Mr. ~tenderson s~request for December 26, ZT, Z8 and January Znd be approved. A/totten s:eeon~led by ik4r.~rchie and unanimous ly carried. . iVLr o Madsem moved that the City abate personal property tax for /V~rs. Leonar~I, seconded by Mr. ,3~rchie and unanimously carried.~ The City. Clerk explained a tax problem with /v~r.~ Hatless. Mr; lv~aho~ey me,zed that,the request of~ Mr i Jo~ I~iartes s ~o split the tax bill be §ranted, seconded by Mr7 -~rchie. and usmanirnously c~rried. tV~r. Graham appeared before Council with a bill in the amount of $303.50 for paymen~%~ ~-Ia ~v~s instru~cted to stock pile as much as possible. and not to buy. anything or presen~ a bill unless he had a purchasim~ order. Upon recornraendation by'Mayor Surnrners: Mr.~ ~rchie moved that the bill in the ar~ount~of $303~50 to International Steel and t~pe-Co; ~ be paid. Motion seconded t)y Mr. Mah~ney and u~a~imou~sly carried. Mr, Madse~u mo,-ed that the }~ilIs, to ~eor~e $~hrnele!in the amount of SZ, 058,. 69 for, stage equipment be paid ~pon recorni-n~ndatio~ by the iq~ecreation Director, seconded hy tVirZ Archie' and'ananimo.usly cattiest. ~/Ir. Madsen stated there were over 300 people at the Civic Center for the Christmas program ~ndhe commended Mrs,, ?iiltiard for her efforts o Year! The Council m~ished everyone a Merr5~ Christmas and a Piappy New Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Teree~a ~adget~:~_t~-.Clerk Thomas A. Summers, Mayor -~kr chie, Councilman