Minutes 12-17-62MINUTES OF 1LEGULA~ Iv~ETING OF CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY ~LL~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ MONDAY ~- DECEiv[BER 17, 1962. t~ESENT: THOIviAS A. SUM~ERS, IVlAYOR WALTER A. lvLA~SEN, VICE tVL&YOR JOHN L. ~C~E, CO~NCILM~ J. ALLISON ~, C~UNCtL~N JAMES J..M~HONEY, COUNCIL~ GEIN~ MOOR~E, CITY ATTORNEY Jo~ B. HENDERSON, CITY IV~a~AGER TEREESA P~GETT. CITY CLE~ E~WA~D SW~, C~F OF ~ CE JACK TUITE, E~E C~EF D~CK GR~TENBSER-, D~. ~PL. & tNSP. TOM G~M, ~UB~C UTILIT~S GE~GE ~O~dN, ~EA~I ON P SON L This meeting was called to order by Mayor Summers at 7:30 p,m. Councilman Banks led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and gave the Invocation. Mr. Mahoney moved that the Minutes of November 19, November Z1 and December 5th be accepted as written, seconded by Mr; Madsen and unanimously carried. Mr. Mahoney moved '~'~at the City Manager's report regarding io~ clearing be removed from the table, seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously In reference to Lot Clearing, Mr. Mahoney moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted except for ~4 which states that a letter could be sent to each owner of vacant property explaining that once their property is cleared and has pas.sed inspection by the city, the city %viii then mow the property free of charge as a public service and a post card be enclosed in order Ghat the proper~y owner could give the city authority to enter upon their property for the free mowing service. Motion seconded by Mr. Madsen and motion carried unanimously. Mr. Archie requested that the relocation of the scout i~at be left on table, however, he reported that Mr. ~Taylor felt it would be impossible to move the building. He said the committee favored abandoning the old hat and remove it from the premises and bnitd a new one, gi~img civic organizations and loc~ businesses an opportunity to participate in this pro,oct, ~hich would b~ ar no cos~ ~o the city. It was agreed that in the future a supplemental agenda be attached to regular agenda zn regard to items left on the~table. -Z- Mr. ~Mahoney moved that the abandonment of the alley in I{oberts Addition be removed from the table, seconded by Mr~ Archie and unar_imonsly carried. tVir. Iv~ahoney moved that the party making the orzginal request be notified the City can not take action on this matter, seconded by IVir. Madsen and unanimously carried. The City/Attorney was instructed to notify the property Mr. Banks .reported on the gu dy of beverage sales witkin the City.~ ]?he committee feels t~here ~s need for an amendment to ~he existing ordinance in regard to sale of intoxicating beverages to include beer and wine. The amendment ~vill be submitted a~ ~he next council meeting. Mr. Mahoney moved the item be tabled, seconded by A4r~ Madsen and unanimously carried. In zezDTence to f~re protection for Pine Tree Golf Clu, Mayor Summers requested ~ item be left on the table for further study. Bids were opened by City Clerk for traffic signals as follows: Westinghouse Supply Company, Ft.~-Lauderdale delivery in 14 days ~ balance in 35 days $ Z,409.7b partial Gray, ar ~tectric, ~Vest P~alm Beach Alt.$Z,759. Delivery 3 re 6 weeks. Z, 637. Z5 (Material only) Signal ~s-sociates, Inc., Miami Delivery within 60 days 3,371.60 McDonald Distributors, Fort Lauderdale 1,774.90 Bid does no~ include poles and arms. Delivery in 30 days. Mr. ~a. rchie moved the tabulation of bids for traffic signals be turned over to Mayor Summers, City Manager, J. B. 'Henderson, and Chief of. Police, Edward Swank. Motion seconded by Mr.~ Mahoney and unanimously carried. Bids were opened by City Clerk for she-ll rock as follows: Keatts Trucking Service, Boynton Beach, shell rock $1.90 pe~ yand__$5,700. Pit l{ock $1.95 p~ r ~on- SZ, 925. Bid Bend $431'225 enclosed. Ed Clariten Trucking, Boynton,Beach, shell rock $1.98 per yard $5,940. Pit rock $1.78 per ton -$Z, 670. Cashiers check - $zi69,50. Mr. 3krchie moved the bids be tabulated by Mr.' Madsen, Mr. Henderson and Mr.~' Taylor, seconded by Mr.' Mahoney and ~nanim~usly carried. -3- Bids were opened by City Clerk for tractor and ~nower as follows: Trail Ford Tractor Co., Lake Worth Z,899.00 1963 rnodet(powe~ steering not included)Deliver in Z days DeMarco Tractor & Implement Co,~ Bo3-nton 3,895.00 Mas sey Fer guson diesel ~klt. bid Massey Ferguson demonstrator with new guarantee - $3~ 095 $3,695. Bnsk Hog $550, m~ing total of $4, Z45 (zew pric~ ~org~n B~it Eq~ip~e~ Co~pany~ .Dalray Beack~ 4, %76.7i Deli~j~ery ~i~in..15 da~s. J.I. ~as~1 ~o~, ~30. ~ies el Del~ 15 days Hoskins Machinery Company,-Lake Park Delivery t0 days 'Allis Chalmers D15 Diesel &,ZZ3.50 Engir£ee, ring lviachiae Co~, Delray 3, tZ0' Z1 days delivery International Harvester Ivied. B&14 diesel Z10 rotary ct%~ter with aafety chain and side sh~lds Alt. bid $3,158. Delivery 14 days Internation~ Bush Hog ~fg~ Go. ~odel 414 diesel - 305 bush hog rotary mo~ez Trail Construction & Eqaipment Servico~ Lake Worth 3, ltl.ri8 Delivery lZt days Oliver Corp. Model 550 Oliver tractor % Mr. Archie moved the bids be turned over to Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Henderson and Mr. Taylor. Motion seconded by Mr; Banks and unanimoasly carried. There were no bids on labor to install tennis court lights. Mr. Archie reported that t%ay Jara had offered to do this work free of charge co the city. Mr. Mahoney moved that the offer be accepted, seconded by Mr. ~rchie and unanimously carrzed, The following bids were opened by the City Clerk for Civic Center equipment: Valor Company, Hollywood-by~the-sea American,Seating, ~ktlanta, ~eorg~a Maggie & Jiggs, Lake Worth Clarence Meekin Leonard l{aynor, Southeastern l{ubbert Corp., Lantana Mirco of Florida, Inc., Boca t~aton Wholesale Furniture Distributor, Inc., Boca l~aton -4- The bids for ~ivic Center Eciuipment were initialed by councilmen but due to len'~oth of items involved, amounns were not read. Mr. Mahoney moved the bids be turned over to Mr'. Henderson, Mr.'tViadsen and Mr,' Johnson. Motion seconded bY Mr. Ban.ks and umanirno~s!y carried.. ~ity~-Manager ~nnounced a meeting a~ 10:00 a.m. Thtursday~ for ~bidders to shew samples of items bid. Mayor:Summe rs reported that he and Mr ~ ]Beery purchased drapes, curtains etc~ in Miami at less than quoted price. The following bids ware opened by City Clerk for gasoline, oil and grease: Gulf Oil Corporation~ _Miami - 19.90 per gal. 13.70 per gal diesel fuel. Gulf mOtor oil ~Z0, ~30, ~40 - $~6.30 per 55 gal. drum. Standard Oil Company, Ivliami - gasoline crown - Z0~35 per gallon Diesel f~el $12 °44; superior 1{PM Dele special motor oil 55 gal. drums, ~Z0, ~30, ~40, 59¢ per gallon 1 qt. containers 74~ per gal. Pure Oi~ Company, Miami - regular .Z055 per gallon Diesel 1.7 per gal. Pure Oil ND motor oil ~Z0, ~30, ~zi0 - 57~ pe~ Sal. 55 gal. dr~ms. Cities Service Company: 1viiami - gasoline ,1995 per gallon Diesel fuel . 167 per gallom No bid on oil. Mr. ~krchie moved the bids be turned over to Mr. Mahoney: Mrg Henderson, Taylor for tabulation. Motion seconded by Mr. Madsen and uranimousiy carried. Bids were opened by, City Clerk for Tires and Batteries as follows: Don~s Firestone, Boynton - txlet State Price on Tires, Delco Z yr. guarantee 6 volt $11.90; 1Z volt, $15.85 Standard Oil Co., Jacksonville - Tires & Tubes State price less discount; truck tires, state price less discount Batteries $~1.93, $12.56 etc. Mr. ~rchie moved the bids be turned over no Mr. Mahoney, Mr, Henderson and Mr. Taylor for tabulation, seconded by Mx .-Madsen and unanimously carried. Public Hear ding: Mr.- Mahoney moved that the request of Caroline B. Young be granted, to change zoning from 1{-3 to C-t on property located at Z011 S. Federal I-Iighway inasmuch as the Planning/Zoning Board recommended the chknge. Motion seconded -5- by Mr. Madsen and unanimously carried. There wvere no objectors in the audience to the request for zoning change and no written objections. The City Attorney read Ordinance 6Z~Z6 regarding zonzng reque~st~ o~ Caroli~_e ]~ Young from ~-3 to ~-.1. ~r. ~ahon~y ~oved that ~i~an~e 6Z-Z6 be p~ssed on 1st reading, seconded by ~r. ~rchie and un~i~ously carried. (]a the requestof,~onsolidated Development Corporation to change zoning of C~olf Viewv I-~arbour, Mr~ ~chard Totterdale appeared in favor of the request, s~aring they are missing business fro~ retired people ~ho do not ~a~ a 1500 sq. ft. ~ouse. Objecting to the roq~es~ ~ere: ~r. ~C. S. Carstens: 1067 S~ Z5th Way; l~r.~ ~oland~at~is~ 10~Z S~ g4th ~ve~e~ ~r~' ~icholas ~bar~o, 107~ SW ZS~h ~ven~e. ~r. ~chie ~e~ed thmt in vie~ of the Zoning Bo~rd~s reco~en~ion ~nd the objections fro~ the a~dience by the residents, thmt the r~q~est bo denied. ~otion seconded by )~r&~ ~oney and ~nani~o~sly carrieS, ~eces$ - Public Audience - None The Chamber of Commerce submitted a letter ~vith sample brochure. Mayor Summers announced a Special Meeting, December Zlst at 3:00 p.m. for the purpose of coml~let~g unfinished bu~siness before the end of the ~ ar. to table the item that ~/ ~ Mr. Mahoney made a rnotio~%/the City Hall be closed Monday before until the December Zlst m~ting. Motion seconded by h4r~ Archie and unanimously carried. A letter of appreciation xvas read from the officers of Boynton Beach Shuffle Court regarding the Shuffleboard Tournament. Mr. Wiltiam~Edell extended an invitation to Councilmen to attend the Christmas Party at the Wilson l%ecreation Center, Sunday, December ZJrd at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Mahoney moved the request of the Cemetery ~oard be tabled until December Ztst meeting, seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. The City.~orney advised that he felt the cemetery extension should be more comprehensive and that the plat should be approved by the county. Mayor Summers requested Council members to visit the Civic Center and inspect the light fixtures. Legal - l{esolution 6Z-PPP was left on the table. (Lot Clearing Section 5 & 6} -6- ~Ordinance 6Z-Z5 regarding location of filling stations was road by the City. Attorney. Mr. Arabic moves that Ordinance 6Z-g5 be passed to second and final reading. Motion secondJed by lvIr~..'Madsen and unanimously carried. 1Vir,,; Archie moved-thaT the recommendation of the City Attorney for the building department to place a moratorium on zssuing licenses that might be in conflict with tho ordinance, be followed. · Motion seconded by Mr. 'Madsen and unanimously carried. ~esolution 6g-~ was read by City A~torney to conform ~vith tho charter ~n regard to salaries 0f the CivilServiCe wage seato. Mr. Mahoney moved tho adoption of t~esotatio, 62-~. Motion seconded by ~r. ~'~ehie and ~n~imo~sly carried. ~r; Maheney moved that the item pertaining to ~oynt0n Trailer ~rk railroad c~ossing be tablAd until ~ece~ber Z1 st ~ ~eti~: seconded by ~. ' Archie and a~nimo~sty carried. The City ~torney reported that he had received a copy of the correspond- once, from Mr., Gorham~ County l~egistration official, regarding registration books and ~ie recommended the IV[ayor appoint a committee to check into this and that Mrs. Padgett and himself serve on the committee. Mayo~ Summers agreed to appoint the committee by the De~ember Zlst meeting. In reference to the marking of vehicles, tho City Attorney was instructed To follow through on this matter. Mrj~Mahoney moved that Mr. Moore study this and add a list of exceptions to the other profess ions, seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. Memo-from City Manager'To the effedt that many are working without city Ii cons e. Mr. Davidson, artist, off, red a mural for tho new Civic Center. He stated it wvould be finished by Now Year~s Day. Mr.. Archie moved that tho request of Caroline Young to serve beer on the premises and ~ak¢ out, be granted, subject to final inspection, seconded by Mro Mahoney and unanimously carried. Mr. Mahoney moved that the double assessment on apartments of Oi. 3. Wooden be ~bated in the amount of $15.~9, seconded by Mr. ~%rchie and ananimously ? ![ On the request of Mrs. Devine, covering I{olling Green t~idge L.-ZZ, ~1. 10, Mr. Archie moved the request be granted but that in the letter to Mrs. Devine the letter include that this is subject to another change and that tho City ask Hunnicutt & Associates to rnake~a survey, seconded by Mr. 1Wfahoney and unanimously carried. -7- Mrs ~l~adgett reported that personal proper~y was not in the area as of Yanuary 1st at 101 S. Federal and recommended abatement of $5.60. Mr.~'Archie moved th~ request be granted, seconded by iV~r. iv~ahoney and unanimously carried. In reference to the request for adjustments being made on businesses that have ceased to opera,e, the council agreed to follow the same plan as the county to remain snatus quo on the original assessment; -Mr. Archie moved that all department reports be accepted. Motion seconded by lvir. Ba~d<s and unanimously carried. In reference to A/ir. 1viadsent s request regarding uniforms for officer at U. S. $1 in front of St. Mark's church, the matter was turned over to Mr. Henderson and Chie~ Swank. Mr. Mahoney moved that the City take a $t00.00 ad in the Bethesda Hospital Horse Sho~ program, seconded by Mr. xkrchie and unanimously carried. In reference to a wire about P, 1/. Meter increase, Mr. Mahoney recommended the City Manager check with other companies ~o see if increases had taken effect. The City Manager submitted the following bills for payment: t0 - I 1/Z t' water meters - I~eptune Contract $1,203.50 Fla; .L~ague of Municipality membership daes 1963 375.00 t~llen IXlyquist, laying block at City Shop 105.00 Russell & Axon sewer project - 3rd partial payment to ]BlueSeal 17,173.06 Lyons Constrt~ction Co. - li ft station ~i, 500.00 Intercounty Construction Co~ - line clown Seacrest to Hospital 127:798.98 Mr. Archie moved the above bills be paid, seconded by Mr~ and unanimously carried. In reference to a bill frorm Griff~th & Moore for re-examination of title and title insurance for sewer plant, Mr~ J~rchie moved that Mr~ Shepard be contacted and that he be asked if this is normal and if the bond holders expect title insurance and that he reply in writing. Motion seconded by Mr. ~lViadsen and unanimously carried. This motion was ~in response to IVir. Mahoney~s quiryas to whether or not it is necessary to spend $1980. for title znsurance. On the requisition for 1Z gallon of fly killer for the sewer plant at a cost of $171.00, Mr, Graham was znstructed to watch the inventory in the ft~rture and avoid emergency purchases. iV~r. ~krchie moved the emergency purchase be accepted. Motion seconded by lvir. Mahoney and ~nanimously carried. The City Manager recommended Mr, G~ham also watch his sapply of pipe fi~ings. -8- MrJ iviahoney moved that the change order to Blue Seal in the of $93.50 be approved upon the recornrnenda~ion of the Engineers for the request of l~iley-Caroll. Mo%ion seconded by 1VLr. ~rchie and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. rTereesai~a get ,~y ' Thomas A. Sumr~ezs, Mayor Councilman Councilman