Minutes 12-05-62MINUTES OF REGULAR t~iE~TING O~ CITY COtJ~{CIL HEI;~ AT CITY I-La~LL, ItOYNTON EACH, FLOi~IDA, D~C~ER ~. 1962 This rneaiing was called to order by Mayor ,$~rrn~ers at ?:30 a.n~. The ~dge of ~agi~ce to ~e ~ag was led by ~. B~s. ~voca/ien ~ given by ~ev. B,~ch~ ~. Jo~.s ~tkodist Oh~ch. Etectio=: The following reports ~v~re given by the Clerks for the C-enerat Iv~s. ]~dLth, I-~ood - So~th Pr-~cir~ct J. A/lison Barn/is 933 Joseph ~f.. Ha~nphreys 575 ]lrattDr ~k. Marls em 8 06 ~lia~ E. Margarine 396 John J. ~yan 4Z6 & ~bs~en~e ~tlots ~rs. ]~/ldred I-iailiar - North Precinct J..Atlison Banks 863 Jes~ph-lY. Plamphri~e y s 84Z ~alte. r ~. Madsen 803 ~illiam E. ~rma~e 655 T~s. A~ .S~ers 71& Total Votes: -Allison Banks 1796 [Ioseph~. Humphreys t4~17 -Z- 1V~, l~aAo~ey.~oved,lo aqc~pt, a~e~y ~ the resets of the election ~r, ~Ataho~y n~oved tha$ ~ acc~p~a~c-e of tiae ~es b~, det~ye,d in l~i~. Henderson ~epor~ed ~t G~a~ty Go~n3issioners had been ~nra~- e~ ~d il ~as l~ed l~l priso~rs c~n~t be ~sed, ho~aver, a r~z~se~a~ve ~as se~ h~e to ~ ~he pro~y ~d prioes a~e berg obt~ed ~ have ~he i~s~c~ ~ the ~a~ Wo~ cat~ ~re, ~d ii woal~ ~ot be passible ~o get =~r~cks .Mr, ~chie ~noved i/~at t~e City t~r be i~tr~e~ ~ che~k ~th the Co~ ~d clear 3~d0~ f~ the ~gh~ay and ~Gi~ cre~a r~or~e th~ tr~, Air. B~anks moved that.the CommLtte~ ~e~.ort on ct~ari~g andeveloped a~e~s an~ Co~ittee l{epa~i ~r~ r~locatien of the sceui hat ~e tablecI, seconded by Ivir. t~ahoney and unanimously carrie~I, The ab~don~ne~l .of alley in ~{aberts -~ddition w~s Ie£/1~o~ ~ table -3- a~ ~ni~ously~ c'arried. ,t~rs. Edith LaI~t~u~n ~e~ ~a~e, is in.the City a~d~ho is Mr..C.~. W~on ~d Mr. L. G. Nelson. n~es of ~r. G. ~'.~,~itson a~ ~r. !ist~ wa~er or g~'b~g~ b~l ~d,dO ~o~ appear in the City ~irectory or telenode hook, ~d thmt ~e -w~ld like to ~[~.-~rcl~e ~n~:~ theft t~e, lvi~yor ~pi~o~ut,~ ~m~t~ae ~cl~g the seconded ~,~a~en~ ~d u~o~sly, carried. Go~ty. Go.~sio~ h~[~,~ ~t'~'~, are ~ ~a%or of a ~idge an~ lo, ave it seconded bye.' ~y;~ ~/iO~ ~ried~- O,. ~, ~chie ahs~r, ed. .he Fire. DeparIment as roco.n~rnoncted : Mr,. }~iadae~ then withdro~v his ~tady the feasibility of hiring two a~i(t a~animouaty carried. ~l~tte~ ~ra~o lvirs. Ahrems, Z~-I ~L. ,Dmive, regar~mg U~ ~as ~ r~ere~e to~ ~~s: ~ac~ at O~cil recently. S~ st~te~ she ~d ke.r ~sh~ ~ ~ve~ ~t~d ~ ~ ~ ~ke Gou~ C~hera an~ she reco~e~ded ~. ~ia-be, a~p~e~ ~o co~=t o~r St~ each ti~e 'th~. :~lic ~re~es~E it, k~ ~ ~at~ar was dropped. ~rs, ~alter J~on, a ~a~h~ ~ D~ and Fla. Coa~tion of lmatriotic Societies said she felt Mr., H-e~der- The City tGle, rk p~e~Eed the. ~asol~t~on ~a=d~ug. Lo~ (~leazing on s~io~ ~ ~ ~ i¢: ~ o~ '~. .~' -~ ' ~ the r-esot~io~, ~L~.:Madse~r~oved~t'tA~ City retnmn o ~a,H.~ =~d ii.ts; (z) a~ ~.~i~ o~ $~il ~k a~a pit ~ock~ (s~ ~ac~o~ ~a mo~- (~) labor to ~taH t~a co' ~ E ' ~ g~.. ~iz~ seco~de.d Dy ~r. ~g~oney. ~d . ' , - : - l~;~ ~ y ~g~, ~att~e bidabe OPen--that lights ~r U. -S- ~1, ~ ~here W~. he no tr'a~c ~ign~sJ The city r~d ~at ~e~* bi~ _should be obt~ed o~ a~ four -6- Jor_e~ C~e~caI Co. ,- chtozcine 1~4. 55 · ~es ~hemimL~Co. - chio~e ZgZ. ~n~e~ & is~o~i~es i60.00 Kea~ T~ck~ Go~-- s~ll'rock ~Z Of~ ~r~e - e~e~m for ~t~of sk~f~e,b~g-y:& ~e~-~a fiahing toa=n~e~ adve~a. 867 ,,29 ~S~-'~ ~o~)r.~S~ ~e~ en~er~ services ~ , ~ ' , ,; .~c~vo~ue 766.1t ~s.~ & ~m ~eari~:~ervices coverimg 'Z4" san- itary So.er m~ 699.1Z Mr. ~c~"mO~di-~.~.bopaidl seconded by u~ ou~ ly ~ried. be- approved/Or P. ~H~ ~etew l~chi~.~ secon~led by. l~[r. M~cls~n a~ Unanirn~as~y -7- t~r. ]~a~zks move& ~e-pipe which ]~lue carried. A~?. A~ahon~z ~Ov~ tt~t t3ae City g~ oat for bido~ tir~s, rule. es, batteries., e~tc.:, ~s~ded by.'}~ir. Arehie a~cl ca~ri~i. Tho ~itM./~amag:~r r~ecom,merzded that £ur~ds b~ e~c~beMed to p~y bills ~ahom. ey ~ ~ausly Gar'tied. hy Mr. ~_r~chie amd nn~nime~Sl¥ carried. Tt~ C~ity ~£a ,~g~r z~por~ed tibet, s e~e~ral mor~hs a~ Co, a~cQ a~t~rized tr~si~r of f~fro~'~gs ~s~t~u~ons t~ the4ocaI b~k, ~d th~ h~ has .~z. Arc~2~ave6 ~e f~. he left, ~ lke sa~ngs and loan asso~ations. ~tion sec~ed by ~..- ~ey ~d a~ou~ly c~ried. C~istmas Bo~as as ha~ ~een dO~ in the p~ ~d:~at ~hrisr~as bo~s De paid as hudget~. ~ seconded hy ~r. ~.~ a~d a~imoasly carried. Mi~s ~)ece~nber 5, 1962 City Co~acil, Boynto~ tle~ch, ~. ~ ~ 4th ~y ~ De~be~ 1~ A~- for the ~Se ~f eleet~ ~ (~) Co~c~ ~o h~meby certi~ t~at a~ s~h TOTAL VOTES CAST Cle~ Bouth Precise5 Clerk? Nor~h Precinct 196R.~ subscribed before me this ~th day of D. ecember~ 7ereesa Padget~ Notary Public My Commission Exp:res March 2, 1963 S~ATE 0~F FLORIDA ) O0~NTY OF' PALM Bw~%CH ) CIT~ OF ~0TNTON ~E~CE ) SS TO THE HONOPJ~LE NA~D~ AND COUNCII~EN. OF THE OITT aF B0~0N BE~, FLORIDA: [~e~ the ~ndersig~ ed Clerk and Inapector~ of the ~ene~l t~t at ~¢h Ge~er~ ~'eetiOn~ the tot~ ~ot~ ¢a~t were g. ALLI SON BANES JOSEPH %~. ~PHBET ~W&LTER &. MA~SE~ ~IT,T,T ~ E. MA~ J0~ J. ~ TH0~ ~. S~S received . votes received votes r sc aired ~o t es received ~ votes received votes receive~. / o~ & There were 0 spoiled ballots~ There ~ere 11 absentee ballots. And we~ s~ch Glerk amd Inspect-or~ do make the foregoing as 0~rretm~m to you of the results of s~ch General Election and ~e do declare the above and foTagof~ng ~o be the res~lb of s~ch General Election. Clerk ~r STATE OF FLORIDA ) CITY OF BO~NTON: B~CH ) TO. ~HE HDNOEAB~E ,NATOR ~D COUNCiI~iN. OF TI~ CITY OF BOTNT©N BEACH~ FLORIDA: t~e~ the ~¢rSSa~ 'Clerk ~ t~s~.,etom~ of ~ha Gemer~ that ai ~ch G~e~l ~e. cti~n~ tb~ total votes e~st ~re t~,! of which ~. ALLIBgN BANKS received ~, ~otes received ~ ~o%es receive~ ~-~ Votes r-eceivad ~ VOTE8 rerceived ~ ~ ~otes There ~ere ~ spoiled ballots. Therawere ~ absentee ballots. And we~ s~Ch Clerk and Imspector~, do make the foregoing as our return tO yo~ of the results of's~eh General ~lectiom and ~e de declare the aho~e and £oreEeing to be the re,alt of such General Election~ I~pect or ~ I~spec~or