Minutes 11-21-62MINUTES OF SPECIAL iV~ETING OF CITY COUNCIL I-/qE LD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, W-EDNESDAY, NOVE~Ei~ 2I , 1962 Pt{ESENT: THOMAS A. SUMMEKS, MAYOR WALTER A. iVI&DSEN ~ VICE MAYOR JOHN L..AKCHIE, COUNCILMA~N Jo_ ALLISON BANKS, COUNCILAIAN JAMES J. /vLkHONEY, C©UNCILAIAN GENE MOORE; ;cITY ATTORNEY J. B. HENI)ERSON, CITY MANAGER TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK This meeting was catle~t to order at 10:00 a.'m; 'by l~iayor Summers for the purpose of canvassing the b~lots in the prima~y elect~on./ Edith ~ood, Clerk ~ the Sh~fleboard Court certified the folto~g report: 1,03 5 votes cast of w~ick the c~didates rec~ved the follow.g: report: J.. 3ktlison Banks Vincent J. Cacciatore Joseph ~-. Humphreys Walter 'A. Madsen ~t~iIliam E o Marmaduke John J. ~yan Thomas ~. Sm~ers (Z abse~tee'-~a~ots cast~ 632 172 4O6 572 316 Mildred Hallier, Clerk at l~oyal Palm Village certified the following 1,290 votes cast of which the candidates received the following: Jo Allison Banks Vincent J. Cacciatore Joseph W. Humphreys Walter A. 1V~adsen V¢illiam E. 'Marmaduke 2ohn J. Ryan Thomas A. Summers (7 absentee ballots) 607 185 658 641 515 544 516 _ Total l~e-Cap of votes cast are as follows: J. Allison Banks Vincent J. CacciaTore Joseph W. Humphreys Walter A. Madsen William E. Marmaduke John J. Ryan Thomas Ao Summers 1,239 357 1,064 1,213 831 871 1,027-% -Z- Total votes case Z, 325 (9 absentee ballots) Mr. _a~rchie _mOved, Mr. _lV£ahoney seconded, that the City accep~ the report,o£ tho Clerks as recorded above. Motion carriod unanimously. iV~rs. Hood recommended that Mrs. Adcock be trans£erred to IV~rs. ,Hallier~ s voting area in the General Election inasmuch as all o£ her help were new' at the job. Mrs._Padgett was instructed to work this ou.t £or lhe General EIection, Mr o~krchie moved 2hat tho 'cop six mer,3s names bo placed, on the ballot in ,the General Election in alphabetical or~ier. Motion seconded by Mr. l~_ahoney and unanimously carried. In roferer~ce to letters of inquiry in regard to lot clearing and mowing, Mr. Mahoney moved that the City Clerk answer these inquiries by form letter and tell them at this time the City is considering doing the work themselves and in our open,on it will cost less than the price bid on these lots. Motion seconded by Mr. 3krchio and unanimously carried. Mr. Banks moved ~hat an adjastment he made and tho charge taken from the tax record for cloarzng of Lots 5&-55-56 in Lawns S/D, seconded by Mr. Ar ~hi~. ~te~ ~scassion, ~r. ~rc~e ~ove~ to table ~r. Banks ~o~ion seconded by '~r. ~ahoney and motion carried u~ni~o~sly. It was agreed that ~r. Henderson set up a meeting as soon as possible with tho contractor and inspectors thai ~ere supposed to have taken care of this clearance. ~l council- ~en expressed a desire to view the premises before an~Aing further was decided. There being no further b~siness, the meeting adjourned. Tereosa Padget~ity Clerk Thomas Mayor Councilman [:,.4~ We, the undersigned clerks of the Primary election held on the 2Oth day of November, 196£A.D. fort he p~rpose of nominatimg six (6) Ooum¢ilme~ do hereby certify that at such Primary election, the results were as follows: Candidat~ J. ~LLTSON BANKS VINC~T J. CACCIATORE JOSEPH W. H~J~PNP~EY ~ALTER A. NAD$~ JOHN J. RYA~ North South TOTAL VOTES CAgT Clerk, North Pre¢imct Sworn to and s~bscribed before me this 20th day of November, 1962o Notary P~blic ~Y Commission Expires Ma~'~h 2 ~ g~q STATE OF FLORIDA ) COU!YfY OF °=ALM BEACH ) CITY OF BOYNTON REACH ) se TO _~JE HONORABLE M~YOIt ARD COb~CIL~-~N OF TEE CITY OF BOYi~ON BEA~H: t~uORIDA: We~ the u~dersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the ~rimary Election held om the 20th day of Nevember, 1962 A.D., for the purpose of nominating six (6) Ceuncilmem~ do hereby cer~if~ that at such ~rimary Elections the total votes cast were ~ R ~ 3 of which RECEiV~D RECEIVED RECEIVED RECEIVED RECEIVED __.spoiled ballots~ There were absentee ballots. J~d we~ such Clerk and Inspectors, do make the foregoing as our return to you of the results of such i~imary Election, and we do declare the above and foregoing to be the result of such Frimary Election~ Clerk inspector inspectQr I~spector