Minutes 08-22-17MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2017, AT 6:30 P.M. PRESENT: David Katz, Chair Kevin Fischer, Vice Chair Susan Oyer David Sholl, Alternate (arr. 6:45) Ryan Wheeler Floyd Zonenstein ABSENT: Stephen Palermo Trevor Rosecrans Nicholas Skarecki, Alternate STAFF: Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director Ed Breese, Principal Planner James Cherof, City Attorney Amanda Bassiely, Senior Planner Shayne Kittendorf, Building Official Lisa Edmondson, Prototype, Recorder Chair Katz called the greeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 1. Pledge of Allegiance The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Roll Call Roll was called and it was determined a quorum was present. 3. Agenda Approval Motion made by Ms. Oyer, seconded by Mr. Zonenstein, to approve the Agenda. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (5-0). 4. Approval of Minutes from June 27, 2017, meeting Motion made by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Zonenstein, to approve the July 25, 2017, minutes. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (5-0). 5. Communications and Announcements: Report from Staff Mr. Rumpf reported on the items that went before the City Commission on August 15tH Future Land Use Map Amendment and Rezoning of the Town Square property was approved on first reading. The Land Use Amendment now moves on to the State for formal review before coming back for final adoption. Also, the overlay items previously reviewed have both been withdrawn from the Commission's Agenda, in order to delay Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 consideration of any necessary amendments after the Town Square Project/Masterplan takes greater shape. Other items of business: Those who have not already completed the ethics training requirements, or have a certificate printed and handed in, please do so. Announced the newest Board member alternate, David Sholl. Chair Katz asked for the status of the Store -All [phonetic] project; Mr. Rumpf understands that it continues to move forward, permits have been submitted and are under review. 6. Old Business — None 7. New Business Mr. Cherof swore in those wishing to testify on the following items. 7.A. Approve Flood Prevention Requirements (CDRV 17-005) - Amending the LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, Chapter 1, Article II, Definitions and Article VIII Section 1.D, Appeals, Chapter 2, Article IV, Sections 2 and 4, and Chapter 4, Article X, to update definitions, Building Division Processes, Standards, and adopt Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Insurance Study in accordance with the NFIP requirements. City initiated. Mr. Kittendorf explained NFIP is the National Flood Insurance Program, and gave a synopsis of the requirements for the changes and amendments for the new flood maps that are coming into the City. There are three components: ➢ Objectives o Flood maps to determine flood insurance building requirements o Flood maps updated to determine the latest and most accurate information o Federal law requires any property in a flood area that is federally insured with a mortgage is required to have flood insurance ➢ Timetables 0 1982 — first flood insurance rate maps came into play o August 18, 2014 — re-evaluation went through flood hazard areas ® Multiple workshops to ascertain objections and concerns ■ Notice published in newspapers and Federal Register ® 90 -day appeal period ended, none were received o October 5, 2017 — firm maps and FIS will become effective o Long transition with a lot of challenges outside Boynton Beach o Boynton Beach was one of the only communities that a substantial number of homes taken out of the floodplain area 2 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 ➢ Key Changes o Reorganization and update of flood definitions and requirements for compliance with NFIP o Striking of redundant provisions in Florida Building Code ■ Changes in ordinances • Reduced redundant provisions in Commercial and Florida Building Code Residential sections o Added requirements for flood variances according to NFIP o Clarification of designated floodplain administrative duties o Listing of specific Federal and State permits and exemptions o Maps of 1982 and 2017 Leisureville were compared to demonstrate changes. In summary, the amendments will satisfy the mandatory requirements of NFIP, enhance public safety and protect the environment, reduce damages to property and public infrastructure, avoid economic disruption and losses, and reduce human suffering. Mr. Wheeler wondered about the City requirement for additional freeboard, which is one foot above base flood elevation. In a non -flood area, requirements are based off the crown of the road. Chair Katz cited a flood several years ago, and wondered why his property was not then in the flood zone. Mr. Kittendorf explained that outside of flood hazard areas in any given year there could be rainfall inundation that far exceeds the minimum 1% of the 100 -year storm rate. Readable maps will be provided upon request and can easily be found online. Mr. Wheeler had questions about building permits, being proactive with designers, etc. City permits issued prior to October 5th are with an understanding that these areas are changing, with assistance available to ascertain risk according to the changes to be in effect. Mr. Cherof instructed that following items to be addressed can be consolidated for ease of presentation with consent of the applicant, but each has to be voted upon separately. Chair Katz asked if the applicant wished to consolidate the items, and the Board agreed to more quickly move ahead. Motion made by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Ms. Oyer, to approve Item 7.A. Flood Prevention Requirements (CDRV 17-005). In a roll call vote, the motion passed (5-0). Chair Katz stated that these items were supposed to be on last month's agenda, and disclosed that prior to that time he had met with the applicant and Bradley Miller in his office about this item. Ms. Oyer stated that on July 14th she had met with them as well, N Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 and disclosed that her family holds the mortgage on the north parcels. Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Fischer also met with the applicant and Mr. Miller. [David Sholl, new Alternate Board Member, arrived 6:45 p.m.] 7.13. Approve LDR Amendments Group 3/CRA Plan Implementation (CDRV 17-007) — Amending the LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, Chapters 1, 3, and 4 to continue implementing Community Redevelopment Plan recommendations with changes in the future land use classification scheme, and establishment of the new R-4, Multi -family Residential Zoning District including amendments and additions to definitions, and use and lot standards. City initiated. Mr. Rumpf clarified that Item B is positioned where it is because it is directly/indirectly related to the other items, but is City initiated and separate, and the following items rely upon it. A PowerPoint presentation followed. Some of the highlights were: ➢ Excerpts from newly adopted CRA plan, including proposed changes to the future land use scheme, changing groups, titles, and some changes in density. ➢ More comprehensive amendment and LDR Audit will be forthcoming in six months or so. ➢ Tables with origins of recommendations ➢ Summary of proposed amendments ➢ Elimination of MoDR (moderate density residential) future land use category ➢ Corresponding zoning structure changes ➢ Density caps stay the same grouped under other land use classifications ➢ R-4 corresponds with the new and improved high density ➢ New land use designation is created to fill gap, with 11-20 units per acre, and improved HDR" slogan ➢ New R-4 zoning at 15 dwelling units per acre ➢ Renaming: Suburban category to MXL, mixed use to MXM, and mixed use to MXH, easy to confuse land use titles and zoning titles ➢ Cleaned up some references to workforce housing (program back in effect) ➢ Updating LDR with references to new CRA Plan ➢ Basic edits with respect to clarity and eliminating redundancy in descriptions Chair Katz opened the floor for public comments: "new core Mike Fitzpatrick [resident] had several comments: o Page 52 of backup, MODR to LDR, is it correct there is no more low density residential? Mr. Rumpf said no, it does exist, and noted the density thresholds remain for the individual zoning districts, and went on to explain. It eliminates a step in the development in case of change of zoning district, the new system allows rezoning without land use plan amendment, and includes same due process. 4 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 o Any other cities that define low density residential as 7.5 units per acre? Mr. Rumpf did not know, conceded that Boynton Beach is establishing new parameters on its own. o Recommended Board rejection. Discussion followed on R1 AA and R1 AAA, including hypotheticals that might cause rezoning. Minimum lot size and characteristics for zoning do not change just because land use changes. • Edward Tedtmann wondered if: o R4 would be limited to CBD. Mr. Rumpf said that was not the intent. o R1 maximum height is 55 feet. Mr. Rumpf explained that these are telecommunication tower regulations and how that figures into the classification. o R4 designation is going to allow developers to dictate rezoning. While conceivable, nothing changes in terms of due process, which is lengthy and unlikely where such changes would not be fitting in most zones. o Discussion followed regarding possibilities of future land use and rezoning changes,. and laxity in favor of developers. Mr. Redman wanted to see more restrictions; apartment dwellers are not stakeholders, but just residents. Chair Katz wondered if it was possible to buy up an entire block in a single-family zone and put up multi -unit housing. Mr. Rumpf explained that there is a review process by staff for compatibility, theories in zoning review regarding spot zoning, and it is unlikely as there is a compatibility issue between R4 and single-family zoning districts even with changes in definitions of low density. This language comes directly out of CRA recommendations, as identified, e.g., in the heart of Boynton as a corresponding zoning district. Ms. Bassiely explained that these hypotheticals have been considered, and why R4 has been put in place, to prevent higher density zoning, which current zoning does not allow. Staff is aware and sensitive to such catalysts and snowballs, what commercial conversion of a single-family parcel would mean to the next one, and the next one, etc. • Barbara Ready [resident] wondered: o What "pending decisions coming down the pike" are. Mr. Rumpf said they are applications either anticipated or currently under review in the zoning districts or land use classifications being petitioned for, and consistent with the CRA plans and recommendations. o What other projects are on Ocean Avenue that pertain to the R4 district. When told there are none, the next question was how come this was not spot zoning, to which Mr. Rumpf said again, this is going by CRA plan recommendations and a redevelopment scheme is a different theory to apply, including comprehensive analysis on a given area which supports having a zoning district in place. 5 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 o About planning for a possible train station, maybe still 25 years away. Mr. Rumpf explained how the CRA plan functions and has to support increased density and intensity to support a downtown core, commercial activity, and activity centers. Mr. Rumpf continued to clarify and stated there would be more information in the items coming up and input was welcomed. Chair Katz closed the floor to public comments, and asked for Board input. Ms. Oyer asked legal counsel about conflicts of interest on this particular issue due to owning property on Ocean Avenue, holding the mortgage on Village's property, and property on Seacrest. Mr. Cherof said the determination of conflict is up to the Board member if the approval or disapproval would result in a personal (or that of a family members) monetary benefit; but when in doubt, it is best to step down. As Ms. Oyer's presence is not necessary to constitute a quorum at the moment, she may stand down, and a conflict of interest form needs to be filed with City Clerk, and she may speak from the floor on these items. [Ms. Oyer recused herself due to possibly conflict of interest, and stepped down from the dais for the remainder of the evening.] Chair Katz asked about tightening up the R4 language as regards single-family home areas as in hypotheticals brought up in earlier discussion. Mr. Rumpf said Ms. Bassiely offers committing to a more detailed review of R4 during the audit itself; most of the amendments at the moment are superficial amendments, changing titles, establishing the R4, and so on. Placing this next to a single-family zoning district or low-density area would be a proper transition, is not how it is envisioned, and would not fit those circumstances. Rezoning requires certain land are to provide for proper buffering and setbacks, and more safeguards can be provided during the audit. Chair Katz reopened floor to public comments: • Susan Oyer [as a member of the public] commented that this has benefits, but the potential for abuse or misuse down the line should be give thought, while commending Staff for the work done thus far. Chair Katz closed the floor to public comments, and asked for Board input. Mr. Fischer commented on Table 328 on Page 77, Use Matrix, definitions for R3 and R4; Mr. Rumpf said the language was intentional, there is some reconsideration of some of the markings for R3, and there are some overlay districts where, and during the audit may go back and clean up both R4 and R3. Based on the adoption of the workforce housing ordinance at the last City Commission meeting, Mr. Fischer wondered what effect the elimination of the 25% density bonus would have on developments currently in process. Mr. Rumpf clarified that the second reading is on 0 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 September 19th, and has not been adopted yet and clarified the procedures for submittal. Motion made by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Fischer, to approve Item 7.13. LDR Amendments Group 3/CRA Plan Implementation (CDRV 17-007) — Amending the LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, Chapters 1, 3, and 4 to continue implementing Community Redevelopment Plan recommendations with changes in the future land use classification scheme, and establishment of the new R-4, Multi -family Residential Zoning District including amendments and additions to definitions, and use and lot standards. In a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously (5-0). 7.C. (1) Approve The Villages at East Ocean Avenue - North Future Land Use Map Amendment (LUAR 17-002) from Local Retail Commercial (LRC) to Mixed Use High (MXH). Applicant: Arthur B. D'Almeida (2) Approve The Villages at East Ocean Avenue - North Rezoning (LUAR 17-002) from C-2 Neighborhood Commercial and C-3 Community Commercial to MU -C, Mixed Use Core District with a proposed site plan for 336 multi -family units and 12,257 square feet of commercial space. Applicant: Arthur B. D'Almeida 7.1). Approve request for abandonment of a portion of rights-of-way (ABAN 17-002 through ABAN 17-006) consisting mostly of unimproved streets and alleys between NE/SE 3rd Street and the FEC Railroad, from Boynton Beach Boulevard south to SE 1 st Avenue, in conjunction with request for major site plan modification approval of the Villages at East Ocean mixed use project. Applicant: Arthur B. D'Almeida. 7.E. Approve The Villages at East Ocean Avenue - North Major Site Plan Modification (MSPM 17-003) request for a mixed-use development consisting of an eight (8) -story building with 336 dwelling units, commercial space, and associated recreational amenities and parking on a 3.379 acre site. Applicant: Arthur D'Almeida 7.F. (1) Approve The Villages at East Ocean - South Future Land Use Map Amendment (LUAR 17-003) from Local Retail Commercial (LRC) to Mixed Use Medium (MXM). Applicant: Arthur B. D'Almeida (2) Approve The Villages at East Ocean - South Rezoning (LUAR 17-003) from C-2 Neighborhood Commercial to MU -2, Mixed Use 2 District with a proposed site plan for 35 multifamily units and 3,500 square feet of commercial space. Applicant: Arthur B. D'Almeida 7.G. Approve The Village at East Ocean Avenue - South Major Site Plan Modification (MSPM 17-004) for a mixed-use development consisting of 35 dwelling units, commercial space, and associated recreational amenities and parking on a 1.764 acre site. Applicant: Arthur D'Almeida 7 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning, represented Arthur and Frances D'Almeida, who have assembled the property under consideration of the last fifteen years. The reason for the various items are to continue with the CRA Redevelopment Plan as described by Mr. Rumpf. The two categories of land use and zoning were explained during the presentation for the north and south parcels, which are split by Ocean Avenue. On Items 7C -E: The northern parcel is designated mixed use high with density up to 100 units per acre and building heights of a maximum of 150 feet. 0 3.3 acres 0 336 residential units o 12,257 square feet of commercial space o 644 parking spaces o Peak of building height is 95 feet o Height is 35 feet along Ocean Avenue, following CRA guidelines o Mix of residential units: studios, lofts, one, two and three bedrooms o Vehicle access, pedestrian activity, pedestrian zones o Landscape and shade trees, hardscape o Greenway, pathway, fenced off from railway right of way o Plaza areas o Resident pool/deck area and amenity package for clubhouse activities o Commercial space split up, 4,000 square feet on Boynton Beach Blvd. and 8,000+ square feet around Ocean Avenue o Seven floor parking garage, first two floors for commercial/public parking o Ocean Avenue will be constructed curbless • The southern parcel density zone is 62.5 units per acre with maximum height of 75 feet. o 1.34 acres o 35 residential units o 3,500 square feet of commercial space o 85 parking spaces, 69 spaces are surface, 13 handicap spaces o Two locations for driveways o Building height 35 feet o Mix of residential studios to townhomes o Street access and surface parking, pedestrian connections and zones, continuation of the north parcel o Landscape and hardscape with plaza area, 74% of required trees are shade trees, pocket park for residents o Ground floor commercial uses along Ocean Avenue frontage o Live/work units where ground level is commercial, and tenant residents in unit space above o Some apartments have direct access to street o Five three-story townhomes, transitioning to residential area to the south and west of the project Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 o Historic Andrews House has been incorporated into the plan as a residential component Elevations and perspective views were given for both parcels. The project is in agreement with all conditions for the site plans as submitted. Chair Katz reopened floor to public comments: • Susan Oyer commended Mr. Miller's team's work, and wondered if: o There was a way to make the project more of a coastal style/contemporary Mediterranean as the people at Town Square meetings have said is preferred. o Are 13 handicap spaces are sufficient for possible prospective residents. o There are no electric charger stations. o Dark rooftops could possibly use new reflective paints and color options. o Public is adamant about blue/green pastels, ocean -themed. • Kimberly Longacre, lives in another historic home across from the Andrews House, hopes for a more coastal view that fits with the single-family residential area, and no commercial use at south end of the parcel due to traffic on SE 3rd Street. Also curious about property taxes when large developments go into a neighborhood. • Bob Vansteelandt had several questions (with Mr. Miller answering): o Is the Andrews House staying in place? (It is staying exactly where it is.) o Will dozens of existing businesses get first crack at commercial space? (Client would like to incorporate businesses into the project, negotiations will be necessary.) o What about quieting the noise at the.railroad crossings? (No information on the zones, but hopes the horn will go away.) o Traffic issues, speed bumps, stop light? (No plan for speed bumps; the five townhomes and Andrews House are the only things south of First Avenue that should increase the traffic very much. There is no requirement for a signal so close to railroad tracks.) o What is the current commercial occupancy in that general area? (Chair Katz suggested contact with the CRA office.) • Mike Fitzpatrick wondered if: o There was anyone on City Staff that was the designated transportation - oriented design expert, how the one-half mile radius was established. Mr. Rumpf said the TOD regulations follow a model set by the State, and has to do with walking distances. Discussion followed, referencing a previous workshop about the tri -rail station and current connectivity issues and Er7 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 possibilities. Should be concessions from developer toward creating a quality train station. o Will there be solar panels on flat roofs, such as parking garages? o If D'Almeida has two of the units in the old condo on site, is there any chance of a pocket park/greenspace someday? • Barbara Ready was concerned about the bottleneck out of the parking lot on the north parcel. Also wondered about possibly hooking into the planned cooling station, and supports the ocean colors with the coastal look. As Chairman of the City's Historic Resources Preservation Board, Ms. Ready thanked the developers for saving the Andrews House, the oldest house in Boynton Beach. Finally, thinks that the live/work units are a good idea. Mr. Miller responded to the comments in reverse order: o Access point for 3rd Street, emphasis on pedestrian activity, especially on Ocean Blvd. Further explained how the plan was developed, describing traffic patterns with information available, while looking forward to futuristic uses of the garage in connection to the train station. o Would be willing to have discussions with the cooling station. o Regarding TOD, did discuss with Kim Delaney while going through the project and she praised it. The connectivity discussions encourage people to be on the street to engage with commercial activities along the roadways rather than a direct connection that bypasses the stores and artwork. o The idea about the use of the old condo building footprint is a good one. o There are three handicap spaces on the south parcel, one is a parallel space, and both the north and south parcels comply with ADA requirements. o Charging stations will be considered as the energy efficiency of the project is further designed. Juan Caycedo, architect, briefly addressed the colors of the project. The concept of the architecture is to break the architectural language between the south and north to start getting a village quality rather than a monolith. The aluminum roof was discussed, reflects a lot of the heat. The flat roofs are a single ply white roof, highly reflective. To provide a village -like quality for the project, does not repeat the same building on the south as the north, but provides another interpretation of the coastal style. The architecture further south grabs the architecture of the historic nature of the Andrews House, with the lattice work reminiscent of Key West architecture. Chair Katz closed floor to public comments and asked for comments from the Board.. Mr. Sholl asked about the live/work units, what types of businesses are anticipated.. There are no specific users lined up, but Ms. Ready's suggestion of an artist downstairs while living upstairs, jewelers, sole practitioner architect, young entrepreneurs, diverse opportunities. Restaurant space would be in the commercial spaces fronting on Ocean. 10 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 Mr. Wheeler appreciated the good job done on the plans thus far, and asked if bollards will be put to protect the storefronts where the curbless areas are on Ocean Avenue. Mr. Miller said there definitely will be. Also wondering how the parking will work for the live/work units, and was told there are some dedicated residential spaces on the south lot, not necessarily for the commercial space, so the live/work tenant would have that opportunity. Chair Katz asked about the locations of the handicap spaces. There are three parallel spaces on the north side, fronting Boynton Beach Blvd., that could be designated. There are ten parallel spaces of on -street parking moving south from Boynton Beach Blvd. along NE 3rd, two of them are handicapped. Chair Katz would like to make it a condition of approval that at least one more be included on the north side. Chair Katz wondered if there could be an option to turn some of the commercial space on the south parcel that is on Boynton Beach Blvd. into live/work space. Mr. Miller said the original design had live/work units there, but felt that retail space would be better on Boynton Beach Blvd., could be considered, but will be market driven. Ms. Bassiely stated that within the Redevelopment Plan active retail uses were limited to such streets as Ocean and Boynton Beach, and thought the live/work idea was more of a transition to residential on the north/south streets that they abut. Some discussion followed on some flexibility on this issue, if possible. Ms. Bassiely added that sustainability guidelines are being considered, and the City has just recently hired a sustainable manager who will take the lead on such things as flat roofs for solar panels, etc., in future projects. Mr. Miller, in his closing statements, said that the condition of approval for the additional handicap parking space on Boynton Beach Blvd. would have to be subject to DOT approval. Regarding the energy components, while there is a new building code coming out in July 2018, the current code is already implementing so many green methods of construction, and will be included in construction of this project. Motion made by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Zonenstein, to approve Item 7.C.(1) The Villages at East Ocean Avenue - North Future Land Use Map Amendment (LUAR 17-002) from Local Retail Commercial (LRC) to Mixed Use High (MXH), subject to all conditions of approval to see about an additional handicap parking on north side along with recommendation to consider additional live/work space options. In a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously (5-0). Motion made by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Fischer, to approve Item 7.C.(2) The Villages at East Ocean Avenue - North Rezoning (LUAR 17-002) from C-2 Neighborhood Commercial and C-3 Community Commercial to MU -C, Mixed Use Core District with a proposed site plan for 336 multi -family units and 12,257 square feet of commercial space, subject to all conditions of approval to see about an additional 11 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 handicap parking on north side along with recommendation to consider additional live/work space options. In a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously (5-0). Motion made by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Zonenstein, to approve Item 7.D. request for abandonment of a portion of rights-of-way (ABAN 17-002 through ABAN 17- 006) consisting mostly of unimproved streets and alleys between NE/SE 3rd Street and the FEC Railroad, from Boynton Beach Boulevard south to SE 1st Avenue, in conjunction with request for major site plan modification approval of the Villages at East Ocean mixed use project. In a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously (5-0). Motion made by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Zonenstein, to approve Item 7.E. The Villages at East Ocean Avenue - North Major Site Plan Modification (MSPM 17-003) request for a mixed-use development consisting of an eight (8) -story building with 336 dwelling units, commercial space, and associated recreational amenities and parking on a 3.379 acre site, subject to all conditions of approval and the ability of applicant to discuss with staff the live/work space option in lieu of commercial use. In a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously (5-0). Motion made by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, to approve Item 7.F.(1) The Villages at East Ocean - South Future Land Use Map Amendment (LUAR 17-003) from Local Retail Commercial (LRC) to Mixed Use Medium (MXM). In a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously (5-0). Motion made by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Fischer, to approve Item 7.F(2) The Villages at East Ocean - South Rezoning (LUAR 17-003) from C-2 Neighborhood Commercial to MU -2, Mixed Use 2 District with a proposed site plan for 35 multifamily units and 3,500 square feet of commercial space. In a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously (5-0). Motion made by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Zonenstein, to approve Item 7.G. The Villages at East Ocean Avenue - South Major Site Plan Modification (MSPM 17-004) for a mixed-use development consisting of 35 dwelling units, commercial space, and associated recreational amenities and parking on a 1.764 acre site. In a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously (5-0). 8. Other — None 9. Comments by Members — None 10. Adjournment Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m. 12 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida August 22, 2017 [Minutes prepared by M. Moore, Prototype, Inc.] 13