Minutes 11-19-62MINUTES OF I~EGULAR iVIEETING OF CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ NOVElVfBER 19, 1962 PRESENT: GENE MOORE, CITY ATTOI~IWEY J;, B. HE~QDEllSON, CITY iViANAGER TE]~E.$~ PADGETT~'CIT Y ~ ZELL TAYLOK~ PUB:~ SE~GES JACK TUITE, .~mE: cHmF This meeting was called to order by Mayor Summers at 7~30 p.m. Councilman Allison Banks led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and gave the Invocation. {At p. Z, Nov. 5th Minutes add *Trom the agenda" and on p.Z Minutes aJ Mr. Madsen's ~narne as secondirig motion;} Mr, Mad~n that the Minutes be corrected as stated abo~e and that Novembe-~ 5'~; ~ November 9th Minutes be accepted as corrected; November 14th ~inutes he written. ~otion seconded by ~r. Archie and u~nz~o~sly Wayside t~ark Site - left on table. Bids were opened as fo[lows on 10"water main for Ocean ~k~e~_ue from 6th Street to A1.A (axcluding under wa~er construction~ Intercounty Construction Corporation, ~. Laado~d~e $ 1~, 768.50Approx. Blue Se~ Utilities, ~keland I4 ~ 817.00 Est. The ~gineer reported that estimated cost of under water construction from Cleary Brothers was $6,000. ~r. ~chie mo~ed tka~ the City accept ~ow b~d of I~teycQ~2y Con- struction Co. in the amonnt of $1Z~ 768.00 for I0~: ~ater main fro~' ~%~ ~. on Ocean ~ve;~ to I~tracoasial water~ay, begin on east side of Intraeo~stal waterway and proceed zo ~, ~otion seconded by ~r, Mads~ ~d~ ~an. carriod. Mr. Henderson reported the city officials had watched a bash hog demonstration on lot clearing and s~a~ed he felt it would be a wise.move if the City -Z- gets into the lot clearing business, and reported that funds are available for the purchase of the equipment. Mr. Madsen moved that the City go out to bid for tractor and bush hog and that City Clerk return bids to bidders. Motion seconded by Mr o iV~ahoney and.unanimously carried. Mr, /Vlahoney moved that when notices are sent out onlot clearing that the City ~[erk use a sta~ap as to when-the inspection iook ~lace, seconded by Mr,f~r~e k~d ~nanimd~ly carried. ~ reference to report by the ~ommitte~ on clearing undeveloped areas, ~r. Mahoney move~ that t~ Commi~ study ~he ~atter further. ~otion seconded by ~r~ B~s a~ unanimously carried. The following bids ~were opened for pickup truck: .F. tgrida Dodge-Chrysler, Inc., WPB - $1670,15 - 1963 Dodge I/Z T, pickup - 45 days delivery ~-dams Chevrolet,, Det~ay - Model C-1404 - $16Z3 -Del. 45 days Bents Chevrolet, Lake ~orth - C-I404 - t963 i/Z T $1647.13 - 45 days De,arco Tractor & I~ple~ent Co., Boynton - 1963 - 1001 O~C p~ckup $168 Delivery 30 days Mr. ~n moved the:bids be turned o-~er ~o Mr. Henderson: ~r.' '~ahoney and ~r.~ Taylor ~d ~r, To~ ~raham, seconded by ~r. ~rchio and unani~omsty carried. The following bids were opened on Z-Way t{adios: i~CA - l~iviera Beach - $103Zo - Model CMCT- 30 - Del. 45 days Motorola - F~. n~uderdale - $918 ,- Model D-33BlViTl100 Del~. 45 days QE Corporation - no bid ~r. ~ds~n ~oved that low bidder, ~otorola in a~ount of $918 accopted, soconded by ~ ~rchie and un~imously carried. [~r provided it meets suecificat~ons} Public Hearing - None Public ~a~udience - Mrs. Carrie GL~dney, 401 SE IZth Ave. referred to a former council meeting when a professor from P2 B. Junior College appeared before Council and that she observed members of the ~audience were discourteous to him while he was speaking and made remarks which were derogatory to him. She s[a~ed she felt council should receive a pat on the back once in a while for their efforts, and expressed appreciation to Council for their cooperation with her on Little neag%%e. -3- lvir~ Joseph I~Iumphreys appeared before Cotwacil and reqnes~ed t~vo poll ~vatche?~s ~at ~th~e p~i~a~y ~esday~ ~ovember ZOth, ~o check tot~s at the beg~nn~g and~d, of the d~y~ ~r .~rchi~ ~oved ~e req~Qst be gr~nted, seconded by ~r. ~dsen Mr; ~umphre~s named A~m Hennaman t6 serve'at ~oyal Palm V~llage and ~illiam Y~es at the Shu~eboard Gourt. Mrs, Moor. e, Cit~,~ttorney, stated George l~les had been circulating correspondence wh~ ch he claims proves that he (A/loore'~ had been withhelding information from the Cowncil. He gave 1Vier. 1Viiles a copy of a letter he had ceiyed from~ IV~r ~.Shepard ~ar~d st~gge~e~ he c~ rculate ~it with the other corresp,oad- en~e, Pie s~id he fqIt,the g$~ intent and import~ is that of conveying the mes sage that he h~d'not toid ~he tr~h when he answered a s~tement in the Council meeting regarding ~e~r~$a~ ~h~rge to ~e ~ater Dep~me~ He ~ad a iette~ fro~ ~r. Shepa~d stating a re~so~ble c~rge for ~he ~u~l ~S ~ keep~g with ~e bonding, zeSolBtion a~ that ~ decision for ~e amoant came from Council and not fro~ hi~. ~e %hem ~er~$9 ~h~ ~b~gry ~d th~ ~. ~ites ~d accuse.d the Gity of do~g so~ing {~eg~.~ ~o~SIm6~d ~e had receiMed the~ opi~om fro~ the Attorney~ ~r~d'thmt ~ ~iles ~efused to acQept the ~torney Gener~'s opinion. ~ {eq~s~ed ~r. ~ile~ to pModnce his~ ~r~. G~e=ge ~itep ~en mpp~r~d before Goo. n=il and a~c~pted copy ~of l~tez fgo~ ~r~ ~ere whigk ~. ~oore referred to a~d ~hich he h~d received ~ ~z~ Shepard. ~r. ~ites stated there zs s~ch g 1~ as ~entioned by him mhd he referred to ~d~ter.ho ~d fre~ the State '~brgry ~ssocia~on. ~r ~ ~iles s~ggested ~r. ~ ~take mnoth~r look at his l~w books. In re~erence ~o t~ dispute reg~ding ~e rc~ ~arge in the Depmrt~ent,' ~: ~iles st~te~d ~t ~r.~ ~oore h~d gone o~ in an ~utirely di~er- ent tmngent. ~e ~mt~ he never q~estioned ~e $8~000 chmrge b~t did question the $18~ 000 ite~. ~e s~id~that 0n Fridmy~ September Zlst, ~r. Sh~pard called and stated he hm~ 3~st~finished t~g to ~ ~ity ~tor$c~ thmt ~r. ~oore had ~ ~st ~d~t~ed hi~ ~e $t8,0O0 ~hgrge ~onld not be oharged. ~ter on September Z&th the ~gn~es s~mted that ~r. ~ahoney hmd asked ~r. ~oore if the Fisc~l=~g~t hmd ~pproved ~e $8:000 ch~ge amd d%s~pprovod the $18,000 c~nge.. T~A a~s~r ~as f~o~ ~r ~ ~oore that thg-Fisc~ ~gent had approved the $8,000 a~ ~ey~ did ~ ~dzsmpprove ~e $18,0007 ~. ~ztes then sazd thzs letter fro~ S~l~rs & Co.~ :ha~ p~0ved that they di~mppyoved the $18,000 charge and ~hen in~ed by ~. ~oore t~t~the Council ~ere~ going to ~op the $18,000 chmrge S~ithers ~nd Go.~w~th~re~ any ~or~gl obje~tlo~s. ~ ~ .~r~ ~sem stated ho felt tars ~s 3nstg ~olit~c=l speech by ~r. on the eve of th~. p~i~ary. ' l~eces s: /vir. 'Iv~iles appeared before Council again and requested lVir. Iv~oore to set a date w'hen the Library matter can be discussed. 1Vir. Banks ~mbved that the request by the Zonta Ctnb be removed from the agenda as they have made other-arrangements, second~d'by Mr. ~krchie and unanimously car.tied. On request for ~Seventh :Day 2kdve~tist Church, -West Palm ]Beach to sell ma§azines church o~ts~ide Boynton Be~ch.' ~otion seconded by ~r. B~nks ~d u~imodsly carried. Mr. Banks mowed that the contract be re~ewved with ~rir~y~ Breezes to provide fire protect[on, seconded by Mr. Aia'dse~a and unanimously carriec~. Air. Aiahoney-moved that the Civic Center 'Stage l~eq~irements be tabled, s ecor~ded by Air. Banks and unanimously carried. Air. _Zirch~e moved thatthe City proceed with the lights for ~ennis courts and that City go 'out' to' bid for the wiring of the lights, i~otion seconded by Air. L~iahoney and u~ianimously carried. Uoon the rehornmendgtion of Mayor Sure'nets that the Scout Hut be relocated: Mr.- Mahoney moved that l~ir. 2krchie, Air. Johnson, and Air. Render- son bring back a report to Council on this matter, seconded by Mr. Banks and unanimously carried. Legal: The C[ty _attorney read Ckrdinance hZ-Z4 an emergency ordinance establishing speed limits in construction areas. Air. ~krc/~ie move the adoption of Ordinance 62-24 as an emergency or- dnance: secon6ed~by ~r~ ~ahoncy and ~ani~o~'sly carried. In reference to the abandonment of an alley in ~oberhs ~ddition, ~r, ~oore state~ there was nothing further to r~por[; ke stated it has been abandoned and there is no relief that ~an'be gr~te~. ~r. Hatless stated he felt he had be~n ~aterially da~ged by the abandon~en~ of the street. He stated he had recoiv~d an ~cr~ased assessed evaluation and the ~as co~pany ~a~ not received an incroase. ~. ~adsen ~ove~ that this ite~ be tabled and ~a~ ~r. Hatless~ attorney ~ee~ ~i~ ~r. ~oore to discuss this ~atter f~rther. ~otion seconded by ~r. ~rchie and~nanimously carried. -5- On the license request of:PikTQuik, .Inc. to change name to Li'l General Stores · Inc., iVir. Archie moved the request be granted · seconded by Mr. ~lV~honey and unanimously carried. . On the request for beer and wv[me license by Li'l General Stores: 401 N.VY. Znd Avenue, Mr, ~Archie moved the request'be granted subject to final inspection ~ seconded b~ Mr~ /viahoney and unanimously carried° Oa the re. quest o£ Earnest~e Frederick, 110I YI+ l~ailroad Avenue for increase in her license to.incl~e serving ~on premises, ~. ~adsen ~eq~es%ed Chief Swank to Eive his reco~endation~ C~ef S~k said there are too ~any places no~ ~d th~ the police force does no~ h~ye s uf~cient p~plic~en to cover all ~e pl~ee~ ~d~quately. He said tkere~ had~een several ~rests ~mde at her place for se~i~g beer and ~ine to ~inors. ~z. ~rchie ~o ~d the re~q~st be grand, d, s e~0nded ~y~r ~ Mahoney and motion ca, tied 4-1~ ~. Ba~s Meting ~o~'. He re~ended study and investigation to mg~e lso~e c~rtaitmen/ and r~co~m~n~ed ~ayor appoint g committee ~ ckeMk ~ntq ~his matter. Pie ~o stated they already have a licens~ ~itha reques~ no~ to increase, it, ~d he di~t fe~l the City ~o~d be refusing to grant ~e~ a license because ~key~ already ~gve one. ~ay~ Summer s appointed a Committee comprised of ~r.j ~anks, Mr. Moore ~s~d 0bier of Police S~a~ to ch~ck into this ~tter and repg~ back in regard to any lawvs that ~%ght be involved. Mr~ L~en M. Flanders requested the license of l~Lobert l~ims be tra~usferre~ to him for beer and wvine license at.t04 ~E 10th Ave.~(t~e o~t ~r. '~oney moved, Mr. ~cSAe seconded that the request be granted. ~ot~on carried On the request of tVIitton & Virginia Chandler for beer and wine take- ou~ license at 4Z8 NE 10th Ave., Mr. Archie moved the request be granted, seconded by tV~r. AKahoney and unanimously carried. On the redluest of the Lions Club to conduct sale of Christmas Trees· · Mr o A/Iahoney moved :~e reqt!es~ be granted· se¢on~ded by Mr. ~rchie and anan- imously carried. In reference to ~the request for a Homes~tead exemption by Mrs; Ida Kolendo, Mr~~ I~ahoney moyed that the.tax roll be adjusted covering Lots Z-6 in Block 8, l{eberts Addition, secqDxted by Mr .- Arcl~ie a~d unanimously carried. imf; Mahoney moved that the same persons be re-appoin~d to serve in the general election that w viii be serving in the primary. It was reported that A/ir. Ed Jung wanted to he a dept~ty and it was accepted by 1Vir. Mahoney as an amendment to his motion that Mr. Ju_ug replace 1V~artin Ptuser. Motion carried unanimously. -0 Mr. ~kr.chie mowed.that the Council meet Wed_~esday, at I0. 0 a.m. November ZI, I96Z in Special S~ssion, to canvass the etecMon re~mrns. Motion seconded 5y ~. Mahoney and unanimously carried. lV~r. Banks_mOVed that the City I~all remain open till 9:0~0 p.,m,~ on Monday and Tuesday, November' Z6th anal 57th.so that anyone wanting co register may do so in order to~ va~e in the general election. Motion seconded by Mr. Madsen a~d unanimously carried. The City l~iaaa~er subraitned the following bills for payment: Interco unty Construction Go. ~2 15 ~assell & ~on ~oms~lting Engineers tZ6Z.Z0 y~ng, &' ~a, Ci~ Library gZO~ 80 Maggi~ & Jiggs - banquet tables Security Columbian Ba~ Note Co. (duplicate bill) 18Z. 00 ~r..~ah~ey ~ved the gbove b~ls be paid, s~omded by ~r. ~chie and unani~u sly Tomn Vfo~d, tVIiami - work on track 3IZ. 2Z !~qtzisition regarding traffic control Z3~I5 Mr., M. ahone~y moved the above be paid, seconded by Mri Archie and unanimously ca~ tied. The City M~auager reported that the price of water meters is going up and he recommended the City purchase a year's supply. iVir~ Ma~sen moved the City purchase 300 resident meters. I0 - 1" meters and 5 other meters'. Motion seconded by 1Vir. Archie and unanimously carried, The CounciI.thap-ked the Police & Fire Departments, and all volunteer men for their efforts in fighting the fire at Tropical Acres l~estaurant. Mrs. Allison Banks and daughter, Suzanne were introduced A list of the contracts was read by Mr. Henderson designating the dates of expiration, Pie ~was rtquested to make a list available to councilmen~ as follows: Tires & Tubes with I~on's Firestone - Jan. 1; Gas & Oil: Gulf - Jan. t; Shell ~ock, Dec. t; fire hose, April 1962; cement pipes, Sept. 19, 196Z; cast iron pipe, Feb. ~, t962; uniforms, Feb. 14, 196Z; c~orine, Feb. I9~ 196Z. Mr..' Mahoney moved the City go out for bids on shell rock, seconded by Mr.. Madse-n and unanimously carried. Mr. Madaen moved, Mr. M~oney seconded the m~eting :adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m. . . Minates l~overnber 19, 1962 City Council, ]~oynton I~each, Fla. -7- Tereesa P~.a~et, City Clerk- Thorna~-4~. Surn~ners, ]~7!ayor 3~., ~O-lison Baz~tcs: C~uz~cilrnan