Minutes 11-09-62MINUTES OF Si~ECIAL iVLEETING OF CITY COUNCIL, HELD AT CITY B OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, FRIDAY , NOVElVLBER 9, 1962 i~fLESENT: THOIviAS A. SUMiViERS, iCLiYOR WALTER A;. I~Li~N, VICE MAYOR JOHN L. _MCI~E, COUNCIL~VLiN 3..ALLISON BANKS, COUNCILAg3kN JAMES J., 1VIAHOAiE¥, COUINCILMAN J. B. HENDEi{SON, CITY A/iANAGEi{ f-- GENE MOORE, ~TY ATTORNEY TEREESA PDGETT, ~TY CLE~ TOM GR~, PUBIC U TI~T~S- SUPT, EVANS C~STENSEN, ENGIEER, R.&~, This meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Summers. The primary purpose yeas in regard to water and sewer lines on East Ocean Avenue. Upon recommendation of the City A/tanager, Engineers, Mr. Grahanc and Mayor Summers, Mr,-,Madsen moved that prices be obtained from Inter- county and Blue Seal to lay 10~' line from 6th Street to Intracoastal Waterway on the west side and pick up the line again on the east side, east to AtA (and that the line under the waterway ~vill be a separate project) subjecn to certifica- tion by the engineers and that payment be made by using funds availabl~ fro~ the 1960 wa~er sys~e~ co~truction trus~ f~6. ~otion seconded b~ ~r., Ba~s and unanimously carried. In reference to the sewer main from East Ocean 3kvenue, South on 6th Street to SE Second Avenue, Mr.. Archie moved that the City accept the recommendation of engineers and award bid to low bidder~ Intercoanty, in the amount of $17,478.00 for sewer line from East Ocean Avenue South on 6%h Street to SE Seconal _A_venue~ motion seconded by tVir. Madsen a:ed uauanimo~lsl¥ carriecl. Mr.. Madsen moved that the City Hall be closed November Zg and g3rd to allow employees Thanksgiving Holiday and a day off for Veterans Day which fell on Sunday: according to Section 5, page 33, Civil Service l{ules and Regula- tions. Motion seconded by Mr.' ~cchie and unanimously carried. In reference to the land swap be~veen the City and Mr. Nason, Mr; Madsen moved tha~ the City Managerts recon~mendation be accepted and thf~t all legal documents be drawn by the CityAttorne, yonS. 25' o£_S t/Z orE i/Z L. 2, W. I/Z of SE 1/4 Sec, Z1, Twp. 45 S. Range 43 E. in Boy~tOn Beach and also E.~Z5' ors 1/g of El/gL. 2, W.~I/Z of SE !/4 Soc. gl, T~Vp. ~5 S, l{ange zi3 E. in Boynton Beach. Motion seconded by Mr~. Archie and unanimously carried. A letter from William Plum was re~d, requesting his name be removed from the ballot for City Council. The City Attorney stated the charter is silent -Z- as to proper procedure to follow. Mr. Mahoney moved that Mr. Plum's withdrawal request be accepted a~d the City Clerk be instructed to remove his name from the ballot, and that the balance of the candidates remain in their present position. Motion seconded by iV~r.~ archie and unanimously carried. The City Clerk wvas instructed to inform those previously requesting absentee ballots that 1V~r. Plum had withdrawn. The Tri-County I~gue meeting was annoanced at Ft. hauderdale on November t6th at 7:30 p.m. A~ro .Banks moved that Mr. ~archie attend this meeting, motio~ seconded by Mr. 1V~ahoney and rn orion carried. iV~r. Henderson presented the following bills for payment: Henry Holmes acquatics - repair life line at beach 365. Z0 Griffith & Moore - Sloan case 35.00 Neptnne Meter Co.,- 100 meters at 25.60 Z,560.00 Mr..archie moved the bills be paid, seconded by 1Vir. Mahoney and unanimously carried. Mr. 1Viahoney moved that 30,000 post cards be purchased from U. S. Post Office for water bills and that the printing be awarded to low bidder, l~ackler Printing, in the amount of $100.00, Motion seconded by Mr."archie and unanimously carried. Mr. 3krchie moved that Florida Power and Light Co. proceed on project at Pence Park. Motion seconded by 1V~r. 1Viadsen and unanimously carried. ($3, ZII.86 minus reflectors and bulbs.} Mr, Henderson was granted authority to have the grandstand repaired if there is any money left over. Mr o arcbie moved~that the City accept the land swap as listed below and that May~r ~e authorized to sign the deeds. ~ .... '_ I~ .- arden Park, Lot 108, 67 1/Z x 150' (10~IZ5 sq. ft.) as~s-~s~-~-~a~ue,~ , $1810. This lot is on the SE corner of NE 8th ~l~-e.'and 3rd St. to be for Lot owned by John t~. Malcolm in arden Park known as I,ot 141 at 5z!.87, average widthx 150' (8230 sq. ft.) assessed at $880. P~rcel ~Z, owned by Mr. Jacob,Koffman. Lots 1-7 Congress 345.8 x 152' [5Z,561 sq. ftc) assessed at $3730 to be exchanged for P~rcel which is city property anxi described as arden Park Lots i14 - 120 (59~890 sq. ft.) as sassed 1at $6750. & ~,- Parcel ~4 owned by City described as Lots 9zi & 9~ of ~: ~V. Copp's ~kddno 50 x 131' (6550 sq, ft.) which is presently used as a col~uecbing street between lkI.~E. First and Second Streets,: but doglegged and ou% of line with ~ 6th ave. creating a hazardous traffic problem, to be exchanged for number 5 owned by -3- Mz. Koffman described as parts of lots 3 & 4, block 5 of the Congress Grove. This ~arc~t contains 5050 sq. ft. Parcel 4 exchanged for parcel 5 will then mako NE Znd Str. eet ~inueus from SE Second ~ve4thro~gh te NE 6th ~e. ~Jir.,_~rehie moved that the request of lvirs. Josephine~/etls /or- wi~w's ~xe~ption be denied bec'a~s~,0f~dinance on t~ books ~d that a copy of the ore--ce be sent to her. ~ot~on soconded by ~r.~ahoney and unanimously carried. In reference to r. eq~e~t~ for Homestead exemption on Lot 139, Block Boynton Hills (nO name gi, ven~ Mr.~ ~rchie moved ~he adj~s[ment be granted. iViotion 'seconded by t~r .~ Mad§ en and unanimo~sl~ic~rrie~. lv~r; ~anks recommended that engineers ge~ bids from companies doing the work required to lay pipe ~nder the Intracoastal %Va~erw~y, and that the public be properly informed. IVleeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Tereesa Padge,~it~ Clerk Thomas A. Summers, 1V~ayor Councilman AlIlson Bank~-~ Councilman /