Minutes 11-05-62MINUTES OF iLEGUL_A3[ iVIEETING OF CITY COUNCIL, I=I~T,T~ IN CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, NOVEMBER 5, 196Z PRESENT: the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lutheran Church. GENE MOORE, CITY ATTOK1VEY J. B. HENDERSON, CITY MANAGER TEREW-~A PADGET T, CITY Gr TOM GRLa~Z~M, PUBLIC UTI~T~S ZELL TAY~R, PUBMC SER~CES GEORGE'~ ~ON, E~A¢I~ FL~ENCE SU LLIV~N, CK GR~TENB~R~/PL. & ~SP. D~. ~VE WALLiCE, ]~cE EDW~ ,T.~SW~K, .~CE C~F This ~e¢ting ~as called to order by Mayor Sammers. Chuck Gordon led Invoca~on by ~ev. *Win, fo~son, Ascension Mr. Madsen moved the ivlinates of October 15th~ Octobar Z5th, and October zgth be accepted as written. Motion seconded by Mr. ~Mahoney and unanimously carried, In recognition for services rendered to the i~eereation Department: Mr. Johnson, t{ecreation Director, requested Mr. Madsen as Commissioner of Parks and Playgrounds present certificates to the following: Mr. Torn Butt, Mr.:, & Ivirs. JosepkDeMarco, Mr. Charles Gordon, Mr. William Hanshumaker, Mr; '&~.Mr s. Hoffmeister, Mrs. Zloise Hooker, Mr, John Norton, Mr;~i{. A.:lvietz, Clair Ostrurn, Mr. g~ Mrs. J. Witlard Pipes, Mrs. Gladys RusSell, :MRS, %Vayne Salsbt~ry. Mrs. Loraine Vicki. Mr.~ Earl Waters and Rev. Edward Watson. Upon recommendation by City Manager, Mr. Banks moved that tb_e ~wo Ocean t~idge items be removed from the agenda and bring back when something concrete has developed, seconded by Mr. M~or~y ~nd ananirnously carried. Mr. }~iahoney moved, Mr. Archie seconded tkat garbage pick-up for trailer~ be removed from the table. Motion zarried, unanimously. Mr. iViadaoney znoved, Mr. Archie seconded that the ordinance in existence in regard to garbage charges be enforced for trailer parks at $1.00 per month per can. Motion carried unanimously. Inasmuch as City 1V~anager reported he had no reply in regard to F;I.~N;D. Wayside Park site, Mr. iViahoney moved, Mr. Banks seconded that this tabled. Iv~otion carried ua%animously. Mr. ~Fiahoney moved tl~t items E & F be removed from the table. Motion seconded b~.lvir, tV~adsen and unanimously carried. ~r..~oney ~oved t~ actionbe postponed on ~e~s E ~ F ~d notify the ~ity when they are ready for their red.est ~ be heard. ~ ~ob~on seconded by ~r. ~adsen and ~imo~sly carried. 1Vir. Henderson rgported that the committee recommended awarding bid for motor smooters for V~ater~Department to Cycle ~emter of ~est ~l~ Beach be accepted: seconded by ~r. Ba~s and u~ni~o~ly car~e~. In reference to Lot Clearing onSection I. & II, iVir..~-~enderson read the Cornmittee~s repgr~,, recommending the bills be rejected on the basis they appear too high and that the city; explore ~he pos sibility of acquiring equipment to clear lots if this can be done at a~ s~zings to the prap~r~y~owners. IV~r. Hughes stated ~he felt tho city should not attempt this project on the~ first go around. ~lVir~; BankSl~O~ed'the r~c~mm~ndation be accept0d and tt~t Council explore the poss~bzl~ty of i/me Cit~ doing the work. ~Motion seconded by l~ir, Archie and unanirno ~sly carried. In ~efe~ence roa r0quest for a service station, tV~r. Julia~ Patrick, rep~ resen~*-~/g ~a~oll~l{il~ey. Inc. made inquiry in regard to a permit for construction of the building. Air-. ~atri~ expl~ned t~t they ~ere pla~ing to begin construction on the se~er iine ~i~{n ~ fe~ days a~d he d~d not ~nt to go ~head 'unt~ his request for a per.it is resolved. ~r~ ~chia~oved t~t ~r. Henderson notify tko eng~eers and co~ractor to hold o~ on t~s p~se of ~e co~tract for I5 - 30 days. ~o~on seconded by ~r. ~ahon0y :and ~na~o~sty carr~e~. Mr.~l~obert C. Benson, 136 S~ 6th ~venue made inquiry in regard to zoning request of Raymond Brande'~/ie and %vas told that it has been wvithdrawvn~. ~r~ ~usse~: P.T.A~ ~epresentat~ve at ~olling ~reen Sckool~ req~stod side~a~s fro~ ~er Road to~ Oc~u~Park~ay. ~r. Mahoney ~oTed that the County be reqmeste~ to do.re s~lt rock the City m~e the ~st~la~on and'that the School Board be notified ro please fmrnish a bicycle path.~ ~otion seconded by ~r. A~adsen and unanimously carriad. Mr. Harms, 919 SVY Z7th Place appeared before Council a~ud severely criticized the action takea,whereby ~he Chief of PoLice was named Dog Catcher. There was discussion in regard lo ~r. ~atheys being transferred to the Street -3- Department. Mro Piarms said he regretted the necessity of being before Council to make the complain~ but that several people in his section were very tired of this. It was noted that weeds and shrubbery in this same area was to *be trirnmed~ and cut. Mr ~ Floyd Becherer, identifying himself to be a history~acher at l~atm Beach Jr. College, and stating that he was no authority on the U.-N., would like to make cornments about recent acrlon take.by Cou~_cil not to observe U.N.Dayo In answer ~o iVirs.' Jackson's statefi~ent that he confirme~t her charges in the beginning: that this ~ras controversial, drew the remark from 1Vir. Becherer that he could not agree that the Uo N. wvas contreversial. MrJkFrank 1V[cGee., attonmey for Joe I~2arless appeared before Council \ and objected to the o~n~ce ~dopt~d which ~b~ndoned an a~ey in the ~o~erts Ad~tion lying between ~ 5~k ~d ~ 6th. -~e s~ate~ ~r. Hatless ~id not know this was co~ing ~p befor~ Council ~1 ~e~ it ~as acted upon,~erefore, he requested it' be reconside'_=ed. Mr.-~ahoney ~oved ~is request be ~ed over to Mr. ~oore for study and brought b~ck.to ~o~d notify~ ~h~,~temested parties involved. Motion seco~ed by ~r.~ Banks a~d ~a~O~sly ca'rind. ~ letter fro~ Phialp ~iss~ was r~d regCrding lot clearing in Boynton ~idge in which'he staCed he ~id not fe~ the ~developed land should be clewed. ~r.~rchie ~ovegl~t ~r. ~de~sen~ ~r.~ ~ghes and hi~self check into the lot clearing om acreage ~m_d bring b~$k to Oo~ncil. ~otion seconded by ~r. ~oney ~nd un~i~e~sly c~rried~ Douglas Davis, N.E. ~3th Ave. comp~ined about poisonous snakes nesting in the wee~S behind his hot, se and wanted~ to ~t~ow what would be done about He was told they would check.with the Drainage District about this matter inasmuch as they were the owners ~of the land. In reference to a complaint by John PI. Carpenter that he fears the drainage field put in by 1Vir. Star~zman-was contaminating his well water, the history of this situation was revie~ved by M~. ~rootenboer and Mr. Startzman~ iV~r. Startz- man requested that he go o~ record as stating this had not caused any itl will on his part and if he has violated a law, which he did not feel that he had, that the matter be brought to~,~h~ Municipal Court ~a~d if the well is contaminated and a civil action is requ~re6~ to get the show on ~he road! He felt it strange that he has just learned ~bomt Sh~s. 1Mayor Sumrners ~ecommended the matter be studied. ~ecess - Res. 6Z~lkrNN regarding deepening Boynton Canal east of U. S, ~lto Inland Waterway was read. Mr~ Archie~moved the adoption of l~esolution 6Z-NNN, seconded by IVir. Mahoney' and unmanimousty carried. City i~kttorney~read t{es. 6Z-AIIV~M pertaining to Lot Glee.ring, Section IV (lying south of second avenue north to 15th ~kve.; South from FEC RI~ to west city limits), ~as read. ~r. ~c~e ~oved ~e adoptio~ of ~es.~6Z-~i~. seconAed by ~. ~honey ~n6 ~ni~ously Carried. !~es. 6Z-OOO pertainihg to Civil Service was discussed. lV~r]. Arch~ie moved tha~ the c~didates for 'City Gouncil'be accepted and names be placed ~l~ab~etic~t 0?~er on t~ ~allot for the primary election, as follows: J. ~lison Banka~ Vincent J. Cacciatore, Joseph W~. Humphrey, ~nd Thomas A. S~mmers. [~oti0n seceded by ~. Mahoney and mh~i~omsly carried. In reference to letter f~orn Seacrest band requesting new instruments, it was agreed that a letter be ~vritten ~dvising fl%is will be considered in next year~s bridget 0 In reference to November Z0th primary~ /~r., l~ahoney rnoved~ seconded by IvLr. ~rchie that IVY=So ~ldred ~allier, ~d ~rs. E~th Hood serve as clerks ~ith ~artin H~ser and ~ob~rt ~yd as Deputies. ~hers na~ed to serve ~ere ~r~ Sam Shanko, Mrs~ Louise ~forte~ ~rs~ Jutia~ig~ns, ~rs.~ac~a Province~ ~rs~, ~arjorie ~r~atrick; ~rS~ ~elen ~rka~y~ Olle Heath, ~rs. Dorothea ~ich, ~=s~ E~ily '~ackson~ ~e ~i~tad, ~n Lyrich, ~ary ~ittick, Franc~s Van Devender and ~arie D~yo, ~otion c~rri~ ~ani~ously. The City tV~anager submitted tke following bills for payment: tV~asonic Lodge~ air conditioning units Jones Chemical, chlorine Ward Cummings, Civic Center - to date KeatU~ Trucking Co..., Shell rock Neptune iV~eter Supply, meter repair parts Chamber of ~o~mer ce $ 150. O0 Z 32. O0 50, 574.59 617.50 Z~l?. 77 187.38 l~r. ~Iahoney n~oved, sehonded by I~r. Arckie the above bills be paid. 1V~otion carried unanimously. Mr.- Iviahoney moved that the requisition for a fire proof file to be used in City Clerk's office in amoua~t of $Z77.00, be approved. After disc%%ssion~ Iv~r. Iv~adsen seconded the metion which carried unanimously. lVir. Henderson announced trash co llection on regular two week pick-up schedule in all parts of to~vn. Mr, ~r~hie moved, Mr. I~adsen seconded~ that Chief Tnite be allowed to attend Fire Chiefs~ l~sso¢iation meeting November 10th. ~otion carried ~ani- mousty. In reference to ~District Civil. Defense meet~g ~o be held ~ovember 8~ in Jacksonvi~ - ~h~ ~ity ~a~g~r stated h~ f~tt it ~oul~ be ~ ~s~e ~ ~o~y for ~r;~.~T~ito~ ~ivil Defense Director~ Police Lt. or ~e ~ayor to ~ttend. ~. ~ch~e ~oved the ~eq~est be denied: seconde~ by ~r. ~oney and unanimously c~r r~ed. ~r. ~rch~e ~oved that a leZter of co~en~tion be placed ~n the Civil Ser~ico j~cket for tAe~o~st~ng ~ob ~ef T~ite has done as ~[vil Defense f~te of Gel'. Delsey as ~s~sta~ ~r~ctor. ~otion soconded by ~r. -~honey and unanimously c~r~ied. ~Vlr, Jkrckie move~l t~hat the City accept the recommendation of Mr. Groot- enboer to purchase ~mylar map reproductions. Motion seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. Mr. ~krchie moved, seconded by Mr. Mahoney that change order be allowed Blue Seal Construction Co., in the mmxirnum,arnount of $190Z. and also that Mr. Summers and/or Mr. Banks and Mr. Henderson attempt to get some rebate on the~ de-m~c~ring, lvio[ion car,tied~ ~nanimot[sly. Mr. J~rehie moved that the Water 'Department be empowered to do work on A1A for lowering 6"water main for approximately 100~ x t50~ from south of Ocean Avenue. Motion seconded by Mr; iViadsen and unanimously carried. Upon recommendation of Police Chief Swank: Mr. IV~ahoney moved that 1V~r. Ba[r be permitted to remain in his present position as recommended by the Chief of Police and that a letter be sent explaining his status. Motion seconded by Mr. ~rchie and unanimously carried. Mr. 1Viakoney moved the departmen~ reports be accepted: seconded by Mr, Archie and tuuanimously carried. Mr. Mahoney moved, seconded by Mr. Archielkat list of bills be made part of the Minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Archie moved, seconded by iVir .' Mahoney that Plomestead exemption be allowed on L, 26, B1. 16, l~olling Green £or Clayton and Mary Jane Johnson and abatement in taxes granted in the amount of $ 39.60. Motion carried u~uanimously. Mr. Madsen: moved and /~r. Banks seconded, that rebate be granted on taxes to Shane~s Motel on S. Federal in the amount of $112.Z9. Motion carried mnanimously. -6- IV~r, ~nks moved: seconded BY Mr.' IViadsen that refund for dog lzcense be granted.th~ Mice Kelley because' of deatk o£ dog on 1st day license ~vas iss'med. lV~otion carried u~a~irno~sly~ It w~s-allnO-U31eed the City Gierk~s office Willlbe open on November 8th uns£1 9:00 p~rn,'~for the .purpose of registrations for GityElection. IV~rSo %Valter Jackson recor~m~nded the ~apers u0tify the people their county ~e~istration does not quat~fy the*~ io,',vo~ i~ the City'and that it is necessary to register at City. I-Iai]. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:zi5 p. m. ±e eesm l~get~it3~ Clerk Tho mis' A. -Sum m e r s ~ ' iVia¥o r Walter ~,. ~adsen,~Vic~ayor PAYMENTS MADE IN 88TGBER 1962 GENERAL FUND-October 1, 1962 5581 Tereesa E. Pa~gett 25.00 5584 Thomas J. Croft 200.00 5585 Whirr MacDowell 100.00 5586 City e£ Boym Bob(P.O.) 93.45 5~87 Southerm Bell ~el & Tel Ce 13.50 5588 Fla. Power & Light Ge . . ~2.06 464.01 WAThSiFUND-0ctober 1 5845 W~ittMaeDowe~_I 10~00 5846 City ef BoynBch(P.C.) 6.45 TOTAL 480.46 GENEP~L FUND-October 2 5582 Sou~ermBuilders&Realty, Ime 5583 B?.yntem BchFire ~ep% ~72~7% 5589 C~ty ~f BeymB~h(P.C.) 82~06 55~0 City ,f ~eym BCh(Water ~ept) 34.34 5491 Fla. Power & Light Ge 114~$8 5592 Ci~ efBeym Bch(P.0.) 25~1 5593 Be~teryNan~factmrdmg Co t54~80 5594 ~eY's . 26;00 5~95 Pi~ard.¢hemical 00 80.0~ 5596 Wa~ I G~m~ugs, Inc 21262.69 W~TER ~'~ND-0eteber 2 5843 ef 5.00 5844 BrOoks Products of.Fla. Im¢ 82.5~ 5847 DaVis Meter & Supply Ce, the 363.75 SEWAGE F~ND-0etober 2 0035 City of Boym Beh(Wa~er Dept) 6.80 6.80 TOTAL 22712.07 GENER~FgND-0ctober 3 5597 City of BeymBch(P.C.) 117.75 5598 City of Boyn Beh(P.C.) 79.81 WATER FUND-October 3 5848 City ef Beym Beh(P.G.) 40.28 40.28 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSON FUND-October 3 21348 Charles Semior 29.40 29.,40 SPECIAL ASSESSF~ FU~)-October 3 21349 City of Boym Beh(P.C.) 14.8 14.85 TOTAL 282.09 GE}iBR~ FUND-October 4 5599 Oity of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 89.58 5600 Claremce E. Wolf 25.00 WATER F0trO-0~%ober 4 5849 .Paul Robinson 7.20 5850 Thos Kubeck 5.70 5851 Roy Smms 6.00 - 114.58 5852 Mrs. F. W. S~der 5853 Janet Berdenaro 5854 DaSd K. Lewis 5855 H.W. Kilby OC 0BER 196& ~. -'-'~ 4.90 6. O0 5.20 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND-0cteber $ 4169 Acer of Roy S,m~ $170 Aec% of Northwoo~ BlUrs 4171 Acct of James O, Sharpe $172 Ace% of Gor&em Signet% $173 Aect efAmmWest $174 Acc% of Jean Keval ~175 Aect of~Irs, F.N. Smyder $176 Acc% ef Janet Berdenaz~ 41~ Acc% of 0ceauRidge Beh Bev. Ce 4178 M~. Edna Fer~ ~179 Ae~t ef Davi~ K. Lewis ~80 Acc% ef H.W. Kilby 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.59 7.50 7.5O 7.50 7.50 ?. 5O 7.~0 GENEEAL ~JND-Octeber 5 56~1 City of Boyn Bch 5692 Gmlf Oil Corporation 5~3 City ef Boyn BCh(P.C.) 56G% City ef BoynBeh(Payroll F) 96.25 721~38 21.17 996~.80 5 56 5857 FBND-October 5 G~lf 0il Corp City of gey~ Bch(Payroll) 215 .0o SEWAGE FUND-0cto~er 5 6~lf 0il Cerp (Ch # 0036) 8.10 FUND-October 8 5605 A~dressograph-~ultigraph Cor~ 5606 Oourt Records, lee 5607 Delray ~omcrete Products Ce 5608 Do~:s Firestone 5S09 Everglade Paper Ce ~610 ~m~go 0il ¢c 5611 Hand's WATER F~ND-Oeteber 8 5858 A~dressegraph-E~ltigraph Corp 5859 B & H Sales, 5860 Den's Fires%one 5861 R.L. Gr~mmens Printing GENERAL 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616 5617 5618 ~D-October 9 City of Boy~Bch(Wa~er Dept) Bey~ Glass Service, i=c Den's ~ireste~e Indianapolis Badge & N~e P~ Co Oce~ Gi~L~er Ge ~card Ch~ic~ Ce R~bim Co~t~eti~ Ge 15.86 50,00 40;00 150.03 85.21 42.23 ~o. ee 15.87 127.44. 18.60 42. 0 171.o4 72.00 129.80 38.36 50.45 56.14 39.10 - TOTAL 90.00 24% 68 10802.60 224.0. ~8 8.10 TOTAL 13051C~8 TOTAL 2o4.4 637.71 PAYMENTS MADE IN 0CTOBER 1962 (comtin~ed) 5619 Stevens Drugs Inc 5620 Eric F. YallepB~s, Machines 5621 City of Boym Bch (P.O.) 5622 Fla. League of MUnicipalities Cony. 33.66 140 · 0O 45.86 285.00 1143.01 WATEEFDND-Oetober 9 5862 Erie F. Yatlep Bus. Machimes 175.00 TOTAL 17~.00 1318.01 G~FUND-0cteber 10 5623 J. Alex Ar~ette 5624 Jas. J. Nahemey NATEH F~-0ctober 10 5863 Bo~ Simki~g ~Reserve Aect 5864 Primoipal& tmterest Wa~er Rev. 58~5 City cf BeymBeh Ce~str. TrF~ 2.50 2t.00 1695.00 5508.34 9518.60 2;3. ~0 16t621.9~ ESCRONFU~D-O¢~ober 10 21350 M~-~le I~. Cost of Mimer R~ Loop TOTAL 1318.06 t7,963.50 GEt,HAL ~-0cteber 11 5625 O~ty of Boyn Beh (P.O.) 5626 J;D. Maim P~inting Co. 5627 Hal S. Ives 5629 Do~'s Firestome 563~ Seacrest 0il Ce 5631 Nat'l Fire Protection Ass'n ~'ATER FUND-October 11 5856 City of Boy~Bch(P.C.) 5867 Den's Firestone 5868 Gel~em A~dersom Spee'lty 5869 Thcs S. Graham 5870 Frederick Glass 5871 -Leu Samy~ 5872 Mrs. Dorothy M~ Rose 58~3 Leom Cleutier 5876 Janet BorSe~aro 5875 Nm Narmaduke 5876 ~ mcr Lame Powell 5~7 $tam~ard Oil Co 5878~- Don NeO~r~y E~GR0~¢ ~UNR-0c%o~er 11 21351 Oity of Boyn Bch (T~ansfer) 21352 21~5~ . . - . . 21353 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND-October 4t8t Acct of Frederick Glass 4182 " "~ Samyn ~183 " "Thcs M. Rose 4184 " "Leon Cloutier 4185 " "Wm. Marmaduke 4186 " "E. L, Powell 106.39 5.00 200. OO 137.20 12/+.02 2~.oo 6.05 48.20 82.81 300.00 2.00 4.10 3.50 2.80 1.50 5.60 3.40 12.00 6.00 235.e0 557. O0 _ 6 -' $o0.oo 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 $77.96 4187 Aect of J. E. Mann %188 ~ " Nor~hwQod BlUrs 4189 " " Howard M~lery 4190 ~ " S~d~rd 0~ SEWAGE FUND-October 11 0037 Ohieage Pump Hydro Div GENEBJLL FUI~D-Oc~ober 12 5632 Burroughs Cerp 56.33 Gold Coast Engineering~Ce 563J+ City ef Boy~ Bob (P.F.J WATER F~N~-Oc%eber 12 5879 Beyn Well Pamp & ,Sprimkler 5~80 City of Boym Bch (P.F.) G~ER~ FJND-Octeber 15 ~35 city of ~o~ 5636 " " 55~ Thos A S~ers 5638 0i~ ef Bo~ Beh (P.C.) ~TER FUND-~etoD~r 15 8~ Bill Nelsen 5882 Leon Cloutier 4t96 DEPOSITGRS FUND-October Aect ef Re G. C~lb~ Ace~ ef Bill Nelson Ae¢~ of Leon Cleutier George Seema~lI1 Mrs. Da~Nerris G~JIE~ ~ND-Oetober 16 5~ C.S. Shoemaker 5~1 Boy, Bob Chamber ef Co~ 5642 Remex Corp WATEE ~YND-Oeteber 16 5883 Joha Bailitz WAT~DEPOSITORS FUND-October 41~7 Acc% of John Bailitz ESCROW F~ND-0etober 16 21355 Tr~usfer GENEB~L ~ND-Oct~ber 17 5643 Co of p~qm Bch, N. Palm Bch WATER FU~-D-Octeber 17 5884 Russell &Axon PAYHENTSNADE IN OCTOBEE 1962 (¢0NT) 7.50 7.50 7.50 ~5.00 7.~0 90.000 TOTAL 3o3o.78 210.80 25. O0 21%.82 2..4.~e.62 115;7G 1044.96 _ 116.9;6 TOTAL 3591.28 107~3 123;/,.8 19.75 95.28 4.,4-0 350.%4 3.70 2.90_ 6.60 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7~FO, 400.00 163.9~ 21~.50 39%. 5~ 1.10 1.10 7.~0_ ~00. O0 TOTAE ~0.00 ~00.00 1284.00 2~.o5 TOTAL 2~.05 53.05 GEneRAL FU~R-Oetober 18 56~ Blue Cress of Fla. 5645 Fla, Printing Co 56~ ~o~ A ~ers 56~7 W~r A 56~ Jo~ L. ~chie 5649 J~es ~. ~o~ey 565~ J. ~ison 5651 J.B. Hemmers em 5552 Gene Moore PAYMENTS MADE IN OCTOBER 1962 (c8~) WATER FUND-October 18 5885 Blme Gross of Fla., Imc 5886 O.N. Harve! 5887 Kent Sehroeder 5888 ~ayne Bldre 5889 ST~u~ard 0il Co 58c~ Nm L. Lewis 58~1 Gold Ceas$ Engimeerimg Ce EETER DEPOSITOP~ F~ND-October 18 4198 Aoct ef C.N. Harvel 4199 Acct of Kent Schroeder 4200 Acct of Way~e Bldrs &201 Acct of Standard Oil Ce ~202 Acer of WmL. Lewis ~203 Aect of Gold ¢oast Engineering Co ~204 Aect of Doyle Irwin SEWAGE F~ND-October 18 0838 Blue Cross ofF la., Inc GENERAL Fu~D -0etober 19 5653 De, arco Tractor ~ Implememt Co 5654 ¢ity o~ BoymBeh(P.C.) 5655 Remex ~erp 5656 City of Boy~ Bch(P.F.) WATER FUND-Oc%eber 19 5892 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 5593 0i~y of Boy~ Bch(P.F.) METER DEPOSITORS FUND-October 19 4205 H.W. Kilby SEWAGE F~ND-0ctober 19 G039 Oity of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 0040 Void GENERAL FUN~ -October 23 5657 City of Beym Beh (Water Dept) 5658 Fla. Power & Light Co 5659 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Ce 5650 Claude H & Catherine S Carpemter 5~61 Boy, Well-Pump & ~pr~ler Supply Oorp 5562 Burromghs Cerp 5663 DeMarco Tractor & Implement Co 1196.12 260.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 lO0. O0 100.00 100.00 100.00 5T. 82 4.60 5.20 4.6O 11.80 4.60 4.9o 7.50 7,50 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.~0 ~1:~9;00 51.~ 176,50 TOTAL 35~81 2046.00 .3O TOTAL 310.45 185.80 28.90 63.10 7.80 33.40 2156.12 93. ~ . 60.00 2313.77 11722.8~ 2081.81 7.;50 14012.44 5665 5665 5667 5668 5669 5670 5671 5672 5673 567/* 5675 5676 5677 5679 5~80 5681 WATE~ 589/* 58~5 5898 590O 590 5903 4206 4~7 4208 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 SEWAGE 00/.1 1962 ~mgop Leather GoeRs Don~s Firestone East Coast Fire Equip. ¢igy of Bo2m Bch(P.C.) ci~y of Bo~ B~(P.C. ) ~a. F~nee-Co., Ins G~f O~ Go~ H~ey' $ H~y & Griffin, ~liff~ F. Walte~ Keatts T~eki~ Sense Mo~re~ O. & E. Rress ~st~y Gr~s Ge Rese~e~ Deve~ Be~d of P.B. Rubin ~o~eti~ Co ~lay~m Wolf ~eeler & ~s~m, l~ND-October 23 City of Boym Bob(Water Dept. ) Fla. Power & Light Southerm Bell Tel & Tel Biseayme Chem Lab., Ins B~mrr oughs ~erp Dora's Firestone Fla. Dust Oentroi Service Gity of Boyn Bch (P.C.) Wallace & Tierma~, Inc Nary Francis Smith Samuel Bobbins 32.00 31.60 4.8; O0 85.12 81.34 44.00 20;70 25.00 124.52 1 138.70 918.00 25.60 36.00 250. O0 115.63 1.00 73.47 18/,.54 /*3.33 14.~.0 /.1.00 4.20 34.87 6.00 6.00 130.45 5.00 6.00 DEPOSITORS FUND-October 23 Acer of Doyle Irwim Aect of Mary Francis Smith Aden Miller Comsolidated Der Corp W. Willads e~ Olifferd F Walters Acet of Samuel Robbi~s Glayton Nolf C~as Henuem~n Acct of Bernanrd Kreh~ FUND -October 23 Jones Chemicals, ine 7.50 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7. o GENERAL FUN~D-0et~ber 2% 5682 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 5683 City ef Boyn Bch(P.C.) WATER FU~-D -October 22+ 5905 City of Boyn Beh(P.C.) I~u~iCIPAL CIVIC CENTER BLDG TRUST FUND-Os% 24 21356 86.01 111.77 14. o City of Boym Bob(General F) 21~262.69__ __ TOTAL 28~9.7~ 134.55 3552.62 197.78 _.___~o 10 21.262.69 21,474. 5'7 PA-~$ lZJYDE I~ OCTOBER 1962 G~IT, FUND- October 25 5682+ Tereesa E. Padgett 5685 National Rifle A~eeiatiem 25.00 10.00 35.00, WATER F~D-0ct~ber 25 5906 Richard Ehodes 6.00 M~ETER 4216 4217 /+2.18 2+219 DEPOSITORS ~D-Octeber 25 A¢ct of Doyle Irwin J.&J. B~i]ders Acer of Jerry D. Loft~n Acer of Eiohard Rhodes 7;50 7.50 7.50 30.00 SENA6E D~P 0SITOES ~D-0cteber 25 Ace% cf Jerry D Lefton 9.10 TOTAL 80.1~ 9.10 GENERAL 5686 568? 5688 568O 5690 5691 5692 5693 5692+ FUND -October 26 Boymton Beach News A~clphKiefer & Ce McGregor Brothers Palm Beach Office Supply Va~hu& Wrigh% of W.P.B. Inc Jones Chemicsls Ine Fl~j P~wer &Light 00 City of Boy. Bob City ef ~oynBeh(P.F.) 48.45 85.99 35. T7 23;60 38. 08 53.82 239 · 19 51.10 2210.Z¢~ WAT.~ 5907 5908 5909 FO~D-October26 Mrs. Mildred~ddleten M~s. D. Knpsch City cf BoymBch(P.F.) 6.00 4.80 1035.59 lO46-39 _ M~-~R 4221 4222 DEPOSITORS FUND -October 26 Acer of Mrs. Mildred Middleton Acer of Mrs. D. Kupsch Mrs. James Scibetta 7.50 7.50 _ 7.f;o 22.50 SEWAGE FUN~-0ctober 26 0042 City of Boy~ Bob(Mater Dept) SPECIAL AS~ESS~ FUND-October 26 21357 Boyn Bch News 62+.78 3~.20 64.78 ~1.2~ TOTAL 395~.3~ GEh~RN~ ~ -October 30 5695 Oity of Bey~ Bch(P.C.) 5696 City of Boy~ Bch(P.C.) 5697 U.S. Post Office 12+9;76 72+.8~ 118.00 WAT~F~t ~U~U-0etober 30 59m ~ty cf $~$e~(~.¢.) 5911 Mark Wade Jr 59~2 Void 5913 Wm Van Magnet 5914 Allen B. Oaldwe]-I 5915 Duane ~mham 23.12 5.00 6.00 6.00 .70 (c0~) METER D~ 0SITORS FU~-Oetober 30 ~4~23 4~25 4226 4~8 Acer sf Martin Fertier A¢ct ef James A Himkle B~ame ~ Durham Aec% ef ¥~rk W. Wade Aec% ef Wm VaR Wagner Acer of Rarvim Karmeol Amct ef Ali, eh B Caldwell 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 ~.50 7.50 7.~o ~EWAGE FUND-October ~043 ~ane ~m SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND-October 30 068 Aect of Duame D~ha~ GENERAL FOND- October 31 5698 Thcs J. GrOf~ 5699 City of Bo~n Beh (PC) 5700 " " " " " 5701 Del4~reo Tra~tor & Implement Co. 5702 DeWitt Supply Co. 5703 Den's Firestone 570~ Bob -Fackler' s Primting 5705 Fla. Power & Light Co. 5706 Halsey & Griffith 5707 H~rdrives ~¢. 5708 Hawkims, Jeffreies, DeWoody & Newlen 5709 Gene Moore 5710 Cityof Boy~ton Beh Water Frond 5711 " " " " Payroll" 5712 " " · " Petty Cash 5713 Boymton Beh Fire D~ept. 5714 city" " (PO) 57t5 " " " " 571& Thcs J. Croft 57~[7 Walter A Madsen 5718 City of Boy,ton B~h (PC) 5719 John L. Archie 5720 0ASI Contributor ~ ~721 Distriet Director of Iht. Rev. ~22 So~t~easter~ ~at~aral ~as 0orp. ~hi%t MacDowel! #5723 5725 5726 5727 ~28 5729 ~730 35 5736 5~39 57/+O 5741 Naghaniel Dame & Co. DeRareo Traetor& Implement Co. Don's Firestone Fla. Leagme of Mmni¢ipalities R. L. Grnm~ons Pr~uti~g Klei~ Enterprises Md~m~ Fire Equip. Inc. Gene Moore ~Ietorola Commun. & Electr. Bonald S. Lavigne Inc. Delray Concrete Products Inc. City of Boynt. Beh (PC) " " " " Water Dept. Fla. Power & Light Allen R. Co. Beynton Lodge #236, F. & A.M. The Blossom Shoppe Everglade Paper Co. 7.80 15. O0 47.97 90.23 32.~9 2%/+5 203.23 100.90 3580.50 27.93 41.8~ 556.67 11~ 587.50 875.75 78.83 415.52 1~.78 200. ~0 22.00 28.80 17.~0 3.32 100. O0 42.40 ~.00 65 · 50 23..91 145~ O0 65.00 182. O0 78. O0 20.99 TOTAL 7.00 PAYMENTS MADE IN OCTOBER 1962 GENERAL FUN~-OctoBer 31, 1962 (CONT) 57 ~eatts Trackiz~ Service 617. 55~3 ~Jhit% MacDowell 22.~5 ' 5744 Pitney-Bowes, Inc. 21.60 5745 Remex Corp. 19.00 57~6 Rubin Censtr. Co. 56.87 5748 South Lodge Florist 5749 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co. 13.50 5750 " " " " " 231.41 5751 ~s S~tary Serv. 45.00 5752 Ridgeway Plbg. 35. ~ Boyatcn Bob Chamber of Commerce Ci~ty of Boynto~ ~ch 5755 Thomas A Smmmers ~9.75 5756 James J. Mahoney 22~00 5757 G~l£ Oil Corp 943.23 5758 OASI Co~tributien Fend 75.00 5759 Veld 5760 B-I-F Industries 72.35 5761 B.D. Cole Inc 571.~1 5762 Henry Holmes Aquatics 365.20 5763 Whirr Nac D~well ~8.80 5765 Palm Beach Office Smpply 33.90 5765 Zep Na~ufzet~urimg Corp t18.~0 5766 Fla. Power & Ligh% Co 3~97 5767 ~ity ef ~oyn Bch (Wa~e~ F) 182.03 5768 City ~f ~oym Beh (Special Assessment F) 1072.26 5769 City of Boy~ Bch (Sara S~mm~ Nero Gar) 75.00 5770 ~ity of Boyn Beh (Boyn Bch Mom Pk) 330.$0 577~ City of Boyn Bch (Police Retirement F) ~78o36 5772 City of Boyn Bch (Firemen's Rel& Pen F) 73.~0 5773 City of Bey~ Bch (Sewer F) 1 ~65o63 5775 City of Boyn Beh (Sewage Deposit F) 123.90 5775 City of Beyn Bob (M~u. C.C. Bldg Tr F) 2600.00 WATE~ 59t6 5917 5915 5919 592O 5921 5922 5923 59~ 5925 5926 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5989 SEWAGE OO44 0045 FU~-0ctober 31, 1962 Bob Fackler's Printing Shop Fla. Power & Light Co Hawkins, Jefferies, DeWoody & Newton City ef Beym Bch(P.E.) City of Boyn Bch(P.0.) OASI Contribution Fund Whirr NacDowell Ronald J. Fruda Boyn Well-P~mp & Sprinkler Sup. Corp International Steel & Pipe Co Void Delray Pools, Ine Jones Chemicals, Inc Nhitt MacDowell Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) ~ 0il Corp B & H Sales, I~e Neptune Meter Co City of Boyn Bch(General F) City of Boy~ Bob(Escrow F) FUND-october 31 DeWitt Supply Ce Fla. Power & Light Oe 73.00 1493.76 ~8.33 66.66 18.72 605.87 10.00 158.86 62.94 20~.47 39- 50 232.00 37.25 11160 2.00 158.30 151.38 217.77 1670.08 95.04 97.81 6,202.50 PAYMENTS MADE IN OCTOBER, 1962 (00~) 0048 City of oyn BehSWater Dept) 0052 G~lf 0il~ C0rp 0055 City of Boyn Bch(Ge~ere~ Fund) 1.50 27. ~4 ~.40 10.19 SPEO~AL ASSESSMENT ~ND-0c~eber 3! 21358 Gene Meere 21361 P~Lm Beach Pest Times 21364 City of Boym Bob(General F~) 190.0~ 3~6 ~JJ~2~J~NRELIEF &M~NSION FUND-october 3! 21359 Ob~wles Senior TOTAL FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER October 1 2 3 5 8 10 11 -12 15 16 17 18 19 23 25 26 3O 31 22712.0'7 282.09 243. ~8 13051 637.71 1318.01 1'7963.50 3030.78 35~1.28 394~54 2313.77 14o12.44 3552.62 21474.~ 80. ~6.~7 156o~1 TOTAL 29./~0 /,5218.38 PAY~J~TS NABE IN NOV~E~BER, 1962 G~ERJ~J~ ~PND-November 2 5800 City of °oynBeh(P.F.) 5801 G.A. ~.'~& Sons 9532.85 lo4;~2, 85 WATER FUND-November 2 5927 City ef BoymBch(P.F.) GENE~J~L FUND-November 5 5802 B.B. Bel4t, Inc. GF~E~AL FUND-November'6 5803 Cit~ ef BoYnBeh(P.Co) 5804 Eamie Gil~am Bailey GENERAL FDJ~D-NevemDer 7 5805 Jelm M. T~ite ef eym. Bch(P.C.) 5807 City of Beyn Bch(P.C.) 2153.69 1207/62 89;87 1.82 25.e0 91;68 67,97 21~3.69 TOTAL 12586.54 1207;62 TOTAL 1207~62 91.69 TOTAL 91.69 WATER FUND-Novem~er 7 5937 Harold B~ Click 5938 Joseph C Barbre 5939 John Morton 5940 Arnold Harris 5941 Park~ Oomstr. 55~2 E~ua Oarringtom 5543 ~ary Su~gs 5544 S. Pandolfe 5545 Chas B. Jokusen 59~6 City of Boy~ Bch(P.C.) 6.00 6.~0 4.60 4.31 .10 3.65 4.50 4.00 4.1~ 21.65 58.91 METE~ DEPOSITORS Fb~ND-November 7 4230 Acct of Hare!8 Click 4231 Acc~ of H.E. Wolfe ~232 Aect of Joseph Barbre 4233 Oassell SubseriptionAgency 4234 Acct of JohuMorto~ 4235 Acct of Armol~ Harris 4236 A¢ct ef Parkwoed Constr. Co. ~237 Acct cf Edna Carrington 4238 Remal~ P. Hertz 4239 Acct ef Mary Suggs 4240 Acct of Joe Beha~aam 4241 JehmL. Patrick ~P~:2 Acct of S. Pando!fe 4243 George McCleery 4246 A¢ct of Ohas B. Johnson 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.5O 7.50 112.50 SEWAGE 0049 0050 SEWAGE 069 FBND-November 7 Charles B. Johnson City of Boyn Bob(P.e.) DEPOSIT FUND-November 2 Acct o£ Charles Johnson Acct of Joe Bohaunam 3; 50 7.00 7.00 1~.00 TOTAL 378.80 PAYMEntS MADE IN NOVEMBER 1962 (co~) GENERAL FUND-November8 5808 Ward A Ch~mm~ ugs, Ime 5809 Dirok H. Grootenboer 5810 Joe ¢ittadimo 5811 City of Boy~ Bch(P.0.) 36574.59 140.00 300.00 7~.7~ 37088. F~ND-November 8 City of Boyn Bch(P.O.) 12.10 12.10 SEWAGE FSND-November 8 0e51 City of Boyn Bch(P.O.) MDI~IOIPAL Ci~I0 O~TER BLGD TR FUND-Nov 8 21360 Ward A Cmmmimgs, Imc GE~ FUND November 9 5812 City ef Boyn Bch (P.F.) 5813 City of BoynBsh (P.C.) 5814 Dixie Holding Corp 5815 ~ity of BoynBch (P.O.) 1000.00 2501 ~ 34 92.144. 6.1,4. 6~.G1 TOTAL 51109.08 2662.63 WATER FUND-November 9 5948 City of Boy~ Beh(P.F.) 5949 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 10t0;68 13.28 TOTAL 36~.59 ~BAL FUND-November 12 5816 Alice Kelly 5825 Advertisers Press, WATER F~ND-November 12 5950 1960 Water Revenue Bond Fund 5951 1960 Bond Sinking F~nd Reserve Aect GENERAL FUND-November 13 Thomas J. Croft (Ok # 5817) 5818 Li!lia~E Work 5819 Dr. Robert 0.&F~%rgaret H.Bower 5820 U.S. Post Office G~ FUND-November 14 5821 City of Bo2m Bch(P.C.) 5822 Nancy Hartumg T. Holmes 5823 First Bank of BoynBch 47.~o 5508.34 1695.~ T ~ tL 50 ~ O0 720~. ~4 _ TOTA~ 15.~0 2, 36 2.05 37o. o0 101.45 1.91 29~3.45 WATER 5952 5953 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 596O 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 FUND-November 14 0ity of Boyn Bch(P.0.) City Park Assc South Pslm Beach Corp First Fed Savings & Loan Victor's Beauty Enterprises W.R. Borough Mar tim H~ser V.F, Mansfield Claude Roleff Fred Flanders Kirk Horick Leo Felkner Howard Mai ~ cry Booth Wes terman 37.17 5.60 4. oo 6.00 6.OO 1. O0 6.00 .I0 6.00 3.50 .4O 6.00 6.00 3.40 91.t7 WAR PAYMEkw~S MADE IN NO¥~MBER 1962 METER DEPOSITORS F~U)-November Acot of City Park Assc A.W. Thomas Acer ef So. Palm Beach Co Acct of First Fed Savings & Acct of Victor's Beanty Salon Acct ef Robert Crill Acct of W.H. Borough Acct of Robert Frauk Acct of Martin Huser LaBew M~tar~e C~ Acct of Sydney Hawkins Acer of V.F. N~field Acct of Claude Holeff Aect of Fro6 Fl~nders A¢et ef Kirk Rerick A¢ot of Lee Felkmer Acct of Howard N~I Aeet ef Booth Nesterms~ Dazell Prsperties (co ) 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.5o 7.50 SEWAGE _~'UNR-November !4 0053 City ef Boyn Bch(P.C~ ) 7.00 7.00 SEWAGEDEPOSIT FOND-November 071 Acc% of Robert Fr~W G72 Walter Kowalski t.~fAT.t~ FUND-November 15 ~.S. Post 0ffiee (Ok # 5966) 5967 U.S. Post Office GEEVEP~AL FUND-November 16 5826 Mrs. W.B. Wyckeff 5827 City of Beynton Bch (PF) 5828 " " " ~ (PC) 5829 " " " " ~ WATER REVENOEFUND - November 16 5968 City of Boyntom Bch (PF) 5969 "~ " "(PC) TOTAL 33o4.~ 150.00 ' 000. O0 TOTAL 1150.00 1.1~ 10,~53.0~ 96.~1 37.09 lC ,487.67 2152.28 6.00 2158.28 TOTAL GENERAL FUND - N0~IBER 19 5830 City of Boymten Bob (PC) 5831 WATER P~wVEN~EFUND - November 19 5970 City of Boynton Bch (PC) GENERAL 5832 5834 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841 FUND - November 20 Internationsl CityMgr's Assoc. John D. Payme Addressograph-~eltigraph Corp. Blue Cross ~f~la. Inc. Den's Firestone Edco Brush Co. Everglade Paper Co. Fire Engineering Fla. East Coast Railway Co. 96.63 100.~_~ 7.50 !.00 39.31 1225.09 183.78 31.31 52.43 7.00 6.00 TOTAL 197. O8 2.87 SEWAGE FUND - November 20 $4.09 ,005& Patricia Adk±ns PAYMENTS MADE IN NOV~BER 4o13 00'55 Blue Cross of Flao 1962 (Contiuued) ~F~WEHAL FUND - November 20 Cont'd. 5841 Fla. East Coas% Railway Co. $ 6.00 5841 Halsey & Grif£ith, t~c. !!3.61. _ 8.22 WA~ 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 427o 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 42?7 4278 4279 4~8e DEPOS~C~'~N~ ~0vemher 20 City ef Boynten Bch Acer Soroptomist Ci 7.50 Aect of Leu Samy~ 7.50 ~ " Cons~ers ~port 7.50 " ~ W. B. ~Ien 7.50 " " W~e ~te 7. " " Yo~ & ~e 7.50 ~ " J~es D. P~e 7,50 " ~ Joe E. ~ " Carl Be~mly " " G~da B~etti 7.50 " " F~ ~se~ 7.50 Mrs. Ole~a Thompson 7.50 Acer of Pa~icia A~i~ 7.50 " ~ J. O. Howe~ 7.$0 " "Henry Thompson 7.50 ~ u ~s Don~ M~ 7.50 142.50 WATER P~V~NUE F~ND November 20 5971 soroptomi$ t Clmb 5972 Consumers Import Co. Inc. 5973 W.B. Allen 5974 Wayne White 5975 James D. Payne 5976 Joe E. ~Allen 5977 Carl Beim!y 5978 Frank Gesell 5979 Gilda Brumetti 5980 Patricia Adkins J. O. Howell #5981 5982 Henry E Thompson 5983 Nrs. Donald Murphy 5984 Blue Cross of Fla I~¢. 5985 Den's Firestone 5986 East Coast Fire Equip. 5987 City of Boy,ton Beh (PC) 5.00 1.50 3.70 5.6O 4.60 2.30 t0.60 1.50 4.60 1.70 1.20 2.30 5.60 53.69 30. O0 58. e2 216.90 SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND - November 20 Acot of PatriciaAdkins 9.1G 9.10 ~S0~OUS ~ I November 20 21362 Municipal Civic Center Bldg Trust 21363 ~ SwimmingPool TOTAL GE~ERALFUND - No~ember 21 5776 Mrs. Edythe Hoo~ 5777 M~rs. ~l~redHallier Martin H~ser #5778 5779 Robert Ryd 5780 Sam Sh~e 5781 Mrs. Marie Deyo 5782 Mrs. Lee Bistad 5783 Mrs. Ann R. Lynch 266.19 182.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 I & $ FUND - Nov. 21 PAYMMMTSMADE IN NOVEMBEE ~1366 Chase Manh. 1962 (0on%inued) GF~KAL F~ND- November 21 (Gont'd) $4060.00 5784 Mrs. Mariam Adeook 12.00 5785 Mrs. Marcetla Provimce 12.O0 5786 Mrs. J~ia Wiggins 12.00 5787 Mrs. Dorothea Rich 12.O0 5788 Mrs. Emily Jackson 12.00 5789 Mrs. Framces Van Devender 12.0O 5790 Mrs. Louise LeFert 12.00 5791 Mrs. 01lie Heath 12.00 5792 Mrs. Marjorie Kirkpatriek 12.0~ 5793 Mrs. Helen Kirkeby 12.00 5843 city of 4060.00 WATE~ 5988 5990 P~VENU'EF~ND - November 21 City of B~ymten Bch 1306.75 " " " "Water I&S Fum~ 8060.00 TO~ GENERAL FUND - November 26 5794 The Chase ~L~mha~tan Bank 7275.00 5795 City of Boym~n Beh 77.16 5796 Den's Fires%one 59.78 5797 F!amimgo 0il Co. 40.63 5798 Fla. Printing Ce. 37.24 5799 R.L. Grummons Printing 57.60 58Z% M~ soy & Griffith Iue. 5845 Hurricaue Fence Co. Ins. 99.00 5846 The Intermat'l Mgr's Assoc. 75.00 5847 [¢cDor~ld Dst~btrs ef Fla Imc. 23~.1 8002.01 I & S F0~ID- November 26 21368 C~ase Manhat*~nBank GENERAL FUND - November 27 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 TOTAL City of Boym~on Bch (PC) 30.31 Gene Moore 35.00 Palm Bch Office Supply 8.21 The Paymaster Cerp. 42.50 Public Adm. Serv. 7.64 Pursley Grass Co. 75.00 R~binOonstr. ~o. 53.47 Sewell Hdwe Co of Lake Worth Ia¢. 151.17 Southeastern Assoe. of Fire Chiefs 15.00 Tom Wood Truck Equip Co IRc 312.72 Yo~mg & Waldie 228.80 Sou~hermBell Tel & Tel Co. 169.66 Fla. Power & Light Co. 159.26 City of Boynton Bch 285.32 Fla. Power & Light Co. 262.03 City of Boy~ten Bch (Water) 233.64 Intermat'l ~nstitute of Num. Clerks 1O.OO " Asso¢ of Else I~specters lO.G0 David D. Finley 25.90 1739.~2 ~o94.~3 WATER REVENUE FUND - November 27 5991 59~2 5993 5994 5995 City ef Beynton Beh (PC) Neptm~e Meter Co. Seuthern Bell Tel & Tel Co. Fla. Pewer & Light Co. City of Boynton Bch (Water) TOTAL 17.96 2553.00 43.60 20.54 173.10 2802'.20 4896.93 SEWAGE ~VE~UE FUND Nov 27 1962 (Continued) GENERAL FUND ~ November 28 5867 City of Boynten Bch (PC) 5868 Am. Title Ins. Co. 5870 Wm M Levine & Ralph S. Cohn 5871 DeMarce Tractor & Implement Ce. PAYMENTS MADE IN N~ 1,25 94.88 67.58 9.80 40.~ TOTAL 4896.93 1.25 WATER REVE~O~ FUND - November 28 5996 Lom Samy~ 5997 Henry Thompson 5998 Mrs. Martha Lindgrem 5999 Edw. A. Hartman 6000 Busbm~ & Ruth 6001 Irma E. Avic 6002 Leon Cloutier 6003 Wm Marmad~ke 6004 B.H. Smith 6005 City cf Boy,ten Bch (PC) 6006 " 6007 Mrs. Logan Hinshaw~. 6008 Mrs. A. Sergievsky 2.80 2.60 4.50 5.20 6. OO 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.20 44.68 4.47 6.00 5.6o WATER DEPOSITORS FUND - November 28 4282 Acct or.Leu Samy~ 7.50 4283 " ~ Martha Lindgren 7.50 4284 " "Edw. Har~nan 7.50 4285 " "E~shman & Ruth 7.50 4286 " ~ Irma D~vic 7.50 4287 " "Leom C!~utier 7.50 4288 " "WmMarmaduke 7.50 4289 ~ "B. H. Smith 7.50 4290 ~ ~ Rebt Tipton 7.50 4291 ? "LoganHinshaw 7.50 4292 " '~ Mrs A Sergievsky 7.50 4293 " ~ Anthony Cent~lella 7.50 90.00 SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND - November 28 074 Anthony Ce~telella 7.00 MISCELLA~OUS FOND - November 28 21369 Mum. Civic Center TrmstFumd TOTAL GENERAL FUND -Nevember 30 5872 City cf Boyntem Bch (PF) 10,809.07 5873 " " " " (PC) 75.75 5874 " " " " ~ 47.82 7.Oo. 36,~.~9 33,989.31 10,932.6~ WATE~P~WVEh~YE FUND - November 30 6009 City ~fmBe~l~on Bch (PF) 22Y~2.60 TGTAL Nov. 2 12,586.54 Nov. 16 5 1207.62 19 7 378.80 20 8 51,109.08 21 9 3686.59 26 12 7253.8~ 27 13 389.41 28 14 ~304.40 30 15 llb0.00 TOTAL FOR NOVE~BER 2242.6O 13,175.24 12,645.95 199 o 95 15,955.29 9741.03 ~% 9S9. ~1 13~175.24 I7~,156.07