Minutes 10-29-62MINUTES'OF SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, OCTOBER 29, 196Z. PRESENT: TPIOI~-AS A. SUMMERS, MAyOi~ WALTER A. MAI)SEN, VICE MAYOR JOPIN L. ARCHIE, COUh'CILMAN JAMES J. MA~ ONEY,,.GOUNCILI~AN J. ALLISON BANK, S, COUNCILlvfAN J. B. HENDElhSON, CITY MGR. GENE MOORE, CITY ATTORNEY rEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK This meeting was called to order by l~Iayor Summers at 3:00. p.m. at ~x~hich time the Mayor welcomed the Civics Classes from Boynton Jr.~ Higk~ School and their teacher, ~r. Holz~an, to s~e~Gove rn~ent in Action~ Mayor Sub.ers stated he felt it is beneficial to all students to attend as many ~eotings as possible, in that it co~d b~ ~lpfal to the~ in their studies. Mr. ~ktlison ~anks, Councilman speaking on behalf o£ City of Boynton Beach publicly thanked Chuck~Otterson, reporter for Palm Beach Post Time for the out- standing article whic~appeared in the Sunday edition of the paper on the p. rogress of Boynton Deach. The City Attorney read Ordinance 6Z-Z3, an Emergency Ordinance regar.ding legal hours during which local bars are permitted to remain open. ~It wvas established that all bars be closed and there be no consumption of alcoholic bew~erages after 3:00 a.m. and that sellers of package goods observe the same closing. Mr~ Archie moved that Emerge~%cy. Ordinance 6Z-Z3 be adopted, seconded by ~r. ~oney and unanimously carried. ~r~' ~nderson was ~s. tracted to ~ite each operator in the city selling alcoholic beverages of the r~les the council has ~ade. It was rovealed that if the holder of th~ license cared to re~ain open for ~e sale of food, he could do so. ~r. Archie ~oved, seconded by ~r.'~omey that the City ~lcrk be instructed to delete that po~ion of the ~ght club ~cense so tkat no confusion wvill e~st as to the inte~ion of this law and ~struct the Clerk to delete fro~ oar schedule the category of night clubs in tke'occupatio~al license. ~otion carried ~animously. Mr., Archie moved that Lawrence D. Grawford [regular} and Gel. Herbert Dotsey (alternate~ be appointed to Civil Service Appeals Board as recommended by Mayor Summers. Motion seconded by Mr. Banks and unanimously carried. lleference to amendments of Civil Service Rules. Mr. Henderson recommended that the articles and sections as set forth in his memorandmm be read into the minutes for the pt%rpose of making it official. The City Attorney advised that this must be done by resolution. In add%tion to those listed and referred to above, "the change -2- regardih~g employees who are not satisTied themselves with the promotion/assign- ment they have received, can go back To the position previously held" was to be included. 2~lso~ at ~irt. S, S~qtion l~ subsection.~a~ - add word '-0ermanant~ before word ~appointment~ to b~dded to above changes. ~v~r, Moo-re was ~then · ed to draw u~p resolution incorporating all the above mentioned ctianges Ivf~.-Archie recommended the Civil. Service Board or_Appeals ~convene as soon as possibl~and choose the £if~h member so a full board can be obtained.~ I~r o, Mahon~ey moved, seconded b7 Mr. Archie that the,~i~y go,out to bids for the p~rpose ~ pa~cAa?i~g two,trucks for the public utilities department With- out desz§nation of any:p~rticular brand and also for i, ke purchase of two radios to be pa~d for ~rorn ne~; year s budget. :Motion carried unanimously. h,refer~nce to beautification of Ocean Avenue the A/iayor advised that .the merct~ants had requested they be permitted to have potted royal palms placed ~n front'of their places of'business. Mr. Berry advised that the city insurance would cover e~ny liability which rnight~ be incurred. Mr. tViahoney moved~ se'conded by Mro Banks that the request be granted to allow merchanxs to piece palms in fron3; of thel~ business establishments on Ocean Avenue. Mr. Archie~s amendment was accepted that a congratulate ry letter be sent to those individuals responsible for this display of civic pride. 1V[otion carried unanimously. ~ Mr. /vfahoney made inquiry in regard to water line report in Ocean P, idge as requested by Mr. ~rif~ith, attorney for Town of Ocean l~idga. lvfro~Henderson reported that the engineers have discussed with the road contractors and th~ State l~oad officials and have learned it will be satisfactory to encase the p~pe in a concrete slab and put road mesh over it and they can then work around the pipe which will make the cheapest aa~d most feasible way to handle this m~atter. Mr, Mahoney moved that the ~ity proceed with the engineer,s recommendation in regard to water lines on ~_. t. ~k. Highway and Ocea~ Avenue. IViotion seconded by Mr. Archie and ~manimously carrled. In reply to Mr. iviahoney~s question regarding the laying of pipe for sewer line on .Seacres~ Blvd., Mr. Bar.ks reported that he had been insured that the installation will not interfere with the wid~ening and improving of Seacrest Blvd~ A~r; iv[arisen reported' that the trees in front of City Hall will be removed 5o the colored cemetery and beach and a sidewalk poured from the City Hall to Seacres~ Blvd. /V[r. Archie moved that City ~ ~ ~orues be authorized to lay sidewalk to the corner of Seacrest and 2nd ~kve. 1V[otion seconded by 1Vir. 1Viahoney and unanimously carried. -3- City Clerk reported an inquiry had been made by lady living adjacent to the propos~ed tocation of Nelson:s~ rel~ir shop~ and that she had ~eq~ested their req~ast be processe~ tkro~gh regular ch~els. ivIeetin8 adjourned. Tereesa Padg~ ~ity Clerk ison Bank~, Llman