Minutes 10-25-62MINUTF. S OF $t~E~i/%~L t~.F,F, TIN@ 'OF CITY COUNCILI-IELD ~,T CiTY H~LL, OCTOI~ER Z5/ l'96Z - PRESENT: THOlvLgS A., SUMMERS,. MAYOI~ LJl C m, cOuNc This me~ng ~as called ~o ozdez at ~:30 p.~. by Mayo~ S~mm~s, Mayor Sommers announced that ocr Civil Defense in Boynton B~ach is ~ell organized and ready for any e~e~genb~ which ~ight occur and t~ ~elray is now org~ized, patterned ~fter the lo,al Civil ~ef~nse. K~Y HOCKMUTH, DEP~ CITY ~.LERK GENE MO~RE. CITY ATT~NEY J; B.~ MENDEP~SON, CITY M~AGER Mr. M~oney moved that the request of Bethesda Hospital Auxiliary to solicit a~ts for hors~ show be approved, and that fees be ~vaived. Motion seconded by Mr. ,¢,rchi~ and knanimously carried. Upon /he rec~im~mendation of the City Mana~ st, Mr. Madsen moved -chat the contradt be ren~e,vc~d With Henry Holmes for life lines at the beach. Mr. ~rchie sec~nde~ t~he ~ot~o~hich carried unanimously, tt ~as ~plained that this exponditare in Axdess~0f[$~0O had not gone oat to bid b~ca~se there was no competition. Mr. Mahoney moved that i4e, Tax Collector be instructed to proceed and collect all taxes as set forth on 1962 tax roll. Motion seconded by Mr. Madsen and unanimou~iy c~ri~d. Mayor Summers reviewed~tke question of determinzng wvhat a night club is, and Mr. Moore explained the present ordinance. The Police Department recommended that bars not remain open miter 3:00~a.m. Paul Johnson, owner of Town Tavern spoke at length in favor of the bars remazning open until 5 a.m. and~ s~ggested that he be the one granted a night club license. ~hor bar o~ners ~isc%ssing t~s subject'~eru John ~orey ~ho opposed that part of the suggested 0r~i~a~ce taut ~foo~ be servu~~. ~r; ~ay of Boynto~'Liqu0~ Stor~, ~ted t~ $500. charge removed and a~ bars remain open till 5:00 Rev. ~r~d Sllger, First Baptist Church minister, spo~ing for his church and the ~inisteriat Associat~n: opposed ~e 5:00 a.~. closing. 'Rev. Earl Do, ney concurred ~ith ~ev. Sliger. ~r,. Archie moved that tabled until next ~eek. There ~as no second to his motion, after ~ev. Sliger said he did not feel it ~as the responsibility of a committee and the co,nell should make their ~ucision in that bo~ sides ~e~ where they stood. ~ter 3:00 a.m.: se~ond~ by ~r. ~ghoney ~ho offered a~ a~an~nt ~nich ~as accepted -3- lVir. ~Viahoney moved that the City~.Attorney be instructed to acquire the necessary right-o£-wvays for Section 5 .- 5a and 5b and that the l_utercounty Construction Co. be inforr~ed that the City~torney has taken such steps and that the Intercounty~ Company withhold purchasing of any rr~terials for these sections at this time, and request the Intercou~ty to consult IVir; Moore as to his progress. 1Vfot/on seconded by Mr. Banks and ananimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. zeree-s l~adgett:~ty Clerk A. Summers, Mayor Cotmcilm~ Banks, Cou~eilman STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Before me personally appeared Tereesa Padgett~ to me well known a:s Tax Assessor of the City of Beynton Beach~ Ftorida~ who being dmly sworn~ says the following assessment roll contains a true stat~ent of al! the perso~s amd property in the said City of Boy~ton ~eaeh~ ~lorid~ ~nbjeet t~ t~ma~ion or liable to ~e as.sess~d her~n for the year A.D. 1962~ a~ t~t ~he ~luati~ co~eet so far as She ~ag b~ able to aseertain~ CIT~Z OF B:0YNTON ~EACH~ PALM BEA6~ C0~TNTY~ FL6RIDA Nofary Public, State of Florida at Larg~ My Commission Expires Aug. 15, 1965 $~nded by American Surety CO. of N. Y. STATE 0F FLORIDA C0~TY 0F PA~i BEACH CITY_ OF B0~0N BEA~ E~0W ALL. ME~ BY THESE PRESENTS: That we the CounciLmen of the City of Bo~nto~ Beach~ Florida~ do hereby oertify that we have examined the Assessment Roll of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ for the year A.D. 1962~ and do hereby certify that the book is correct. In witness hereof~ we have hereun~t~o set our hanger_at ~Boynton Beach ~ Florida: this ~'~ day of /~U~¢~/~ A.D. 1'962. ~ MayGr CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO TEREESA PADGETT: Tax Collector of said CIT~£ OF BOYNTON BEACH Yo~ are hereby commanded to collect eat of real estate and per~o~ma.1 property and fro.m -such persons' and corraction's r~m~8 in the annexed roll~ the t~xes Set down in ~ch roll opposite e~ch name or parcel of la~d therein described and in ossa o are mot paid by the time prescribed bY the the same by levy and sale of lands and ~e~ements so assessed or o~ th~ per~o~s so taxed, and ali s~ms City Treasury as Ap?il will m~ke COIR~CIL. to an~ s~als this ~ day CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA Mayor