Minutes 10-15-62MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY I~IAt.L, BOYONTON BEACH, FLORIDA,.OCTOBER 15, 1962 PRESENT: THOMAS A. SUMMERS, MAYOR WALTER A; MADSEN, VICE MAYOR JOHN.L: AKCHiE, COUNCILLiA~N JAMES 3. /~%HONEY, COUNCILMAN ~kBSENT: ALLISON BANKS, COUNCI LiViA.N (ON VACATION) GENE MOORE, CITY ATTOI{NEY J. B. HENDERSON, CITY MCzR. TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CI,F, RK ZE~J, TAYLOt~, PUBLIC SEu/~VICES $OHN TUITE, FiiAE CI-]IEF GEOP~GE JOHNSON,~ t~E CtLEATI ON EW~%t{D SW~NK, POLICE CHIEF ~N PIILLLA/ID, PEI{SONNEL DIRCK GllOOTENBOER, ~PL & IN. DII%. LLOYD GARNEtl, I~UB,. UTIL. OLIVE WALIACE, ENANCE ( ON VAC. ~TOM Ot~k~lvI (IN SCHOOL, ~TLANTA} This meeting was called to order by Mayor Summers at 7:30 p.m. I%obert Hueston led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by Invocation given by ReV. Earl Downey, First Presbyterian Church. Mr. Madsen moved that Minutes of October 1st be approved as written: seconded by Mr. Archie and u_uanimously carried. Mr. Madsen moved that tViinutes o£ Special Meeti:ag of October 8th be approved as written, seconded by Mr. h/iahoney and unanimously carried. Under Old Business - Items I~, C. D. ~& E we.re le£t on table. Mr. Henderson read the report of the Committee recommending the bid for four railroad signal c~evices be awarded to low bidder, Signal Associates, Inc. in the arnount of SZ, 161,40 (Chief Swank was absent when committee rner~bers J. B. I-Ienderson and Mayor Summers tab,luted bids.) Mr. Mahoney moved to accept recommendation~of the Committee, seconded by ~r. ~rchi~ and ~nani~o~sly carried. Bids were opened as follows for interior ladder ~o roof of City Hall. Nylund l~oofing, Boynton 1Z0.00 E. J. Brodbeck & Sor~s, Lake Worth 175.00 Mr. Arct-~e moved bid be awarded to Nylund t~oofing in the smrn of $1Z0.00 seconded by Mr. Makoney and unanimously carried. -2- I~r. Grootenboer submitted the following figures submitted by letter on scuttle and s~ated these are the only wvo companies qualified to bid. Bilco $ 173.85 Babcock gz Davis 174,00 A/Ir. Madsen moved that bid be awarded to low biddor, B~co in su~ of $173.85, seconded by ~r. ~rc~ and ~nani~ously carrie~. It ~as roported that Bo~ton Engineering bid $?:~. 00 for the ladder on the ~1 roof pr 0ject. The followving bids ~vere_ opened for street pa¥~g~-tXt~ 10th Ave.. ~het~veen 4th and 5th 'Streets. ,- , B.~, B~ Boldt $4,798.80 Bid Bond 5~0 complete within 30 d~ys ~rdr~ves: Inc. 3,795.~00 Bid Bond in ~ou~ of $200. ~ork to be completed in 90 ~ays ~bin ~o~struct~on Co.: WPB 3:770 B~d Dond 5% - complete in 20 days. ~r. ~oney moved ~o award bid to ~ubin and ~ithdre~ his motion for action to be taken after the' p~blic hearin~ zegarding pavin~ of said portion of ]The following bids were opened for motor scooters to be used in Water De- partment: Cycle Center - $1,904.64 - 7.95 h.p.~ engine SZZ00 for two with 10 h.~ engine - D~]o in 30 days - Cushman Truckstor ~78i Cushman ~otor Scooter Sales, ~. Lauderdale - 1 ~od~i-~781 - 963~, ~ith e~ras $1263; ~ scooters Sz:sz6. Not. Del 10 - 15 days - 18 h.p. Delray Bicycle & Sporting ~ods -$Z,7~0.50 - Z scoo~ers ~781 $3.ZOZ.50 - ~879718 Delray Bicycle & Sporting ~ods - SZ, 565~D0 - Del. ~5 Days Cushman ~78t 18 h.p. De.arco Tractor & I~ple~ent Co. - SZ, 110 - Det.~ 30 cal. days Lambre~ta ~175L1 - Cabin ~odel De.arco Tractor & I~ple~en~ Co. - SZ, 096. - Del. Z-4 weeks ~bretta ~anmfgct~ring ~o. Suncoast ~arine ~ Tac~e - 3 wheeler - Del 60 days $19~5.00 ~r. ~rchie moved the bids be ~urned ovor to ~r. ~ahoney , ~r. Graham, ~d ~r. Henderson for tabmlation: seconded by ~. ~aJsen and unanimously carried. Lot Clearing & Mowing Section i & Z bids were opened as follows: Florida Landclear~ng, Inc. - Bid Bond $762.31 Section 1 ~ $5,425.75 - 90 calendar days Section II $9,8Z~0.50 - $ 15,246.Z5 Joe Cittadino - Cashier's check $300. & Cash in amount of $473.10 Section I $4,479.00 ~ 45 days Section II $10,983.00 - 65 days $15,46Z.'00 -3- Mr. Mahoney moved the bids be tabalate~l by Mr. Henderson, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Hughes and Mayor Summers, seconded by Mr. Madsen and anaDimously carried. Public Hearing: No one spoke for or against paving N. W. 10th Avenue between 4th & 5th Streets. Mr. Mahoney moved that the contract be awarded To tlubin Gonstruction ~o. in the ~o~t of $3770~ ~i~ Z0 d~y completion ~e. ~otion seconded by ~r. _~rchie and u~ni~onsly carried. Public ~udience: Mrs,~ Emily Jackson commended l~ayor'Sammers for signing U. S. Day Proclamation% -'C~hers speaking for celebrating U~. S. Day (~tob~r ZJrd} ~r's~ K~tey~rton and ~r. Bickle. ~rs. Jackson read Nathani~l ~eyl's letter agai~s$ celebration of U. N. Day. ~r. ~oney stated he felt U. ~, te~es ~nch to be desired and ~oved t~t conncil ~dopt proclamation to pay tribute ~o our country on U. S. Day mud ignore the U~%~y ~octa~ation. ~r. ~dsen seconded th~ ~otion ~nich carried 3-0. ~r. ,~rchie~ abstained, ~d stated he favored U. S, D~y and ~so U. ~. ~Dmy. Under ne~v business, letters were read protesting the action taken by council permitting bars to'remain open till 5 a,m~ by the following: lo Mens~ Club of First Methodist Church l~esolution from Ivlethodist ~h~rch 3. Presb~erian ~h~rch Son. side Baptist Ghurch 5. 131 members of First Baptist Church and ~ev. Sliger Boynton Beg~ ~inisteri~ ~ssociation passed resolution. ~. Archie'~ade a motion to reconsider an~ rescind.the prevzoms motion of October 1st ~ck au~ho~izo~ the City ~ttorn~y go ~rg~ up tAe ordingnc~ changing the~ hours for bars in Boy, on Beach to re~n open, ~r. ~akoney, seconded ~e ~otion ~kich carriod ~animo~sly and ~r. ~adsen stated h~ had voted for the 5 a.~. closing b~t ~as only trying to be fair and not discriminate agains% those closing earlier. He said his ~otion to close earlier had died for lack of second. In answer to his question as to ~hat co~d b~ done go set the closing ti~o earlier: ~r. ~ooro advised t~t that pa~ of the or~nanco co~d be ~anged. ~aul Johnson: owner of T0~n Tavern spoke in favor of 5 a.m. closing and hoped he ~o~d get ~e only license to remain open till 5 am. ~r.. ~ahoney ~oved~that ~rs. ~dgo~t contac5 the ~ritors of tho above mentioned l~rs, go find Q~t whether they aro objecting to present ordinance or ~hether they ~an~ g~ bars to close at Z or 3 a.m. ~otion seconded by ~r. Archie and motion carried unani~omsly. ~avor S~mmors announced a ~eeti~g ~t ~Z:00 p.m. October Z5th ~o ~eog ~itk engineers ~nd a Speciml ~eating at 3.~ to meet in regard to ~stablishing time for bars to close. Mr. Archie moved that Council go on record as adopting the resolution of Tri-County Gevernment LeAgue opposing reapportionment measure. Motion seconded by 1Vir. Madsen and unanimously carried. be granted Mr. Mahoney moved the request/of the Chamber of Commerce to invite Florida Turnpike official to a meeting at City Hall October 26th. Motion seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. Mr. Madsen moved that-Col. ~_a~lbert J. ~ehre~l and 3oh~% Thomas he appointed to Board of Ad~ ustment: seconded by Mr. Maheney and unanimously carried. The City Attorney read Ordinance 6Z-ZZ recluiring all commercial vehicles to have letters identifying themselves. A/ir. tViaho~ey moved the adoption of Ordir~mnce 6Z-ZZ, seconded by A/ir. Archie anal unanimously carried. Mr. IVladsen moved the request of Mr. Burgelin for license at 1603 ~i Federal for Oasis Trailer Sales be granted~ seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimdusly carried. Mr. Mahoney moved the request of Lottie Pierce for beverage license at 1109 BI. E. Itth Ave. to be served on premises, be turned over to various depart- ments for inspection and tabled until next Special Meeting, seconded by Mr. Madsen and unanimously carried. Mr. Mahoney moved the tax roll be tabled until October ZSth meeting, seconded by Mr..Archie and unanimously carried. Mr. Archie moved the Jayceettcs be granted permission to hold a rummage sale November 3rd, and %vaive license requirement. Motion seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. Mr. Mahoney moved that items~ 1, Z, & 3 be tabled, seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. Mayor Summers recommended the complaint in regard to I~inker Cement Plant be turned over to Mr. Henderson and attempt to work this out as soon as possible° Mr. Mahoney moved that council follo%v tV~ayor~s recommendation seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. In reference to the sewer line replacement on Ocean Avenue, Mr-; Archie moved the existing contract be extended to include replacing se%vet line %vhi ch %vas torn up due to the demucking of the street. Motion seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. In reference to Mr. Patrick's request (Car rbll-t{iley, iuac.} Mr. Mahoney moved to grant the extension ('for a store %vest of intersection of Seacrest ~nd -5- South Palm Drive in amount of.$350,~0 and house on N. E.' corner of Seacrest and Miner t%oad in amount of $43Z. 35 totalling $77Z. 85) for the installation of two lines as stated above. ~Mr. Madsen seconded the motion° lftr. lviahoney, seconded by Mr. Arckie mnoved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign addenda on Blue Seal Contract on the extras just passed in regard to equest os Carroll-l{~ley ~nc. Motion carried unanimously. ~k letter from l~Lobert Griffith, attorney for Town of Ocean t{idge was read zn regard to relocation of wate~ mains along:3kL% stated this was the obligation of the City of Boynton Beach in co~ormity ~th ~e franchise, andthat this must b~ ~one a~ once, .~yor .S~m~ers asked ~here the money was coming from and ~r. ~honey said it wo~Id be very expensive because it would require going through coral rock. ~r% ~adsen moved to table ~ction until Sp~c~ ~ee~ng of October ZSth, seconded by ~r. '~oney and motion c~rriedm unanimously ~ Mr. ~chie ~Oved that inasmuch as the City of Bo~ton Beach is legally liable, that a letter e~ressing o~r intent, be sent to ~e~ ~idge so they will ~ow ~e are'~cti~g in good faith, seconded by ~r. ~ahoney and unanimously carried. Mr. ~rchie moved to ~ransfer ail funds now deposited in various Savings & Loan ~-ssociations to t.ke First Bank of Boynton Beach at 4% interes~ on one year time deposit excep~ money now deposited at Lake Worth First Federal. Motion seconded by Mr. Madsen and motion carried 3-0. Mr. Mahoney abstained. lV~r. ~rchie moved that all funds mow deposited at Lake Worth Savings & Loan be transferred to the Boyn~ou Beach branch of Lake V~orth Federal. Savings & Loan and that if this would affect the interest at a dividend time, to wait until next interest period. Motion seconded by Mr. iViadsen and unanirnottsly carried. Cemetery Board presented a revised layout of the South Section of Boynton Beach Memorial l~ark for council consideration. Mr. Mahoney moved that the request of the Cemetery Board be approved and a plat ben,prepared by registered engineers for accsptance by the city, seconded by Mr. Madsen and unanimously carried. Mr'% Mahoney moved that the funds for the cerne~ery in the present year~s budge~ be set aside for capital improvements and be encumbered for same purpose for nex~ .fiscal year and the Sg 00. for shrubbery be ~nc~mb~re~ seconded by ~r. ~rchie and unanimomsly carried. IVir. Henderson submitted the following bills: Palm Beach Co. t~esources Development Board - Membership $Z50.00 Wallace & Tiernan, In~c. - parts chlorinator 130.45 l~ussell & ~%xon - Consulting Engineer #4 sewer 1578.3Z t{ussell & Axon - Blue Seal Cons. Co, - Section $4 95.00 tlussell ~ ~oT~ - U. S~ I Oak ~e. &'~ Znd ~ve, ZZd.t4 R~ssotl &,~on -water ~stribution along U, S. i (Inter Co.) 23.05 -6- Jones Chemical Co. -- chlorine 134.55 Keatis Trucking Co. - 75 yards shell rock 138.70 l~t~sseli & Axon -#1 Blue Seal ($39,524.53 - strictly for cover letter as this has been approved at last meeting) Mr. ~rchie moved the bills be paid~ seconded by ~r, ~ads~n ~d ~ani- mously carried. rmoumcea that ex-Mayor tmipes is seriomsly ill in Bethesda Ho s pit al. Mr. 1Vi honey morea that the City send flowers to former Mayor -Pipes, seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. In reference to Z"pipe (567~) for the new house being constructed within the city limits subsequent to armexation proceedin, gs near 'Carriage House, Mr. Archie moved to award to low bidder-, Boynton Pump and Sapply, seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried° IVir. Iviadsen moved the request of George' Johnson for movie projector, to be used in the l{ecreation Dept. and to be purchased for Szt00., be approved, seconded by A/Ir. ,irchie and unanimously carried. Mr. -~chie moved the request of Chamber of Commerce To pay expenses in amount of $163.90 be ~pprovedj seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously car ried o Mr, ~,rc~hie moved the request of ]~Ir. Grootenboer and Mr. ~lanchette for expense money to attend Builders Inspectors Convention at Clearwater November il-- 15th be approved in amount of $140. Motion seconded by Mr. 1V~ahoney and unanimously carried. Mayor Summers stated he would like to check the overtime turned in on Sewer Depar'cmental report and find out if the contractors are paying for this. Mr. Henderson was instructed to follow through on the Mayor's request and Mr. Archie moved the departmental reports be accepted~ seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. Mr. Mahoney moved the meeting adjourned, seconded by IV~r. ~rchie and motion carried unanimously. Meeting ~djourned ar. approximately 10:45 p.m. Tereesa Pad.$~, City.Clerk Thomas A. Summers, Mayor , : /