Minutes 10-08-62 ~EETING OF CITY COUNCIL, HE~ AT CITY SPECIAL BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, OCTOBEt~A/8 at 3:00 P.~M. HAT.Th, BOYNTON Pi%ESENT: MAY OR THOMAS A.-.~ SUMMERS, 'WALTER A.~ MADSEN, VICE MAY OR $OHN L.~ A!~CPEE, COUNCILMAN JAivJES J~j iv~AHONEY C~IENE MOORE, CITY ATTOi~NEY TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK J. B.',PtENDF-2t~SON, CITY I~AGER -~BSENT: J. ~ALLISON BA~NK, COUNCI~ ((~ Vacation) This meeting was called to order by Iv~g~for Summers at 3:00 p.m. as a special meeting primarily for the purpose/adopting Budget, and report from l~ussell & Axon. Mr. Osteen 3~ppeared before Council and read the report of l{usselt ~ Axon on sewer bids, which had been prepared by George l{ussell & himself. Their recommendation was that the bid be awarded to Intercounty Construction Company, Ft. Lauderdale in the amount of $56Z~ 677.15 and for completion time of 150 days vzith the codicil added to the contract that the hospital line is to be completed pr~dr to December Z0th. Mr. Mahoney moved to awvard the contract on the sewer - Section i Lift Station Section and Section II [0 Intercounty Construction Corporation in the total amount of $56Z: 577~.15 ~vith a completion date of 150 days with the codicil added to the contract that the. J~ospital line is to be completed prior to December Z0th as recommended by l~t~ssell & ~XOno 1Vir. Archie seconded the motion which carried unanimously. A letter from Carroll-l{itey, Inc. was read in which they made a request for sewer connection on store building at MW corner Seacrest Blvd. and proposed ex~ension of 1Viiner I~r. lViahoney moved that l~ussetl & Axon study this request and gzve their recommendation and price on both projects as requested by Carroll-l{iley, Inc. /viotion seconded by Mr. ~g-rchie and unanimously carried. The City Attorney read Ordinance 6Z-17, pertaining to Budget 1962-63. Mr. Madsen moved that Ordinance 6Z-17 be adopted on second and final reading, seconded by l~Tr. Archie and meti~a carried 3-1. Mr. Mahoney voted 'T~O" for the same reason as on first reading. He d~d not app.rove the use of our reserve funds and reducing the disaster funds and secondAy_'[did not approve -Z~ the chef.ge on the water department £or rent. t{esolutinn 6Z-I{~{~ was read by City Attorney on Lot Clearing - Section III. Mr. Mahoney moved that t~esolution 6g-NKK be passed and approved. Motion seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. Mr.. Henderson reported on the repairs of the street in Las Palmas Subdivision, Mr..Archie recommended that this be delayed until Council meets with t~usselI & Axon in regard to sewers in this ~a of town. Mr. Madsen moved to accept Mr..~rchiets recornrnends~tion, seconded by Mr. Ivlahoney and unanimously carried. Civil Service 1Kules & l~egulations left on table. A letter was read from l~obert Griffith requesting the Minutes dated May 196Z be corrected in regard to an easement in Dewey Subdivision. Mr. ~rcbie moved that the Minutes of May 7:~ 196Z be corrected to read:. "15' easement lying South of ~ts 5~, 5~, 59, 60 of De~ey S/D as recorded in Pl~t Book 1, Page 3~, public records Pal~ Beach ~ounty, Florida, ~nd partic~rly described as 8. 15' o~ SW ~4 ~f ~1/~ of NW 1/~ of SectioD Township ~5 Sout~, ~ange ~3 E~st," and that ~ity accept dedi. cm~on of 15' and- clmi~ it as m public do~cgte~ easement. ~oti~n seconded by ~r. ~a~en carriod 3-1, ~r. ~ahoney voted "No ? 5~CgnS~ ~e ~ity of ~oynton Bem~ by quit-clai~ d~od conveyed ~h~ 15~ and I.do ~ot feel ~a~ this action is proper and just ~ntil doed is cleared T~e ~ity ~gnag~r reco~ondod holding ~p th~ tax bill on this property and if t~ey gte taxe~, that m notm~Qn an t~X bill state they are s~bj~ct to easement. No action by council on ~is recommendation. Mr. ~chie moved to a~aend the Ordinance to chef, ge the time limit that residents must tie onto the sewer upon completion of the project from 30 To 90 days, seconded by Mr. Madsen and unanimously carried. Upon recommendation of the City Attorney and City Judge ad Litam, Jack Call, Mr, Mahoney moved that the fine paid by Anna t~[arie Gainford be reduced frown $300 to $100,. seconded by Mr. Archis and unanimously carried. Mr, George Johnson, l~ecreation Direcco-r, requested authority to purchase a $600. movie projector vsl~ed at $600. for $400. Mr. Mahoney moved to table the request of Mr. Johnson to purchase movie projec~or for further information as to age of equipment. Motion seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. -3- Mr. Henderson submitted the following bills: Blue Seal Paving Yallop Business Machines, Typewriter - Public Vforks Yallop Business Machines, Typewriter - V~ater t)epar~. Don's Firestone - Tires for Garbage Trucks l{ussell & ~a~xon.- Engr. Services on Ocean Ave. (hold over) l~ussell & ~xon - Sanitary Sewer ~4 - Blue Seal Paving l{ussell & ~%xon - Engr. Serv. across ~1 .Oak & gnd Ave. - Sec. #4 - Int®r county 39°524.53 140.00 175o00 129.80 1,578.32 2Z6. I~ 95.00 23.05 lV~r, Mahoney moved that ali bills of 1Kassetl ~z ~kxon be held up until next meeting to check into bills, seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried, Ivir..Amchie moved that all other bills be approved, seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. I~r. Henderson submitted the requisition for contract on office machines in amount o£ SZ10.80 on tax machine and adding machine. Motion to approve by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Madsen and unanimously carried. Mr. Henderson %vas instructed to check dates wvhen all existing con, facts expire and present To couaacil. A letter from Tzi-Goanty C~ov., League was read announcing a meeting in regard to reapportionme.~t. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. - Tereesa Padg~ Thomas A. Summers, Mayor