Minutes 10-01-62MNUTES OF I{EGULAI% lvfEETING OF CITY COUNCIL HET3~ AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, OCTOBER 1, I96Z PRESENT: THOMAS A. SUMMERS, MAYOK WALTER A~ lvLkDSEN, ~CE MAYOR J-OHN L. A!~CI-]IE, COUNCILiVLAN JA/V~ES J. lVIA/~O~Y, COUNCILAiA-N ABSENT: 3.~ AT.TJSON BANKS, COUNCILMAN '(On Vacation) TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK GENE MOOt{E, CITY ATTORNEY J.. B. HENDERSON, CITY EDWx%.RI) SWA-NK, CPWEF OF POLICE JOlqN TUITE, FIi%E CPEEF DIRCK GI~OOTENBOER, ,DIi{. PLo &IN. ZELL TAYLOR, pUB .~, SF_AR. VICF_.S THOiVIAS GR3-C~:IAM, IVIUN. UTIL. OLIVE'WALLACE, FIN~N CE Mr. Jack l{yan: American Legion, led the audience in Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by Invocation by l{ev. Jarvis, Sonthside Baptist Church. l~ev. Jarvis was welcomed by the Mayor as the new Pastor at Southside Baptist Church. Mr. Madsen moved that Minutes of September 17th be approved as corrected. (top p. 4 add words "Mr. Mahoney" after "Lawns S/D" and top p. 5 Ord. 6Z-Z1 instead of 6Z-19) Seconded by Mr. Arcbie and unanimously carried. Mr. Archie moved that Minutes of Sept. Z4 be adopted as corrected (p. g change wording in par. ~ to read "should be used by reducing the Disaster Fund") seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. l~e-zoning request of Marvin lkauzin and item of Lake Eden plat left on table. Mr. Madsen moved that license request for John Morey be removed from table, seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. After discussion, Mr. Archie moved that bars be permitted to remain open till 5 a.m. all through the year and no time limit on New Year's Eve, unless it should falI on a Saturday; that no liquor can be consumed after 5 a.m. and no extra charge made for license and that the existing night club ordinance be rescinded. Motion seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. There was a discussion in regard to borrowing money fron~ the bank and Mr. Mahoney objected to learning of this on the street rather than being informed by City Manager and having prior approval by council. Mr. Henderson stated councilmen would be informed if and when the City ge~s to a point that it is necess- ary to make a loan. He said he did not request a loan but checked on City' s credit and had been told they could borrow up to $50,000. at 5%. iV~r'. ,Archie moved that the Lawn's S/D street paving request be removed from table, seconded by A/ir. Mahoney and unanimously carried. Mr, .Archie moved that the contract for paving Lawn's S/I) be awarded to low bidder, B. B. Boldt in the amou~t of $20,519.82, seconded by A~r. Alahoney and unanimously carried. Mr. Henderson reported that FEC had sent contract regarding crossings. Mr. Archie moved that l%~ayor Summers and City Clerk, Tereesa Padgett, be authorized to initial the two corrections in the Contract with FEC. Motion seconded by Mr. Mm_honey and unanimously carried, project: Mr. C~eorge l{ussell opened the fdllowing bids on ~he sewer works Section I Section II ,Co ~r~p. Base Alt.' Base Alt. Time Walter Lalley, P.B. Intercounty Con. Co. Ptolpin, Inc. Barbarosa & Sons Cleary Bros, McDonald Cons. Southern Gulf Utit. Fred L. Bray 150,657. 240 des 462,007.25 i00,670. 94,960 150 days 4~i7:644.50 360 days 497,5Z0.50 - 250 days 432,755.60 3Z0 days 583,173.95 300 days 646,788.00 300 days 113,648. 110,858 I10 days Mr. Archie moved that bids be tabulated by Mr. lltzsseLl, seconded by Mr. lviahoney and unanimously carried. Mr. llussell announced the bids would be tabulated and repor~ given Monday at $:00 p.rn October 9th - Special Meeting. B, Bond lO% io% I0% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% The following bids were opened for Street Paving N.E. 6th Ave: llubin Construction Co., WPB 5% bond $5,600.50 comp.~40 days Crabtree Construction, WPB 5% bond $4,ZZZ.Z5 comp. 40 days B. B. Boldt, Cashiers Check $181.63 -$3,632,54- comp. 30 days Mr. Archie moved that bid be awarded to B. B~ Boldt in the amount of $3,632.54, seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. The following bids were opened for electronic siren: W. S. Darley & Co., /v~elrose, Ill. $166. - Del. Z1 days E~st Coast Fire Equ~prnent, WPB $198.75 - Del. 31 days tV~iami Fire Equipment Co,, $145. ~ 4 days iL! -3- Mr. lv~ahoney moved that bid be awarded to 1Viiami Equipment Co. in the amount of $145,00, seconded by I~r. ,arcbie and unanimously carried. P~btic--i~iudience: Iv~r, C~eorge tfussetl announced they had applied under Public Law 660 of the.State of Florida and that one quarter million dollars had,been granted to Boynton Beach on a top priority iist~ as it pertains to sewer project, Donald Jackson, Las Palrnas Park, appeared'before council in regard to the street' ir~ his neig~borho0ct. I-Ie asked how people get license to work when it vzould be easy to check the police records of the indi{zidual. He asked how the street department endorsed this particular work when it was not properly com- plete6. Mr~. Henderson recorn mend that before Mr. Jackson' s st~reet cor~pletely deteriorates, that l~ubin re-surface it inasmuch as the,City has continuing contract with them. IVir ~ Mahoney requested a cost figure on the job and that it be presented at next Monday afte moon me,ting. A4r. Forba~s, 4Z5 N.W. 4th ,ave., appeared before council in regard to a better bus schedule. He was advised by Mayor Summers he expected to talk to bus official in regard tO new station and this matter wild also be taken care of at that tirne. In reference to request for beer and wine licer~se~ /V[r. ,archie moved that the request for Alfred Carpanzano be granted subject to inspection, seconded by lV~r. lViadsen and unanimously carried. Mr. Mahoney moved that the City go out for bids on N~ 10th ,ave, ~etween MW 4th and IqW 5th Sts., seconded by lV~r., ,archie and unanimously carried. Mr. 1%foore react l~es~olution 6Z-I I I re i~aproving street - N~ 10th ,ave. between MW 4~th and N%V 5th-Sts. and t~es. 6Z-3J J to set public hearing and show cost estimate. Mr. Archie moved to adopt l{esolution 6Z-I I I ~nd t~esolution 62-J J J, seconded by 1V~r. Mahone¥ and unanimously carried. ~ecess - Mr; ~chie moved that the request of Mr. Lansing, Principal of Boynton Junior High School to sell sandwiches and soft drinks at batlgames, be granted. Motion seconded by Mr. Iviahoney and unanimously carried. M:~. ,2[~enderson reported that: Fire protection for homes east of Federal Highway on N. ~E. 7th kvenue is ~deq~ate. That A/ir. ~raham was requesting perrnission toattend water meter repair school for one week at no cos~. Pie requested use of city pickup truck to take meters and asked for $300. expense money for the trip. -4- Mr. Madsen moved the request be granted To send Mr. Graham to A~laz~ta for one week and that he be allowed expense money as requested above. 1Vfotion seconded by A/ir. ~a_rchie and u3aanirnously carried. 1V~r. Moor~e recomrnendod that the insurance carrier be informed that the city vehicle %rill be out of the state and request that the Vehicle is properly insured to protect the city for ~amy damages and liability that might occur. In reference to repair work at the City Hall: Mr. Grootenboer reported that Bitco Co. has bid $173.85 for metal roof scuttle; Nyl~nd Roofing has bid $ IZ0 for installation ~d Boynton Engineering bid $75.00 for iron ladder. Mr o Taylor reported that the City does not have qualified men to do this installation. /vir, ~V~ahoney moved that these items go oat to bid and be brought in at next rne'eting as it was badly needed in servicing the air conditioning unit. Motion seconded by tV~r. ~a_rchie and u~uanimously carried. IV~r. Henderson reported that two corrections should be made in the Civil Servzce l%ules. (1) l{eference to employees of the City living outside the city limits and on p. t0 Civil Service Board of Appeals to give oral examination where- as on page I7 it states it is to be given by Personnel Officer, Mrs. ~krchie ~noved that Council exaznine the ~Civil Service l{ules g~ l{egu~ lations again and bring any suggested changes to go into an ~mendatory ordinanc 8 at the afternoon rneeting so that mistakes do not continue to be brought zn and that a meeting of the Civil Service Board of.~a~ppeals can suggest changes at their Friday naeeting to be given to council. Motion seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unar~rnously carried. The City ~Attorney then read Ordinance 6Z-Z1 re- zoning. A4r. lx4ahoney moved ~-he adoption of Ordinance 6Z-Z1 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr.~'~irchie and unanimously carried. The City Attorney re~xt proposed Ordinance ~Z-ZZ requiring lettering on comrmer ciat vehicle s. Mr. ~3krchi e. moved that Ordinance 6Z-ZZ be passed to second and final reading, secQnded by 1Vfr~. 1Viadsen and u~uanirnousty carried. IV~r, A~rchie suggested copies of this ordinance go ou~ with all occupational licenses ~ The City ~a~ttorney re~d proposed l{esolution 62-HHH relative to widening of Seacrest- Blvd. A/ir. -~rchie moved the adoption of l~esolution 6Z-HHH, seconded by ~r. ~ahoney and unanimously carried. -5- In reference to Mr. Mahoney's reqaest for commercial garbage collection rates~ Mr. Henderson reported that Mr. Hughes had been busy on lot clearing and he had no report to make at present. The following bills were submit-~ed for payment by City Manager: Automatic Hydraulic Pipe Cutter - Davis Meter $ 375.00 Ward Cummings - Civic 'Center SZl,Z6Z. 69 l~usseLl & Axon - Survey Work I2,437.72 ~r. Arc~e ~o~ed that bi~s be paid, seconded by ~r. ~ahoney and unanimously c~rried. Mr, Henderson inqt~ired as to whetker a two page report of progress on sewer program should be mailed to residents in the area. Mr. iViahoney moved this be tabled until next l{egular meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. -~rchie and motion did not carry, k4r. 1Viadsen and Iviayor Summers voted "No ~ Mr, iViadsen moved that the meter man deliver the reports %vhen he reads the meters. There was no second to this motion. Mr. Madsen moved that the report be mailed with 3¢ postage or second class mail, motion seconded by Mr. Archie and unan. carried, Mr. irchie moved to accept departmental reports, seconded by Mr. Mahoney and ~nanimously carried, Mr. Archie moved the meeting adjot~rn, seconded by Mr. Madsen and unanimously carried. eesa l~adgett, By Clerk Thomas ,a_. Summers, Mayor Ar cI{ie, Councilman PAYMENTS MADE SEPTE¢~BER 1962 (CONT) GENERAL FUND-September 7 5458 Ken Snow 25;~ 5459 W. Lewerenz 5.00 5460 City of Boyn Bch{Payrol!) _8135.35 8145.35 W~T:~ FUND-September 7 5778 City of Byn Bch[Payrolt) 1817.13 18±7.i~ ~OLICE RETLRE[~ILMT FgND-Sept 7 21316 Clayton ~. Wolf 283.37 283.37 FIRF~IA~J'S RELIEF & PEN-Sept 7 21317 Charles Senior 2% .__4__.0 ~ _ 29.40 TOTAL 10275.25 GENERAL FUND-September t0 5461 Thomas A Sum;nets 19.75 5462 City of Boyn Bch[~ater D) 101.12 5463 City of Boyn Bch[~ater D) 141.03 5464 City of Boyn Bch(Specia! Ass)399.56 5465 City of ~oyn Bah{I & S) 1.58 5456 City of Boyn BOh(B B Hem PK) 190.00 5467 City of Boyn 8ch(Poi Retire.)i65.49 5468 City of Boyn Bch[Eire. Re&PSn)e52.98 5469 City of Boyn Bch(Sewer F.) 657.24 5471 City of Boyn Bch(P,C.) 197.48 1926 WATER F~4D-September I0 5779 Burroughs Corp 64.35 5780 City of Boyn Bch(Gen E) 5.00 5781 Citv of Boyn ~ch(P.C.) 8.61 5782 City of Boyn Boh(P.G.) 6.12 84.08 ~U~[=~!P~ S~iMMING POOL FUND-SeFt i0 21318 City of ooyn Bch(General 15138.24 MUNICIPAL CIVIC CF]qTER BOND T-Sept. !0 5470 ~zty of ~oyn Bch(P.C.) ,~=~__ SPECIAL AobEo~ENT FUND-Sept 10 21319 City ~ s o~ oyn Bch(P.C.) 6.5_2 .tOTAL 6.12 17,160.79 G~_,mP~L FUND-September ii 5472 Gulf Oil Corp 5473 Sea-Crest Realty & Ins Co 844.95 __141.71 986 WATER FUND-September 5783 ~u_~ O~1 Corp 11, 1962 103.91 .-- tQ3.91 TOT~ 1090.57 PAYM~TS'M,aDE $EPTBMBBR 1962 GW~NERA~ FOnD -Sept ! 5437 Louis C. Roger 5435 City of Boyn Bch (P.C.) 5434 Fred B, Scott 100.00 94.88 10600.00 i0794.88 WATER rU~D-oep~ 1 5770 City of=oynm Bch(P.C.) 3.79 3.79 ~,~±CLALr ~ ..~MG 'POOL SINKING 2t311 V.M. Bred igor VOID TOTAL 10798.67 GENERAL F~qD-Septem~er 4 -5436 W alter A.Ma-dse~ 543 8,City e~ Bag'n Boh(P.C.) 5440 Boyn Beach Fire Dept. 5441 ~urroug~s Corp. 24.25 6~.27 379~26 216.50 681.28 WATER FU~D-September 4 5771 Bur~ougas Corp. z,70 GENERA L PrOD-September 5 5439 First Bank of Born Bch 3.184189 5442 Atlas Wholesale [iect~ic 62.86 ~443 The Fla. Mews Co 58.89 5444 Bear Safety Service 96.0~ 5445 Boyn A utc Supply 25.80 ~446 Boynton Beach Mews 47~50 ~447 City of Boyn Bch)P.C.) 3.37 5448 Hunnicutt & Associates 181;12 5449 Rubin Cohstruction Co 57.26 5450 Tom ~ood Trudk E~ip. Cq 73.58 2;70 TOTAL 683.98 3791.27 ~¢¢ATER ~O~u-September 5 5772 A & B Pipe ~nd Supply 723.83 5773 B & H Sales, Inc 52.50 5774 Don's Firestone 12.~3 5775 City o~ Boyn uch(P.~.) 27.85 GENERAL FUND -Se City 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 pt 6 of Boyn Bc h(P.C.)Ck85451 96.75 Gene Moore 490.00 Gene Moore 11.80 James J. Mahoney t8.00 National Municioal League i0.00 Boyn%on Beach News 117.30 City of Boyn Bch(Water D~ TOTAL _ 8i6 4608.18 804.77 WATER Fb~D-September 6 ~7o ~ C~ty of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 5777 Gene Moore 3,13 25.00 MUNiCiPAL SWi?¢24iNG POOL ~D-Sept 6 21314 V.M. Brediger 93.66 21315 The Chaco .~anhat%an Bk t4.5C 108.16 ~.EC_AL ~u~S~4ENT FUND-Sept =1313 Gene Moore 25.00 25.00 TOTAL 966.06 PA-~%~qTS ~DE SEPTEMBER !962(ODMT) E.~E~,AL · ~.~D-oept 12 5474 City of Boyn Bch(Water D) 84.44 54~5 City of Boyn~ Bch(P.C.) 90.42 5476 C.T. Bowies Elect Co 39;00 5477 Court Re¢ord~ !nc 50;00 5478 D iesel Inject. & Elect Go 195.58 5479 F~ster Pionne' 3.3.75 5480 ~b6n's Pir~stone 606.00 5481 Pia~ A irmotive of Boca Raton 118116 5482 Fla. ~et~l upplv ~rD 81;60 · 548~ ~ia. Power & Light~ °o~ 5.0~ 5484 Had!eyeS 25.00 5485 Halsey & Griffith,~Inc 88.20 5486 Keatts Trucking Service 390~00 5487 Ketlers Blectric Service 72134 5488 Gene'Moore 35100 5489 Roerig Distributors, !nc 13.00 5490 Ocean City Lumber CO 179.10 549l Rinker Materials C0rp it.00 5492 Stan Sheets Photography 30.00 5493 Seacrest Oil Co 84.43 z2~2.05 WATER FUN~ -September 12 57~4 1960 Bond Sinking Res Acct. 5785 1960 ~ater Rev Bond Fund 5786 Void 5787 Southern Meter g Sup Co. ~nc 1695.00 5508.34 165.25 7368.59 M~NICiPAL CIVIC CENTER TRUST ~JNDSept 12 21320 Ward A. Cu~nings Inc 4837.55 TOTAL 4837;55 14438.&9 GENERAL FUND-September 13, 1962 5494 Voi~ 5495 Bt~e Cross ofF la. In¢ 5496 Gulf S%reamL~mber Ce. 1233.35 1274.71 WATER FU~D-Sep%ember 13 5788 Consolidated Dev 5789 L.W. 5790 Thomas Za~a 5791 Oa~l Beimly 5792 De!Set% Dreyer 5793 Theodore 5794 Bever~ Reynolds 5795 George ~ ~7~6 C.E. F~ller Jr. 5797 ~m. B. Hart 5798 F.E. Sem~o~ 5799 Howard 5800 G.W. Templetom 5801 Blue Gross ef Fla. 4,90 6.D0 11.20 4.90 3.40 2.80 6.50 1.70 7. O0 6.00 4.9O 5.6O ~.69 124. [59 PAYMENTS MADE sw,~ 1962 (co~) METER ~EPOSITORS FUND-Sept 13 4110 .Acer of Consolidated Der 4111 S*ath Palm Beach Corp. 4112 Cemseli~ated Der Cerp 4113 A¢¢t ef H.A. McA]lister 4114 Aest ef Nar~ ~e Pauke 4115 Aect of L.N. Hotlis 4116 Acer ef Thomas Zara 4117 Acct of L.D. Terry 4118 Acct cf Carl Belmly 4119 Aeet ef W.H. Nelvim 4120 Aect ef ~elbery Dreyer $121 Aect of Theodore 0szan~y 4122 A¢ct of Beverly Rey~elSs 4123 Marion Hil~reth Sanders 4124 Ac'et ef George Abde 4125 Aect ef ~eslie ~e~fleld 4126 ¢.E. F~ller Jr 4127 Aect of G.N. Templeten 4128 Acer ef Wm. B. Hart 4129 Robert N~%te~zwey Sr 413~ Aect ef ~vo~ne Eobbi~s 4131 Acer o~ F.E. Sexton 4132 ~¢~.~ ef E.Feemey ~1~3 Aces ef Howard Mallory ~GE ~-S~ptember 13 0025 ~E. SeXton 0026 City ef Boynton Beach, General ~27 Blme ~ross of Fla. Inc SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUN~-$eptember 13 05~ City of B.B. Acct of R.F. ~elfe 060 Acct of F.E. Sexton 061 City ef Beyn Beh(Sewer F~nd) I & S FUND-September 13 21321 The Bond B~yer GENERAL ~F~D-September 14 5497 c~ty o~ ~o~n Bch(?.C.) 5498 5499 5500 550~ 5502 5503 5594 City of. eynBch(P.O.) Fla. Po~$r & Light Co Semtherm~ BellTel & Tel Co City of moyn Bch(Water Dept) City of . eynBch(Payrell F~d) Thomas J4 Croft ...... City of Beyn Bob(P.O.) 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.5~ 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.~0 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.~0 3.50 550.32 7.70 7.00 i76.10 195.oo ~.2o 58.29 ~1.o4 75.30 41.20 ~-~.82 15;00 9~.81 TOTAL_ 557.95 55.20 2698.25 27~2.87 WATER 5802 5503 5804 5805 5806 58O7 58O8 581 ~ FUND-September 14 Pa~t W~ At]icom Southern Bell ~el & Tel Co City of Boy~ Beh(Water Dept) James E. Melvin Jim Curtis Co,solid,ted Der Corp City of ~oy~ Bch(P.C.) City of ~ ~ eyre Bch(Payr¢ll Fun~) 4.50 14.40 163.24 3.50 .30 3;4O 3.30 133Z~ 60 /+135 4136 4137 4138 ~139 41/+0 SEWAGE 062 PAYMENTS MADE SEPTEMBER 1962 (CONT) DEPOSITORS ~ND-~p{em~er 14 ~ Ci~ of b?~ Bob(Ne%er Dep ~d) Acc% ef ~ie~d Ma~n Aect ef Pa~ A~l~on Acc~ ef J~s E. Melv~ Acc~ ef E.P. ~ic~en Aect ef ~cBr~de & Ze~ Acct of ~ ~tis Aect ef Ge~lida~d Der Ce~ D~0SIT ~ep~mSer 14, 1962 A~e% ef ~m K~oel 1900.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.~ 7.50 7.00 G~ERAL F~ND-Sep%ember 17 5~505 J. Will, rd Pipes 55e6 cit7 of =o~ Ben(P.O.) 58~9 5812 5813 5814 5815 FUND-~eptember 17 Oity ef ~o~z Bch(P.C. ) Gerald R.C~ coke Mrs. J.$. Craig Mrs. Richard Huff Pre-Engineered H~mes Jack H. ~sh~ METER 4144 4146 4147 DEPOSITORS FUND-September 17 Stockton Whatley & Davim Acct of Geral~ R. Cooke A¢ct of'M~s. '~ebert We~b Acer of J.S. Craig Acer of Mrs. Richard Huff Aect of Pre E~gimeered Homes A¢ct of Jack R. Marshall Irving Haka!a SEWAGE FUND~Septgm~er 17 0028 Gerald R. coke SEWAGE DEPOSIT KoND-September 17 063 Acct of Ger&ld R. Cooke 064 Jack R. Marshal'1 865 Irving Hakala 90.00 ~9.23 56,94 4.1o 1.30 1.80 5.20 ~.4o 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7. O0 7.80 7.00 GEMEEAL 550'7 5508 5509 5510 5511 5512 5513 5514 5515 55~6 FUND-September 18 Earl Wallace Ford Imc Ge~dard Distribu~rs Oity ef Bcym Beh(P.C.) DeMareo Tractor & Implement Den's Firestone East Gcast Fire Equipment E.L. G~w~ems Printing Jones Chemicals, Inc McGregor Brothers Gene Moore 2977.30 M ;4O 31.23 35.30 4O.75 45.00 30~.4O 53.82 33.55 95.00 ~ e 52. ~o TOTAL 5~46.97 129.2~ 72.74 6o. O0 TOTAL 286.47 55~7 5518 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 P~Y MENT8 MADE sm~m_~ 1962 (~) Sep~e~ber' ~18~ National Cash Register ~1~ Reefi~ ~ ~blishi~ Co. Imc Rub~ Coat. etlon Co Som~ern Be~ Tel & Tel 8em~e~te~ Na~ ~s Cerp S~ve~on See~ S~re 0i~ of Bo~ Beh(P.C.) ~erida Power & Light ce 116.54 95 · 00 15.00 54.91. 105.00 3,00 56L00 25;80 WATER FUND-September 18 5816 So pain Beach County Corp 58~7 South palm Beach Oerp 5818 Harmon Killy 5819 Neiam 5820 N.J. Web~ Jr, 5~ Jones Ohemic~s 5823 R,& R ~eeSrie Ine ~8~ Jomes O~emfe~s Ine 5~5 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.90 232.~ 16.88 232,0~ 43o8.% 539.35 NETERDEP0SITOR$ FUND-September 18 415~ Aect of Se Palm Beach Oorp 4151 Acer of Se Palm Beach CorD 4~52 Aec% of Se Palm Beach Oorp 4153 AcC%of. Harmen Kilby ~155 AcC% of Nolan Willimmm 4155 S. Pamdolfe 4156 Ace% of W.J. Webb Jr SEWAGE FUND-September 18 0029 W.J. Webb Jr. SEWAGE DEPOSIT F~ND-September 18 066 A¢ct of W.J. Webb Jr GE~EP~L FUND-September 19 5526 The Manufacturers Life Ins e 5527 ~ity of, oyn Beh(P.C.) . - 5528 Southern~Bell Tel & Tel ee NATER FUND-September 19 5821 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co 5826 Fla. Dust Control Service Ins S~AGE F~D-September 19 0030 S~athern Bell Tel & Tel Co GE~°~L FUND-September 20 55~9 City_of BoynBch(Wa%er Dept) 5530 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) WAT~ FUND-September 20 5827 .Max Engel 5828 Joe Harless 5829 Stanley Popielare zyk 5830 Boyn Development & Imp Corp 5831 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.~50 ~2. ;50 9.1o 9.1o ~0TAL 49~4.44 122~40 68.83 426.44 10.95 6.00 16.9~ 2.~;5 2.3~5 TOTAL 445.7~ 75;64 90,/08 165.72 15.61 56.62 313.21 526.30 8.56 920.30 . TOTAL .1086,02 P ~ GEEERAL ffuN~-Sep%ember 21, 5531 ....H~W., ~Kilby 10. GO 5532 City of'B~oy~ Beh(Pa~o~) 9112.27 9122.27 WATER FUND-Sept~,mber 21 5832 Ci%y of Ooyn B~h(Pa~roll) 2ele.93 GENERAL FUND-September 24 5533 Gity ef oym Bob(P.O.) 92.71 5534 City sf Boy~ Bob(P.e.) 82.39 5535 Tom Adams 26.00 5536 Boy~B~n Chamber of °emmerce 287.04 5537 BeymWell-!~emp & Spr~ Supply Corp 4~.47 5538 ~eNaroe ~racter &Imp Ce 22.15 5539 Den's Firestone 81.95 5540 East ¢eas% Fire F~uipmem~ ~9.~0 5~41 Fairer, Ime 31.63 5542 Ftam~geOil Co 30.72 5543 F~aak~omseEleetric~pply 26.72 55~ ,G~q.~ Oil ¢orp 20.49 ~545 ~sy'~s 25.©0 5~$7 La~Ye~S' Title Services, Ese 36.00 ~509 R~dgewaY Plambimg 10.50 TOTAL 11133.20 921.61 WA~ F~t[D-$e~iember 24, 1962 5833 J. Ei Yelvi~g%on ~3~ P~¢~alar Supply Company 58~$ City of BoYmB~h(P.C.) 6.00 4 .2o 70.68 NET-ER DEPOSITORS Fu~D-September 24 ~157 George Feltis 4158 Norris W. Bird 41~9 Eoct of J.E. Yelvington ~160 Aec% ef Gray Ba~heum 4161 Ae¢~ elM rs. Fr~ Neary ~1~2 Seuth Palm Beh Corp ~163 A¢¢% e~ GJS. Daniel 4164 Aee~ of Jack Wal~ie M~TFICiPALSWIMMING P00LFUND-Sep%24 2~322 Cal~well, Trimble & Mitchell 21323 Geme Moore 21324 Stan Sheets Photography GENERAL FUND-SeptemBer 25 Denal~ S.~ Lavigme, Ino (55~0) 5551 Borms Construction Go 5552 Gulfstream Press, In¢ 5553 Gene Moore 5554 H.E. Howard 5555 Mi~uesotaMining &Mammfactmri~g 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 150.00 150.00 12.00 TOTAL 121.3~ 119.00 260.63 85.00 63.86 225.4.0 67. }0 ~12.00 1371.79 875.23 5835 PA~S MADE SEPTEMBER 1962 (C0~f) 1325 Beery & B~ewm' Agem~y, Ine 6E~E,~L FUND-September 26 5556 City ef Beym Beh(P,C.) 5557 City ef Beym Bch(Water Dept) 5558 Beym F~.~meering 55~59 City ef ~eym Bch(P.C.) 5560 Fla. Power & Light 5561 Marietta Peel E~ipment ~o, Ine 5562 Fla. Power & Light Ce 5563 The National Cash Recister Ce 5564 City ef Beyn Beh(P.C., WATER 5836 5837 5839 5840 5841 FUND-September 26 W.L. Roux Betty S~dlivan Ci~y of BoynBch(P.C.) City ef ~oyn Beh(P.C,) Fla. Power &Light ~o WAT~ METER DEPOSITORS FUND-September 26 4165 Aect of Ed Horak 4166 Acct ef W,L. Roux 4167 Acer ef Betty gullivan ~168 Thomas Kmbeek SEWAGE FUND-September 26 0031 City of BoynBch 0032 Fla. Power & Light GE.VERAL FUND-Sep$ember 27 5565 City of Boyn Bch 5566 Palm Beach Coca Cola Bottling Co 5567 City of Beyn Beh(P.C.) GENERAL 5568 5569 5570 5571 557~ 5575 5576 5~78 5579 5580 SEWAGE 0033 ~34 ~'~ND-September 28 John L. Arehi~ Walter A Ma~sen City of Beyn Bch(Payrell F) City e~ ~o~ Bch(P.C.) Fla. Power & City ef Boym City of Beyn City ~f Boyu City ef Beyn City of Boyn City ef Beym Light Co Bob(Water Dept) Bob(Spec Assessment F) Bch(BoynBch Mem Pk) Bch(Sara ~m~ Mem Pk) Bch(Pelt¢e Retirement F) Bob(Fire Rel& Pem F) City of Boyn Bch(Sewer Fu~d) City of Beyn Bob(Sewer Dep Fund) FUND-September 28 City ef Boyn Bch(Water Dept) City of BoynBch(General Fund) 60.00 l 5.eo T6TAL 1670.23 .12 lY7.60 27.00 94.82 274.4? 4O;96 3089.?0 121.63 SO.A1 ~836,71 12.7e 4.1o 20.10 2.20 16~4.68 169~.78 _ 7.50 15.00 7.50 yT.~O 10.00 82.20 ~ 92.20 TOTAL 5660.19 1.00 33i 50 79-99 TOTAL 79.9~ 18.50 22.00 3716.38 100.66 467.70 23.50 214.00 560.00 75.00 166.16 52.95 774.56 619~.87 82.06 8p9.75 8q~.8~ P~ ~NTS .MADE. SEPTE~ ~ 62 (0ont) WATE~ FUND-September 28 ~842 City.of Boyn Bch(Payroll F) SPECLLL ASSESS~mJ~NT FUND-September 28 City of Boyn Bch(General l~d) 899./,6 TOTAL oo 801/.. 1,4, TOTAL PAY~TS MADE SEPTEMBER 1962 September 1 .......................... 10798J67 4- ............................... 683.98 5 ............................. 4608.18 6-- ............................. 966.06 ? ................................ 10275.25 lO ............................... 17160.79 11 ................................ 1090o 57 12 ................................. 1,4./,~. 19 13 ............................... 2698.25 14- ............................... 51/,6.97 17 ................................ 286./+7 18 ................................ 4914.~4 19 ................................. 20 ...... 1086.02 21 ................................ 11133.20 24 ............................... 1371.79 25 ............................... 1870,,23 27/' .................................. 7~.99 28- ................................ 8014~ 1./+ 101929.12