Deborah Hoban, Chair
Chris Montague, Vice Chair
John Welter
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo
Alice Warren
Chris Simon
Tracy Tebo
Robyn Boucard
Call to Order
Craig Clark, Library Director
Anne Watts, Assistant Library Director
Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian
Deborah Hoban, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes — August 13, 2017
Chair Hoban moved to table the minutes. Vice Chair Montague seconded the motion.
Motion unanimously passed.
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo indicated she believed the City of Boynton Beach
hired the right person for the renovation of the new building for the Library. She has
confidence in the City. She believes the goals that the City has taken may be too lofty
in relation to the time frame the City has set. The time frame does not seem to be
Craig Clark, Library Director, noted the architectural firm involved with the
renovations of the library has contracted with Alex Cohen. Mr. Cohen was a Librarian
and his assistant Carmen was the programmer. He clarified the Cohen firm was
responsible for the interior of the library only. There was another Architectural firm
responsible for the shell of the building. Mr. Clark requested the team use an architect
familiar with public libraries, Baker Barrios brought in Aaron Cohen Associates. Aaron
Cohen Associates has completed over 100 public Libraries, and his son Alex, is a
Librarian and works for the firm. Mr. Alex Cohen requested a meeting with City
Administration and the Library Advisory Board to discuss the needs of the library.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2017
Ms. Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian stated at the Town Hall meeting the
participants were broken into 33 teams, about 70% of the respondents were male, and
they were very honest and thoughtful. She continued to say they were specific of the
needs and wants for the library.
Christopher Montague, Vice Chair, asked how awareness for the teen focus group
was generated.
Ms. Taylor stated the AmeriCorps volunteer asked children present in the library. She
said they fed them as well.
Ms. Robyn Bouchard asked of the children that were interviewed, could the children
give one or two points of what they wanted to see in the Library. Ms. Taylor responded
the children in the focus group wanted more space for programs and tutoring. Ms.
Taylor indicated the students had a lot of input in the programs that the Library has.
She noted they also wanted more computers. Vice Chair Montague noted the children
wanted some quiet space
Ms. Taylor indicated that children in the focus group were not excited about separating
the younger children from the older children. She said the group took a vote; it was a
100% against the separate space.
Mr. Welter said it would be a new Library; which was a great opportunity to have input
considered. He wanted to be a part of the design for the new Library.
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo stated the City may not be aware some of the
siblings are given the responsibility of their younger siblings. If there was a separate
area for the younger children, there are some concerns for the older sibling. She
continued to say that she was looking at the walkway as it seems to be very small.
Mr. Clark stated the latest plans has a teen space connected to the parking garage. He
indicated there was discussion to bring the YMCA to Town Square as well. He
believes the YMCA would be housed in the garage. He continued to say they may build
an additional floor. Mr. Clark said once Alex Cohen submits his options to the team,
the City would make a decision. If the YMCA was allowed to come into the Town
Square he explained there needed to be some type of special arrangement regarding
fees. As most of the board was aware our children do not have money for the YMCA.
Their older siblings bring them to the Library until they are picked up. Mr. Simon stated
he was strongly opposed to additional building height. He did comment and suggest
that he prefers family first, as a type of environment.
Mr. Welter asked if there would be a defined age grouping area.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2017
Mr. Simon indicated some of the photos that were shown were very lively and playful.
The quiet space is surrounded by books. He feels very positive regarding the Library
direction. The last thing with the YMCA he thought it would be a positive thing. He felt
that the teen center would be an area with a basketball court. There was a different
term that was used.
Mr. Clark stated that the consultant used different terminology when speaking of the
teen center. Mr. Clark said he understood some residents heard about the art center,
or the homework center. He indicated teen center means different things to different
people. He suggested that the group wait and see.
Ms. Warren wanted to state that there are other clubs and organizations such as the
Boys and Girls Club. She does not know if there are fees associated with these clubs.
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo replied that there are costs associated with the Boys
and Girls Club. She said if the City wanted to rent out space she did not oppose that.
She does not think that there should be an East Boynton YMCA. Ms. Warren indicated
she was not aware if there were costs. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo replied that the Boys and
Girls Clubs have a subsidy and there are costs.
Mr. Clark interjected the YMCA was a potential possibility. He shared his concerns
about the cost to the City Manager. The consultants were working on a vision for the
Vice Chair Montague stated he liked what the architect had to say. He compiled an
outline of dreams and the architect nailed his list. He continued to see even some of
his dream items, like chargers on the chairs. He said the plans were not realistic. He
was under the impression the footage of the Library was reduced. He was told this was
not the case. This was the first time that he heard that the Library was not losing
Chair Hoban asked if the City was depending on the tax roll to fund the Library.
Vice Chair Montague stated they have been battling for more hours for years. Mr.
Welter asked if at some point the Library hours would be discussed. Vice Chair
Montague stated in all reality the citizens are walking through the Library to get to the
City Hall. Mr. Welter said the hours of the Library and City Hall need to be the same.
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo asked where the money was coming from for the
additional hours the Library was being opened.
Mr. Welter indicated he understands it is a small community Library. His hope was that
the Library could be open more. He has spoken with his neighbors and they have
stated the same thing. His neighbors want to see the Library opened every day. Chair
Hoban stated that would be great, but said, it takes money to run a Library.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2017
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo indicated that at the end of the day, there would be a Library;
there would be a removal of trees. She stated they need to get ready for what was
coming. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo said someone has to pay for the staff and the
equipment. She said someone needed to be fiscally responsible. When the Library was
closed it affects this community.
Mr. Simon stated if the City of Boynton Beach builds a new Library and a new City Hall,
they need to make the Library available more hours.
Mr. Welter asked if there was any other way we could change the hours at the Library.
Chair Hoban indicated a major clue to whether or not the City would change the Library
hours would be to see the construction plans. She noted if the construction does not
go through the Library, then maybe the Library would become separate from City Hall.
Mr. Welter asked if the construction plans could be made available to the Library Board
members. Mr. Clark indicated he requested a copy of the plans for the Library and was
told the plans were very fluid, changing daily.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo stated she heard the builders say that they were thinking about
moving all the departments to the old Home Depot location. Mr. Clark stated nothing
has been decided. A location has not been found; he reiterated the plans are very fluid.
Ms. Tebo said the City was trying to build too many structures in a confined area. She
was afraid that this would turn into another City Place. She indicated there are some
safety issues that were not being addressed.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo indicated the consultants mentioned other areas would have
access. She continued to say the consultant that was speaking was looking at family
first environment. She wanted to know how the City was going to secure the different
areas. She asked if everyone would have access to the elevators to all of the floors.
Mr. Simon stated the access to the upper floor was for City employees only.
Mr. Clark noted that security has been discussed many times with the Commission. Mr.
Welter asked about the security concerns. Mr. Clark stated that he wanted to keep the
kids safe. He noted that the Library employs a police officer 16 hours per week. There
needs to be a person to monitor the Library.
Ms. Tebo indicated if an unaccompanied adult goes in to the children area, there needs
to be some type of monitoring. Before the adult gets to where the younger children are,
there needs to be something that stops the adult. There should be no way that the
adult could say "they were looking for a bathroom or a book". How can we stop them
in a very friendly way? Ms. Warren stated most Libraries have the child development
department in the back of the building. If an adult was going in that area, they are
going to pick up a child or drop one off. The reason for this was to make sure that the
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2017
younger children do not make a break for the door; they can be stopped and
Mr. Simon stated this was the opposite of what is being suggested. Ms. Warren stated
this was just an idea. He said having young children at the front of the Library was
being discussed, it was not final. As Mr. Clark stated, the plans are fluid. Dr. Hayden-
Adeyemo indicated that this was just one of the ideas that were mentioned.
Mr. Welter stated he went to Boston a couple of weeks ago to see various libraries and
most of those libraries had an open community plan. He stated they were separated by
culture. In terms of airiness, family version, both libraries has the popular books
placement with lots of circulation. Both had glass walls with defined spaces. He felt
locked in.
Mr. Simon stated every picture the consultants showed was great. There was a lot of
green space and lots of open spaces as well.
Ms. Watts said there was only one rule in the Library, and it was everyone must get
along. She said the staff and patrons are determined that everyone get along. She
said Boynton Beach Library was unique because we have what other Library do not
have; an active teenage group. The Library was a safe place, this was really
important. None of the students were asking for anything outrageous. They requested
vending machines; they wanted healthy snacks. She stated their healthy snack was
"no diet coke".
Ms. Taylor noted that the students wanted a separate area, but they wanted to be
connected as well. Ms. Warren indicated they had a great discussion. The children
gave their thoughts, and there were no giggles; they were serious. They knew this was
important. The focus group lasted 1.5 hours. After the focus group was done, they had
more questions. This was important to those children.
Chair Hoban asked if there were any more comments.
Ms. Tebo asked if the Library bookstore was able to get more shelving.
Ms. Warren stated that the book store needed more publicity. She was impressed with
the amount of books for sale.
Ms. Warren asked if there was going to be some natural lighting.
Mr. Clark stated that once more information was received he would be able to answer
everyone's question more effectively.
Mr. Simon stated we have unity as a board.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2017
III. Correspondence and Communications
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute
V. Chair's Report
VI. Unfinished Business:
Career Online High School (COHS) Update
Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian, advised she has 6 students in the program;
there was one student that was so very close to graduation. She indicated they were
waiting for other libraries to come together to fund the program. She informed everyone
that the Governor vetoed the funding. The State was still pursuing funding for the
program next year. Boynton Beach Library did not want the program to go away; she
indicated they are pursuing funding from other libraries. Other libraries are coming on
board which would help reduce the cost of the Career Online High School.
Mr. Simon stated the Library would purchase five scholarships.
Ms. Taylor indicated that there were still lots of interest in the GED program.
AmeriCorps Program Update
Ms. Watts indicated they have been slow in their recruiting efforts. She stated they
have been interviewing for the adult literacy program; they should have a full report by
next month. She noted both of the persons that were interviewed were Haitian
VII. New Business:
RB Digital — New Database
Mr. Clark stated that circulations were down, eBooks are up.
Mr. Welter stated it would be nice to have an amnesty program. He believes this would
help get back more books into circulation. Ms. Watts wanted to chime in and say
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2017
amnesty does not get books back into circulation. What works was allowing the patron
to come in and state their case, and reduce or wave the fees.
Mr. Welter stated he had a lot of fines. He would endorse a longer lending period. He
asked if he could talk about the fines. Mr. Clark stated there could be a conversation
about amnesty at the next meeting.
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
Monthly Report for September 2017
The Library report/statistics was reviewed. Unique Management reached a 60%
threshold on activation of accounts which was their target. The Library collected more
than $170K in fees.
News/Media Coverage
Mr. Clark had included a few news media articles regarding Library activities. He
indicated that patrons were coming to the Library after the hurricane because the
Library was open and they did not have electric.
Ms. Tebo asked how often the Library goes through its CD collection. Mr. Clark
indicated the CD's are gone through a couple times a year to save some space. They
usually pull about 50 to 60 CD's. Mr. Welter asked if the CD's were placed into
storage. Chair Hoban said that the CD's went to. the Library Store.
IX. Announcements
The next regular Library Board meeting will be held on October 25, 2017 at 6 p.m.,
Library Conference Room A.
X. Adjournment
Vice Chair Montague moved to adjourn. Mr. John Welter seconded the motion. Motion
unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
ueenester Nieves
Deputy City Clerk