Minutes 09-04-62~T mUTES OF REGULAR ~EETI~G OF CITy _COUNCIL OF BOYNTON BEACH~t I~ELD CITY HALL% BOYNTON BEACH¥~ FLORIDA%I TUESDAY% SEPTEN_BER 4,'~ 1962. PRESENT THOMAS A.i SUMME,~RS% MAYOR WALTER~A.' MADsEN% VICE MAYOR JOHN .I~.~ ~RCHIEI~ .COUNCILMAN J.! ~LISO~ ~1KS[, COUnCiLmAN JAMES J,.~ MAHONEY¥ COUNCILMAN GENE MOORE~ CITY ATTORNEY J. B~~ HENDERSON% CITY/4ANAGER TEREESA PADGETT~ CITY CLEP/f ZELL TA~/LOR~ PUBLIC SERVICES DIRCK GROOTENBOER~ DI~PL~& IN. OLIVE WAZ aCE , mmaP SWANK ! CHiE OF POLXCE JOHN TUITE~- FIRE CHIEF TOM GRAJ~ ~PUBLIC UTILITIES JOHN'.' PETER~ON!~ PURCPL%S ING Rev. H. William Johnson~ Ascension Lutheran Church gave the Invocation. At the bottom of P. 4, the City Attorney recommended the last paragraph read as follows: "Mr. Mahoney moved that the assessment roll submitted by City Clerk relative to paving of 5TW 10th Ave. from Seacrest Blvd. west 633' to Poinciana Heights Subdivision be approved and that September 4 at 8:00 porn. be set as the date for the special hearing to equalize said roll." Mr. Archie~moved the Minutes be approved as corrected upon the recOmmendation of the City Attorney, se~conded by Mr. Mm_honey and 'unanimously carried. Mr. Archie moved the Minutes of August 27th be approved as written~ seconded b~ Mr. Madsen and unanimously carried. A letter from.County Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Howell L. Watkins was read in regard to the congested condition ~t'Poinciana School and therefore requested permission to construct four addition- al portable classrooms. Mr. Brainard from 'the School Board appeared in person in favor of the request. Mayor~Sunuuers stated thatnormally the entire council would oppose portable classrooms but under the circumstances~ it was necessary. Mr, Archie moved the request be granted to construct the portable classrooms as requested for Poinciana School for the 1962- 63 school year. Motion seconded by Mr. Madsen ard unanimously carried. Mr. Archie moved the request for Royal Petroleum to operate sound truck be removed from table~ seconded hy Mr. Madsen and unanimously carried. Mr. Madsen moved the request for sound truck be accepted with modification..Motion seconded, by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. -2- Mr. Madsen moved that the request for abandonment of portion of Laurel ~i'lls for parkpurposes he removed from the table, seconded hyMr. Archie and unanimously carried. The City-Attorney read Resolution 62-EEE pertaining to above request. Mr. Mahoney moved that Resolution 62-EEE be approved as read, seconded b~ ~r. 2~rchie and unanimously carried. The item in regard to City park site on F.IoN~D. tract was left on the table as~City'F~nager stated there was nothing further to report. The request for a night club license by John .Morey was left on the table. ~The following bids were opened for Industrial Tractor: by Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Henderson and Mr. Taylor, and unanimously carried. 1. DeMarco Tractor & /~uplement Co. $3,495.. Allow, $i~046 - Del. 2 weeks. Net del. price $2,449. Massey Ferguson MF35. 2o Trail Ford Tractor Company, L.W. - $3,8i~. .Allow 1,000 Del. 15 days - 641 Diesel 3. Engineering~achine Company, $3,826. Allow. $1,000 Del. 30 days - Inter. Harvester, B4t4 Diesel Engineering Machine Company, $4~289 - Allow 1,000 Del. 30 days - Mod. B414 - Inter. 2000 loader Mr. Archie moved that ~hebids for Industrial Tractor be tabulated seconded by Mr. Madsen A letter from George Johnson requesting one of the stereos for the new Civic Center'was read. The following bids were opened players: Robert-Pearsley $ 23.00 Harold Graves 35.00 Rena Cariier 65.00 Olive Wallace 37.50 Ella Bishop 36.00 Vita J. Leo, West-Palm 36.00 Minnie Lee .King 36.00 Vita J. Leo, West Palm 52.50 Ann Hilliard 36.00 Paul McBrid~ 95.00 Ed Herder 6I~00 ~Lrs. May McHolman 50.00 Howard Smith 65.50 R. L. Grummons 65.00 for the four stereo record - 95.00 - 85.00 - 75.00 Mr.~Archie moved the bid be awarded to Paul McBride for $95.00, $95.00, $85.00 and $75.00, seconded Dy ~ir. Mahoney and motion carried 4-0. Mr. Banks abstained. -3- Fir,. George biiles objected to the bidding by City employees and requested an investigation into possible collusion~ in bidding. Mr. Mahoney~mo~e~d that item regarding ,signal lights at rail- road crossings be removed from table, seconded by Mr. Madsen and unanimously - carried. Mr. Mo~re reviewed the request,, · Mr. Mahoney me, ed that the City~ Attorney-contact the railroad officials and tell them the City of Boyrfcon Beac_~ would like to ~nter final negotia.ti~on~s not- later than bIonday,~ September 10th. Motion seconded by Fir. Archaic ar~ unanimously carried. ',Mr.~ ~{ende~rson stated that the people at the trailor park had th~S 's~Par~te agreements, wki~h t~e~ eh, owed him and,~ o~e which was en~red-~to in I853 was betWeen the City and the railroad whereb~ th~ey a~reed to open ~another crossing at t7th S~reet~an~d the City asked all responsibility for al! ex_penS~es ~for t~hi~s~0R,~en.lng. He felt if. th~ City pushes the railroad into the erection of szgnal lights the~Ci~y wilt h~ve to spend $1~5,000 at least~for~ the tTth Street ~ crossi~. 1~,~ ~Ma~o~y, favored getting the protection at our crossings and if ~W~ ~!do eot get this accomplished, ~enferce the ~18 m.p,h, speed limit, i ~'. Mad~e~ fauored having~a policeman ctocR the ~trains at the non~h lend ~0f town through the south end a~d havethem arrested in Delray. iMr. ~Moore was instructed to look over the agreements with Mr. Hehder SiOn, . ~' ,i~., ~/~oney,=~ mo. ve~ that bids on the railroad signal lights he held ~..in~!~ce ~ntil Monday,~ September 10th meeting, seconded by Mr. Are~e ~a~d unanimously carried. Public,Hea=in~: T~e eouncit then sat as Board of Equalization for the purpose of hea~i~g ,~plain%s on assessment roll - N.W. 10thAve. from Sea- crest Bl~d. west 633 . No complaints were registered. ~Flr.~gQre then read Ordinance 62-16 levying special assessment. ~.~iM~oney moved that Ordinance 62-16 be passed to second and fir~%l ~ading, seconded by Mr. Archie and motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hende~s~l~ read the Committee Report in regard to awarding bid for, 2 wa~ radios. It~was recommended bid be awarded to Motorola for $918.00 ~r. Archie moved to accept the recommendation of Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Taylor~F~r, Peterson and Mr. Henderson, to award hid to Motorola for $9t8~00, seconded by Mr. Madsen end,unanimously carried. Mr.~Archie moved that the street pav~ng on Lawns S/D be removed from taf0te,seconded by Mr, Madsen and unanimously c~rried. Duringthe discussion, Mr. Mahoney stated he did not favor the individ~aI receive 8% interest on,the $20~000. he put up in that the city will collect the money. The individual also had an attorney write the city this work m~st he started within 3 months and completed within ~2 mo~-ths. He favored the road hut not the de~dline~ in the event they run into trouble with the muck. -4- Mr. Madsen~moved that the item be placed on the t~ble for further study and that Mr. Boos be requested to come to next Council meeting,~Monday,,September 10th. Motion seconded by Mr.,Archie and unanimously carried. T~e request.of Lake Eden S/D Plat'wasleft on the table at the request ~of the developer. ~,Public Audience: Donald Clark, 2020 NW Second Street, appeared before Counz:il and brought~to attention of Council that there are houses ~bandoned bydevelopers which havegrown up in wee~s and that this condition reduces the value of property in the heigtfooring ar~as. Mr. Henderson was instructed to check further into this matter. Mrs~ Frances VanDevender, appeared before Council objecting to the pipe for'the ~ewer.lines berg thrown on their lawns. She re- quested information inregard to 5he sewer program. ~Mr. Cos%e!~o living in same neighborhood as Mr. Van Devender in Rolling~Green iRi~ge,also wanted more information-about the sewer program. Hew'as inf0r~d by, the Mayor that the State Board of Health had requited the City of BQynton Beach to construct a sewer plant .due to the danger from a hea~th standpoint. Mr, Miles stated the pipes might not be on private property in that the Cityow~s theila~dWhich many people have sodded in front of their~homes ar~ir~, Lef0rt ~stated the Citizens Committeehad re- quested ~bout on~yaar~,efore thattheir members be given detailed in- formation on the .Program. Mayor Summers ~tate~all the press were invited and that the information had ~e~n ~nall ~ei~a~ers and it was hoped that the citizens of Boynt0n Beached .~ead it~ Fir. Henderson ~aid all .t~e sections of ~he engineers plans have not been ~compl~eted ye~. Mr. Herman B~t~s appeared before Council in regard to a license request byKen Snow b~ operate a business at his radiator and lawn mower lo~tion 0n N~W, 2nd Ave. , He said he hadoperated a business at this address for ~ years and could not understand why Mr.. Snow could not get a license and he wanted to know who objected to the request. Fir. Grootenboe~ said the request by Mr. Snow called for automo- bile body work and it~was zoned C-1. M~yor'Sr~muers a~reed to check into this matter and report to Mr° Butts ina day or two° F~yor. Summers announced that the Auxiliary Police had volunteered 1,968 fr~e hours. He Congratulated the men and the audience applauded the men when they were recognized by the chair. -5- New Business: On the request of Walter Lacey for an amendment to existing ordinance in regard to pool tables, it'was reported by the City Attorney thataState-Law prohibited this type of business. The Mayor stated he should re-design his plans to comply withthe law by eliminating plans for pool tables. Legal: ' In regards to the reques,t ~of The South Lake~Worth Inlet 'Dist, rict, of~ a r~solutlon approving plans · for improvement at the Inlet, FLr. Mahoney moved that'~R~e~olution 62-BBB ,be left _on the t~ble until after the: Chamber.. of c. orm~erce meeting. MotiOn seconded by ~ir., A~chie and unanimOusly carried. The City Attorne~ read Ordinance 62-15 pertaining to annexa- tion of the Rolling Green Ri~g~ School' on Miner Road. ~ a Fir. Ma~e~ mo~ed,th t. Ordinance 62-15 be passed to second reading. Mot~bnl secend~ by Mr. Maho~ey and unanimously carried. .The ~ity Atto~ne~ 'read'Resolution 62hFFF authorizing Mayor Summers an~Vice'May0r,,~dsent0sign checks. Mr.,~rchie, ~iit~9 a~Qpti~n of Resolution 62-FFF, seconded by Mr. Mah0ney, and~n~i~6~ty~darried. There was consi~9~a~le~discussion in regard to establishing policy on Board ofA~j~l~t~,Pro~edu~ forgranting variance, waiving setback regQlations for ~ev~!~pers. _Sky Ranch Estates requested a varzance on 35 lots ln~l~he~S/D for a 6 setback in R1AA zone. ~Lr. Mako~eymO~edlthat~blr, Moo~i~ make a study of this development and bring recommendati6~ t? Cq~n~ii at ~extMonday night meeting. Motion seconded by Mr~. Archie ~d unanimously carried. Mr. Aro, hie mo~edi~e reqUest 'fo~ a typewriterfor use in water departmentbe ~emoved f~Om tabie, seconded by Fir. Mahoney and unani- mou~i~ carrie~. Mr.~2%rohie moued that the t~pewriter in use now in the Finance Dept. ~and guaranteed for~~ one~,year and service for three months be purchased at~a cost of ~175.00, seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. Mr, Archie moved that the request from the Public'Works de- partment for a used elegtric t~pewriter in use at present time, be purchased for $140. Mo~ion seconded DY Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. Mr. Archie moved the request of Robert Mims for beer and wine for take ouu at 104 N.E. 10th Avenue be transferred from John B. Richardson d/b/a/ Fred's $~per~tte, be granted, seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. -6- In reference to the request of the Shell Oil Company for a setback, Mr. Mahoney moved this be tabled till next 'Monday night meeting. Motion seconded by, Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. Mr. Moseley, ~wner of ~the bu~i'idi~g appeared before Cotuacil and stated-he'would he,willing to sign any papers relieving the City of ar~y responsibility in the future should the highway~be expanded~ The City Clerk presented the 1962 Tax Roll for review by Council. -She s~te~ ~there is a COnflict in the charter date and ordinance ~date, ,but ~it/has been the procedure in the past years to bring thi.s ulp, at, t~e 1,first, mee~ing,~ in, Se~er. .The Ci%~ ~t~neyyadvised ,that We Sh0u~d comply wi~ the ~arter and ~he~o~iRa'~ce~ sbDu~d.~be-'revise~. ' ~,- ~h~e~m~d tha%~ ~is, pa~t ~of .~e ordinance pertaiuing to the ~ate ~lch~is3 i~eonfl~ct with the charter relative to the tax roll shO~b~, r~v0ked. MOtion seconded by ~. ~chie and unani- mouRly ~.~1'~ · - ~ Mr,,~ A~chie moved ~at the City Attorney be instructed to draw up ~n- oE~a~¢e- allowing tw~ a~te~nate members to the- Beaird~ of Adjustments, s~conded by Mr. Mahone~ and unanimously carried. Mr. Mahoney mo~ed that, Department Reports be accepted, second= ed by ~r. ~Arcbie and unani~o~ly carried. The following bills were submitted Manager: A & B Pipe Supply Gene Moore Russell &Axon Hunnicutt &Associates Gene Moore M~.~ Archie_ moved the above bill-s be paid. Mr. Mahoney and unanimqu~!y carried. for appreval by'City 629.96 11.80 20,989.87 En~r. service fer Sewer System 3 & 5A 181.12 Board of Equalization 540,~00 Res. & Ord. from June 25 through Aug. 24 Mo~on seconded by Mr. Archie moved that the City 9© out to bids for street paving on N~E. 6th Avenue, seconded by Mr. Mahoney and unanimously carried. MrL Mahoney moved that the City go out to bids for two motor scooters for meter readers, seconded by Mr. Archie and unanimously carried. Discussion in regard to service trucks having names on side of doors turned over to Mr. Moore. Plans for a new jail have been submitted to City Council for further study by Mr. Grooterf0oer. Motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. -7- Tereesa Padge~City Clerk Thomas A Summers, Mayor Councilman PAl%tENTS ~iADE AUGUST, 1962 GENERAL FUt.-August 1 5264 Thomas J Croft 5265 Tereesa E Paduett 5266 Boyn ~ch Fire-Dept 5267 VCnitt MacDowell 5268 American Fire%~rks Co. 200.O0 25.00 417.4~ i00.00 _so .oo 1222,48 WATER Fb~-Augnst 1 5690 Whitt MacDowell 10.00 I0.00 TOTA~ 1232.48 m~_n~u~ P~o~D-August 2 5269 Thomas A Summers 19.75 19.75 TOTAL t9.75 5270 5271 5272 5273 P~ND-August 3 City of ~oyn Bch(P Off Pen F) City of Boyn Bch(t2 Mo T Dep) City of Boyn Bch(t2 Mo T Dep) City of Boyn Bch(Fire Rel & Pen F) City of Boyn Bch(Payro!l) 443.41 2500.00 1500.00 584.22 2571.67 7599.30 ~ATER FO~D-Augus~ 3 5691 Mrs Ceo ~ Hadley 5692 Gene Re,fearn 5693 3amaiaa Dev Co. 5695 Henry Thompson 5696 Delray Heights Dev. Inc. 5697 City of Boyn Bch( Peyroll 6.20 5.20 4.90 1.30 5.45 981.70 1004.75 METER DEPOSITORS F0~D-August 3 4054 Acct of Gonsolidated Corp 7.50 4055 Acct of,DeneeJ ~oodbury Hadley 15.00 4056 Acc~ of Harold R. Harris 7.50 4057 Acct of Gene Redfearn 7.50 4058 Acct of 3smaica Dev Co 7.50 4059 Acct of Henry Thompson 7.50 4060 Acct of Delray Hgts Dev Co inc 15.00 67.50 ~ISC FL~D(F±R~%i~q'S RELIEE & PEN E)-Au9 3 21299 Mrs. Andrew R Birnie 200.00 21300 Mrs. Anton Palivoda 200.00 21301 C hat!es Senior 29.40 21303 ~m H. ~aters(Pol cfr Pen F) 946.06 GENERAL ~o~D-August 6 5275 City of Boyn Bch (P.C.) 5276 City of 8oyn Bc h(P.C.) 5277 City of Boyn Bc h(P.C.) TOTAL 24.01 87.11 84.75 429.40 ~ 946.06 10047. O1 ~ATER 5698 5699 5700 F~D-August 6 Void ~ ity of Boyn Bch(P.C~) Ci~y of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 12.70 15.05 27.75 PAYt~ENT }AaD. E AUGUST 1962 {CONT} I&S 21302 R37qD -August 6 First Baptist Chursh of W P B 2997.00 TOT.~L 29971Q0 o2~0.O~ GFmNERA~ .5278 5279 5280 5281 5282 5283 5284 5285 5286 5287 5288 5289 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 Fu%~D-Au9 u s % 7 City of Boyn Bch{P.O.) 36.80 City of Boyn 8ch~Water Dept) 141.32 ABC Busihess Forms 147.47 Beery & ~rown Agency Inc 253.38 Blue Cross of Fla, Inc 4.13 Bosworth Aerial Surveys 750.00 Boyn Well-Pump & Sprinkler Sup. 46.64 Diesel znject~on & E±~ct. Co 60.97 Don's Firestone 115.38 Dixie Holding Corp 107.97 First Bank of Boyn Bch 3029.98 Flamingo Oil Co 22.07 Gayiord Bros, tnc 50.00 Picard Chemical Co 85.50 Gulf Oil Corp 16.75 ~owerd~s T~ { ¢=n-, tot Services 120.00 Jones Chemicals, Inc 80.73 Minn..~%ining & Mfg. Co. 366.00 Gene Moore 275.00 Tidal Holding Corp 2.55 5712.64 WATER FLUID-August 7 5701 Allied Electronics Gorp 5702 R.L. Grummens Printing 5703 Jones Chemiceis Inc 5704 Neptune Meter Co 91.09 68.10 312.73 1292.00 TOTAL 1763.92 7476.56 GENERAL FeND-August 8 5298 Associated Court Reporters 5299 Ci±y of Bovn 8ch(P.C.) 250.00 82.85 332.85 WATER FbTqD-August 8 5705 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 5706 Re, mona Brand ~7 ~ 07 J.D. Main 15.54 6.00 25.04 METER DEPOSITORS FOND-August 8 406t Acct of Raymond Brand 4062 Consolidated Dev. Oo. 4063 A¢ct of J D Main 7.50 7.50 7.~0 ~. 50 TO~AL 3~.39 GENERAL FUND-August 9 5300 Dorothy H Jones 25.00 25.00 WATER ~JNDaAugust 9 5708 5709 5710 5711 712 713 Associated Contractors Edw Hunchar 3eenette G!ynn Ernest ~atmitz Eugene ~acher Ralph Shook 5.00 3.50 2.10 4.~0 4.90 6.00 25 .~0 PA~AENTS AUGUST 1962 METER DEPOSiTDRS FU~D-August 9 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 40?3 4O74 4075 Acct of Jacob Brandies Acct of Associated Contr. Acct of Edw Hunchar Acct of Jeanette Giynn Acct of Ernest ~alwitz Acct of Eugene Bacher A¢ct of Gene Gibson Acct of Gold Key Btdrs Parkwood Construction Co Acct of Ralph Shook M.J. isabelt Acct of John Mazzo GEMERAL FUND-August i0 5301 U S Post Office, Boyn Bch 5302 John~ ~ Archie 5305 vity of boyn Bch(Payroll) 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 TOT~ 50.80 58.20 9432.27 _ 90.0_ O_ 140.60 9541.27 WATER P~OND-August 10 5716 City of oyn~ Bch(Payrolt) z10~.78 2104.78 zO;AL ii646.05 GENERAL 5303 5304 5306 5307 5308 5309 5310 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 5318 53 19 5320 5321 FD$~D -August 13 City of ~oyn 3ch(P.C.) 109.95 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co 33.00 City of Soyn Bch(Water Dep%) 197.87 J. W. Pipes 24.05 Un.S.Post Office 50.80 Southern bellIel & Tel Co 65.18 Fla. Po~er & Light Co 524.64 ~merican Fireworks Co 10.22 B-I-F- Industries 1~.73 Boynton Beach News 34.20 Don's Firestone 17.89 R.L. Grum~ons Pr%nting 30.55 Hunnicutt & Associates Inc 52.99 Gene ~oore 70.00 ~innesota Mining & ~g. Co 71.30 City of ooyn Bch(P.C.) 48.98 m. M. Surket 42.81 H.E. Howard 51.36 145.~. 52 -HATER 5714 5715 5717 5718 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5733 5734 FUND-August 13 ~ ity of ~oyn Bch~.C.) 24.z6 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co 14.40 C'~- of ~oyn Bch(~ater Dept) 238.50 Vo id ~'¢',rs Paul Robinson 1.30 Carl W Stone 3.50 ~{ ~ s Alex Casagrande 2.80 3.D. Main 6.00 J.D. ?{ain 5.00 Nicholas Puqliese 5.60 ~isc~vne Chem Laboratories lnc 7.33 C.T. Bo%~'les Electric Co 3.0.00 338.69 PAYMENTS ~¢~DE AUGUST 1962 (CO?JT) METER 4076 4077 4078 4.079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 DEPOSITORS FJND-Augus% 13 Acct of Eddie Melton 7.50 Nicholas Vassototti 7.50 Acc% of Mrs. P, Robinson 7.50 Acct of Carl W. Stone 7,50 Acct of Mrs Alex Casagranae 7.50 Acct of J, D. Main 7.50 Acct of J. D. Main 7.50 Edward Watson Acct. 7.50 Acct of N Pug!iese 7.50 67.50 TOTAL 1861.71 GENERAL ~JND-Auguat 14 5322 City of moyn Bch(P.C.) 66.56 5323 James J Mahoney 17.00 5324 Gulf Oil Comp 766.84 850.40 ~ATmR Fb~D-Augus~ 14 5725 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 25.12 5726 Gulf Oil Comp 82.23 107.35 TOTAL 957.75 G~.4~_~AL FUND-August 15, 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5325 5326 5327 5328 5329 5330 5331 City of Soyn Bcb(water dept) 169.59 City ofCSoyn Bch(Sp Assmt F) 2511.67 City cz ~oyn Bch(I&S Fund) 371.60 City of moyn Bch(~unpSw Pool) 551.25 City of Boyn Bch(B ~ mem Pk) 290.00 City of Boyn Bch(Sara Simms) 75.00 City of ~'vn Bch(Sewer DeB E) 211.15 City of Born Bch(Sewage F) 1450.87 Arthur R ~appeten 12.50 kla. Power & Light Co. 73,44- Southern Sell Tel & Tel Co 309,50 Boynton Bch News 111.35 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 75.00 City of Boyn Bch(Pubticity F) 131.47 City of Soyn ach(Sewage F) 200,00 6544.39 ~ATER FOND-August 15 5694 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 36.92 5727 ~rs. John E Brandt 6.00 5728 American ~ater ~rKs Sup. 2.50 5729 Southern Dell Tel & Tel Co 10.60 5730 1960 Bond Sinking Fd Res Acc 1695.00 5731 1960 Water Rev Bd Fund 5508.34 5732 City of Boyn Bcb(Gen Fund) 5.36 5735 City of Joyn Bch(Sewage £) 2.60 7267.32 METER DEPOSITORS FU~D-A ugustl5 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 Acct of Wm B Andrews 7.50 City Park Assc 7.50 Consolidated Bev Comp 30.00 Acct of Franc~s Habenicht 7.50 Acct of ~rs John E brandt 7.50 Acct of Mrs ~arv A Price 7.50 American Water ~rks Supply 7.50 75.00 PA~%~ENTS ~ADE DJL~oUST 1962 (CONT) ~m~AGn ~a74D-August !o 0024 City of boyn Bcg(General) 1520.70 1520.70 SE'~AGE DEPOSIT FU~D*August 15 057 City of Boyn Bch(Water Meter Dep) 50.00 50.00 % & S Eund -August 15 City of soyn Bch(P.C.) #21306 8.80 8.80 SPECLAL ASSMY ~0ND-August 15 21304 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 7.70 7.70 NYON CiViC CENTER 6LDG rgND-~gust 15 21305 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 7.70 21307 City of Boyn Bch(Genera! ?) 10450.28 10457.93 TOTAL 25931.84 GENERBL Fo~D-August 16 5332 City of soyn Bch(P.C.) 5333 City of Boyn Bch)P.G.) 5334 Boynton Metaleraft, £nc 5335 Court Records, inc 5336 Boyn Bch C of C 5337 ~oyn Auto °upply, inc 5338 Don's Firestone 5339 East Coast Fire Equipment 5340 Halsey & Griffith, 5341 International Steel & Pipe Co WATER 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 5741 FUND-August 16 City of Uoyn Bsh(P.G.) City of boyn Bch(P.C.) Boyn Auto Supply, !nc Fleisher Chem Co Pla. Electric ~otor ~orks International Steel & Pipe 56,63 41.35 31.50 50.00 182.40 27.97 60.55 50.00 10©.15. 313.60 40.56 56.77 25.58 21.41 230.00 430.00 914.15 805.17 TOTAL t~19.32 GENERAL FU~D-August i7 5342 City of ~oyn ~ch(P.C.) 5343 City of Bo',,n Bch(P.C.) 5344 Boyn ~e!l-Pu~u & Spt. Supply Corp 5345 Boynton ~each News 5346 ~urroughs Corp. 5347 Dixie Holding Comp 5348 Gold Coast Adv. Speci. al4ies 5349 ouns of Delray~ lnc 5350 Charles L ~ayer & Son 5351 ~cGregor Brothers 5352 The Nat Cash Register Co 5353 Palm Beach Harley Davidson 5354 Picard ~hemicai ~o 5355 Pitney-Bowes, Inc 5356 R.L. Polk & ~o 5357 Publix Super ~arket 5358 Rubin ~onstruction Co ~359 Seweli Hardware Co of L W Inc 63.20 80.25 81.73 29.70 148.77 7.15 313.03 52.56 25.00 33.55 34;43 21.69 37.73 21.60 240.81 48.68 64.00 27.93 r PAYMENIS MADE AuguST 1962 (CONI) 5360 S%e¥snson Seed Store 5361 ~Opzc=.~ Paint Co 5362 Western Union Tete. Co 5863 Cit¥ of boyn Bch(Payrotl) 28.45 55.69 53.52 3043.67 _ 4513.14 WATER P~D-August 17 5742 Boyn Engineering Inc 323.40 5743 Harold ~escott 6.00 5744 City of morn Bch(Payroi!) 1t4~.00 1472.40 AETER DEPOSITORS 4092 4093 ~094 4095 4096 FuTqD-August 17 Acct of Harold Law 7~50 Acct of Robert mittenzwey 7.50 Acct of Wescor% Atla~tic'Service ?.50 Mrs. Anita Michael 7.50 Harry Geller 15.00 45.00 6030.54 GEqERA~ F,~D-August 20 5364 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 5365 Hurricane ~ence Co, inc 5366 Blue Cross of Fla. !nc 5367 City of ~oyn Bch[Water Dept) 5368 Pla Power & Light Co 83.96 99.00 1212.67 222.76 163.26 1781.65 10.29 57.82 25.78 93.89_ 7.50 7.50 TOTAL ~883.04 WATER YUND6August 20 5745 City of Soyn Sch(P.C.) 5746 ~!ue Gross of Pla. Inc 5747 Pla. Power & Light Go METER 4097 DEPOSITORS ~JND-August 20 ~oris A Oakes GE~ERAL ~D-August 21 5869'0 Hand's 5370 Beery & Brown Agency Eric 5371 Keatts Trucking Service 9.89 400.00 509.00 9_18.8%/ WATER Fbl~D-August 21 5748 Wm Miller 5749 South ~:alm Beach Corp 5750 ~c~ane Cast Iron Piue Ce 5751 Leon Bu~ietto 7.50 6.00 1409.86 3.10 1426.46 METER DEPOSITORS F~D-August 21 4098 Acct of Anthony Detmont 4099 Acct of ~m Miller 4100 Acct of Leon Busieiio 4101 Acct of So Palm Beach Corp 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.50 37.50 [~m.~ SWi~,%,,~iNG POOL ~ND SINKING ~',3~D-Aug 21 21308 The Ghas_ ~anhattan Bank 11687.50 11687.50 ~L~C~-~J~ CiV CENTER ~ND TR FgND-Aug 21 21309 The Wall Street Journal 108.50 108.50 TOTAL 14178.85 ?AY?lENT N~ADE AuGuST 1962 (CONT) G~ERAL Fb~D-August 22 537~ City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 5378 John ~ Tuite ~ 4 507 53~5 5~6' 52~7' City o~_,Boyn Bch(P.C.) Brockway, Weber & Brockway /%da! Holding Corp Palm Beach Office Supply* ~ATER FU~D-A ugust 22 5752 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 5753' .-C. Robert Burns 67;02 -35.00 9;99 lO7;4o 2a. 42 36.88 211.41 ~4ETER 4102 4103 4104 4105 DEPOSITORS Fb}4D-August 22 Acct of Norvat Browntee Hen%y Ihompson A cct of Bcyn~Bch Plumbing Co Aect of Rodman Gary SE~;~E DEPOSIT Fb~D-August 22 058 Aect of Bodman Gary t & S .UN= August 22 21310 The Chase Manhattan Bank 7_50 7-.50 7.50 .7,50 9.10 .20490.00 TOTAL 23 C.T. Bowles EiectricTCo Boynton A utc Su~y Inc Robert Flamingo OilCo Gaylord Bros., thc General ~%{C Truck Sales & Set. R.L. Gru~nmns Printing Had!ey's MeGregor Brothers Palm Beach Harley.gavidson Picard Chemical Co Rinker Materials Corp UARCO Incorporated City of Boyn Bch (P.C.) 71.00 2~.~3 62.50 32.11 83.10 33.16 62.75 65.80 33.55 30.31 24.6Z 136.15 279.00 29.22 GEN'ERAL ?d%~D-August 5378 5379 5380 5381 5382 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 5389 5390 5391 ?CATER FUND-August 23 5754 Void 5755 Bbyn Celi-Pump & Spt SuD 5756 Brooks Produets of-Fla. Inc 5757 Bro'oks Proaucts of Pla. Inc 5758 Fi~. Dust C onmroi Service inc 41.54 91.95 161610 18.00 TOTAL 308.54 248.29 30.00 9.10 20490.00 21085.93 970.69 1~83.28 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 539? FUND-August 24 Zetl Taylor J.B. Henderson City of Boyn Bch(Water Depr) City of Boyn Bch(P.G.) Boyn Bch Chamber of Commerce Goldcoast Office Sup>~y 8.62 77.84 97.73 '222.62 75.00 5398 5399 5400 5401 5402 5405 5759 5760 5761 5762 5764 PAYMENTS ~dGUST 1962 (OONT) Gulf Stream L~zmber Co ~unicipal Code Corporation McGregor Brothers Rdbin Contructi0n Co Pieard Chemical Co City of Boyn Bch(payroil F) 31;-81 2367.68 70.06 58 FU~-August 24 -Don~s Firestone EaSt Coast Fire Equip. Clarence A Plume ~rs. Virginia Ho~ne City of Boyn Bch(Payroli F), 15185 79.00 4:10 6~.O0 METER 4106 4107 4108 DEPOSITORS EUND-A:ugust 24 John A Fox Acct of C.A. Plume Acct of Virginia Home 7 ~50 7.50 7.50 GENERAL R~D-A ugust 27 5403 Fla. Power & Light Co 5404 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co 5406 ~ard Cu~ings 5407 Fla. Power & Light Co WATER Fb~D-August 27 5763 Fla. Power & Light Co 5765 Fla. Power & Light Co MEIER DEPOSITORS PJND-August 27 4109 Helen R. Gannon 325.12 29.70 49~8.50 3126.35' 55.85 2059.32 7.50 GENERAL FUND-August 28 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 Emer¥ Pratt'C ompany J. Alex Arnette Fla. Power & Light Co Lanier Manaqement. inc Picard Chem{ca! Co City cf Born Bch(P,C.) City of Soyn Bch(P.C.) WATER FJND-August 28 5766 Fran~house Electric SuppLy 70~36 I0.00 433.~a} 17.5o 39:2o 13.91 33.08 17o.95 G~[~RA~ FL~qD=August 29 5415-- City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) ~T~. Fo~D-August 29 5767 City of °oyn Bch 95.07 -3.30 2217.95 22.50 TOTAL 139~6.55 847~.67 2115.17 7.50 "~ TOTAL 10602.34 .... 17D.95 TOTAL 788.3~ 95.07 3.30 TOTAL 98~37- ±962 (GONT) GENERAL.~UWD-Augu at 5416 Fla, Power ~ Light Co 5417 Southern Bel Tel & Tel Co 5418 'City of Born Bch(Water Oept) 54 19 Southeastern Natura~ 5420 Gadm=tscEsgravers 5421 Natha~ie% Dame & Co 5422 Pica~d Chemical Co 5423 U.S. ~SENEB_AL ~t~D-zug tlst 31 ¢5424 John L A rchie 5425 Thomas J. Croft 5426 Tereeea E. Padaett 5427 ~ hitt MacD ow~ll 5428 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 5~29 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 5430 Fla, Po~er & Light Co 5431 City of Boyn Bch(Payroll) 5432 Dixie Holding Cord 5433 Void 116,59 13,50 75,51 ~©O 15:92 4i..04 77,00 370~O0 712,56 TOTAL - 712,56 20.00 200.00 25.00 100.00 89.31 97.56 279.47 3278.39 19.99 4109.72 ~ATER ~dND-August 31 5768 Whitt MacDowell 5769 City of Boyn Bch(Payroll) t0.00 ~Q87.2_ ~ ................ .10~7,_22 BOYN BCE M~iORI;& P.A/~K-August 31 21312 City of Boynton Bch 1000~.Q~Q ........... %QQQ,00 TOTAL 6206,94 August 1 ........... 2- t0 ..... 14 ........... 15 ........... 16 ........... 17- 20- 21 ........... 22 ........... 23 ........... 24 ........... 27 ........... 28 ........... 29 ...... ~ .... 30 ..... 31 ........... 22232.48 19,75 ~iO0~7.Ot 3220.62 7476.56 380,39 i~0.60 11646.05 1861~71- ~57.75 25931,84 i71~,32 6030.54 1883,04 14178,85 21085.93 1283.28 13976.55 t0602.34 788.33 98.37 712.56 6206.94 14~480.81