ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2017, AT 6:00 P.M.
Angelica Nevin, Acting Chair Wally Majors, Director Recreation and Parks
Peggy LaGuerre
Carla Colebrooks
Valencia Spells Anderson
Anthony Altiere, Alternate
Dariana Rodriguez, Stu Reg Voting Member
Gregory Murphy
Lori Wilkinson
Alana Thomas, Stu, Reg Voting Member
Kathleen Wilkinson, Reg, Non -Voting Member
I. Call to Order
In the absence of the Chair North, it was decided Ms. Nevin would run the meeting. Chair
Nevin called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Ill. Approval of Agenda
Ms. LaGuerre moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Rodriguez seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Minutes of August 24, 2017
Mr. Altiere moved to approve the August minutes. Ms. Rodriguez seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 26, 2017
Approval of Minutes of September 28, 2017
Ms. LaGuerre moved to approve the September minutes. Ms. Rodriguez seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Ms. Rodriguez announced she started a Director's League at her school and was working
on hosting an international film festival. The Director's League will create film/videos for
the Tartan Road Film Festival and she was meeting with the student who handled the
League at her school 12 years ago. She was trying to attract students and would bring
flyers to the next meeting. She asked the members to spread the word to Boynton Beach
Ms. Nevin gave a shout out to the City for the Haunted Pirates Fest. She and her family
enjoyed the Mermaid and Pirates Fest and thought it was exceptional. She advised the
event gets better each year and a good time was had by all.
Wally Majors, Director, Recreation and Parks, announced Board Liaison, Sherri Claude
was ill. She requested he, as it pertained to the Board reappointments agenda item,
remind the members with terms expiring in December to reapply if they want to continue
to serve on the Board. Mr. Majors passed down the roster, which indicates when the
members terms expire. He also mentioned the Holiday Parade Fundraiser and advised
the golf cart is available and staff can have it cleaned and ready the morning of the
parade. It does require some coordination and the cart may not be totally spic and span,
but if the Board decides they want to use the cart, they could. He announced the parade
is December 2nd at 4 p.m. and the members will need ample time to set it up. The Board
must decide who will purchase the items. Ms. Claude had offered to make the purchase
using the City's tax exempt purchasing card, but needed to know who will volunteer the
day of the event since there will not be another meeting before the parade. Mr. Majors
requested someone from the Board contact Ms. Claude first thing in the morning to
apprise her who volunteered. He explained the Board must also decide on the amount of
the Borovy Award.
Mr. Majors announced he had to leave the meeting for a sign language class. He pointed
out there were sign language interpreters at the Haunted Pirate Fest and there was a lot
of good feedback. He noted there is a large population of deaf or hard of hearing in
Boynton Beach and the City wants to make events accessible to all.
Chair Nevin advised she was aware her term would expire and she submitted her
application for reappointment.
VI. Public Audience
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 26, 2017
Jeanne Heavilin, Sister Cities, distributed flyers regarding the travelling sauna at
Intracoastal Park on Saturday, November 18th in celebration of Rauma, Finland,
Boynton's Sister City's Centennial. It will be the first time Boynton Beach has a real
sauna. The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Finnish food and beer will be
available and Ms. Heavilin advised it should be a fun day. She announced reservations
were required. The flyer contained the web address and phone number to call. The cost
was $10 per hour for the sauna with a changing room and a shower. She requested the
members spread the word and distribute the information electronically.
Ms. Heavilin advised the Young Artist and Young Authors would again host the exhibit at
the Boynton Beach Mall in April. Last year, the grand prize winner for the Sister Cities
International event was a student from South Tech, so Boynton Beach will host the Sister
Cities travelling exhibit, which was from all the finalists in the artists competition. The
exhibit will be on display during the month of April. In May, the exhibit will be displayed
in Delray Beach as they had a finalist as well. She was hoping to distribute the flyers for
this year's showcase by November 1 st. Ms. Heavilin noted one of the components of the
young artist competition includes art, essays, poetry, photography and film. It is open to
middle and high school students and she invited Ms. Rodriguez to participate. Ms.
Heavilin would love to get local youth involved. She agreed to send a flyer to Ms. Claude
to forward to the Board. Anyone who lives in or attends school in greater Boynton Beach
can participate.
The Youth Leadership Summit is a conference Sister Cities hold every year for high
school students concurrent with the International Conference. This year, the conference
is in Aurora, Colorado in July. She advised they have the funds to send one student. In
the past, they have sent two students, one of which was a Board member. She announced
they were looking for candidates. The conference operates like a mini United Nations.
Last year, they had a nuclear threat, mock situation, which today would be very real.
Students had to take sides and argue and it was a great experience for youth. She
explained they do not yet have a formal application, but they will entertain anyone
interested in attending. The registration is usually $600, which would be paid, but the
travel expense to attend the conference will be the responsibility of the attendee. The
conference is usually held the second week in July.
Daniel Smith, Freedom Shores Elementary School Principal, was present and advised
he was new this year and was trying to learn his way around the community. He thought
the Board was a great place to start.
VII. New Business
A. Reappointments
The members shared when their appointments ended. Chair Nevin advised they should
have received mail from the City regarding the reapplication process and noted the
deadline is November 15th
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 26, 2017
(Ms. Spells Anderson left dais at 6:17 p.m.)
VIII. Old Business
A. Holiday Parade — Fundraiser
Chair Nevin announced she was 100% willing to volunteer and walk with the cart at the
Holiday Parade. Dr. North had indicated at the last meeting that she was also interested
in helping. She hoped that Ms. Claude would drive the golf cart for them. Ms. LaGuerre
agreed to serve as parade judge.
Chair Nevin asked if the members wanted to participate in the Holiday Parade and
commented it was not mandatory to decorate the cart, but it is nice. She also asked the
Board what items the members would like to purchase. In the past, the Board sold fun
size chips such as cheese doodles and the like, bottled water and Capri Sun. She
announced they made more money than the Shred-a-thon events and it gave the Board
the opportunity to meet families and teach math to youth counting change.
Ms. LaGuerre moved to approve fundraising during the Holiday Parade. Ms. Colebrooks
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
B. Ethics Training
It was noted all members had taken the Ethics training.
C. Video Production
Ms. Rodriguez offered to video the Board members at the Parade and have an outline for
the Board's video at the December meeting. Members can answer a series of questions
starting with Chair North and then the members individually. Members would talk about
what they do and what to say and she would film it. She asked if the members had to sign
a consent form for the video and discussion ensued the City may have one already. Ms.
Rodriguez agreed to find out.
D. Breakfast/Awards Fundraiser
Ms. LaGuerre announced they reserved the Intracoastal Park Clubhouse for the breakfast
fundraiser on April 28th, but she has not received a response from the Greater Boynton
Beach Foundation. She went to their website and emailed the Foundation's members.
Ms. Spells Anderson spoke to Dr. North earlier in the day and she had indicated to her
the Foundation agreed to fund the breakfast 100%. The only thing they asked of the
Board is when they have events, the members be available to assist them. Dr. North had
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 26, 2017
sent the information to Ms. Claude, but did not know Ms. Claude would not be at the
Chair Nevin inquired if the Board should vote on the matter. Ms. Spells -Anderson
suggested waiting to see what was put in writing and go from there. Ms. LaGuerre agreed
as there would be questions about if the Foundation would pay for the food, or if the Board
could still receive donations through them. Ms. LaGuerre agreed to follow up with Ms.
The next meeting is in December and a special meeting could be called to address any
issues. It was noted the event would be held in five months. Ms. LaGuerre reached out
to the Chamber of Commerce and was unaware Dr. North had been in contact with the
Foundation. She advised the Chamber has not responded to her and asked if they did
respond, if the Chamber could also be a partner. The missions are similar between the
two organizations and was told the more partners, the better.
E. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
Chair Nevin commented the Board had tabled this item at the last meeting as the Board
had not determined an award amount. Typically $1,000 is given. The Board had also
given a second prize of about $300. Chair Nevin noted the Borovy Award line item had
$1,017. If the Board wants $1,000 for first place and $300 for second, the members can
fund it, but would have to determine which accounts would fund the award. Chair Nevin
announced a decision needed to be made this evening because they are behind in
posting the scholarship application.
Ms. Nevin moved to fund one first place award for a $1,000 scholarship and a second
place award for $300. The motion died for lack of a second.
Ms. Rodriguez asked about the Tennis Carnival and learned it is held in March or April.
She questioned why it was not held this year and was told the tennis pro was sick. She
asked if the Board would participate. Ms. Spells -Anderson advised they do not know as
Ms. Claude coordinates the event with Hunters Run and it was unknown if the pros will
be available for next year. Hunters Run has been a strong advocate for volunteerism.
Chair Nevin thought the Board could anticipate Hunters Run would continue to partner
with the Board. She asked if the scholarship monies would be taken from that line item.
It was noted the Board purchases the snacks and drinks for the Tennis Carnival, but in
the past, the Board had gave out trophies and about $100 or $150 was spent. The
members discussed the Board could issue certificates of completion or participation
instead of trophies.
Ms. Spells Anderson explained they use to hold a dance banquet annually, but at this
point, the Board issues small gifts with the certificates at City Hall. They had never given
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 26, 2017
away anything that has been overtly expensive. She thought they could move funds from
the Youth Volunteer Bank. Ms. Nevin agreed. There has not been much movement in
that line item, maybe a few hundred dollars over the past two years.
Mr. Altiere inquired if the Board was obligated to give a second place scholarship and
was informed it was something that had been done. The scholarship was not yet
advertised, but in the past, it was only advertised as a $1,000 scholarship although at
times there was a second place award. Chair Nevin noted they have had more lucrative
fundraisers than they had in the past. Ms. Colebrooks agreed.
Ms. LaGuerre moved to have one $1,000 award for Bob Borovy award and a second
award pending the account balance for $300. Mr. Altiere seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IX. Future Meeting Dates: December 14, 2017
January 25, 2018
Chair Nevin announced the dates.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Spells Anderson moved to adjourn. Ms.
Rodriguez seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned
at 6:35 p.m.
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Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist