Minutes 08-27-62MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1962, 7:12 p.m. PRESENT: Thomas A. Summers, Mayor Walter A. Madsen, Vice Mayor J. Allison Banks, Councilman: John L. Archie, Councilman James J. Mahoney, Councilman J.B.Henderson, City Manager Gene Moore, City Attorney ~qis speczal meeting was called by Mayor Summers for the purpose of reading Resolution ~62--DDD, copy ofwhich is attached hereto. Motion to accept the resolution~was made by Councilman Archie, seconded by Vice Mayor Madsen. Motion passed with councilmen Mahoney and Banks abstaining. Motion was made by Councilman Arc~ie to adjourn, seconded by Vice Mayor Madsen. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m. Tereesa Padge~ City Clerk Thomas A. Summers,Mayor Archie,Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 62-~.~~ WHEREAS, the City Council of the CITY OF BOYNT~]N BEACH, FLORIDA, has heretofore, by appropriate resolutions, authorized the sale of $20, 000.00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Municipal Swimming Pool Bond,~ Series E, dated September 1, 1962; and WHEREAS, at the time of the initial authorization of said sale, J. WILLARD PIPES, was the duly chosen, qualified and acting Mayor of said city and said individual executed the necessary facsimile signatures to be used upon the interest coupons and validation legend connected with said issue, and subject bonds were in fact, printed with the said facsimile signatures of the said J. WILLARD PIPES, as Mayor of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the printing or,subject bends and prior to the execution thereof, the said J. WILLARD PIPES resigned as Mayor of said municipality and has been replaced in said office by THOMAS A. SUMMERS, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Thai the facsimile signatures of J. WILLARD PIPES, affixed to the interest coupons and validation legend on the bonds hereinabove described, were appropriately affixed thereto pursuant to legal authority while said individual was the duly chosen, qualified and acting Mayor of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, and said facsimile signatures are hereby ratified, approved, and adopted for said purpose. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED-that TItO1VI~S A. ~IYMM~i~I~S, the present duly chosen, qualified and acting Mayor of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, is hereby authorized to affix his manual signature To the above described bonds in his official capacity~r the purpose of compteling the sale and delivery of said bonds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha~ TEREESA PADGETT, whose facsimile signature appears on the interest coupons attached to the above bonds, was and is the duly appointed and acting City Clerk of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, and her said facsimile signatures above described are hereby approved and ratified and said officer is further authorized to affix her manual signature to subject bonds, attesting the signature of the Mayor, THOMAS A. SUMMERS. PASSED and ADOPTED this Zq b~_ day of A. D. 1962. (COR I~ )RA T~; SEAL) ATTEST:~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH° Mayor / '~/ Councilman Councilman -2- Very ~tF J. ~. Pipe~ PAYP{EqTS [~ADE JULY-1962 GENERAL Fh~D-Juty 2 5i18 Thos J Croft 5119 %~it% MacDowell 5120 T J Croft Mater Fund-July 2 5619 Whirr MacDowell Miscellaneous Funds-July 2 21290 Chas. Senior GENEP~L 5121 5122 5128 5124 5125 5126 5127 5128 5i29 5130 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 FUND-July 3 Blue Cross of Fia Inc. Boynton Auto Supply Don~s Fires%one E asr Coast Fire Equip. Flamingo Oil Go. Gulf Oil Corp. Donald S Lavigne Inc VCnitt MacDowell Rubin Constr Co. T~.oma$ Upholstery Stan Sheets Photography Atlas Elec Supplies Inc Boynton Auto Supply Inc Halsey & Griffith Inc Donald S Lavigne Inc Sargent-Sowetl Inc WATER 5620 5621 5622 200.00 100.00 15.00 10. O0 29.40 TOTAL 1009.97 194.65 129.37 80. O0 36~26 336.94 87.05 45.55 64.00 61.50 17.00 85.71 49.56 95.79 49.75 13-55 ~u%~D-July 3 Don's Firestone 21.11 D elray Bicycle & Sporting Gds 30.40 Blue Gross of F!a 57.82 SEa, AGE Fu~D-Juty 3 0501 Blue Cross of Fla. Inc. GENERAL 5137 5138 5139 514,O 5141 5142 5143 5144 315.00 4.13 __i0.00 FgND-July 5 City of Boynton Bcb. (P.C.) 78.55 James J. ~,a~oney 18.00 John L. Archie 13.00 Fla. State Fire College 9.75 Boynton Bch~ Fire Dept. 437.08 Gene Moore 305.00 Palm Beach County 20~.75 ?ri-County Govmti.League 150.00 29.40 354.40 WATER 5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 562 8 5629 235~.65 FUND-July 5 City of Boynton Bch. (P.G.) 20.51 Donald Swan 4.90 ~&rs. Ben H. Barbour Jr. 6.00 Lizzie Ganble 3.10 John ~eyer 5.60 Mrs. Thos. A. Butt 1.70 H.V. Graham. 1.60 109.33 4.13 TOT~ 2469.11 1215.13 43,4] PAYMENTS }gtDE JULY-1962 (C~N ' T) METER DE ~OSITORS ?JND-July 5 4002 Acct. of Jerry Forth 7.50 4003 Acct. of Donald Swan 7.50 4004 Acct. of L.L. Davis 7.50 4005 Acct. of Wm. Beai 7.50 4006 A cch. of Ben H. Barbour 7.50 4007 Acct. of Lizzie Ganbte 7.50 4008 A cci. of J.H. Gamier 7.50 4009 Acct. of John Meyer 7.50 4010 Acct. of Jimmy Regan 7.50 4011 Acct. of Mrs. Thomas A.Butt 7.50 4012 Acc~4 of Mark LaCount 7.50 4013 ~rs%~Ma~vin Ritter 7.50 4014 Acct. of H.V. Graham 7.50 4015 Douglas W~tl~oms 7.50 SEWAGE~FUND-July 5 050 Acct. of Mark LaCount 9.10 049 Acct. of Wm. Beatl 7.00 048 Acct. of L.L. Davis 7.00 105.00 23.~0 TOTAL 1386.~-- G~'~ERAL FUND- July 6 5145 M.M. Burket 60.92 5146 So. Btdrs. & Realty, Inc. 93.36 5147 Tidal Holding Corp. 153.00 5148 H.E. Howard 80.41 51.49 M.J. Estafen 2.~3 5150 Robert A. Kelly 1173.32 5151 Zep Mfg. Corp. 28.12 5152 International Gity Mgr. A ss. 2.00 5153 Rosehannah Buntin 15.00 5154 Paul McBride, etal 15.00 5155 City of Boynton Bch.(Payroli)Et998.73 5156 Boynton Bch. C of C 300.65 5157 Tereesa E. Padgett 25.00 3947.84 WATER Fb~D-Juiy 6 5630 Robert A Kelly 516.68 5639 City of Boyn. Bch.(Payro!t) 1032.68 ~ ~ S ~JND-Ju!y 6 21291 Chase Aanhattan Bank 5.00 5,.00 TOTAL 5502.20 GENEB_AL 5158 5159 5160 5161 FO~D - July 9 Citv of Boynton Bch.(P.C.) 189.63 McGre9or Brothers 66.00 Fla. Power & Light Co. 4100.00 City of Boynton Bch.('~iater D,.~258.26 4 613.g5 5631 563 2 WATER EU%~D July 9 City of Boynlon Bch.(P.C.) 5.85 Fla. Power & Light Co. ,2095.31 2101.16 TOTAL 6715.il PA~M i b MADE JULY-1962 (CONT) G~ERA L FUND x3u!y i0 5162 Southern Sell Tel & Tel Co. 231.36 5163 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co. 81.40 5164 Southe_~n Bell Tel & Tel Co. 6.35 5165 Beery & Brown Agency, Inc. 150.00 5166 Southern Builders & Realty,Inc. 3.54 5167 Don's Firestone 17.66 5168 Fla. League of Municipalities 15.00 5169 East Coast Fire Equip. 1670.00 5170 J. W ilIard Pipes 17.40 5171 City of Bey. Bch.(Tim Hunt) 2.10 5172 Kea tis Trucking Service 2. _ 558.81 $]A TER 56 33 56 34 56 35 56 36 56 38 56 40 5641 FJND July.10 Southern Bell Tel & Tei Co. 5.15 1960 Bond Sinking Fund Resez~ec~3890.00 1960 Water Rev. Bd Fd Prin.&Int,5508,34 K.S. Toney ~ Michae! Messina 947,96 Grant Bowman 6.00 Paul Len9 6,00 ~ayne Bldrs. 3.50 98.66.95 METER DEPOSITOB~S Fb~D -July 10 4016 Acct. of Grant Bowman 7.50 4017 Acct. of Madeline Cin~lia 7.50 4018 Acct. ~f Paul Leng 7,50 4019 Acct. of Wayne Btdrs. 7.50 4020 K~r~.Beach~r 7.50 4021 Acct. of Opal Leslie 7.50 45.00 TOTA L 12470.76 GENERAL PJND- July it 5173 Co. of Palm Bch. W.P.B., Fla. 30.00 30.00 ~ ATER FUND-July tl 5637 Kenneth Port 5642 B!ackman Conair. Co. 5643 C.E. Matmmuist i .60 4.60 i. 50 7.70 7.50 Co. 7.50 7.50 22.50 7.00 7.00 TOTA~ 67.20 METER DEPOSITORS FUND -July !I 4022 Acct. of G.E..Malquist 4023 Acct. of Btackman Constr. 4024 Acct. of Kenneth Port SE%¥AGE Y~D -July 11 051 Acct. of %~m. ~arkiilee G~ERAL F0~D - July 12 5174 Palm Beach 5175 City of Boyn. 5644 City of Boyn.Bch.(P.C.) 97.82 I0.88 10.88 TOTAL 108.70 G~45RAL 5176 5177 5178 5179 5180 518~ 5182 5183 5184 5185 5186 WATER 5645 5646 5647 PAY~AENT S II~DE JULY 1962 (ceNT) FUND-July 13 Boynton Beach News 26.40 Claude H & Cath S Carpenzer 237.46 Court Records, inc. 50.00 H. & W.B. Drew Co. 107.76 Den's Firestone 26.08 5. Coast Fire 5quip. 65.00 Flamingo Oil Co. 28.00 Guns of Delray, Inc. 52.56 Hadley's 25.00 The Paint Kettle 43.95 City of Boyn Bch(Payro~l F.) 9302.58 P~JND -July 13 The Chase Manhattan Bank Russell & Axon City of Boyn Bch(Payreit GEN'ERAL 5187 5188 5189 5190 5191 73.50 29.70 F.) 2235.08 FdND-July 16 Southern Bell Tel & Te ! Co 13.90 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co. 117.55 City of Boya Bch(P.C.) .60 City of Born Bch(P.C.) 21.58 Joh~ W. Peterson 75.00 9964.79 2338.28 TOT~£ 12303.07 228.63 WATER Fb~D-July 16 5648 Southern Sell Tel & Tel Co. 14.90 5649 C has. W. Moore 2.10 5650 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) .40 5651 C.R. ~urns A t%. for Mrs.Ranson 219.93 5652 N.R. Field, Trustee 3366.69 5653 Riley-Field Co. 518.05 5654 Riley-Field Go. 2365.22 6487.29 METER DEPOSITORS Fu~D-July 16 4025 Acct. of Clyde ~cEiroy 4026 Acct. of Wm. J. Hamilton 4027 Acct. of Chas. W. ~oore GENERAL 5192 7.50 7.50 7.50 F~qD-Juiy 17 City of ~eyn Bc h(Municip Civic Center Bid9 Tr Fd) 1277790.22 5193 George W. Simops, Jr. 10,000.00 5194 J. W iilard Pipes 17.40 5195 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 96.71 5196 Palm Bch Ct Civil Defense t,~56.95 TOTAL 22.50 6738.42 13~,96i.28 WATER 5655 5656 5657 FUND -July 17 City of Boyn Bch(Gen. F.) 7.80 City of Boyn Bch(Me=er Dep. F) 10.00 Cornelius, Johnson & Clark Inc490.O0 MISCELLk~EOUS-July 17 21292 Secur-Col Banknote Co 270.21 507.80 zTO.~I PAYMENTS JULY 1962 ( SEWAGE FUND-Jul{zl 7 052 A cci. of Lloyd Osborne 7.00 ~7. O0 TOTAL 139,746.29 G~ERAL FU~D -July 18 5197 Lanier Management Inc 38.50 38.50 WATER 5658 5659 5661 FJND -July 18 Carl Cornell 2.00 Associated Contractors '5.00 Intercounty Constr. Corp. 5418.06 5425.06 METER 4028 4O29 4030 4031 DEPOSITORS ~-UND -July 18 Acct. of Lloyd Osborne 7.50 A cci. of Jack Joslin 7.50 Acct. of Carl Corne!t 7,50 Acct. of Associated Contr. __7.50 GENERAL 5198 5199 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210 FOWD -July 19 D:,is~Di~£I~Ahl Revenue $~2@t.~8 Marcus Gil~reath i1015,19 OASI Contribution Fund 6967.26 City of Boyn Bch(~ater Dep%) 258.70 Fla. Power ~ Light Co. 182.91 Gulf ~ii Corp. 456.35 Nail Fire Protection Assoc. 25.00 ~i!liam H. Waters 62.50 Mrs. Ruth Jones 23.19 Void City of Bsyn Bch(Petty C) 64.65 City of Boyn Bch(Petty C) 88.18 City of Boyn Bch(Petty C) 16.25 30.00 TOTAL 5493.56 23442.04 WATER 5660 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 FUND -July 19 Marcus Gilbreath 627.16 0ASI Contribution Fund 608.52 City of Boyn Bch(Water Dept) 241.38 Fla. Power & Light Co. 28.04 Gulf Oil Corp. 76.83 City of Boynton Bch(Petty C) 33.65 1615.58 TOTAL 25057.62 GENE~,L FUND July 20 5211 5212 5213 52.14 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 U,S. Post Office 99.88 Addressograph Multi.Corp 141.23 Beery & Brown 1575.44 Boyn ~ell & Pump Sup. Cord 99.22 Den's Firestone 28.22 Faurot, Inc. 49.99 Fla. Printing Co. 64.50 Sraybar Electric Co., Inc. 61.20 Hand's 40.50 Hardrives, Inc. 152.00 J.E. McC!eary 99.46 The Olympic Sport Shop Inc 80.24 Picard Chemical Go. 40.00 City of Boyn Bch. (Pay R F)2609.86 B Cross-B Shield of Fia.Inci266.5i 6408.25 ~ATER FL~D-Juty 20 5667 5668 5669 5670 5671 5672 5673 5674 Ray Uglow 1.30 Charles Becket 5.60 L.~. Hitchcock Jr. 3.70 ~ allace Massey 6.00 Bery & Brov~ Agency Inc 139.75 Heitige, Inc. 30.71 City of Boyn Bch(Payroli F) 1247.00 B Oross-B Shield of Fla. Inc 57.82 METER DEPOSITORS PJND-Juty 20 4032 Acct. of Jim ~arbington 7.50 4033 A cc~. of Ray Ugtow 7.50 4034 Acct. of Howard R. Lawson 7.50 4035 Acct. of Don Broderick 7.50 4036 Acct. of Charles Becket 7.50 4037 Acct. of Bernard Daley 7.50 4038 A cci. of Emil Gerner 7.50 4039 Acct. of Emil A Gerner 7.50 4040 Acct. of Wallace Massey 7.50 4041 A cot. of L.W. Hitchcock Jr. 7.50 SEWAGE PJND-Jui.y 20 0022 Mai!ace Massey 3.50 0502 B Cross-B Shield of F!a. Inc 4.13 SE~AGE DEPOSIT EUK~-Ju!y 20 w~053 Acct. of Howard La~s~n 7.00 054 Acct. of ~allace Massey 7.00 ~ISC~LLA~E~US -July 20 2129D Municipal C Center aid.Tr. 75000.00 21294 " " " " 25000.00 21295 " " " " 33.25 GENEP~L FU~D-July 23 5226 City of Born Bch(P.C.) 54 .85 5227 Southern B~ll Tel & Tel Co 287 .36 ~¥_ATER FU~D-July 23 5675 The Chase Manhattan Bank 16.70 5676 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co 3.75 GENERAL P~ND-JuI¥ 24 5228 Nat. Poremen's Institute 35.23 5229 Zep ~anuf. Corp. 78.00 5230 City of Beyn Scb_(P.C.) 29.86 METER DEPOSITORS FUE~D-Juiy 24 4042 Leo. J. Bolen 1491.88 75.00 7.63 14.00 TOTAL t 342.21 20.45 TOTAL 362.66 -- 143.09 7.50 7.50 ~-~ I & S FUnD-July 24 21296 Third. nd Buyer 82.80 82.80 Total' 233.39 GENERal FUNDL]uly 25 5231 B Cross- B Shield 5232 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 5233 City of Boym Bch(P.C.) Fla. Inc 12, 42 24.37 45.z7 MATER FUSeD-July 25, 5677 Wm. ~armaduke 6.00 5678 R.D. Bigbee 4.90 5679 H.E. Chandler 1.90 5680 Stockton,~hattey, Davin & Co 6.90 METER DEPOSIT FUND-Juiy 25 4043 Acct of tqm. Marmaduke 7.50 4044 ACCL. of R.D. Bigbee 7.50 4045 2.L;~Schroeder 7.50 4046 Acct of R.E. Chandler 7.50 4047 Mrs. C.A. Tota~ 7.50 4048 ~aai Corp. 7.50 4049 Stockton, Winattey, Davin & Co 7.50 Franz) METER DEPOSITORS P~D-Ju!y 26 4050 Acct of Edw~rdc¥on 4051 Acct of Pelican Apts(~ 4052 A cct of Do'fle Irwin SEWAGE DEPOSIT FOWD-July 26 055 Acc± of Edward Yon 8~2. eL6_ _ 19.70 52.50 TOTAL 154.26 7.50 25.00 7.50 40.00 7.00 7.00 GENERAL ~JWD-Ju!y 26 5234 Pla. Power & Light Co. 3546.01 5235 Southeastern Natural Gas Corp 3.24 5236 City of ~oyn Bch(~ater Dept) 52.80 ~A~ATER ~ut4D-July 26 5681 biscayne Chem. Lab., 5682 Ela Power & Light ~o Inc. 10.00 1683.10 GENERAL FUND-July 27 5237 City of Boyn Bch(~.C.) 5238 Fla. Power & Light Co 5239 City of Boyn Bch (P.C.) 5241 City of Boyn Bch (Payroll WATER Eh%iD-July 27 5683 City of Boyn Bch(Payro!i) GENE~R_AL ~UND-Juty 30 5240 City of Bovn BchgWater D) 5242 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) 5243 Redfearn Crane Service WATER FUND-July 30 5684 City of Boyn Bch(P.C.) __ 3602.05 1693.1Q TOTAL 5342.15 73.59 582.92 97.71 9251.69 10005.91 1920.71 19%q.71 ¥OTAL 96.72 74.13 3.00 173.85 z4.91 _24.91 M!SC£LLAN-~uS FUND-July 30 21297 Catdwett, Trimbie & Mitchell 21298 F.S. Smithers & Co. 503.19 1229.85 173_ ~.04 TOTAL 1931.80 G~ERAL ~JND-Ju!y 31 5244 City of ~oyn Bch.(P.C.) 5245 Walter A Madsen 5246 John L. Archie 5247 City of boyn Bch(Payrotl) 5248 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co 5249 En9 & Industrial Exp. St. 5250 Tidal Holding Corp 5251 Allen Port'eli 5252 City of Boyn ~c~.C.) 5261 The Boynton Bch Star 5262 Fla. Power & Light Co 5263 City of Doyn Bch(~ater Dep%) 79.99 24.50 18.50 991.23 13.50 3.00 330.20 20.77 88.25 44.45 237.02 58.64 1910.05 ~TATER ~gND-Juiy 31 5685 City of ~oyn Bch{P.C.) 5686 J.P. Estill 5687 City of ~oyn Bch(Payroll) 5688 Arthur H Thomas Co 5689 City of ~oyn Bch(P.C.) 87.88 6.00 50.00 8.95 10.39 113.22 L~ETKR DEPOSITORS FOT~D-July 31 7.50 7.50 3.50 3.50 7.00 7.00 TOTAZ 2041. 27 SEWAGE Fb~D-July 31 0023 J.P. Es%ili ~ T SEWAGE DE~OSt_ EU~D-July 31 056 Acct of J.P. Estiil July 2 July 3 July 5 July 6 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13 July 16 July 17 3uiy 18 July 19 July 20 July 23 July 24 July 25 July 26 July 27 July 30 July 31 354.40 2469.11 1386.64 5502.20 6715.11 12470.76 67.20 108.70 12303.07 6738.42 139746.29 5493.56 25057.62 108030.01 362.66 233.39 154.26 5342.15 11926.62 1931.80 2041.27 348435.24 PAY~ENTS ~ADE JL~E 1962 GENERAL 4996 4988 4989 4990 4991 4992 4993 4994 4995 5008 FOND-June 1 City of Boynton Bch PP 9606.52 Thos J Croft 200.00 City of Boynton Bch PC 23.36 W~n it t Ma cDo~ell 95.00 Thos $ Graham 150.00. City of Boynton Bch Water 115.77 Pla Power & Light Co.7 113.58 City of Boynton Bch PC 84.13 ~ " ~' " 23.74 " " ~' "Fire Dept 370.93 WATER FLeD-June 1 5546 ~.~it t ~aeDowetl '5547 City of Boynton Bch 10.00 14124 1730.49 TOTAL GENEB~d[. 4997 5007 ?JND-June 4 City- of Boynton Bch 1200.00 James J. Mahoney 24,00 I&S 21283 FJND-Jun e 4 Fee on Bonds & Coupons __25.45 TOTAL GENERAL FUND-June 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5 City of Boynton Bch 83.81 " " ~ " PC 85.78 Walter A Madsen 24.25 City of Boynton Bch PC 89.27 John Adair Jr & Associates 203.00 Edco Brush Co. 31.31 ~cCann Associates 34.74 Frankhouse Eiec Supply 32.84 Gulf Stream Lbr Co 58.52 Gene Moore 35.00 The Paint Kettle 15.73 Palm Bch Office Suppl~ 26.26 John W. Peterson 50.00 South Lodge Fiori$~ i0~00 10,783.03 1754.73 1~,537.76 1224.00 25.45 1249.45 780.51 WATER FOND-June 5 5550 Bruce M Mi!tard 3.30 5551 Consolidated Dev. Corp. 2.50 5552 Paul Robinson 6.00 5553 Carl F. Beimly 75.00 5554 Ike Swain 6.00 5555 Boynton Engineering 18.82 5556 Brooks Products of Pta Inc, 87.90 5563 City of Boynton Bch PC 20.71 5564 Heltige Inc. 46.55 SEWER DEPOSIT ~JND-June 5 040 A¢ct of G D Sinnott METER DEPOSIT ~4D~June 5 3928 Acc% of Albert Kessman .5O 7.50 266.~8 .50 3929 " "Consolidated Der Core 7.50 3930 ~'~i ~- =+ ~ =~ 931 Paul Robinson 7 sA PA~_,~ENTS ~E JUNE-1962 METER DEPOSIT Fb~D-June 5 Cont'd 3932 Acct of Ike Swain 3933 " " Jean Drew 3934 " " Robt L Tolerico 7.50 7.50 7.50 GENERAL PUND-June 6 5023 City ef Boynton Bch PC 5024 " " ~ " " 5025 Seacrest Oil Co. 5026 John L, Archie 79.86 83.34 79.50 14.00 TOTAL 52.50 1100.29 256.70 MISC. FJND-June 6 21287 Escrow Fund Transfer i375.00 G~ERAL FWD-June 7 5027 Southern Bell T&T Ce 13.50 5028 City of Boynton Bch Water 87.08 5029 Fla Power & Light Co 278.93 5030 3es Tomberg 1.96 TOTAL TOTA~ 1375.00 1631.70 381.47 GENERAL 5031 50'32 5033 5O34 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 FUND-June 8 Tereesa E Padgett 25.00 City of Boynton Bch PC 78.62 " ~ ~ ~ PF 2617.15 Bo-Del Printing Co. 17.80 Boynton Auto Supply Inc 77.91 Deiray Blueprint Co 63.90 East Coast Fire Equip 72.50 Flamingo Oil Co 50.98 Fla ~etal Supply Corp 85.00 Fla Printing Co 50.47 Gulf Stream Lbr Co 43.82 Hadley's 31.11 3214.26 WATER FUND-June 8 5557 City of Boynton Bch PC 17.97 5558 Geo Roberts 2.50 5559 Mary Schorr 1.70 5560 J D Main 6.00 5561 Wm Roth~ell 4.50 5562 Consolidated Dev Corp ,50 5565 Jack Henderson 5.60 5579 City of Boynton PF 927.50 5580 Boynton Auto Supply 49.12 5581 Boynton Engineering Inc 28.22 5582 Boynton ~ei1-Pump & Sprinkler205.53 1249.14 METER DEPOSIT FUND-June 8 3935 John Miller 7.50 3936 Doyle Irwin 7.50 3937 Acc% of Ward Cummings 7.50 3938 " "1st Fed Say & Loan 7.50 3939 " "Eric Radzow 7.50 3940 " ~ Barbara Davison 7.50 3941 " "Wm E Chambers 7.50 3942 " "Geo Roberts 7.50 3943 " "Frank ~ Lance 7.50 PAI~.~ENTS MADE J~O~E-1962 METER DEPOSITOR FUND-June 8 Cont'd 3944 Acct of Frank Lance 7.50 3945 " " Marbet Inv Co 7.50 3946 ~ary Schorr 7.50 3947 Paul Robinson 7.50 3948 Mit!amd B Wright 7°50 3949 A cct of J D Main 7.50 3950 " " Tim Rothweli 7.50 3951 " " ~&rs Richard Duncan 7°50 3952 ~ " Consolidated Comp 7.50 3953 " " Jack Henderson 7.50 142.50 Sewer Deposit Fund-June 8 041 Acct of Wm E Chambers 7.00 042 " ~ Barbara Davison 7.00 043 " "Mrs Richard Duncan 7.00 ~ISC. FJND-June 8 21288 G~qERAL 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 WATER 5566 Firemen's Pension 29.40 FUND-June 11 City of Boynton Bch PC 25.50 ~ " " " ~ 96.38 Keatts Truckin9 Serv. 148.20 Marietta Pool Equip. Co. Inc 18.54 Gene Moore 683.00 National Chemse~rch Comp 28.46 Rubin Constr. Co. 64.00 $ewelt Hdwe Co of Lake Worth 59.93 South Speed Shop 48.00 TOTAL 21.00 1172.01 FUND-June 1i ~ade's Trim Shop 25.Q~ TOTAL 25.00 1197.01 G~ERAL FL~D-June 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 5059 12 The Boynton Beach Star 15~12 Thcs J Croft 15.00 Fia Po~er & Light Co 27.20 Gulf Oil Comp 999.53 Intn'l Bus ~achines Comp 35.00 Pitney-Bowes Inc 21.60 City of Boynton Bch Water 175.78 Southern Bell T&T Co 33.00 ~ATER PUND-June 12 5567 Gulf Oil Comp 5568 Southern Bell T&T Co. 5569 Anthony $parveri 5570 Maurice Tremblay 5571 He!py Selfy Wash Quik METER DEPOSIT Fb~D-June 12 3954 Merle Doughty & Virginia Bowen 3955 Acct of Mack Ridgeway 3956 ~ "Robt Bro~ 3957 Stanley Borgstrom 3958 " "Anthony Sparveri 395~ " "Maurice Trembly 3960 " ~ Helpy Setfy ~ash ©uik I ~ S Fb=ND-June 12 21289 Interest on 1959 Bonds 1322.23 100.63 14.40 2.40 1.90 15.83 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 50.00 95.00 135.16 Z99.02 799.02 TOTBL 2351.41 PA?~iENTS MADE ~JNqE-196 2 GENEBA. L FUND-June 13 5060 City of Boynton Bch (PC) WATER F~qD-June 13 5572 3as R Smith 5573 L B Spillman 5574 Louise Gavin 5575 David O~Connell 5576 Jas Bede MET£R DEPOSIT FLeD-June 13 3961 Acct of 3as R Smith 3962 " " Consolidated Corp. 3963 ~ ~ L B Spiliman 3964 " " Louise Gavin 3965 " " David O'Connel 3966 " ~ Consolidated Corp. 3967 . . R 0 Priest SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND-June la 044 Acct of L B Spiltman 82.97 1.30 1.00 3.70 2.50 4.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 22.50 7.00 t3.00 67.50 GSNERAL FkD~D-June 14 5061 Rem~and 133.00 5062 Gene Moore 4250.00 5063 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 15.85 5064 " ~ " " ~ 122.83 5065 " " " " (Water) 130.32 5066 East Coast Fire Equip. 30.62 5067 City of Boynton Bch (Sewage) 100.00 7.00 TOTAL 170.47 4782.62 WATER FUND-June 14 5577 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 8.82 5578 " " ~ ~ (rater) 181.56 5588 1960 Water Rev. Bond Fund 5508.34 5584 Aaerican Waterworks Supply 157.40 5585 Henry Boettcher 1.70 5586 Betty Kolbor9 .50 5587 G L Parker 2.90 5588 Wm Moffett .10 5589 Doug Sampson 2.60 5590 Jos Dawe 6.00 5591 Melton Partin 6.00 5875.92 METER DEPOSITOR Fb~D-June 14 3968 Acct of Henry Boettcher 7.50 3969 " "Betty Kolborg 7.50 3970 " "G L Parker 7.50 3971 " ~ ~m Moffett 7.50 3972 ~ "J L Cole 7.50 3973 . "Doug Sampson 7.50 3974 " ~ Jos Dawe 7.50 3975 " "Melton Partin 7.50 3976 ~ "Lucien Samyn 7.50 SEWAGE DEPOSIT Fo~D-June 14 045 Isaac Knistey 7.00 67.5~ 7.00 10,733.04 PAYMENTS ~ADE Ib~E - 1962 GKNERAL 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 FUND-June 15 Thcs J Croft John D Melear Gee Peltis S A Piszczek Consolidated Der Corp C ~ Thomas R J Frude for W W Johnson Reliance Constr Co City of Boynton Bch (FF) " '~ " " (PC) Fia Power & Light Co Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co Southeastern Na%'l Gas Corp WATER F~3~D-June 15 5592 City of Boynton Bch 5593 5594 Fl@ Power & Light Co 5595 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co W~ER FOND-June 18 5596 H W Kilby 5597 A T Whittock 5598 Paul Hodges 5599 Robert Chung METER DEPOSIT FoRqD-June 18 3977 Acct of Calvin Agronick 3978 Mrs Dan Morris 3979 Acct of Stockton,Whatley,Davin 3980 " "H W Kitby 3981 " "Anthony Fiorentine 3982 " "A T W~itlock 3983 " "Paul Hedge 3984 " "roht Chung 3985 " "Delton Bldrs 3986 . . . . 3987 3988 . . . 3994 . "Chas. Nichols ~ATER FUND-June 19 5600 Jerome McAlevey 5601 8. Montattos SEWAGE DEPOSIT F~-June 19 O46 ~ETER DEPOSIT FoqqD-June 19 3989 3erome McAlevey (Acct of) 3990 Jas F. Andersen 3991 S Montattos " 3992 Thcs Searfoss " " 15.00 5.00 5.00 i0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 9887.97 55.17 176.48 49,70 3.00 10,227.32 2029.33 43.08 29.11 _ 7.t5_ _ _ 2 108.67 TOTAL 12,335.99 3.40 5.20 5.60 6.00 20.20 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 9--o.oo 7.50 1.60 4.90 117.70 __ 6.50 7.00 7.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 30.00 TOTAL 43.50 PA~4~TS ~JNE -196 2 G~{ERAZ FUND-June 21 5081 M.J. Estafen 6.93 5082 South Speed Shop 70.00 GENERAL ~o~D-June 22 5083 City of Boynton Beach (PC) 5084 5.085 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 509~ 38.35 " ~' = " 78.85 " " ~ " 155.72 Thcs. A. Summers 19.75 City of Boynton Bch (PF) 2611.24 3chh M. Tuite 60.00 Boynton Bch Little League 110.00 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 101.16 Boynton Bch News 326.80 ~ATER 5602 5603 5604 ~JAJD-June 22 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 24.98 ~ " ~ " " 31.81 ~ ~ " (~) 8O2.7O GENEPCL FOND-June 5092 5093 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 25 C T Bowles Etec Co 47.50 Boynton Auto Supply Inc. 29.40 The B~unswick-Balke-Collender Co 9.75 Court Records Inc. 50.00 DeWitt Supply Co. 95.29 East CC ~+ =~ a~ .... e Equip. 65.00 Pla Fence Co !nc 287.00 H P )iason E~uiD.. , Corp. 23.63 The Nat'l Cash Register Co. 300.41 Neff ~Jachinery Inc. 772.79 R & R Elec Inc. 57.58 Stevenson Seed. Store 31.65 iisdaie's Sanitary Service 35.00 City of Boynton Bch (Water) 159.83 WATER FLeD-June 25 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5618 Lee Mo Henry 5.00 Chas Nichols i.00 Consolidated Dev. Corp. 3.40 Shelby Harbison 7.00 Smith-Oorona-~,~archant,Inc. 350.00 Howard Sheehan 3.40 Evere~t Robinson 5.20 Elmer L. 5rickson & J Jenkins 4.90 Brooks Products of Pla Inc 73.20 METER DEPOSIT 3993 Acct of 3995 " 3996 " 3997 3998 " " 3999 4000 4001 FUND-June 25 Lee M Henry 7.50 Lar~/ Watkins 7.50 Consolidated Dev Corp 7.50 Shelby Harbison 7.50 Arnold Feliwock 7.50 Howard Sheehan 7.50 Everett Robinson 7.50 E L Erickson & J Jenkins 7.50 TOTAL 76.93 3501.87 859.49 TOTAL 4361.36 1964.83 453.10 60.00 PAYMENTS -MBDE JOTqE-1962 S~?AGE FJND-June 25 0021 Howard Sheehan SEWAGE DEPOSIT POND-June 25 047 Acct of Howard Sheehan G~ERAL FUND-JUne 26 5106 The Galleon 5107 Hand's Water Fund*June 26 5613 Brooks Products of Fia Inc 5614 Neptune Meter Co. 3.50 3.50 7.00 7.00 June 25th TOTAL 2488.43 !7.50 i64.50 !82.00 81.10 3666.84 3747.94 TOTAZ 3929.94 G5NE~PJLL F~qD-June 27 5108 Thos A Summers & Jack Tuite Acc% of Gertrude Smith City of Boynton Bch (PF) 75.00 TOTAL 75.00 General Fund-June 29 5109 Void 5110 Lee Jostiak 50.00 5111 R E A Express 56.39 5112 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 126.59 5113 " ....... 97.86 5114 " .... " 55.55 5115 Walter A Madsen 23.50 5116 1.00 5117 i0,925.75 WATER P~alD-June 29 5616 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 5617 WATER Fb~D-June 30 5615 Lee Jostiak _L As36 .,64 42.45 2296.13 2338.58 TOTAL 50.00 50..00 June 1 12,537.76 June 4 1249.45 June 5 1100.29 June 6 1631.70 June 7 381.47 June 8 4656.30 June 11 1197.01 June 12 2351.41 June 13 170.47 June 14 10,733.04 June 15 12,335.99 June 18 117.70 June 19 43.50 June 21 76.93 June 22 4361.36 June 25 2488.43 June 26 3929.94 June 27 75.00 June 29 !3,675.22 June 30 50.00 Total for June 82,476.83