Minutes 08-06-62}JittUOT~S OF R~GUI~g]I tViE~iTIi~GO~ CITY C(tUtYGtL~ Ji~ CITY P~OYAITOi~ B~CH, I~LOttlII~, I~OND~Y, gUC~UST 6,~ 196Z CITY JOHN L..AtTCHIE, COUAIGILAa~N ~ALTEtl A.IiA.DSEN, COUNC~ JAIViES J~, ivIAHOIN~Y ~ COUiNGILAaAAI The meeting ~was called t~ order a~ 7:$0 p.,m. by May~r ~pas. :~r St. Marks Catholic Chnrch gave the Invoc~tio~=. Mr. ,Arch[e~ $~cDn¢t~cl by Mr. Surnnn-e~s, znowed the A/fin~tea of July 24tt~ meeting be .approved ~as ~ritten. l~Io~io= ~a~i~ao~lsly cs~mried. Air. Mah~=e¥ m~ved that the re~st far ~fi~ti~ of '~ Nite Ci~ '~ by City~to~nay ~e re~Gved fro~ t~la~ Recked by ~r. ~ie ~d ~m~ied ~z~onsly~ Mr. ~oore, ~ diacussi~ 'ter~ Of~ Nite~ Club '*'" s~ted it ~' ~ ~tter of ~he~her o,r n~t to t~we o~dzn~c~ 1~ ~sti~ ~t~o~ ~et~er t collect add~i~al be ,~ppoi~d A~di~ors for fis~ ~ 19~L- 6Z on the b~s-of tAeir ~po~ ~d the City,~o~¢y be given g~i~' to ~a~ up ~nt~ S~ca~ by ~, ~o~ey the fotlo~Cing biota for %Vh~eted Ind~str--L~l Trmctor: Whe:e~led I~ct~st=ial T~cto~ (C~t4) T~e foll~w~g ~ ~ere :ope~e~ on t~e ~i~c e~ct~ ed $4,998.50~ $1785. Bid~aond ~ ~ega 15 d~FS, complete. I!O da~J ~r. :~ckie mo~ed that ~?~ ~dde, r, ~ Ward G~i~s ~e a~arded the ~d far $99,970. per~ ~e~, s~e~nded by ~Ir. M~on~y and ~i~ousty Bida we. re opened by Gi~y Clark o~,,S~r~mmSkU%t,~Z'.s f~r the water that re~ed ~ date ~as: :~etfq.rJS,~y,. ~y :Z~k,: ~A. Gon~-~e~o~ter ~ Pres.~ ~o, ~ ~acript ~ ~.-~er~, ~hO la!t- ~e~ce o~ZGi stap:at :t~ fallews:' a~d realiz~g th~t ~ wtt]z m,~.]ic~e :o~v~d atha~-cit~'~r~pl~yee~ ~ '~he~ ~n~e~t ,a~ctin~, a°~-~rtes'Y snicl help~ ~ve~ ~ w~h~te ~t~:ng:~.~ tvi~yor- of th~s any other ::depa~rirne.ut he.ds .of ~e c~r. ~as i% ~ ~.~he ,d~y of~e r~a~ m~be~'a ~. ~ re'gul~ ~e ~y.~r~ey =earl ~e ~ergency~ ~d~ce, 6Z--~4 se~.ing fortk the a~oL~ent-~f ~e City ~m~ag,e~ ~ Tie .City A~gey re~ ge~o~ 6~-~ wkich provi~e.s ~r -$.~bm~g~n ste~ of $lOa~O~ I>~r Yea~ ~e A~ °~i.l~iez~ay go be ~med £oz recreatlo~i~l pu~lOoSes o Mr.- Makauey ..) 4~0~ C]:d~e~ S~r~m-~%~d CommLI a~d- ~Ma.yor £0~' vote ~f. c~afidenne a~d also thamked the people of