Minutes 07-09-62.~Ei~jS, BOYNTON BJEk~ FI.~l)l~ [IULY 9~ 1962 PRF.$Et~ T: TER~F_~ P~,GETT, CITY ABSENT-: (on Va¢ a~/on) This meeting :v, za~,:s ~alled to order a~ ?:(~0 p.m. by ]~iayor .taipes. I~L~. Sanders of l{u~selI & -A-xon, opez~d tb~e bids for Sewer aa foilows: L~o~ ~=~U~o~ C~. ~l~e S~le~d ~a~g~o~ Go., ~e~d - B~e I, $11Z, 53t.:30; ~t. t ~ $i12,531.30 Cle~ Bros, .West Palm $3 ~ 500,, 90 U {~.~%~ ~ Cg~C.o., m~i- B~ ~, $~6,~67.zz; m~se z, $Z~,O50. W~te g ~H~y. lac., ~m Bea~ -~se Zi.$.SS,45:0.j ~t. 2, $43.500. :Compi;te,- J 31,8t6. Co~ *:~-_~ ~ ...... ~F~ !t??: ~' ~9 aw~. co~.~ ~. z. ~,o ~. ola ~o~ oz lu~ oI rn, e bid en~oa~ on ea~ 0~ the abo~e bi~. 4:0,:000- f ~hich it h~,~ bu~be~a~se econ~y ~ ~ ~t h~ c.o~ibut~ to its ~o~ld be a great_ ~. ~11 be. on-S.~.. 9 be .z~ag~ar'ate~ z~o o~e of the ~ow~S ~d not rma~ ~n ~e com~. i~ir, .Wea~,,e~, ~¢7~, .~allec~ a l~la:ua~g ;Board meeting for 7:3,0, Jnly tSth This pa~rtian ~o~ ihe zneating.s~clj, o:ur,n~ed at 8:3~ p. n~. ~fter the meating ~co~vened~ v~ith tvi~yar l~ipe~ ~r~ Bos~0,~A, L~na.~d othar:omt~ of state pl~ee~. M~. req~e sl~ by Co~cil ~o check i~o. tke ~,St ~ ae~ ~m~ a~ r~ep~[ ~tke ne~ ~,e~lar ~ee~ing.,..ffuly. t6th. 1V/ayor l~ipes an~oua~ce~l that surweyors are.on Cae l~os~ Office- local/on a~d w~ill start ~vork sa~. lviro ~-=chie moTecI Zh~t tt~ bid for pr'~g.Of' . City" ~ for-~ber of Mr~ Hem~terso~ r~eeo~nrme~ded the foLlowin~;bill~ be allowed: , .. ~Y : P ~0.00 K~s Trucking Co.. ,' .she~ ~edk and ~ 364.00 Barry & Brow~, bla~t ~nd fo,~ Ci~ Clerk ~d Tre~. ~ SZflO. 400~00 ~ ~ia ~n~ed that.~he bid be ~w~ded to Ber~ & B~,~, sea. dad by }~r. ~oney a~d ~ously c~ried. ~e local s~icate ~hi~ ~as [~o bonds mtt~s p~ice~ p~d. ~o~o~ ~r~ed ~o~sly. a~d. ca~s: e~c. lst~ . ~chie · ~tr:uc~ecl -5- ~cO~ ~o p:~ ~.e~m.~h~ ;~CU~O~. aM-~ d~ime~l ~-~e: employees the ~ ~