Minutes 07-02-62lvlINUTEIR OF-~QULAi{ iMF~iTING OF CITY CO.UblCIL HELD AT CITY BOYNTON BEAGH, FLORIDA, MOAIIIkY, JULY Z, l~6Z CITy This meeting ~aa called to- order by. 1VIa7~.. Ptpea at. 7:50 1~ ~m, ]~ev, ~red Slight, First Ba~ptist Church ~ve the .~nvo~a~i~. i~ot~o~ ~eco~ded by lV£n ~Sammer~ ~.cl ~asly C~k~r~edo Air, Madsen mo~ed tha~ the r~quest o£ W~ b~ removed icom treble, /~olion seconded by tvir. ~chie a~d tmamirmou~ly cazried. A letter £rOm A~.E, P. 'Hah~, FEC Kaitroad.wa~ read s~ng ~at ~e ~u~y '~th zne;eti~ ~d it ia ~koped ~hey ~[/1 be :md.opt,ed. -3- PUBLIC H~R~: Re ~ifi ~e ~ g~¢ quests~pport~zty gzven to public to spe~. b~e :deni;e~ ¢ 2VZr. 14.rch~.e._and are ~o~e~l 125 O~ ha~d ~/~e ~ta~d g/~r. /~il~s ha~ worked time ~ec'o~ b~ ~ 8~zs and nn~mzno~sly cazr~ed. -5- checks t~e~ be ~bl~ ~ke: .Cht~, ~lerk p~sentCd the Ta~ Wi~ ~ ~ ~, 158,5oo no~ fa~ e~ ZOT~ ~:~nn~ ~eR ~. ~v~opers s,eco~4ed by ~V[r~ ~¢iahoney a~ad u. uanima~sly ca~v~ied. Tile Cik~r ~Rluninisgr~Or sat~nlkT~c~ ~he follow~n.g bills for ~pproval: ~e~...~K~ ye~ e~g~. ~1, 1961 12,85. GO ~b~-aiZh. C~p & ~ork. C~p. ~s u rance 11 ~2.35 Brawn Agaacy, Vand. k real ~chief 1715.19 Cou33.c~I~aa~ ~ ~, ?AY_~ENTS MADE % ~ ~Y-1962 GENERAL FUND-May #4814 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 1 First Bank of Boynton Bch City of BoynZon Bch (PC) Autoproducts Inc. De, arco Tractor & Impl. Co. Don's Firestone $id Gerber Gulf Stream Lbr Col Mim~esata ~in & Mfg Co Rinker Nat. Corp. Thos J Croff Boyntom Bch Fi~e Drpt WhiIt Ma¢~o~ei! WATER FUND-~a¥ 1 5458 Jones Chemicals Inc. 5459 Boynton Bch Star 5460 Whirr MacDowell 5461 Grace M. Crew 5462 ~i!yard Simkins ~ET~R DEPOSIT FOND-May 1 3868 W m J A!dridge 3869 Acc~ of Hilyard Si~pkins 3870 " " Grace ~. Crew Misc. FundJ¢~ay 1 21278 Chas. Senior SE~ER DEPOSIT Fo~DW4ay t 031 ~rs. Ralph Yon GENERAL 4828 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 4829 Intercounty Constr Corp 4830 South Lodge Florist WATER FU?ND-k=y 2 5463 John Wiley & Sons GENEP~L 4831 4832 4833 4834 FUND-~ay 3 Southern Bell Tel & Tel City of Boynten Bch (PC) Walter A Madsen 3. Alex Arnette ~ATER FL~_4D-May 3 5464 City of Boynton Bch (PC) GENEI--IAL FOWD-~ay 4 4835 4836 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 City of Boyn~on Bch (P..C) Boynton 8ch News Pla. Power & Light Co. City o~ Boynton Bch (Water) 3ohn L. Archie R. H. B~inker $3053.52 27.75 72.44 68.72 89¢05 75.00 26.68 137.70 84.08 200.00 358.68 95.00 4288.62 232.00 11.76 lO.0O 4.50 5.20 263.46 7.50 7.50 7.50 - 22,50 29.40 29.40 TOTAL 4603.98 7.00 TOTAL 4610.98 97.06 945.00 15.00 1057.06 44.39 TOT~ 1101.45 13.50 116.91 21.00 1.00 15__2.41 21.49 21.49 TOTAL 173.90 1.00 43.58 95.00 182.88 205.34 14.00 15.71 _ AY}4ENTS -MADE }~,Y- ! 96 2 GENER~,L FUND-May 4 Gent ' d 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 484 8 4849 Carl Eunice Frankhouse Etec Supply Jas. J. Mahoney Tisda!e's Sanitary Service Tropical Acres Restaurant Inc Southern Bldrs & Rlty City of Boynton Bch (PC) it0.00 17.84 23.00 175.00 37.26 6.96 71.97 9237.69 10,237.23 HATER FUnD-May 4 5465 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 5466 S.O.S. Oxygen Service 5467 City of Boynten Bch (PF) 2.50 46.30 1894.84 TOTDZ ~EN~_RAL PJND-May 7 4850 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 90.38 1943.64 12,180.87 90.38 WATER FUND-14ay 7 5468 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 8.00 TOTAL WATER FL~D-May 8 5469 Grace M. Crew 2.50 5470 Dr J Murphy 1.50 Jeanne Henry #5471 5.20 5472 Grady Fowler 6.00 5473 Susan Brand 4.50 5474 Noah Huddleston 4.50 5475 Jas J Cipra 2.50 8.00 98.38 26.7£ METER DEPOSIT FJND~May 8 3871 Dr J Murphy 7.50 3872 City of Boynten Acct Jeanne Henry 7.50 3873 Acct of Se¥~ard King 7.50 3874 " ~ Wm Windham 7.50 3875 " " Grady Fowler 7.50 3876 W J Paradice 7.50 3877 Acct of Alvin C Hofmeister 7.50 3878 " " Susan Brand 7.50 3879 " " Noah Huddleston 7.50 3880 " " ~,~rs Allan Murray 7.50 3881 James Bede 7.50 3882 Acct of Jas J Cipra 7.50 90.00 SE*¢¢%R DEPOSIT FUNDMqay 8 032 A cct of Seward King 033 " " Wm Windham 034 Walter B R Wright Jr 7.00 7.00 9.80 23.80 TOT, A~L 140.50 GENERAL FUND-May 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 9 Mt Zion Baptist Church .80 Whit% MacDowell 14.25 City of Boynton Bch (Water) 147.30 " " " ~ (PC)S 57.07 " " " " (Water F) t.00 ~ .... Spec Assess F 1215.10 FAYMENTS MAD£ MAY 1962 GENERAL FUND-~,~ay 9 Cent'd. 4857 City of Boynton Bch I&S F 1942.11 4858 " " " " Swim.Pool F 719.75 4859 " " " " Mem. Prk F 122.50 4860 " " " *' Police Ret. 171.20 4861 " " ~ " Fireman's PF 76.55 4862 ..... Sewage Fund 919.95 4863 " " " "" Publicity" 654.22 4864 " " " " Sea, age " 105.57 4865 Th~mag J. C~oft " 15~00 6162.37 ~ATER 5476 5477 5478 5479 548O 5481 FbT~D-May 9 Central Truck Lines 57.02 Neptune Meter Co. 607.30 Electro Rust-Proofing Corp 243,.00 FIa Peter & Light Co 1379.39 Noah Huddleston 2.50 City of Boynton Bch Gen. Fund 3215.32 SEEPAGE REVUE FJND-May 9 0014 City of Boynton Bch Gen. Fund 815.32 0015 " " " ~ Water " 3.50 0016 " " ~ "Sewer Dap F 476.10 0017 " ~ " ~' Gen. Fund 7.00 5504.53 1301.92 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT F~D-~ay 9 21279 Transfer Funds GENERAL ~JND-May 10 4866 E J B~odbeck & Son 4867 Carroll ~usic Cord 4868 Court Records Inc- 4869 D e~arco Tractor & 4870 Don's Firestone 4871 Edco Brush Co. 4876 Boynton Eng. Inc ~JATER FUND-May 10 5482 Lupe Guitierrez 5483 Burnup & Sims 5484 J A Skinner 5485 Harold Kraft 5486 Mrs Mae Hennig 5487 Bill ~eck 5488 Jean Atbano 5489 Robby Dickerson 5490 R ~ Lafferty 5491 3as Randall 5492 5493 MPiFER Impi Co. Am. ~aterworks Supply Inc Atlantic Nat't Bnk of W P Bch DEPOSIT EgND-~_ay 10 3883 A cct of Lupe Guitierrez 3884 " "H Kitby 3885 " ~' Burnup & Sims 3886 " "D E Sullivan 3887 " "J A Skinner 3888 " "Harold Kraft 3889 " "Mae Hennig 3890 ~ "Bill Peck 3856.08 3856.08 TOTAL 16,824.90 26.00 19.13 50.00 i50.63 48.51 62.67 29.40 386.34 4.20 39.45 5.60 3.40 4.60 13.50 4.60 4.90 3.40 4.50 90.68 300.00 478.83 7.50 7.50 50.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 PAY~.f~ENTS MADE ~Y i962 METER DEPOSIT ~qD-May i0 Cont'd 3891 Acct of Jean Atbano 3892 " " Anthony Dube 3893 " ~ R W Lafferty 3894 " " Robby Dickerson 3895 " " Sas Rand~all bE~.~ER DE.POsIT FUND~ay 10 035 Acct of R W Lafferty 036 W E Hoffman 037 Acct of Robby Dickerson S~IER REVENUE F~D-~-~ay t0 0018 R W Lafferty 0019 Robby Dickerson GENERAL ~JND-~ay tt 4872 City of Boynton Bch (PF) 4873 Gene Moore 4874 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co. 4875 City of Boynton Bch 487U - - " " (PO) 4878 Blue Cross, Blue Shield 4879 ~.D. Cole Inc. 4880 Flamingo Oil Co. 4881 Fta East Coas~ 4882 $id Gerber 4883 Gulf Oil Gorp ~ATER FUND~ay 11 5494 City of Boynton Bch 5495 " 5496 5497 5498 (pC) BlUe Cross-Blue Shield B.D. Oote Inc. Gulf Oil Corp. G~NERAL 4884 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 ~897 898 4899 4900 WATER 5499 5500 5501 5502 5503 5504 5505 ~u_~qD-May 14 Gulf Stream Lbr Co. Guns of Delray MacRae's Blue Book Co b~cN amaro S Natal Recreation A ssoc Seacrest Band Thos A Summers Southern Bell Tel & Tel City of Boynton Bch (Water) American Bar Assoc. C!ewiston ~,~otor Co. Don's Firestone H E Howard Hurricane Fence Co City of Boynton Bch (PC) ~-tJND-May 14 C A Whitman Jr & Sons Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co City of Boynton Bch (Water) DuCor Supply J A Payette Leon Cloutier Francis Frasard 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.00 7.00 9.80 _ 3.50 4.9o TOTAL 2519.31 125.00 1.28 67.01 33.13 937.90 5638.42 32.21 42.51 78.00 777.54 989.45 24.88 59.25 471,63 67.50 TOTAL 81.35 30.06 21.91 23.95 7.39 300.00 19.75 56.40 135.74 5.00 330.01 980.99 44.44 14.53 99.OO 81.98 63.54 90.00 14.40 127.76 88.65 6.00 3.70 6.~0 147,5Q 23.80 8.40 1044.87 ~Q,252.31 1612.71 11,865.02 229,5.%,~ PAY~SNTS ~TdlD E MAY 1962 TATER FJND-May 14 Cont'd 5506 Arthur Johnson 5507 Jas Rhoden 5508 Ceo Carney 5509 Alfred Denig 5510 Mrs R ~ VanDiver 5515 City of Boynton Bch (PC) METER DEPOSIT ~JND~ay 14 3896 Acct of 3 A Payette 3897 John Timlin 3899 Acct of Leon Ctoutier 3900 u "Sterling Wethington 3901 " "L TGraham 3902 " "Francis Frasard 3903 " "Arthur Johnson 3904 " = James Rhoden 3905 " "Gee Carney 3906 " ~ Alfred Denig 3907 " "R ~ VanDiver 3908 " "~cBride & Zompa G~NEPgL ~oK~D-May 15 4901 First Sank of Boynton Bch 4902 Rubin Constr. Co. ~ATER FUND-F~ay 15 5511 Palm Bch Bottling ~orks METER DEPOSIT FJND-Hay 15 3898 Acct of Jamaica Dev. Co. ~ISCELLDNEOUS Pb~D~Aay 15 21280 Rubin Constr. Co. 2.10 6.00 3.00 6.00 5.00 14.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 25.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 ' TOTAL 210.00 1393.12 25.85 372.61 7.50 107.50 2776.10 1413.33 TOTAL 1603.12 GF34ERAL ~JND-k~ay 16 4903 The Southern Publishing Co. 80.85 4904 Picard Chemical Co. 39.20 4905 The Lake Erie Chemical Co. 51.47 ~ATER FLeD-May 16 5512 1960 Bond Sink. Fund Res. 1695.00 5513 " " " " 5108.34 5514 Bo~Del Printing Co. 83.00 5516 Hellige Inc. 31.10 5517 Sewell Hd~e of Lake ~orth Inc 40.49 TOTAL 25.85 GENEB~AL FUND-May 17 4906 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 4907 Atlantic Nat'l Bnk of ~ P Bch 7.50 4908 G~ERAL FO~D-~ay 18 4909 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 4910 J. A~ex Arnette 49t1&49t2 City of Boynton Bch (PC) ~ATER FUND-May 18 5518 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 5519 3. D. Main 5520 Coastal Proeerties Ine. 5521 ~. L. Holme~ 5522 City of Boynton Bch 1413.33 3049.80 171.52 69q7.93 7129.45 84.50 35000.00 33000.00 TOTAL 68,084.50 153.75 35.80 74.28~,9255,$9 21.66 6.00 6.00 1.30 34.96 1842.58 1842.58 PAY~,~ENTS },fADE 1962 METER DEPOSIT FUND-May 18 3909 Acct of J. D. Main 7.50 3910 Mrs Ann ~est 7.50 3911 Acct of ~m 3 Ross 7.50 3912 Mrs Clyde Schiefer 7.50 3913 Acct of Coastal Prop. 7,50 3914 ~. L. Holmes 7.50 GENEE~ FUND~ay 21 4913 Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co 299,98 4914 City of Boynton Bch (~) 71.70 4915 Southern Bell 28.90 4916 Fta Power & Light 137.54 4917 Credit Information Bur 8.00 4918 M M Burket 6.10 4919 Display Arts, Inc. 78.00 4920 R L Grummons Printing 51.45 4921 Guns o~ Detray Inc. 38.00 4922 Hunnidutt & Assoc. Inc 2221.95 4923 J W Pipes 29.19 4924 Southeastern Nat'l Gas 3.08 4925 Southern Btdrs & Rtty 5.67 ~¥ATF~R ~D-~ay 21 5523 Goo Sullivan 7.50 552~ City of Boynton Bch I&S8000.00 5525 Southern Bell Tel&Tel 35.85 5526 Fta Po~er g Light 26.30 5527 L T Graham ~ETER DEPOSIT FUND-May 21 6.00 _ 39~5 Acct of Goo Sullivan 15.00 3916 " ~ L. H. Callo~ay__7.50 MISCELLT~4EOUS FUND-May 21 21281 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 Void 4932 WATER 5528 METER 3917 Revenue Bonds & Coup.12,220.00 FUND-May 22 City of Boynton Bch ~L~C) 23.62 " " 75.&8 Sthrn B!drs & Rlty 13.44 Hoffman,Harris Inc. 5.00 ~ V Gahan 5.00 Beaudry Signs 12=8.4.00 FUND-May 22 City of Boynt Bch (PC) 23.75 DEPOSIT FUND-May 22 City of Boynt Bch Acct ef ~ R Loder 7.50 3918 Henry E Thompson 7.50 3919 A cct of Steve Taylor 7.50 SE~¢ER DEPOSIT FUND-May 22 O38 TOTAL TOTAL 45.00 11,441.77 2979.56 8075.65_ 22.50 1%_220.00. 23,297.71 1406.24. 25.75 22.50 TOTAL 1461.59 PAY~tENTS U. ADE U~AY - 1962 GENEP~.L 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 49~5 FUND-May 23 3os. Thibbautt County Sanitation Atlas Elec. Supplies Inc. Boynton Radio & Tv Inc. Bo}~t. Well-Pump & Sprinkler Cadillac Engravers Chuck's Camera Center DeMazoo Tractor & Impl Co. Don's Firestone East Coast Fire Equip. Eastern Air Lines Inc. Frankheu.se Elec Supply Sid Gerber C~i~ Coast Advertising Spectts R L Grummons Printing Oil Corp, 4949 Jones Chemicals Inc. ~hitt MacDowell National Recreation Assoc. So,ell Hdwe Co of Lake ~orth South Lod§e Florist $tan Sheets Photography Stevenson Seed Store WATER FUND-May 23 5529 N R Field, Trustee 5530 Riley-Field Go 5531 " " " 5532 ~. ~ater ~orks Supply 5533 Fla. Specialty Paint Co. 5534 ~efrigeration Dstrbtrs 4000.00 3600.C0 171.42 41.00 80,20 48.95 1.28 148.64 78.67 12.28 137.20 27.83 62.28 29.40 165.00 42.30 48.00 80.73 24.15 4.1! 34.10 36.50 148,00 64.29 9©8~33 3084.61 532.42 2281.11 141.63 18.05 35.66 GENERAL FU~D-May 24 4957 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 26.68 4958 South Speed Shop 129.64 4959 City of Boynton Bch 63.50 4960 George C Davis 210.00 4961 Boynton Bch Chamber of Commerce 252.96 ~ATER FUND~May 24 5535 Jones Chemicals Inc 312.73 5536 Young & Watdie 3.40 5537 Bruce ~iltard 4.20 5538 ~m ~armad~ke 4.60 METER DEPOSIT FiJNT)-t~iay 24 6093.48 TOTAZ 15,179.81 682.78 324.93 3920 Henry- Merkei 7.50 3921 Co field Inc. 15.00 3922 North~ood Bldrs 7.50 3923 Acct of Young & Waldie 7.50 3924 ~ "Bruce Miltard 7.50 3925 " "Wm Marmaduke 7.50 52.5~ SEWER DEPOSIT FUND-May 24 039 Cofield Inc. 25.20 25.20 TofAL 1085.41 PA-~ENTS ~E 1962 GENEtLAL 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 FL%~D-May 25 City of Boynton Bch (PC) " " " " (PF) Fia Power & Light Co. City of Boynton Bch (Water) Boynton Bch News M. M. Burket Hedley's Halsey & Griffith Inc. Ertamon R Mirth WATER FUND-May 25 5539 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 5540 " " " " (PE) METER DEPOSIT FO~D~May 25 3926 Acct of Chas H Bowers 3927 " "Ralph Stratton GENEP~L FUND-May 28 4972 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 4973 4974 Board of Public Instruction 4975 Fla Power & Light Co. W^~Wo,¢,~_~ F014D-May 28 5541 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 5542 Fta Power & Light Co. GSHERAL F~{D-_,~Jay 29 4976 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 4977 4978 ~ATER ~D-May 29 5543 City of Boynton Bch (PC) GENERAL 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983 4984 4985 4986 ~987 ~1282 FUND-May 31 City of Boynton Bch (PF) First Bank of Boynton Bch Boynt. Welt-Pump & Sprinkler Consumer Report~ De3Aarco Tractor & Implement Co. Don's Firestone East Coast Fire Equipment International City Mgrs' Assoc. Rubin Constr Co. Escrow Transfer Funds WATER FOND-May 31 5544 City of Boynton Bch (DF) 5545 Don's Firestone 5549 City of Boynton Bch Gan Fund 83.69 2686.12 258.88 20.30 34.20 180.25 4.64 15!.00 6.00 5.50 3430.58 16.30 975.80 991.60 7.50 7.50 TOTAL 15.00 4437.18 72.03 72.71 4200.00 3335.08 16.00 1979.62 TOTAL 7679.82 1995.62 9675.44 92.50 82.93 13.22 13.00 TOTAZ 1934.89 3049.31 27.42 6.00 90.30 47.40 96.75 7.50 64.00 7600.00 263.88 38.95 4.66 188.65 13.00 201.65 12,923.57 . __ . 302.83 4.66 307.49 ~AY~ENTS MAY - 1962 GENEPJLL FUTND-May 31 - Additional checks. 4998 City of Boynton Beh Spec Assess. Fnd 1797.62 4999 " " " "I & S Fund 405.25 5000 " " " "Mun Swim. Bond" 146.29 5001 " ~ " "Boyn%.Mem Prk" 695.00 5002 " " " "Police Retire" 174.18 5003 " " " "Firemen's Rel~:Pens. 50.28 5004 " " ~' "Sewer Revenue Fund 272.19 5005 " " " " " Deposit " 561.59 5006 " " " "Publicity Fund 133~01 4235.41 SEWAGE FUND-~ay 31 0020 General Fund MISCELLANEOUS FUND-May 3i 21284 Transfer Funds 21285 21286 316.17 1.96 10,628.17 .52 General Fund checks from preced. page 12,923.57 ~¥=ter Fund " " " 307.49 28,413.29 TOTAL May 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 i0 11 14. 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 31 4610.98 1101.45 173.90 12,180.87 98.38 t40.50 16,824.90 1044.87 11,865.02 2776.10 3049.80 7129.45 68,084.50 11,441.77 23,297.71 1461.59 15,179.81 1085.41 4437.18 9675.44 201.65 28,~13.29 224,274.57 TOTAL FOR MAY 1962 PAI~ 1962 March I - Ge_~meral Fund ~4397 ~4397 4398 4399 ~401 5265 5266 5268 21250 Narch 2 - Beynte~ Beach Fire Dept. Thomas J. Croft First Bamk of Beynt~a Beach City ~f B.B. (Petty Cash) ~itt MacDowell L~ais C. Reger Fred ~B. Scott, Ageat Harold P. Herring Wate~ Ftmd City of Boynte~ Beach (Retry Cash) ~itt NaeDewell Water I & S ~iremen 's~Pensien Fund O~rles Senior "' General F~md $573.30 200.00 2996.31 l&5 .O5 9O .00 100.00 600.00 36.40 I0.00 TOTAL $A779.66 $8~55.46 A405 ~406 ~417 Walter A. Madsen Joba L. Arckie George A. Johnson City of Boynten Brach (Payroll) Water Fund 19.80 16.50 80.00 2492.77 2609.O7 5270 5271 5273 5280 Ha~A-y Russell Joel Newman Const. Co. Howard Mallory Ro J. Grose City of Beynton Beach ~Payrell) Meter De~ sit F~md 6.00 1.90 6.00 4.40 3742 3743 3745 3746 3747 021 O22 Acct. efHarryR~ssell Jamaica Dev. Co. acct. of Howard Mallory Acct. of Joel Newman S. Atlantic Title Ins. Co. De~nis E. Silver Sewer De s~tFund Aec. efFlethcer L. Bart Geroge Fa~lknar 7.50 ~7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 9.10 9.10 18.20 Sewer Rev~nme ~d OOO9 Fletcher L. Bart TOTAL 3528.07 4&19 527~ 52~5 3748 March 6 - PAYMENTS MADE MARCH, 1962 City ~f B. B. (Petty Cash) City ef B. B. (Petty Cash) City of Boynt~n Beach (Petty Cash) Ja~es J. Naheney Water Fund J. A. Teetle City of B. B. (Petty Cash) ,,Meter, Deposit F~nd Ace. of Jo A. Tootle General I~md $35.8O 11A.39 1~9.95 42,00 $3~2.1A A5.00 5o.oo TOTAL 4~22 R.L. Grmmmmus Printing 65.90 ~J~3 Trailside Nurseries, Inc. t500.00 4424 G;raybar Electric Ce. 27.39 4~25 Sid Gerber A3,50 4~26 Gen. G~ Truck Sales & Service 83.40 ~27 6aytord Bros. ~o80 &428 F]~m~nge Oil Co. 12.37 4429 A.E. Finley & Assoc. 23.78 ~J~30 Fa~ret, Inc. 3.90 ~J~l Emery-Pratt Co. 15.67 4~32 East Coast Fire Equipment 36.75 ~33 Don~s Firestone 77.A7 ~34 DeWitt Smpply Co~mpany 33,00 A~35 Meoann Associates 22.50 ~A36 Chuck'rs Camera Center ~1.25 ~37 Cassetl" Subscription Agency 15.75 4A38 The Boynten Beach Star 7.At ~39 Beynten Be; ach C. of C. $0.00 ~A40 Autopredmcts, Inc. 63.25 ~ Adam.~ Chevrolet Co. 77.38 ~ G~,~*stream Lumber Ce. 22.~8 44~3 Nadley~s 25.00 Z~ Halsey~& Griffith 67.35 ~5 Imternatienal City Mgrs. Assoc. 7.50 ~J~6 Donald S~ Lavigne, Inc. A1.65 ~J~7 Gene M~re 50.00 44A8 Neff Machinery, Inc. 115.01 ~9 Pitts-Nat~I Car Rentals 32.6~ ~50 Rubin Construction Co. 6A.O~ ~51 Start Sheets Photography 73.~O ~52 Simon & Schuster ~53 Stephensen Cerp. 39.tO f PAYMENTS MADE MAROH, 1962 General Fund ~55 Earl Wallace Ford, Inc. Adam.~ Chevrolet Co. Water F~md 5276 5277 5279 5285 5286 5287 5288 0. R~bert B=rns, Atty Brocks Pre,mots ef Fla. Inc. Hersey-Sparling Meter Co. Sewell Hardware Ge. of L.W. David E. Lilienthal E. D. Sidgmere Darrell E. Hayes W.R. Borough 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 Meter Deposit Fund Acct. cf Do E] Lilienthal Acct. cf E. D, Sid~aw~e Acct. af Darrell E. Hayes Acct. of W, R. Borough Acct. cf Harry Hill Acct. ef J. K. Bartley Sewer Deposit Fmnd 023 024 Acct. of E. W. Sidgm~re Acct. of Darrell Hayes Sewer Revenue.,Fmnd E. DJ Sidgmore Darrell Hayes March ~&56 AA57 4~58 4~59 ~62 ~3 ~464 5281 5282 7 - General F~md City of B. B. (Petty Gash) Southern Bmilders & Realty J, McKinley Hillcoat M. Yaudras erich Gold C~st Adv. Spec, Halsey & Griffith, Inc. Robert A. Kelly Zep Mfg. Corp. Martin a. Durkin Water Fu~d Re~ert A. Kelly Zep Mfg. Corp. $S. 5I 28,04 190.23 L~.55 5.17 A9.70 6.00 2.50 3.10 ,,6.00 $7.60 7.50 7.50 ?.50 7.50 7.00 7,00 3.50 3,50 TOTAL 32.77 5.32 25 · 00 25.00 464.~3 100.80 320.00 335.36 160.~ 157.~ TOTAL $2774.25 7,00 1~08.05 ~J.7.90 1725.95 PAYMENTS MADE MARCH, 1962 March 8 - Water F~ud #5283 528& 3755 3756 Gold Coast E~gLueering Ce. Peter Vlahes Mete~ Deposit F~md Acct. ef Peter Vlahes Acct, ef Gold Coast E~g. Co. March 9 - 4465 5289 5290 ~69 447O ~71 4473 4474 ~75 5291 5292 5293 529~ 5295 5296 5297 3757 3758~ 3759 376O 3761 3762 ~neral Fund 7.50 7,~0 TOTAL City of Beynten Beach (Payroll) 9134.O2 City cf Boy. tea Beach (Petty Cash) 122.76 C~ty ef B~ymt~n Beach ~etty Cash) ~_~ Water F~md City of Beynton Beach (Payroll) 1962.66 City ef Beynton Beach (Petty Cash) 46.05 General F~md ity ef B~ymtem Beaeh~ater Dept.) 398.68 Florida Power & Light 3639.10 Southeastern Natmral Gas 10.26 Gene Noere 265.0~ Somtherm Bell Tel. & Tel. 218.42 City ef Beynten Beach (Petty Cash) 120.35 Boynton Beach C. of C. ___~.07 Wat~rF~nd City ef Beynt~Beach (Water Dept.) 1.50 Florida Power & Light 686.17 Oliver B. Ashb~rn 2.50 Dorothy E~bemks 2.20 Henry Thempson 5.20 Oene Neere 25.00 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. ~ Meter De~sitFl~nd Henry T~mpsez Acct. of Oliver Bo Ashb~am Acct. ef Dorethy Embamks Acct. ef Leery M i ms Acct. of Henry Thompson Acct, of E. B. Mauger 7.50 7,50 7,50 7.50 7.50 ?.~0 TOTAL $8°90 93~7,63 2008.71 4945,88 736.97 A5.00 5727°85 March 13 ~ #4~77 4578 4579 458O 4581 ~5 4586 4587 9 4592 4597 5298 5299 5300 5301 5302 5303 53O4 3763 ~76~ 3765 3~6 PAEI~ENTS. FzkDE MARCH, 1962 General Fund_ Semthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Thomas ~] A. Sum, ers James H. Pollock Mrs. Otto Schmidt Adams Chevrolet Co. ChuckTs Camera S$op C~ach House Harbor DeMarc~ Tractor & Imp. Co~ De~o Tractor & Imp. Ce. Den~s Firestone South Speed Shop East Coast Fire Eqmipment Fln'm'itigc Oil Co. Ftertda Printing Co. ~uide ~ & Griffith, Inc. I~2~er Management, luc. S. Inc. Co. Protectiom Assoc. Office Supply Corp. and Co. Smpplies Lmmber 0o. Water F~nd Bre~ks Predicts of Fla.~ Inc. Gentry Bros. Glass Div. Pic~d Chemical Co. Johm Ho Porter Wm. E..Marmaduke P. Met.~r. Deposit Fund Acct. ef John H. Porter Acct. of Wm. E. Marmaduke Acct. of P. G. Chapman Acct. of H. W. Kilby $13.50 59.00 73.00 40.00 32.74 90.65 20.20 85.44 38.10 66,50 77.50 9~00 2~.13 240.00 99.00 80.73 13.35 99~25 15.00 139.~6 69.67 40.40 98~t0 27.35 33.60 26.90 82.50 18.75 300.00 1.00 5.20 6.0q 7.50 7.50 7.50 TOTAL 1925.12 419 2374.57 PAYMENTS NADE March 14 - General Fund #4509 4510 451t C. C. Teny~s Lawn Service City ~f B. B. (Petty Cash) $10.00 37.00 168.87 Water F~nd 5305 City ef B. B. (Petty Cash) March 15,1962 - General. Faud 4512 4513 4514 ~15 4516 4517 4518 4519 452O 4521 4~2 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Blue Cress-Blue Shield Beynton Beach News Court Recerds, Inc. D~n~s Firestone Edco R~ush Gmlf Stream L~mber Whit% MacDowell Rubin Construetien Ce. Sears, Roebmck & Ce. J. Alex Arnette 2~.65 861.00 32.45 50o00 11.90 31.95 61.23 47.70 64.00 42.03 31.85 Water F~nd 5306 5307 5308 5310 5311 5312 5313 5314 1960 Water Revenue Bend 5108.34 Blue Cross-Blme Shield 43.45 Florida East Coast R.R. Co. 1.00 Joe Hartess 60.30 Kenneth $. Toney & Michael Messina 97~.82 Beynton Dev. & Impt. Ce. 461.08 Max Engel 29.23 St--] ey Popielarczyk ~ I & S F.~nd 21252 Chase Na~ttan Ba~ 4490.00 M~mici~al Sw~mmi~ Pool, 21253 Chase Manhattan Bank 14.50 TOTAL March 16 - Qeneral ~523 City of B. B. (Water Dept.) 153.87 ~524 City of B. ~. (Petty ~ash) 6O°?9 4525 Smpt. ef Decuments 4.00 4526 Gity of B. B. (~ayrell) 2~23.09 $215.87 1258o76 6e4,7.47 12710.73 PAYMENTS MADE #4527 ~28 ~35 5315 5316 53~7 5318 5319 5320 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5327 3767 3768 3769 377O 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 O25 16 - General F~nd (Continued) De,ray Blueprint Co. $34,50 D~n~s Firestone 297.80 Halsey & Griffith Domald S. La;vigme 100,05 Neff ~chi~ery, Inc. 20~1~ Resources Development Board 250.00 Eric P. Yallop B~s. Machines Zep ~fg. C~rp. 47.52 Somther~ BlUrs. & Realty ~ter F.und Tom H~miltcn 13.80 City of Boy,ten Beach (Water Dept.) 1.50 Americam WaterWorks Supply 2595.75 Davis Meter & S~pply Co. 1735.87 City of B~ynton Beach (Payroll) 931.33 Jmes Chemicals;, Inc. 232.00 Robert Harrison 2.20 H,_ W. Killy Robert Fleck 4.30 Harrison Lewis, Jr. 3.50 Simon L~we 5.60 South Speed Sh~p 20.00 A. & B. Pipe and Supply Ce. .21 Met e~....Deposi.t. Fund Tern Namiltcn Acct. ef John Kerestley Acct. ef Den Brederick Acct. of Robert Harrison Acct. of Elvin Dot, art Acct. of H. Kilby Acct. ef Everett Marsb~ 1 Acct. of Robert Fleck F. Raymond Hermamu Acct. of $~mmn Lowe Acct. of Harrison Lewis Joe Kern Se~er ~e~sit F~ud Acct. of Everett Marshall March 19 - General F~nd 4536 4537 4538 John Narcinkowski City of B. B. (Petty Cash) U, S. Post Office 7.50 7.50 7.50 7,50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15o00 99.94 92.93 250.00 3695.28 5550.06 97.50 PAYI~NTS MADE I~kRCH. 1962 March 19 - General Frond (Co~tiuued) 4539 City of B.B. (Petty Cash) 4540 City ef B.B. (Petty Cash) Water Fund City of B.B. (Petty Cash) March 20 - General Faud 4541 45~2 4543 4544 4547 4549 455O 4551 Addressograph-Mmltigraph Gmtf Oil Cerporatiem Griffith Mfg. Ce. S~pply DeMarco Tractor & Implement Halsey & Griffith I4c~reg~r Brothers P~ Beach Office Smpply W__ater~ 5329 Br~eks Pr~dmcts sf Fla. 5330 ~ 0il C~rperatiom 5331 Palm Beach Office S~pply Mete~ De,sit ~ Nell t~ber Lizzie ~ ~¢C~o cz ~mie ~ae 3783 Acct. ef Dunc~ Hunter 3784 Acct. ef ~e ~ker & Davin March ~53 ~55 ~56 ~58 4558 5332 5333 5334 21 - G..e,.neral Fund Picard Chemical Ce. Remrand Rinker Materials C~rp. Rubi~ Constx~ction Co. Tisdale~s Sanitary Service City of B. B. (Petty Cash) Florida Power & Light Ce. Somthern Bldrs. & Realty Co. Edward D. Sulliva~ Mrs. Ethel Allen Water ~d City ef B. B. (Petty Cash) Fla. Power & Light Ce. Southern Bell Te, & Tel. Ce. 60.89 77.~6 101.8~ 61.38 57.35 145.52 63.25 82.50 88.44 12.4~ 7.50 7.~0 TOTAL 30.65 38.85 38.53 43.80 128.37 8.45 50.00 ~.60 26.00 ..102,46 TOTAL 564.22 77.56 641.78 175 A5.00 2021 452.65 584.71 March 4562 PAlm, NTB MADE 1962 22 - General Fund Cmrtis E. Wright $75.00 City of B. B. (Petty Cash) 121.46 Mary & John Mencur 2.68 DeBoliac Truck Equip. 22.50 Delray Concrete Predc. 7~o80 East Coast Fire Equip. 72.00 The National Cash Register Co. 23./+5 Remraud 150.00 Rubtm Ce~str~ctien Ceo City of B. ~. (Petty Cash) 36.50 Southern BeE Tel. & Tel. Ce. 150.3B Water F~nd 5335 City of Beymton Beach (Petty Cash) 45.02 5338 Addr esso gra~h-Mmlt igraph Corp. 2~.77 5337 Biscayne Chem. Laboratories 10.00 5338 JeSSie Hagam 6.Ob 5339 ks. Edw. Webb 5.00 5340 Fred I. Sigm~ 6.0Q Meter...Deoosit F~md 3785 City of B. Bo (Water Dept.) 7.50 3786 City of B. B. (Water Dept.) 7.50 3787 City of B. B. (Water Dept.) 2125/+ Renewal .& Replacement Fund City of Boy, ton Beach (Water) March 23 - General 22.50 TOTAL 7877.35 4573 M~uicipal Finauce Officers 4.48 4574 Den:s Firestone 314.88 4576 City of B. B. (Payroll) 9354.A1 ~575 Joseph Citt~i~ ~3.~ Water ~d 9673.77 7)3.00 53~1 City of B. B. (Payroll) 2049.04 2049.0/+ /~000.00 ~DO0.00 5o0.00 TO~AL 16935.81 Policw Retirement Fund 21255 City of B. B. Fir..maen*s Re. lief & Pension Fund 21256 First Federal Savt~gs & Lean P~ NADE 1962 March 26, 1962 - Ge~erat F~ #4577 City ef B. Bo (Petty Cash) 4579 City of B. B. (Petty Cash) ,Water Fund 53~ CLyde Beatty 53~3 ~rs. Demglas Eemsley 5344 Nelso~ P~on 53~5 W~ter 5346 ~nes Ch~c~s, 53~7 City ef B. B. l(~etty Neter_De~sit_Emnd 3788 Ral Brinkmeier 3789 Harringt au Homes, Inc. 3790 City ef Boynten Beach (Water ~ept.) 3791 City af Boynten Beach ( t ~ ) 3792 City ef Boy,ten Beach ( ~ ~ ) 3793 City ef Boynten Beach 3794 E~$.of Ha~old~ Hha~emship Sewer DeL~sit F~nd 026 City of Boynt~n Beach Sewer .R. even~e F~nd 0012 Clyde Beatty Narch 27 - ~ 458o City ef B. B. (Petty Cash) 4581 Ahrens Materials, Inc. ~582 Beynten Beach News 4583 I~n~s Firestone 4584 ~lorida P~wer & Light Ce. 4585 Southeasterm Natmral Gas Corp. 4586 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. 4587 Eric F. Yallop Bmsiness Machines 4588 Riley-Field Ce. 4589 Everglade Paper Co. Water F~nd- 5348 Florida P~wer & Light Ce. 5349 Howard A. Blankemship $87.34 7.25 4.~ 5.20 7.~ 2~o~ 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.~0 7.50 3.50 TOTAL 44.75 60.~5 62.15 109.68 226.05 12.29 82.77 ILl2.50 1.09 253.$7 1433.14 TOTAL $127.68 ~07.03 52.50 2~O4.52 PAYMENTS MADE MARCH, 1962 March #/*59O /.591 4592 /*593 459/* /*595 4596 /*597 /*598 ~599 460~ ~601 25, 1962 - Gemeral F~nd D~n~s Firest~e $7~.08 Emery-Pratt Ce. 109.27 Florida Power & Light Co. 3216.53 R. L. ~a-~s Printing 55.85 Palm Beach Office Sapply 12.50 John W. Petersen 30.O0 l~R~Iic W~rks Magazine 9 Service ~lectric of Delray 19.55 S~mthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. 298AYi City of ~ymton Beach (Water Dept.} 165.37 Beynt~ Beach C. of C. 241.01 Gen~ Extemsien Div. Umiversity ef Fla. 2~0 Water I~md 5358 Seaboard Airline Railroa~ 379,95 5361 Boynt~n Well-Pump & Spr4~kler Corp. 31.O3 5362 Florida Power & Light Co. 497.87 March 4602 4603 4604 4605, /,606 46O8 46O9 /.610 461~ TO~ 29 - General F~nd City of Beynten Beach (Petty Cash) 6/*.25 J. Wi]lard Pipes 75,00 Thomas A. S~-,,ers 75.00 Walter A. Madsen 75.00 George C. Davis 3000.00 Keatts Tr~cking Service 1169.60 City ef B. B, (Self Ins.F~nd) 1208.35 Had~eyts 25 Markel Appraisal Chart Co. 3.00 So~therm Bldg. Code Congress 25.00 Water ,,IFtmd 5350 R.E. Atkinson 1.30 5351 5352 Paul Msrcella 3,~50 5353 Ohsrles Hight 2.50 535A John Barclay 1.I0 5355 Dr. N. M. Weems 1.~0 5356 A. Denig 12,,"/0 5357 Hattie Mae Gainer 1.70 5359 City ef B. B. (Petty Cash) 9.59 5360 Ivy Scott 5.00 5363 Russell & Axon 3059.8O 5364 Keatts Tr~¢k_ing Service 2~+.70 5365 Pi~ard Chemical Co. 37.19 Meter ~ep~sit 1~ 3795 Acct. of R. E. Atkinsen 7.50 3796 Acct. of H. W. Eilby 7.50 4256.87 908.85 5165.72 5720.20 3161.~8 PAYMENTS MADE MARCH, 1962 March #3797 3798 3799 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 38O6 O27 4612 4613 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 462O 4622 4650 465I 46~ 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 29 - Nete~. Dep~sit....Fu~d (Centinued) Acct. ef Paul Narcella Henry Tt~mpson Acct. ef Charles Hight Johnsen Se~ic T~-w Ce. Acct. ef John Barclay S. Pamdolfo Acct. ef D~. N. N. Weems Acct. ef Harold Kelly Acct. ef A. Denig Acct. ef Natalie Gai~er Acct. cf Ivy Scett ~.50 7.50 15.00 7°5O 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.O0 7~50 Sew _De ~ it d_ Acct. ef ~arold Kelly 30 - General 9.10 TOTAL Cemm~issiener ef Motor Vehicles 4.00 City of B. B. (Payroll Fund) 5046.20 Geergia News Co. 11.8~ Fla. Assoc. of Civil Set.& Persennel 15.00 A~ua Hilliard City of B. B. (Petty Cash) 36.55 DeWitt Supply Ce. 95.04 Picard Chemical Ce. 39.20 McCaughan Mortgage Ce. 30.17 Stetson O. SprouI 234.60 City of B. City ~ B. City of B. City ef B. City ef B. City of B. City ef B. City of B. City ef B. B. (Water Fuud Transfer~ 60.98 B. (Spec. Assessment Fund Trans.) 1627.58 B. ~I & S Fund Tr~.usfer) 6076.91 B~ (B.B. Mem. Perk Tr~-~fer) 770.00 B. (Police Retirement F~ud) 189.77 B..(Fir~em.en's Rel.& Pen.Fund) ~6.47 B. (Mum.Swim,Peel Bond Fund) 2366.34 B. (Sewage Fund) 1006.97 B. (Publicity F~ud) 2156.56 Water Fund 5366 City ef B. B. (Payren Fund) 1069.~8 5367 Tampa Lightheuse for the Blind 15.65 5374 City of B. B. (General Fund Trausfer) 477.53 5375 City of B. B. (Sewage Fund Transfer) ~ 21265 Sewer Revenue ,Fun~d City ef B. B. 1525.04 I & S Frond City of B. B. 112.50 9,10 9OO3.28 19854.18 ~66.16 1525.04 8314.45 PAYMENTS MADE MARCH, 1962 M~areh 30, 1962 - Special Assessmeat #21263 City ef B. Bo Pmbli¢ityFum4 #21266 City ef B. B. $713.00 $713.ee TOTAL 713.00 1.20 1.20 TOTAL 31974 .03 TOTAL FC~ MAECH $136,682.65 Pebruar~ !, 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 3675 3676 36?7 3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 368? 3688 3689 3690 369]_ 013 014 015 0003 4256 4257 4258 4259 426O 4261 4262 4263 4264 21343 1962. Water '¢~itt macDowell Fla. Power & Light Co. Albert Watson Joe Fasola Jacob Hestenes De,arco g Sons Burnup & Sims Pre-Engineered Homes J. F. Rand John Payne 111 Vistarama Homes Mary Lou Unde~ood Meter Deposits Acct. of Arlene Kaylor "Atber~ Watson '~ Joe Faso]_a Blackman Construction Co. Acct. of Jacob Hestenes '~ Jas. H~ Turner Burnup & Sims Frank De Rice Acct. of Pre-Engineered Homes Broward Bidg. Inc. Acct. of J.P.Rand fo~ Battershatl " " Harrington Homes J. E. Smith Acct. of John Payne 1!i Acct. of Vistarama Homes City of t ~ De_r=y Beach Acct. of M. L. Underwood Sewer D eoos~t_ _ s Acct. of Jas. H. Turner Chas. A. Carroll Jr. Acct. of l~{. L. Underwood Sewer Revenue Mary Lou Understood General Pun_ d Thcs. ~. Croft Whit% Ma cDov~'eit City of B. Bch (PC) Boynton Bch C. of C. City of Boynton Bch (Waterbi!!) Pirst B_n.< of Boynten Bch (Bonds) Public Personnel Assoc. Fla. Power & Light City of Boynton Beach Mis c ellaneous Chas. Senior (Piremen's R & Pens. $i0.00 1216.07 4.60 2.50 3.50 1.50 27.52 6.00 .30 1.60 4.90 __5.00 t283.4..~ 7150 7,50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 50.00 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 .~8~.00 7.00 10.50 7.00 24.50 3.50 3.50 200.00 90.00 57.98 262.85 573.26 8301.67 29.00 3719.48 188. 3~3..i7 29.40 29.40 TOTAL 13,452.57 TOTAl FOR FEBRUARY 1st. 14,949.06 PAY~!ENTS /~E February General Fund--- February 2nd 1962 Check #4265266 See 1/31/62 4267 City of Boynton Bch $R493~12 Payroll Fund 4268 City of Boynton Bch 95.32 Petty Cash 4269 Bdw. T. Swan~ 276.72 4270 Jack Baker 18.59 2883.75 Water Revenue Fund- February 2nd 5209 City of Boynton Bch PF ~99,-75 General Fund--- February 5~ 4271 John Adair, Jr & Assoc. 4272 Bo-Del Printing TOTAL TOTAL FOR FEB. 2 97.00 68.80 4273 Cassell Subscription Age 27.95 4274- Thomas J. Croft 30.00 4275 Den's Firestone 31.70 4276 Walter Dutch 212.29 4277 Edco Brush Go. 31.81 Wa%er Revenue Fund- February 5th 799.75 3683.5Q 499.05 5210 Elsie Marx 6.00 5211 V.L. Black 2.10 5212 J.W. Gilbert 6.00 5213 H. ~. Kilby 3.70 17,80 Meter Deposit Fund; February 5th 3692 Acct. of 51sie Marx 7,50 3693 ~ ~ V. L. Black 7.50 3694 " ~ Maurice Smith 7.50 3695 " "J. W. Gilbert 7.50 3696 " "H.~. Kilby 7.50 3697 " ~ J. Kerestly 7.50 General Fund--- February 6th 4278-86 See 1/31/62 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 45.00 TOTAL FEB._ 5th 561.85 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 82.91 Gresham Motors Inc. 461.48 La%~er~s Title Services 24.00 U. S. Postoffice . 50.80 Library Publishers inc. 69.42 McGregor Bros. 64.59 ~ " 618.00 Peter J. Monick 32.32 Gene Moore The Paint Kettle 40.23 Jack Sharpe's inc. 3000.00 Barl Wallace Ford Inc. 110,87 City of BoYnton Bch (PC)t61:27 W al%er Dutch McCann Assoc. 65.00 5492.85 PA ~74ENTS K~ADE February, 1962. Water Revenue Fund-February 6th Cheek #5214 See Jan. 31st. 5215 Picard Chemical Co. $ 85.50 5216 City of B~ynton B(PC) 4.89 5217 Ru§selI & Axon 57.93 148.32 Miscellaneous Fund-February 6th 21344 See 1/31/62 21345 Chase Manhattan Bank 21346 Bo}mton Well & Pump 48.20 49.23 General Fund - February-Sth 4302 Nat'! Cash Reg. Co. 314.60 4303 Stevenson Seed Store 133.95 4304 City of Boynton B(PC) 44.05 4305 ~ " " " 105.53 97.43 TOTAL 5738.60 598.13 General Fund - February 9th 4306 C of Boynton Bch 4307 " Water Revenue Fund - Februa%f 9th 5218 C of Boynton Bch 5219 5220-29 See ~/12/62 5230 C of Boynton Bch (PC) 153.95 (PF) 9119.90 (Pc) 7.05 " 5.36 (PF)i761.79 General Fund - February 12th 4308 Southern Bell I&T 13.50 4309 " " ~ 256.85 4310 First Bank of Boynton2860.85 4311 Jack McGriff 30.00 Water Reveuue Fund - February 12th 5220 Biackman Cob%tr. Co. 6.00 5221 V.L. Black 3.90 5222 E.E. Dunbar 2.80 5223 Calvin Mallory 4.30 5224 Isabel Thompson 2.40 5225 Douglas Kenyon 2.30 5226 Goo A Thorson 4.60 5227 Highland Bch Isle Corp 6.00 5228 Acct. Wm. ~erkle 3.50 5229 So. Bell Tel & Tel 35.25 Sewer Deposit Fun~ - February 12th 016 See 2/21/62 017 Acct. of Clifford Meter Deposit Fund - February 12th 3698 Acct. of Blackman Cons. 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 7.00 9272.85 1774.20 TOTAL 11,048.05 3161.20 71.05 7.00 $.50 Rodney A. FidterT.50 Gold Coast ~ng, 7.50 E.E. Dunbar 7.50 Calvin Mallory 7.50 Isabel Thompson 7.50 Ocean Rge Dev. 7.50 Lucy Straut 7.50 Clifford Hirt 7.50 Douglas Kenyon 7.50 Geo. Thorson 7.50 Hi~hland B Ist 7.50 Hmgh_and B Isle 7.5~__ PAYMENTS NADE February, 1962 General Fund~Feb~uary 13 Check #4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4319 432O 4321 4322 4323 4327 M. M. B~rket $88.31 Blme Cr~ss 858.05 E.Elliott Cross Advertisers Press 62.7G Best~a Mmsic Ce. 2.39 Boo,ten Amte Supply 6?.05 The Detective ~ek CI~ 10.00 ~n~s F~estone 43.~7 ~tt ~e~we~ 43.10 Pie~d Ch~c~ Co. ~.75 ~ ~t~i~s C~. 35.03 R~ Oenst~tion E .~iott ~ess 1~.~ E.G.Harvey, d~a ~ew Drop Inn 1~.00 Water F~nd~-Feb~uary 13 5231 Nlme Cross 53.95 5232 Alam J. M~icklw A.08 Meter De'sit Fu~d---Febrmary 13 3711 Alan J. Mickle _ 7.50 TOTAL General F~md---Feb~mry I~ 4328 Petty Cash 140.55 A~29 Semtherm Bell Tel.& T. 303.88 ~330 Beynten Auto S~ply 51.40 ~331 Lamderdale Bookbindery 7.00 4332 Gene Mo~re 75.00 4333 Neff Machinery Co. ~2.32 4334 Kenme%h Snow 85.00 4335 Keatts Trmcking Service 172.90 Water Frond 5233 Petty Cash 38.64 5234 Somtherm Bell Tel. & T. ~_9.66 TOTAL General Fund-~Feb~mary 15 4336 Petty Cash 4337 Stan Sheets 4338 Howard P. Carrier, Sr. 94.Z~ 131.00 2%.00 _ , Water F~nd---Febrmary 15 5235 1960 Water Rev. Bend F~ad 5108.38 TOTAL 1534.30 58.03 7.~0 1599.83 878.05 98.~0 976.35 257.24 ~108.3~ 5365.58 February, 1962 General F~nd---Feb~ 16 Check #4339 Payroll Frond Tramsfer Water Fmud---Febr~ary 16 5236 Payroll Frond Tramsfer General Fmnd---Febrmary 19 4340 Petty Cash 43~1 Petty Cash 4542 Best E~ectric 43~3 C.T.B~wles Elec, 4344 Beyntem Travel Agency 43~5 Ohuck~s Camera Center 4~6 Florart Flock Process 43~7 Florida Printing 4348 Gulfstream Polo 4350 whirr MacDowell 4351 Palm Beach Office Smpply 4352 Pitney-Bowes 4353 Amt~ Betta Water Fuud---Fetmuary 19 5237 Petty Cash 5238 Fl~ridmEast Coast Rwy General Fmnd---February 20 4354 Beynten Travel Agency Water Fund~Fe~r~ 20 5239 Harold McCallister 52~0 Intercomnty Construction Corp. Meter DepesitFund---Feb~mary20 3712 Acct.of H.McCallister General Fand---February 21 4355 Burroughs Corporation 4356 LA~ers e Title Services 4357 Water Dept. 4358 M. M. B~rket 4359 Magasine Pub. Dic. ..807,10 . 103.28 129.02 38.00 85.00 130.35 52,82 60.88 240 .O0 75.00 130.40 55.80 73.92 20.00 4.90 6702.77 7.50 220.80 1.00 545.86 91.88 3.00 2465.51 807,10 TOTAL 3272,61 ...... 1228 08 .... 53.65 TOTAL 1281.73 113.50 67O7.67 7.50 TOTAL 6828.67 862,54 ~ebruary, 1962 Water Fm~d;-~Fe~mmary 21 Check #52~1 5Z~2 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 B~m~'oughs Corperati~u Water Dept. Vister~m~ Homes Leen Cloutier Belvedere ~ad Cemstr. Mrs. A.C.PoWers Ralston Zeigler Mrs. Na~de Pickett Meter Deposit F1md---Fel~ 21 $7152.8O 3.00 3.70 ~6.20 2.80 6.00 3713 ACCT. OF Vistarama Homes 7.50 3714 Acc. t. of Leea Cloutier 7.50 3715 M. J. Isabell 7.50 3716 Acft. of Allen O~Dell 7.50 3717 ~Vo~ Walker 7.50 3718 Acct. of Belvedere Road Constr. 50.00 3719 Acct. of Blackman Constr. Ce. 7.50 3720 Acct. of A.C.Powers 7.50 3721 Accts. ef Rslst~ Zeigler 7.50 3722 Highland Beach Isles 7.50 3723 Accts. of Mrs. M, Pickett 7.50 372~ Aect. of A. H. Pmrvis 7.~O Sewer Fand---February 21 0005 Acct. William R. Merkel 0006 Mrs. Maude Pickett Water Fund~February 22 5249 ~A=A~oug~s Corporation General Fand-~Feb~,~ary 23 132,~0 3.50 .... ~./.0 ...... ~.9o _ 2~.60 TOTAL 25.6~ 4360 Harold Blanchette 68.33 4362 ~. H. All2m 15.00 Y,363 Broward Grain & Smpply 1A2.50 4364 South Speed Shop 62.69 4365 Petty Oas~ 162.06 4366 Gaskill-Oertel 178.25 4367 Kitten Secretarial Service ~ %0.00 A375 Payroll Fund Transfer 8851.18 Water Fund~Febr~y23 5250 T~ow~ D. Edgar 4.00 5251 R. J. Gres~ 3.10 5252 Norma Sergel 6.00 5253 Ray Orenenweth 2.50 5254 James Josey 4.30 9520.O1 PAYMENT8~ NADE ~ebru~ry, 1962 Water Fund (cont.) February 23 Check #5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5267 M~s. W. V. Mars~u~ll Colony Sportswear Louise Pr~nce Alfred Denig Payroll F~md Tra~.~fer Petty Cask Meter Deposit Fu~d---February 23 3725 Acct. 3726 Acct. 3727 Acct. 3728 Acct. 3729 Acct. 3730 Acct. 3731 Acct. 3732 Acct. 3733 Acct. 3734 Acct. 3735 Acct. 3736 Acct. 3737 Acct. 3738 Acct. of Thcs. D. Edgar of S.P.Bch.Dev. Lt~. of Andrew Hadden ef R.J. Gross ef Norma Sergel of Ray Cronenwet~ of Judy Jenkins of Maurice Dmbe,Jr. of ~James Josey ef M. E. Sm~ ] e~ cf W.V.Nars~all Sewage Deposit F~md February23 $1.50 1.00 1.50 3.40 1869.92 , , 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 ~.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 =~.50 7.50 7.50 018 Acct. of Maurioe Dube, Jr. 7.00 019 Acct. ef W. V. Ne~shall ?.0O General Fu~d--Fe~y 26 4368 Fla. League of Nuni¢ipalities 22.50 ~369 J. Alex Arnette 15.00 4370 J. Alex Arnette 15.00 ~3TI Boynton Auto Supply 162.~6 43?2 Public Personnel Association 85.00 4373 Charles E. Blews 15.00 4374 Petty Cash 47.61 4376 Chase Man~attanBank 1687.50 ~377 Brockway,Weber &Brockway 74.36 4378 Co~rtRecerds 50.00 43~9 DeMarcoTractcr 61.78 4380 Don~s 'Firestone 27~68 4381 East Coast Fire Eqnipment 98.80 ~3~2 Edco Brush Co. 31.31 4383 R.L. grmmmons Printing 13~.80 4384 G~]f Oil Corporation 724.89 4385 Dr. Walter L. Hurt 15.00 4386 Donald S. Lavigne, Inc. 88.58 4387 Lawyers~ Title Services 16.00 4388 SewellH~we. Co. 52.43 TOTAL 1906.67 ......... ~11545.68 February, 1962 General ~am~February 26 (conto) Check #A389 Stevenson Seed Store $97.50 4390 Tropical Paint Co. 47.70 4391 Vauglm & Wright 70.30 4392 Westera Auto Assoc. St~re .... 28.58 Water Fund--February26 5260 ~reckway, Weber &Brockway 4.60 5261~.E~La~ere 5.20 5262 Gulf ~ Corporation 55.77 ~673.78 Meter Dep~sit~F~nd---Fe~ruary 26 3739 Acct. of V.E. LaMere 7.50 37~D Acct. ef C~srles Branch 7.50 3741 Acc~rsio Mentalbane 7.50 Sewer Del~m~sit F~nd-~Febr~awy 26 020 Acct. ef C~rles Branch 65.~7 General Fund---February 27 A393 Petty Cash 4394 Eugene Betts, Trustee TOTAL Water 5263 Petty Cas~ 100.~7 2.00 General F~ad~-Febr~ary 28 TOTAL 439~ Payroll Fund Transfer 2015.94 4407 Fir~menes Relief & Pension 1~7.70 A4D8 Police R~tirememt Fund 250.04 4409 Special Assessment Faud 750.62 J~.10 Sara S~mm~ Memorial Gardens t67.1A A4/1 B~ynton Beach ~em. Park 676.60 ~.~2 Sewer Deposit Fu~d 189.70 4413 Sewer Fund 629.O1 4~ Swimming P~ol Bond Sink. F~nd 698.JJ3 ;~!5 I & S Fund 1920.72 ~16 P~blicity Fund 633.56 Water F~nd-~Febr~ary28 213.88 272_3.84 5264 Payroll Fund Transfer 5269 General Fun~ Transfer Sewer Revenue F~nd---Fe~ruary 28 See ne~t page ~.10 377D.95 102 .A7 111.45 2937.72 PAYMENTS MADE Febrmary, 1962 Sewer Revenue Pand--Fehruary 28 Cheek ~0007 Water Fraud Traasfer 0008 General Fw~d Transfer Boynten Beach Mere. Cemetery l~nd---Feb.28 21249 Special Assessment F~m~--Feb. 28 21251 200,00 868.35 .. TOTAL GRAND TOTAL FCR ~ONTH OF FEBRUARY 200,00 868.35 12403.34 $95,322.17 PA2~NT~ NADE JANUARY, 1962 4228 City cf B. B. (Petty Cash) f~9 R & R Electric, Inc. . ~230 City afB. B. (Petty Cash) f~Z3t Fla. Power&Ligh~ Co. W.ater F~md - Janmary 2~ 5180 City af B, B. (Petty Cash) 5181 Jes. Bates 5182 B.C. Rolfe 5183 Wm. A. F~rs~the 518~ ~ehn D. Blackwell 5t85 Blackman Constr~ctien Co. 5186 t~mery G. Br~m~h~g Meter Deposit F~md - January 2~ 3674 Acct. of Emercy C. Browning 3668 Acct. of Jess Bates 3669 Acct. 3570 Acer. 3671 Acct. 36?2 Acct. 3673 Acct. ef B. C, Relfe of Wm. A. Fersythe ef J. D. Blackwell of Blackmsm Constrmction of Patricia Sanchez A~2. ' OASI Contribution 423~ City ef Bo B. (Payroll) Wat.e.r Fund - January 26 5187 OASI Contribttion 5188 City ef B. B. (Payroll) General, F~md - January 29 ~235 Wm. H. Waters ~236 DeB~liac Tr~ck Equip. Ce. Water F~nd - January 29 5189 Renewal & Replacement Fumd General FmDd - Jammary 30 4234 Earl Wallace Ford 4237 Advertisers Press, Inc. 4238 Nathm~iel Dame & Ce. ~239 Den~s Firest~e /~ Halsey & Griffith 42~2 Hand ~s 4243 D~nald S. Lavigne, Inc. 424~ Whirr NacD~ell ~245 RmbLu Csnstructi~ 77.05 26.77 146.87 8.0~ 6.00 4.20 1.00 6.04 6.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7. o 5407.70 994.35 1630.34 62.50 1575.,00 13335.35 3406.75 26.30 91.85 47.55 75.0o 56.00 26.30 ~3.2o 258.74 2624.69 1637.50 13335.35 PA2/4ENTS F~DE tANUARY, 1962 #4O92 ~93 4095 4100 4101 4102 06 4109 41~0 Mo M, B~rket $28.48 A~stin Supply 32.34 Delta Airl~ues, Inc. 49.00 Boy~te~ Tx~avel Agency 126.37 C~stemai~ Cabinet Ce. 96.00 Fla, League ef Municipalities 300.00 Le~is St~rrett 57.50 Le~derdale B~ekbinde~y 14.00 Deaald S. Levigme, Inc. 81.23 l~arietta Peri Equip. Ce. I2.60 The Program Aids Cs. 1A.20 Remrand 150.00 Rinker ~aterials 18.3~ t~bin CONS. C~. 128.O0 Tropical Paint Ce. 100.,62 ~f B.B, Water Dept. 179.A8 S~z~ppe 2~8',~0 ~ Landscaping 39.00 ~eyaten Ante S~ppl~ 40.70 Beach B~at 01ab 30.00 45,.85 89°30 15.85 Center D~m~s Firestene 1677.32 Water Reven~e F~d - Jaa~e~y 4 5/4I Venice Oens. Cc. 8,80 5/42 Whirr MacDowell 10o00 5143 J. Po Carroll, I~co 90.2? 5~.~ Peninsular S~pply C~. 54.70 5145 Picard Chemical Cc. 85.50 51A6 City ef B..B. (Payrell) 583.99 5147 piear~ Ehmical Cc. 85.50 51~8 Renald Link.us ~90 5149 Cm~m~ ef M~t~r Vehicles 12.~0 936.16 General I~md - Jan~_ary 5 4115 City ef B. B. (Payrell) 2A55.66 All6 The H, & W. B. Drew Ce. 230.34 4117 East C~ast Fire Equipment 4118 Flaminge Oil Ce. 27.72 ALt9 Flcart Cleck Precess 9i.07 4120 Florida Printing Co. 58.80 4121 Frankt~lse Elec. Supply 118~26 4122 Interaati~nsl Mgrs.Asso¢. 38.50 4123 L~uie~ Ce. A1.28 AI2A Denald S. Levigne 15Oo46 4125 Luigi~s Spaghetti He, se 51.39 ~126 ~n. Mining & Mfg. Co. 151.20 4127 Mt. Aborn Renting Service A9.OO 4128 Natal Rent-A-Car System 13.58 4129 Cakes ~ Service 32.55 4130 Va~ghn & Wright ef WPB 84.00 4131 Zep Mfg. Cerp, 82.95 4132 TI~mas Jo Croft 30.00 PATMENT~ NADE JAN~ART, 1962 General Fund - January 30 (Continued) Southeastern Nat~al Ga~ O~rp~ 27.56 Commissioner ef Meter Vehicles 2,50 City of B.B. (Petty Cash) 117.06 B~ynten Beach Fire Dept, 643.86 Fla. East Coast R.R. le00 Water F~nd - Januar~ 30 5190 5191 5192 5193 Bob Fackler~s Print Shop Brooks Preduets of Fla. Walter Dmteh Whirr MacDowell 213.95 80.60 37.21 1.60 ~emeral F~md - Janmar~31 4250 4 51 425 4254 4255 4265 4266 42?8 42 9 42 e 4281 4255 John W. Peterson 20.00 City ef Be B. (Payroll) 1967.50 John L. Archie 12.50 Walter A~ Madsen 22.25 Dist.Diro ef Int. Revenme 5289.35 Police Retirement Fund 4~3,75 Firemen~s Relief & Pension Fund 143.91 Transfer te Water Fund 160.69 Transfer t~ Spec° Assess. Fund 1817.49 Transfer te I & S Fund 7328.32 Tramsfer te Sera S~mmm ~m.~ 2~5.OO Trausfer t~ BoB. Mem. Perk F~ud 915.00 Transfer te Sewer Revez~Ae Fand 3338.59 Transfer t~ Sewer Deposit l~md 296.40 Transfer te Pablicity F~md 8953.18 Transfer t~ I & S - 1960 Ft~nd 9878.8A Water Fund - January 31 5194 5195 52t4 A & B Pipe & S~pply Co. 14D.WI City of B.B. (Payroll Frond) 213.88 Transfer to General Fund 2A93.20 213~ General F~ud Tramsfer from I & S F~md 0004 General Frond Transfer fr~m Sewer Revenue F~ud 21338 Special Assessment Fu~d to Keatts Truck4~g Service Renewal & Replacement Fand te Intercemnty Censtr.Corp. GRAND TOTAL FO~ MONTH - $146,8~.98 A628o93 333.36 40832.77 28A7.89 3051.37 46735.71 49.40 8796.57 PATg~ MADE J~¥, 1962 ~_~al.~ - Hanmary 2 #4078 Thomas J. Graft 4081 Oity ef B. B. {Petty cash) 4082 " " " " Water Revenue 1~ - Ha~mary 2 5132 Oity ef B. B. (Petty Cash) 408~ Themes H. Creft ~085 B.B. Fire Dept. 4086 Jehn Tmite 4~87 ~hn Tmite 4088 Jehn L. Archie ~O89 ~A~tt MacD~aell 4090 Ellgene L. Graeber 4091 ~.S. Ve~-~ Admo Water Revenue Fund - Ja~ar~ 3 5133 Doyle Irwin 5134 Marbet Inv. Ce. 5135 Deyle Irwin 5136 Nary Francis 5137 Millie Byrd 5t38 Stanley Knowlten 5139 Robert Chenoweth 5140 Barbara DeBellis N~ter De~esiters l~and _ January 3 3635 Acct. ef Doyle Irwin 3636 Acct. ~f Narbet Inv. Ce. 3637 Acct. of Deyle Irwin 3638 Acct. cf Mary Francis 3639 Acct. of Nillie Byrd 3640 Acct~ ef Stanley Kr~wlton 364I Acct. ef Re Gheneweth 3642 Acct. ef Barbara DeBellis 36~3 Acct. cf Donald C. Jones 36~4 Acct. cf Henry Thompson 3645 Accto cf M. W. Talbott 3646 Acct. ef Eric RaSzow 00tl 21340 21339 Acct. cf Donald C. Jenes Charles Se~i~r Rmssell & Axen $200~00 136.78 97.11 18.7~ 73&.51 75.00 19.50 90.~ 1.9~ 69.98 ~90 3.40 6.00 1.90 3.10 3.50 7.5,0 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.00 2%4O 286.50 $452.62 1030.93 29.80 90.00 PA~V~ MADE ~A~Y, 1962 Gen.e. ral F~nd - January 5 (Centimmed) 4133 Cemm. ef Motor Vehicles $115.00 ~134 City ef Boymton Beach (Petty Cash~) 67.88 ~35 City of Boy~ton Beach (Petty Cash) 17.39 ~136 City ef BeYnten Beach (Petty Cash) 141.26 ~t37 Geerge C. Davis lO00tOO Mster Depositers Frond - January 5 3647 Acct. of VeniceOons. Co. 36~8 Acct. of- Mrs. Carl Stucki 3649 Acct. cf Mrs. Wm. Fra~kliu 3650 Acct. of Winn C. Bailey 3651 Acct. cf Renald Limkcms 3652 Acct. cf W. A. C~m~ugs 3653 Acct. of Wm. Q. Hays 3654 Acct. of Orville Pri~gle Water Revem,~, Fmmd - Janmary 8 5156 City of B. B. {Petty Cash) 5151 Acct. ef Wm. Beall General Fu~d - Ja~ 9 4138 L. B. Sterrett General ~- Janmary 10 4139 City of B.B. (Petty Cash Seacreet Realty Chapps, Ltd. Somthern Bell T. & T. Co. Wa.t. er Revenue _F~nd - January tO 5152 Gene Moore General Fmnd~- Jan~ry 11 41~3 Gaskilt-Oertell General I~ud - Jantlary 12 41~ City of BeB. ~l~5 City of B.B. A.I&.6 City cf B.B. (Petty Cash) (Petty Cash) Water Reven~e Ft~d - Janmary 12 5153 City cf B.B. (Petty Cash) 5154 City of B. Bo (Payr®ll) 5155 Boy~tom Well-Pump & Sprinkler 25.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 2~.00 _2AO.O0 60.08 ~29.55 ~2.13 26e7~ 50~00 190.71 112.~ 58o 4 A38.53 $5102.29 95.00 190.71 9349.60 1950.77 PATNEFt~ MADE JA~UAR~, 1962 General, Fund - January 15 4147 4149 4150 4152 4153 4154 4155 /256 4158 4159 4161 /162 4163 //65 A166 4167 69 4173 4176 Florida Power & Light Co. City of B. B. (Water De, to) Florida Power & Light Co. Stan Sheets Photography Rew~and Picard Chemical Ce. Donald S, Lavigne, Inc. Lauderdal e B~okbind ery International Bus. Machines Internationsl Assoc. of Elec. Hardrives, Inc. Halsey & Griffith C~lf Oil Corp, Printing Gee. t/. Fowler Co. Florida Rec. AsSOCo Edco Brush Ce. Don?s Firestone & Implo Co. ~oncrete Pfd. Co. Inc. ~utts Rad~ & Lawn Mower Service E*J~Brodheck & Sen, Inc. ~random Transfer & Storage C. To Bowles Elec. Co. Adams Chev~el et WAter Revenue F~nd - Janv~ry 15 5156 Pieard E~m~cal Co. 5157 ~.tility Supply Co. 5158 City o'f B.~. ~Water Dep.t) 5159 Florida Power & Light 5165 Wm. //. Franklin 5166 Joseph Vachran 5167 Thomas J. Menke 5168 Pre-Engineered Homes 5169 Gold Coast Eng. Co. 5170 Matt Filipowiez 5171 Jo~m 5172 H~ry Russell 5173 O~ty ef Boynt~n Beach Mpt~ Dep~itees Frond_ ~ January 15 3655 E/~d Haskins 3656 Joseph Vachron 3657 Theaso 1/enke 3658 Howard Mallory 3659 Pre-Engineered Homes 3660 Geld Coast Eng. Co. 3661 Yms~ Ida Pr~or 3662 Flossie Little $21.52 203.07 3T~2.16 16.00 43.80 81.95 175.~O 14.00 ~6.00 3~.00 76.93 321.92 39-~0 29.05 10.O5 5~00 37~ 3!.31 43.50 50~0 206-.;55 ll6.13 lO8.36 lo 50 1157.63 4.90 ~ 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.10 2.70 1.30 6.00 15,00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 5661.81 PATMENT~ MADE ~ANEART, 1962 Meter De~aitors Fun~ - January 15 (Continued) 3663 Nathan E~ H~mt $7.50 3664 Acet. of Matt Filipewicz 7.50 3665 Acct. of John Mills 7.50 3666 Acct. of 3667 Acct. of Harry R~ssell 7.50 ~ewa~e De~esit )%md - Jau~ary 15 012 Mrs. Carl Stmcki 8,40 General F~nd - Jazzily 16 At77 City ef B. Bo (Petty Cash) 139.22 4178 City ef B, B. (Petty Cash)_ 85.14 _ WaS, er Reve, nue F~md - Janmary 16 5174 D~ual d Nine .50 5175 City of B. B. (Pa~o11) 7~.48 5176 M & ~ Valve & Fitting Co. 58~A~4 Water Revenue Emnd - Jammary 17 (Bend) 5160 1960 Water R~v. Bond General F~ - Janmary 18 A179 City of B. B. (Petty Cash) 48.0£ Al80 Amlm~l Resc-ae League 600.00 ~81 M.M. ~ket ~5.~ ~ M & H V~ve Co. ~0.00 ~83 Jos. C. ~tes II.00 ~SA ~os. Fas~l* ~.25 ~85 H~d~s De~ay ~ok S~p 160.~ ~86 Southe~t~ Nat~ ~ 6.04 ~87 S~s ~ ~ven 95.69 ~88 W~t~ ~tch 5~.00 ~ ~%hesd~ ~m~ H~spit~ ~75 ~ Fla. Met~ S~ply ~3.~ ~91 ~e Oil Co. __~ Water Revenue F~nd - Janmary 18 5161 Davis Meter & Supply 13~.80 5162 Addressegraph'M~tigraph 779.05 5163 P~re Oil Co. ~A.A~ Gen.e. ral F~nd ~ Janmary 19 4t92 Jose Fasel~ 350.00 A19N TisdaleWs Sanitary Service 35.00 ~198 Sewell Hdwe. of L.W. 88.86 ~199 Rinker Materials 32.93 ~q00 Remrand 22~.36 5105.34 2969.08 964.28 1962 General F~nd - Jammary 19 (Centinmed) C A201 Picard Chemicsl Co. ~2.75 ~203 ImternatienaI City Mgrs, Assoc. 11.75 4204 H~rrican~ Fence Co. 99.00 ~205 G1zlfstream -Lmmber Co. 59.92 ~2~6 City ef B. Bo (Payrell) 2299.85 4207 Fla. Planning &Dev. Co. 5.00 4208 DeBeliac Track Equipment Co. ~0~9 Beyntem Aute Smpply Ce. 25.89 ~'10 Gene Me~x-e 50.00 4211 Beynten Beach C. of C~ 39.99 ~212 Blue CreS~'Blue Shield 4213 Dick Bliek __~ Water Revenue Fund - Jam~ary 19 5164 BlUe Cress-Blme Shield Misc. F~md - january 19 ~A~50 4238.83 3~.50 21342 Chase Manhattan Bank Gene~ 1~_~ - Ja~mary 22 7,00 5.00 4193 City ef B. B. (Petty Cash) 166.01 166.01 Water F~nd - January22 5177 City of B. Bo (Petty Cash) 25.21 A194 City of Bo B. (Petty Cash) 95.35 4195 Wayne Akers Ford 257.30 4196 Bentley & Simon, Inc. 72.67 4214 B~ynt~n Beach News 25.50 4215 B~tts Radiater 51.88 ~16 Cadillac Engravers 5.59 4217 Ceastal Machime 26.~5 4218 Fla. Real Eatate Directeries 90.00 4219 Hadleyes 25.0~ 4220 Donald S. Lavigne 28.95 4221 Pitney Bowes, Inc. 447.09 4222 Ridgeway Pl~bing 302.37 4223 Rubin Construction Co. 64.00 4224 Sears, Roebuck & Ce. ~. 70 A225 Women's Amx. of Bethesda Hesp. 200.0~ ~226 Beynten Beach O. of C. 268.64 4227 Cadillac Engravers 62~4 2057.93 Water F~ud - January 23 5178 A & B ?ipe Line TIOo29 5179 Neptune Meter Co. 7502.40 8012.69