Minutes 06-13-62M~NUTES OF SPEOrAL ~TING OF CITY COUNCIL EELD AT C~Y H~TJ.~ BO~NTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ WED~q~SDAY AFTERNOON~ J~01~E. 13, 19.62. J. ~.L~RD P~PES, ~AYGR ~ONAS~& g~P~S~ V~CE N~YOE JOHN Lo ARCHIE, COUNCDL~-~ WALTE~ EADS~N, COUNC~ J~iES J. ~HONEY, COUNCILMAN GENE MOOP~ CIT~ ATTORNEY J. B* H~AYDERSON~ OITY AD.~[N. TER~k~ PADGETT, CIT/ CI.~E Tais special meeting, called at 'the recfaest ef 3 Councilmen, was called to order by the Nayor at 2:50 P.F~o Said meeting being called p~rsuant to Chapter 56 ef the City Charter with written notice being served all Councilmen prier te the meeting ms per ~ttached si~ed notice. ~he City Administrator reviewed the General Imsurance Bids a~d recommended that the awards ~e made as follows: Items Comprehensive General & Auto Liability ~arcus X~ilbreath, I~est Pal~ Beach 8 Workmen: s Cempensatio~ ~cas Gilbreath, West Palm Beach Fire a~_d extended ceverage em bailding a~d comtents. Berry & Brown, Delray Beach Item %~at er Towers Oorneli~s, Jehuson & Cl~rk @ $~90~00 ($i00,0~ deductible) Item 6. Vol~uteer Fireman Accident /nsaramce Berry & Brewn, Delray Beach @ $2~3.38 (260 wks.) Item ?o Action deferred for further study. Item Tax Collector's and Treasurer's Bonds Boynton Syndica%e @ $200,00 each~ N_r. Henderson further stated that the above proposed insurance program gave the City mere complete end better coverage ths~ we ne~ have wi~h a savi~gs tc the City ~ ammmal premieres ef approximately $7~500..00. Upon .inquiry by ~r..~dsen the A2m~strater assured him that c~mpa~ies mentioned were reparable ~nd reliable firms. He also stated this program included street a~d side~lk coverage whisk we have met had pr eviously. Nr~ Archie moved that the insurance bids be awarded to low bidders iR accordance with the City Admtimistrator~s reco~e~d~tie~s amd actium em the Bl~aket Ben~ i~smra~ce be defe_Fred..fer farther study. Retina seconded by Er. Stunners amd ~im~sly earrie~. Tahmlatiom sheet is attashed hereto° George C. D~vis, architect on 0iris Center B~ildi~gs appeared before Co~il at_~his time ~t~ review bids on the Civic Center Project. The Administrator ~eporSe~ the ex,erases involved to date en ~ai~ project amounted to $12,87~.~8e Discussion followed en p~seible means ef deleti~g items to bring overall ce~t down to the estimated figure of $100~OO0~0~o ~r. Davis was iRstracted to obtai~ a breakdown off the total bid figure fr~m ~s and ~uw, !ow bidder, for next regular Co~u ¢il meeting. Upon discussing the hospitalization ins~r~uce program for City Employees Er,- Archie moved that the award be made to Blue Cress -- Blue Shield as low ~idder on hospitalizatio~ insurance at ~4,13 each employee and $8~2~ each family (in aeeer~ce with Schedule "~') an~ to ~an~-facturer~s 7.~ ~e on life insurance at '?05 per thousand, per.month-optional t~ employees. ~tien seconded by Er. S~mmaers and unanimously sarrie~. }~r. Henderson read a letter from. the Ch~nber of Commerce requesting additional funds for trophies ordered f*r the Annual Fishing Tomrnament. Er. Summers moved that the City replac% z~rom the c.ntingency fund, the $1,28£.~ that was removed from the Chamber:s promotional fund recently to defra~ part of the expense of lettering the north water tower, back into the Chamber's budget. Motion seconded by Er, Archie and unar~Lmously carried. The City Admiuistrator reported progress to date on Sewer Program and I~r. Archie ~rged that the Administrator endeavor to establish a definite bid date. Gene ~sre reporte~ that Mr. Benoit~ Sec-~gr. of the Chamber of Co~erce was compiling data for a mew brochure° Reference was m~de to the letter dated June 8, 1962 from Hunnicutt and Assoc. which was in answer to the Coun¢il:s req[~est for their current opinion (copy attached) on assessment procedure recon~ended by them in a letter, dated AugUst 12, 1960. Er, Arch~e meve~ that the City accept Hunnicutt's opinion and continue the same procedure as has bee~ used the las~ two ,,years and t~he tax roll be prepared accerdJmagty, lotion seconded by Er. Summers and carried three to eno -Er. l~dsen voting ~no~. l~ayer Pipes appointe~ 1~ ~rchie, Er. SmEaers and ~r. l~oore as a committee te make a further study ef ~his matter i~ an effort te establish a fora for the calendar year of t963. The City-Attorney requested clarification on the divid~ug line te establish t~o (2) voting precints for municipal elections. The Council expressed their desire to keep the line'~the same as e~ta~lished bY the County and instructed the Attoraey to draw up the necessary or~Jaanee~te set up the North and South precincts. ~ro Henderson reviewed the auditors report ~a special audit in connectism with ha~ling~ shell rock. The ~dm~nistrator was instructed to foLlew-thr~ on s~me and c~rreet the over ~,11 picture te the best interest of the Discussion followed oa extending a l0~ water li~e from U. S~ #l-to A1A along Ocean Avenue in conjuction with~the widening ef said rig~ht ef w~ay. Nro Summers m~ved that we authorime the ~mgineers to draw up final plans and specifications and the City Administrator to advertis~ for bids te extend said l0~ water line from _U, S. #l to A1A~ l~otion seconded by Nr. Archie and~unanfi~eusly carried. Er. ~adsen reported that he had been told that sidewalks would not be contLauous along U. S. #l in the north end of the City. The Admi~~istrator was res!uested to contact the State Bead Department ~n said suBjec~ sad report his f'~ndings to Council. The City ~strator submitted a requisition t~ l~nuunesota ~&mning Co, in the amount ef $~66,00 for approval; also two bills for approval.for payment (a) Eemington Rand Company $ (b) C~ne Beore l~r. Archie moved that paym~at be made o~ the two bills and the requisition be approved. ~tien seconded by Er. ~adsen and una~imously carried. Er. Archie reminded the Council that $20,00©o0~ sw~m~ug pool bonds were never sold mud the $100~000o00 did n~t eever the total ex-Dense of said pro j The City Attorney was instructed to 6heck into the procedure to sell the remaining 20 bonds to cover the add~.6d expenses. Er. ~ore reported to Council that no actiom hsd been ts~ken on some of the delinquent assessment liens referred to him for collectioao He was structed to take the n~cessary steps to foreclose if necessary° The Attorney reperted his latest findings i~ regard to B~yntonboreugh Subdivision. He also requeste~ bhe Co~mucil to give censideration to the steDs they~ wish to ~take ~ re~ar~ %e the City owne~ tract lecated west of the City d~ts in ~est Boyn~on subdivision se that action may be taken on same at the next regnlar mee%i~g. ~eeti~g adjourned at 5 Tereesa Padg~t~, Thomas A. $~m~e~rs~ Vice Jo~n L, Archie, Councilman ~alter Ao ~ad~n James J. ~fahoney ~NO. TtCE 6/13/62 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 56 (Section 23 Special Acts of 1947) of the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, notice is hereby given of a special council meeting to be held at the Boynton Beach City Hall at 2:45 p.m., June 13, 1962. (Councilman James J. Mahoney was persona~!y handed written notice of the above meeting at the Boynton Beach City Hall on June 13, 1962 prior to the time of said meeting.) - MAYOR THOMAS A. SUMMERS, VICE MAYOR //7 ~IOI~N Lq ARCHIE, COUNCILMAN WALTER A. ~SEN, COUNCIL~ JAMES J. MAHONEY, COUNCILMAN 1 BOYNTON $3869.99 L~%5~ENCE W. MYERS LAKE WORTH BEERY & BRO~ DELR~Y BEACH { JO I-IN TURRENT II%YE CORNELIUSi JOHNSON W.PAI/W~BEACH 3971.39 3828468 3698.33 MARCUS GILBREATH 2 $~090.12 7090.12 7090.12 7851.74 7090..12 7092~50 3 $3888.46 3939.75 3048.87' 5260.50 2865.93 in extended c~tents Towers 7 comm Bond $2098.07 $1500.00 !07.05 52 wks 00 1500.00 LO0 ded. 207.05 212.22 1 yr 02 3 yrs 500.00 both 1654.68 1225.00 - - - 1000 ded~sue ~*s'~'~ 200 O0 - 2684.05 490.00 233.70 212.22 1 yr 530.55 3 250.00 ea Included in 94 233.70 104 wks 104 wks 266.50 260 wks 248.62 i yr 655.28 3 yr 200.00 ea P, O. Box 35~ Ohnge Sune 8, 196Z Mr.- Gene Moore Boynton Beach City A~to,rney P.O. Box Boyntom Beach. FlOrida Re: Assessments ~f u~ol~l lots owned by DeveIot)er - City o~ B~ynton Beach, Fla. Dear Mr. Moore: In youm letter of Ju~e 6, 196Z, you request that we re-evaluate lo.al ~on~ons ~d there~ter ~se you O~ our feelers ~ the maker of ~0nti~mfion or c~cellafio= of re~en~t~n ~ o~r le~e r ~ted August ~Z, 1960:~ y~r City Co~c~l. An on-the-scene re-evaluation and tnve~tig~tlon would involve a relati~rel¥ long, time-consuming process. I do mot ~elie~re tkis is what you desire. If thiSr.iS your wish, however, we will be nmo~e ~ happy to come to ~he' C£ty of: Bownton B each ~nd m~ke an addif~ton~ investigation. From the early part of 1960 to the p~resent, real estate market conditions throughout the state have been either stable or on a slight decline. .~I know this is the situation that exists in the west comst a.rem, but I cannot say, for certain that. the same situation prevails in your locale. I ara reaso~nably certain the Bo' ~ have not impr, oYed materially since our gical t~ r~commend tha~ tlie ~ the policy adopted ~as a result ot Our Ietter; that is, iscount on assessed valuations of all unsold lots of subdfvis~ons where as many as 40% of ali lots remain unsold; that d~scount be Z0%; also that this Policy apply ~onty to those subdivisions which have been improved with streets, Utility in- staIlations, etc~ I do not believe this present depressed condition will continue. discontinue this policy. Mr. Gene MO, ute, If it is your wish te have one or,ur representatives con- firm our olmin/on of present market condftio~s in the B~ynton Beach area, we wiI1 be more 'thanhappy to dO so. In all honesty, however, I do net believe ~h±s is necessary and wOu/d probably be an um~necessary expenditure on your City's part. If fhis letter does no~ fulfill your request, please advise. Yours very truly, t:IUNNICLrTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. Warren Hum~cutt, Jr. , M. & I. , S. President WHjr/hb