Minutes 05-11-62· lVlINUTES~ OF~SPECt~ AiEETii~ ,G, OF CITY ~OUNCIL PLELD AT OITY H/kLL, BOYNTON B~AC~, FLO~D~: ~y 1~ ~96~ This mae~igg Was called to o~der 'at tO:3B a.~no by Vice M~yor ~mrners fo, rt~e p~rpo~,ae Sewer Bo~d lasses w~/er S.ysg~s. ~I~. ~c~i~ move.~ ~e re~so~on~be adopted. calc~or for ~r ~la~ for '$350,~'0 ff ~as com~Vs, desire. Cr~ of t~e- maker :w~ ~he s;ep~m of dv~sora ka~ re~o~de~ to ~ve city bY Ixlaw' O~e, ¢:ave~n~: eacla Go~m~ciLman Arm.honey