Minutes 05-09-62,SPEGIAL %AEETIb~<G OF GI~Y GOUi~iGIL 1EF. T.T~ AT CITY !-~LT,~, B(kYNTON BEACH, FLOi{IDA, MAY 9, I~6Z T~st ~ice:~ 19, Z~ Z1 ~nld~ co~sider~ed a fire h~r~ ~ t~ ~ zone. ~ se =ond~ by ~. Su~e~s -Z- ~] be mo~e~l ]~1.. ~ ill.es s . ~aho-aey anal 2~ir. ~ caz~l unanimot~sl¥. $~ted ~ ~P~ ~:~ke=s~ .l~v~ ~n the islan~l ~i~ed a p~ti~ion reg~esiing the -5- p]~.~g sta~ed · angel ~s~med d~e ~o fac~hiS ~f~.e is, in_Volved, iu s b~six~ess. ~US~ctAon a~ ~he iocm~ion in q~stion'. -6- ~acZd ~t~ts b~ taBt~d. -7- k4eeZing ~d~otzr~ed ~d~ i0:15 p. rs, PAYMENTS ~[ADE APRIL. GENERAL FUND-Aoril 2 4621 Thos. J. Croft 4623 City'of Boynton Bch (PC) $200.00 95.60 295.60 G~MERAL FbT~D-April 3 4624 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 4625 Whitt MacDowell 4626 Consolidated Dev. Corp. 4627 Boynton Bch Fire Dept. 4628 City of Boynten Bch (PC) 4629 First Bank oS Boynton Bch 106.64 90.00 14.14 854.07 42.43 50.00 1157.2 WATER FUND-April 3 5368 Frida Eck!und 5369 Harmon Kilby 5370 YOung & ~aldie ~376 City of Boynton 5877 ~hitt MacDowell Bch (?C) 6.00 2.8© 2.~ 1.76 10.00 23.46 MISCE£LA]~]EOUS-A'o r ~ 1 3 21260 Fireman's Relief & Pension Fund 29.40 29.40 METER DEPOSIT ~JND -April 3 3808 Consolidated Dev. Co. 15.00 3809 Biackman Constr Co. 7.50 3810 Wesley Steuwe 7.50 3811 Acct of Frida Ecklund 7.50 3812 " "Harmon Kilby 7.50 3813 Nolan 7~itliams 7.50 3814 Acct of Young & ~aldie 7.50 3815 Neil Habor 7.50 TOTAL ~'7.50 1277.64 GENEPJ~ 4630 46 31 4632 4633 4634 46 35 4636 4637 4638 4639 Fb~D-April 4 John L. Archie 18.00 Boynton ~ett-Pump & Sprinkler Co 75.00 DeMarco Tractor & Imolement Co 90.00 Everglade Paper Co. 37.63 Flamingo Oil Co. 33.60 Seacrest Oil Co. 87.87 Halsey & Griffith Inc. 179.63 Jas. J. Mahoney 24.00 ~odern Tree Surgery 121.50 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 92.77 759.50 WATER FUND-April 4 4297 Transfer from General Fund 3001.54 5371 City of Boynton Ach (PO) ~.20 3006.74 TOTAL 3766. ~4 PAYM~TS APRIL GENERAL FbT~D-April 5 4640 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 4641 Automobile Dlr~s Assoc. ~642 De~ itt Supply Co. 4643 Walter Dutch 4644 Fla. Dodge-Chrysler Inc. 4645 Boynton Bch Plumbing 46~6 Gene Moore 4647 Halter A ~adsen 4648 ~alter Dutch 4649 City of Boynton Bch $ 56.20 150.00 35.14 167.42 1798.81 170.95 50.00 22.90 2186.19 1411.25 6048.86. WATER PUND-April 5 5372 Walter Lattey Inc. 5373 U.S. Pipe & Foundry Co. METER DEPOSIT ~JND-April 5 3816 Howard P Carrier 21262 Transfer MISC. FUND-April 5 21261 Boynton Mem. Park Trsnsfer GENEB~L ~dND-April 6 465 9~ John Adair Jr & Assoc. 4660 Ball Point Pen Co of ~nerica 4661 C ! Bowles Etec Co 4662 ~. ~. Burket 4663 P E Compton & Co. 4664 Court Records Inc. 4665 Customaid Cabinet Co. 4666 GaskitI-Oertel 4667 Gaylord Bros. Inc. 4668 Sid Gerber Luigi's Spaghetti House 4669 4670 Gene ~oore 4671 Seacrest Oil Co. 4672 Stan Sheets Photogrs?hy 4673 S~-4 ~archant 4674 Void 4675 Southern Btdrs & Rtty Inc. 4676 City of Boynton Bch WATER FUND-April 6 5378 J.D. Melear 5379 Southeastern Nat'i Gas Corp 5380 City of Boynton Bch PR 729.09 3983.12 7.50 1000.00 4712.21 1007.50 2700.00 TOTAL 2700.00 ~4468.57 175.00 15.87 103.75 64.64 97.85 50.00 96.00 57.12 9.00 98.50 53.[4 50.00 47.~3 244.90 47.00 21.p3 ,9323.08 t0,553.41 5.00 33.50 1973.29 TOTAL 2011.79. 12,565.20 PAY~4ENTS ~ka/3 F_. GENERAL ~g~D-April 9 4677 City of Boynton Bch (PC) $ 63.22 4678 " ...... 77.69 '~ATER FJND-Apri! 9 5381 City of Boynton Bch (PC) -5382 5383 8.26 11.14 28.84 TOTAL GENERAL FLeD-April 4679 4680 Void 4681 4682 4683 4684 Void 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 469o 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 !0 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 66.08 " " " " Mem. Prk 150.00 OASI Contribution Fund 6157.43 J Alex Arnette 66.64 Boynton Bch News 63~75 " ' " 31.35 C T Bowles Elec Co. 12.75 Brockway Weber & Brockway 25.00 Levinia M. Bragg 67.05 East Coast Fire Equip. 211.90 Void Fed. Housing Adm. 2.48 Fla. Printing Co. 45.81 Nat'i Inst. of Municipal Law Of. 67.50 " Recreation Assoc. 15.00 The Paint Kettle 193.75 The Palm Bch Post-Times 28.20 SageM~-Sand Motel 100.00 ~ATER FUND-April i0 5384 Principal & Int. 1960 ~aterbondE108.34 OASI Contribution Fund 5385 550.37 5386 Boynton Well-Pump & Sprinkler 203.67 TOTAl GENEBAL FUND-April II 4699 City of Boynt Bch(Water) 4700 " " " "(~C) 11587.50 97.06 TOTAL GENE~3LL ~D-April 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 12 Gondas Corp. 12.68 Gore Publishing Co. 20.80 The Piastridge Agency Inc. 23.61 Se~ell Hd~e of Lake ~orth 71.78 Stevenson Seed Store 49.50 Blue Gross-Blue Shield 903.0~ City of Boynton Bch (PC) 7.20 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 91.54 " ~ " Water 207.54 Southern Bell Tel & /el Co. 117.30 " ~ " " 13.50 Fla. Po~er & Light Co. 195.88 Carver High Scholarship Fund 50.00 140.91_ *48.24 189.25 7304.69 5862.38 13167.07 11,684.56 1764.38 ,, PA%9~ENTS MADE APRIL WATER FUND-April I2 CONT'D 5387 City of Boynton Bch 5388 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 5389 City of Bovnton Bch (PC) 5390 Southern B~I1 Tel & Tel GENEF~i FUND-April 4714 4715 4~16 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 13 Gulf Oil Corp City of Boynton Bch (PC) Pla City ~anager's Assoc City of Boyaton Bch (PR Curtis 1000 Inc. Pla ~eta! Supply Corp. Halsey & Griffith Inc. Donald $ Lavigne Inc. J E ~cCleary Minnesota ~in & Man. Co. Remrand WATER ~JND-April 13 5391 Gulf Oil Corp. 5392 City of Boynton 5393 " - , 5394 1960 GEN. FU]~D $ 50.00 51.35 18.75 .. 14.40 TOTAL 874.24 39.96 5.00 2339.81 50.05 7,0.00 39.20 53.85 92.50 95.00 ,.27c.oo 90.50 Bch (_DC) 54.84 "(PR) 981~61 Bond Sinking Fund Reserve20340.00 TOTA~ GENERAL FLeD-April 16 4725 Void 4726 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 86.49 4~27 ~. ~. ~Burket 106,83 4728 Southern Bell Tel & Tel 300.98 4751 Palm Bch Harley Davidson ,. 30.11 METER 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 16 ~ATER Fb~{D-April 5395 V '~ O1~ 5396 " 5397 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 12.00 5398 Prank Masek 4.60 5399 Mrs Alice C~mmings 5.60 5400 Chas. Bray 3.50 5401 ~rs. Thaisa Nichols 5402 ~- . 4.90 ~rs., Robt Stagg 6.00 5403 Homes by Lafayette 6.00 5408 Southern B~tl Tel & Tel 6.,40 DEPOSIT FUND-April 16 Acct of Frank ~asek 7.50 " "Mrs Alice Cummings 7.50 Blackman Construction 7.50 Acct of Chas Bray 7.50 ' ~ Thaisa Nlcnols 7.50 " "Robt Stagg 7.50 Homes by Lafayette 7.50 Acct. of Maute Industries 7.50 1768.38 134.50 1902.88 3927.61 ~-~,394.56 .. 24.41 47.00_ 60,00 TOTAL 633.41 PAY~tENTS ~E GENEB~i 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 APRIL FUND-April 17 Keatts Truckin9 Service $138.70 Jos. Cittadino 13,40 City of Boynton Bcb (PC) 68.03 Boynt. Bch ~hamber of Commerce 65.23 CadillacEngravers 2.56 5verglade Paper Co. 18.30 " " " 6.10 First Bank of Boynton Bch 12.55 r~a. Power & Light Co. 43.30 Donald S Lavigne Inc. 99.05 Riggs Bros Inc. 38.50 Risker Materials Corp. 12.66 Steel City of Broward 47.83 17 WATER Fb~D-April 17 5404 Leon Cloutier 5405 Hayden Billman 5406 Brenco Inc, 5407 Marbet Inv Co MSTER DEPOSIT FWD-April 3825 Acct of Wm McPhail 3826 Guy D. LaRupetle 3827 Harry Geller 3828 Acct of 3on Merke! 3829 " "Leon Ctoutier 3830 " "Brenco 38~! " "Hayden Bi!iman 3832 " "Shirley Perry 3833 " "LeRoy Lang 3834 " ~ Brenco 3835 " "~arbet Inc. 3836 " "~itch Joannes 3837 " "~' Jakomas 4.60 6. O0 1.30 2.80 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.~0 7.50 7.50 7.50 7 TOTAL GENERAL F~D-April 18 4742 University at Boca Raton End.Fnd I00.00 7.41 15.85 161.63 98.85 Tel Co. 4743 Southern Bell Tel & 4744 O on's Firestone 4745 The Florida News Co. 4746 The ~ain% Kettle 4747 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 135.04. ~ATER FLeD-April 18 5411 D urland Vosburgh 5412 ~rs. Alma A!anne 5413 Jas. MacIntyre 5414 G.W. Reynolds 5415 Jas. E. Reichard 5416 E d Chase 5417 Clarence West 3.50 6.00 6.00 5.20 4.90 5.20 4.00 565.7i 14.70 97.50 677.91 518.78 PAY[~IBTqTS ~E APRIL WATER Fb%~D-April 18 Cont'd 5418 Alton Ireland 5419 Winning Edwards 5420 Jos. Byrnes 5423 JohnBailitz 5424 Helen Northrup 5425 Jas. P. Murphy 5426 Ronald J. Fruda 5427 City of Boynton Bob METER DEPOSIT FUND-April 18 (PC) 3838 D urland Vossburgh (Acc% of) 3840 Jas. ~aclntyre 3841 G.W. Reynolds 3842 Jas. E. Reichard " 3843 E d Chase 3844 Clarence West 3845 Oten McNutt " " 3846 Alton Ireland 3847 Winning Edwards " " 3848 Jos. Byrnes 3849 John Bailitz " " 3850' Helen Northrup " " 3851 Jas. P. Murphy SE?fEE DEPOSIT FUND-April 18 028 Clarence West 029 Acct of Geo. L. Parker 030 " ~ Olin McNutt SE~ER REVENUE P~NqD-Aprit 18 00t3 01in McNutt 3.50 4.60 5.20 6.00 3.10 2.30 150.90 34.12 244.52 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 97.50 7.00 9.10 7.~0 23.10 2.60 2.60 G~ERAL FUND-April 19 4748 City of Boynt. Bch. (Water) 142.86 4749 Fla. Power & Light Co. 112.58 4750 Guns of Detray Inc. 52.56 4752 Stevenson Seed Store 60.00 4753 U.S. Pencil Co. Inc. 13.50 ~ATER Fb~D-April 19 5428 Fla. Power & Light Co. 5429 City of Boynton Bch (Water) 5430 East Coast Fire Equip. METER DEPOSIT F~D-April 19 3839 Acct of Mrs. Alma Aianne G~4ERAL FUND-April 20 4754 J. Alex Arnette 4755 !st Fed. Sav& Loan Assoc 4756 John McGriskin 4757 Tereesa E Padget~ 4758 B A Meginnis, Att'y TOTA~ 886.50 381.50 29.29 148.26 35.00 212.55 7.50 7.50 TOTAL 601.55 4.00 17.35 20.94 25.00 15.00 PA~7~ENTS MADE APRIL GF~WERA~ FLrND CONT'D-Apmii 20 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 Leon Grummons $ 84.00 E. M. Hale g Co. 37.23 Eia. East Coast R.R. Co. t.00 Thus. A. Summers 19.75 City of Boynton Bch (PC) .... City of Boynton Bch (PR) 9168.55 ~AT~ FUND-April 20 5431 Fla. East Coast R.R. Co. 5432 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 5433 " " " " (PF) G~qEP~ 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 WATER 5434 5435 5436 5437 5438 1.00 1.23 2206.59 . 2208.82 TOTAL t1701-~--1 FunD-April 23 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 70.06 Gee E & Frances H Keller .84 1st Fed. Savings & Loan Assoc. i05.38 Guns of Detray Inc. 66.00 De~a_d S Lavigne Inc. 52.0~ Pitney-Bowes Inc. 18.00 Te~eesa E Padgett 7~.00 Wood,Cobb,Robinson,Ealcon~Let%s !.0~ FbT~D-April 23 U.S. Postoffice 780.00 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 28.83 ~ m ~armaduke 40.00 Henry Thompson 3.10 Fla. Power & Light Co. 142t.22 METER DEPOSIT ~3ND-April 23 3852 Acct of ~ m G Scbmeider 3853 " "~atter Tui!is 3854 " "Edward Crandali 3855 " ~ Robt James 3856 " "Henry Thompson FUND-April 24 Freeman Cabinet Co. Southeastern Nat'! Gas Corp. The Bond Buyer Gene Aoore City of Boynton Bch (PF) " ~ " (Water) Tropical Acres Restaurant City of Boynton Bch (PC) Tbs Bond ~yer Fla. Prin~ing Go. Haeley's Hunnicutt & Assoc. Inc. J. Alex Arnette Stan Sheets Photography GENER_AL ~773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 4782 4?83 4784 4785 4786 WATER FUN~-April 24 5439 City of Boynton Bch (PC) 5440 American ~ater~orks Supply 5441 Gulf S~ream Lumber , ,388.37 2273.15 7.50 7.50 7i50 7.50 7.50 7.56 236.25 315.00 129.04 165.08 35.76 91.72 73.5~ 120.00 25.00 178.05 8.05 81.00 37.50 2699.02 1467.18 7.18 98.29 48.58 TOTAL ' !54.q5 1621.23 PA~M~TS }AADE APRIL GENERAL 4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 FOND-April 25 Trustees of In,ernst Improve. $ 50.00 City of Boyn~on Beh (PC) 32.09 J. B. Henderson i00.00 John M. Tuite 80.00 Fla. Power & Light Co. 209.21 Gene Moore 35.00 United Eng. Mfg Co. 38.61 V otunteer Firefighter 9,00 553.91 ~ATEB 5442 FU%FD-April 25 Power & Light Co. 70.13 TOTAL 70.13 624.04 G~d~ERAL 4795 4796 4797 4798 FbT~D-April 26 InterNat'l City Mgr's Assoc. 12.00 Guns of Deiray Inc. 219.00 Fla. Power & Light Co. 3411.24 City of Boyn%on Bch (~ater) 90.78 3733.02 B7ATER FJMD-April 26 5443 Cheney Bros. 41.45 Neptune Meter Co. 5444 520.86 5445 Fla. Power & Light Co. 425.53 5446 Geo. H. Redfern 4.00 5447 Sam Cuc¢ia 4.30 5448 Carl Cape!la 5.60 5449 Meal Miller' 4.00 5450 Andrew Farissier 6.00 5451 C ~ Thomas 3.40 1015.14 MISC. F~ND-April 26 21277 Sara $_mms Mem Gardens METER DEPOSIT FL~4D-April 26 ,14oo.oo 3857 Ruth Cline Brock 7.50 3858 Acc% of Geo. H. Redfern 7.50 3859 ~ ~ C A Ostrom 7.50 3860 " " Sam Cuccia 7.50 3861 " " Carl Capella 7.50 3862 " " Braden ~. Souders 7.50 3863 ~ = Neai Miller 7.50 3864 " " Chester Hanson 7.50 3865 " " Consolidated Dev. Co. 7.50 3866 '~ = Andrew Earissier 7.50 3867 " ~ C. W. Thomas ~.50 TOTAL G~.~ERAL YL~D-Apri! 27 4799 Boynton Bch Ne~s 20.30 4800 ~ " Chmbr of Commerce 243.72 4801 " " (PC) 2312.79 4802 Frankhouse Elec Supply 62.07 DS¢~ Beacon Sports Center 80.62 4804 3. Alex Arnette 2.05 4805 Benjamin gaffe 12,182.71 4806 Na~'l Recreation Assoc. t5.t6 1400.00 82.5._9o 6230.66 PAYMENTS MADE APRIL G~ERAL FUND CONT'D-April 27 4807 Sport's Haven 4808 B A Meginnis 4809 City of Boynton Bch 4810 Pla. Power & Liph% Co. 4811 Alfred Lessi9 36.75 6.69 59.59 32.26 44.91 WATER FUND-April 27 5452 American Waterworks Supply 274.02 5453 Pla. Dust Control 6.00 5454 City of Boynton Bch (PF) 844.95 FgND-April 30 City of Boynton Bch " " " " *IC) Distr. Dir. of Internal Rev, A ddressograph-Multigraph G~iERAL 4812 4813 4815 4816 WATHR FUND-April 30 5455 City of Boynton Bch (PF) 5456 ~ ~' " "(PC) 5457 Addressograph 2 - $ 295.60 3 - 1277.64 4 3766.24 5 14,468:57 6 12,565.20 9 189.15 10 13,I67.07 Ii - 1t,684.56 12 - 1902.88 13 - 25,394.56 16 - 633.41 17 - 677.91 18 - 886.50 19 - 601.55 20 - !1,701.51 23 - 2699.02 24 - ~ ~ozt.23 25 - 624.04 26 6230.66 27 16,224.59 30 . 8901.6~ April APRIL TOTAL 135,513.57 !5~O99.62 1124.97 TOTAL 16,224.59 2033.25 80.28 3252.88 83.13 54 9.54. 213.88 ~8 08 120.18 352.14 TOTAL 8901.68