Minutes 04-09-62BOYNTON BMCH, FLf~IB~., MONDAY, ~T,T] 9, 1.962 Thi~ zz~e:~fl~ ~s. c~ll~d t~ orde= :at ?':3(l p. Zno by Mayor Pipes. Invocation was, g£v~n bT ~e,~ 0_ Earl DoWney. Mr. :S,u/~r~ers m~v, ed that ~¢I~nnt~s ~f M~ch 19, 28, 3~L ~e accepted Motion ~ec~ded by i%lr..Archi~ and una~sly c~rried. Mr. He, der'son rec~aended tt~t lime,ho~se b~.~I be awarded ~:o ~-k~ek~ F~re. ~ose Gc~o fa~ed t~ ~ee~ sp~c~¢aMo~s o ~. Made:eh ~o~e~i the ~eco~r~n~nfl~ion he acc~pt~ MOticm seconded bT/Vlr. Arch~e and ~mauir~o~y c~rried.. Bids were opened far Givic ~Gen~er Bo~da ~ follows: First National ~ 1V, iazni and Oscar .I)ooley & C~. $.t30,000. accrued lift,,rest ]~ecem:b~r I0~ 1961 averag,~ i~te~est 5.563%, Clieck $2600 e]lcl. Fo S. S~itke~s & ,C~. snl~rnitt, ed. hy PIar~ey, O~er $1~0~ 35Z. 30, plus s, ccrued Lu~eres:t: eff~ciive flute~es~ r~t-e 3.47763. Check $2600. -e~cls. C~adbody: & Os,, 1;~alrn Beach- $130, (t67.6,0 interest 3.81886, $Z600 check. T. l~elso~ ~O~i~(~.~rke, i~yg. ona ]Seach: Fla. by Firsi Natl, Bank,. Delray ink,rest 3~ 6,87766 - $130,088. C~sh£e~"'s cl~eck SZ(~00. t~idm to b~ t~baI~ted at in~ermissio~. · l~ublic ,~dience: Kerestley, pr0party an6 fo, u~ ~ pre~s ~thout ~ilat f~l~i~ a~d ~t o~ ~ams were full ~ ~ ~eating a m~q~ita me~cc. Ha reg~sl~d t~t co~l -Z- ~to sornething aboat this liealth core, titian. iv:~. ii~(l~::.~d u~a~iz~ously carTied. A//r. A/atio~ey.~o~e~i theft tk~ C.i~y ~oz~ay q]te, ck further into the $i 0,. O0 ~irag~:eeme~t ~ ~ si~awa~ ~ssi~ ~e.r :con~t ~ the of Boy.on Be~ch. ~o~ion sec.~ded b,y ~r. ,~c~e and ~mo~sly La refere~c~ to t~ letter fr(~m Ocean ~Idge, Air. Mat~o~e% 3~o~ed t~t the City Adminis~ :secure, a p~c~ !~ga~d~g :~er :~e a-~d aec~y that ~d ~i~n r~po~ fr~ ~. ~oore, ~/,i~' seconded by ~r', ~,u~mers ~ an~o U~Iy ~arried, /~lr. t~aho~ey raacle i~qt~iry i~ regar~ parc~ses aver $~0,00 ~'; ~i~ =eferred to a resol~ pam~ed ~ t9~0 whi~ ~vas authority ~. re, g~e Ihzs ~ t~r as ~ey ~y fro~ t~a ~o ~-e ~cri~e, ~d that-ea~ co~c~'~e~ be gi~e~ a copy. ~'. }~on~y ~o~d that .~I bi~s be ~p~roved hy ~ ~e~ers of co~c~, if av~b~, and th~ moiety, a f~ list of ~ bills p~d, he pzes~ed to council ~o~a~ fo~, ~ppro~.d bY cou~c~.~ t~t,it be~me a pa~ o~ ~he ~tes of tke ~eeting. M~ion seceded by ~. -~cAi~. ~w~o~y ~n~. ~ck~e vo~ed ~o~,. - ~everi~g. b~ io~ ~'. ~hoae~s motion, ~e ~tio~ c~ied 3-Z. the i ~%terzniss~o~%,, .coun~cil ~ahulat~d the bids !n ~ke -'~uret, Hills se~ction of ~e G~ty~, ~. ~s~ ~acomme~ded that the ~ ~3~. b~e~ ~ 7th Cou~ 8~ ~tr~et h~ relo~e~ ~t ~ lan~ ~at is ~t] ~i~ down the cea. er by g ~eet, i~ch as ii i~ ~ar ~rk io~po~es. ~r. ~ey ~oved that the .Ci~ ~o. rney be a~thorized to prep~e ~Sty c~ried. '~e City,A~.rniniatma~or rec.~mnae~ed thai tlze Ckty ~d~erti~e for bi~ te ad~ertis= f~r .bi.~ f~ g~b,age pi~ ~co~ ~e'spe:~c~i~ dra~n ap by la..er be appr.o, vad. ~Otio. n seconde-~hy ~r. ~chie a~ u~i~usly c~i.ed. tVIr. ,Arc,lite mevecl that the City advertise for bids f~ g~mera/ insurance with bids ret~rnab/e ~i~y ~th.. k4otio~ seconded by krLr., i~a~L~en and unan/~o~sty carri ed. i~g~r o ~chie ~aoved that the department reports he accepted. )~iotion the licez~se reqaesI of l{ene Ooumti~e, 1QOZ ~. Fede~ fo~ food ~i~omey and unctuously carried. -4-