Janet Harris, Chair
Terry liames, Vice Chair Brenton Rolle, Center Supervisor
Andrew Richardson
Jean Young
Marsha Bionta
Michael Brevda
Margaret Newton
Jennifer Gomez
Chair Harris called the meeting to order at 2:22 p.m.
The members recited the pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Chair Harris called the roll. A quorum was present. Chair Harris noted the term for Terry
liames, Vice Chair, is up for renewal in December and she should submit her application.
Michael Brevda also called to advise he would not be present. Mr. Brevda will be notified
by the City his membership has to be renewed and she will remind him as well. Chair
Harris was unable to contact Margaret Newton and she needed to be made aware of the
attendance policy. Mr. Rolle had not heard from her. She attended her first Board
meeting and Chair Harris thought she would be active. Ms. Gomez had advised she could
not attend as FPL showed up to connect her power. The members had agreed the
agendas would be mailed to the home address. It was noted Ms. Bionta had previously
indicated she was not comfortable with her address being on the membership list. It was
explained only the Chair receives a copy of the Board list although the list is subject to
inspection due to the Sunshine Law.
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 2, 2017
2. Adoption
Vice Chair liames moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Richardson seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (for July 10, 2017 meeting)
Vice Chair liames moved to approve the July 10th minutes. Ms. Young seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
A. Review full scale Health Agreement
Chair Harris asked if there was anything discussed regarding the health agreement and
clarified this had to do with the City entering into an agreement that nearly eliminates junk
food from City vending machines. She inquired if there was any input on anything that
the members should discuss. Mr. Rolle responded the members did not have to comment
as it would not be instituted at the Center, but members could review it for their own
edification. It is a nutrition program with Healthier Boynton Beach and it was geared more
around the after school and summer programs. They implemented it during the last school
year, this year and this past summer. It stopped the sweet snack vendors from coming
to camp on Fridays and delivering sweet items. They made other alterations to the
program including a focus on fitness routines and they instituted blood pressure checks
for the after school program. It does not really apply to the Senior Center. Initially, the
program focused on blood pressure checks. At the after care programs, there is a timed
run, a body fat caliper, if they signed off for it, and there will be periodic checks. Vice
Chair liames noted a lot of youth have high blood pressure. The blood pressure checks
are done by after care counselors, but there are machines that can gauge the pressures
and notify the parents. The agreement remained the status quo
B. Plans on:
1. Photographer
Mr. Rolle distributed a list of 16 trending topics for seniors and advised they will decide
one or two activities. Mr. Rolle obtained the list from senior trends across the United
States Mr. Rolle bought coloring books and colored pencils that has to do with fine motor
skills. Puzzles strengthen the brain. Vice Chair liames asked if the coloring books are
bigger or wider and learned they are almost magazine size. Vice Chair liames noted
some members have trouble with their vision and if the pictures are very small, they are
hard for patrons to color. The starting point was a direct link to Amazon where Mr. Rolle
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 2, 2017
reviewed them. He bought a set of coloring books and they can duplicate the pages. The
books are listed as adult coloring books. Mr. Rolle researched activities in the area and
developed a list and then staff can determine where there is interest. Vice Chair liames
thought the coloring book was satisfactory and chair exercising was ongoing. Dancing
classes were ongoing. She asked about laughter yoga and learned it is teaching people
to learn how to laugh as a breathing exercise. Mr. Rolle had met with a woman about it
and if it was decided it would be an activity the Center would offer, they would have an
instructor. Chair Harris liked all the listed activities. Vice Chair liames liked the coloring
book hour and noted the Center already has puzzles. She liked the play dough modeling
class, which helps with hand dexterity. The personal video interviews would be awesome,
but the Center did not have a staff person to make them. Vice Chair liames explained
there was a man who made a lot of photos for free. Charlie Harrison will be back in town
at the end of October and he did volunteer work. Mr. Rolle had to have a space and time
to work on a schedule and questioned why the video interview would be used for. The
videos could be posted on Boynton's website and on a screen above the snack bar.
Further discussion ensued the video is valuable to the family and not so much to Center
patrons. Chair Harris also liked the show and tell of old photos. They displayed the
pictures and patrons tried to guess who was who.
Vice Chair liames commented there were no activities after 1 p.lā,,. as the number of
patrons dwindles. There are a few people playing cards and bingo is played after 3 p.m.
There is also mahjong, bridge or karaoke. Something else was needed between 1 p.m.
and 3 p.m. to draw patrons to the Center. Vice Chair liames explained seven patrons
wait for the 3 p.m. bus. She thought coloring books was also something they could do.
She would like to learn Tai Chi it is only available in the morning. She suggested offering
a class at 1 p.m. Chair Harris requested the members circle one item from the new list
they were interested in and giving it to Mr. Rolle. Vice Chair asked if the laughing yoga
class could take place in the afternoon. Mr. Rolle explained they first have to determine
the interest and then find a teacher.
Mr. Rolle preferred coming up with three to five activities. If there are enough people for
a class, they will find an instructor. Bird "feeding" necklaces, which are strands of bird
food for the outdoors was on the list of activities and all the activities, except the videos,
were related to manual dexterity. Yoga would involve greater movement, but all of the
classes were designed for seniors. Vice Chair liames noted paper mache masks could
be made and the play dough for the play dough modeling be used for something else.
Mr. Richardson thought zoo and bird necklaces would work. He and Chair Harris also
liked gardening classes. Vice Chair asked about buses and if there was a way to obtain
a bus for outings if they are back by a certain time. Mr. Rolle responded it is about
scheduling. Ms. Young noted the bus schedule for the lunch schedule are getting not
timely. Mr. Rolle responded it is a Mae Volen issue. Vice Chair liames thought they could
rent a bus or find out when they can use a bus for a time certain. Mr. Rolle explained it
is difficult because the buses are used for after care and when there is no school, the
buses are used for field trips. Vice Chair liames explained Ms. Blackman had commented
the buses were available at times. Buses are available between 8 and 12. The best
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 2, 2017
transportation would be a Palm Tran Style bus, but the City purchased a school bus. Vice
Chair liames wanted to know when the bus was available to plan something. There was
agreement an activity would have to take place in the morning. Mr. Rolle suggested
formulating a plan first.
2. Contest on old photos
3. Show and tell old items
Mr. Rolle will look into these items.
A. Discussion on Advisory Board format and duties
Chair Harris explained this item would be discussed at the January meeting. They also
wanted to discuss the Ethics as well at the January 8t" meeting.
Chair Harris noted the PBC Guide to Services 2017 was available. She explained it was
a guide to services. Vice Chair liames recalled at the last meeting, they had discussed
someone from the County come to the Center to talk about senior services. Mr. Rolle
explained he would want something specific to seniors and he would go through the Area
on Aging before going through the County as they have the direct resources and points
of contacts for seniors. Margaret Newton was not with the Area on Aging, rather she was
a volunteer with Healthier Boynton. At one point, the Center had the supervisors and
chief of police present discussing security and other issues in a guest format. She thought
a speaker from the Area on Aging might be appropriate in January. There are ways to
secure your purse and oneself when they are in the mall. The Board had also discussed
the timing of the lights make it difficult for seniors to cross the street; however, it is a
transportation and State issue.
C. Supervisors desk on current activities at center
Mr. Rolle advised items they purchased since last meeting included two new 100-cup
coffee pots. They replaced all playing cards for bridge, cardholders for those who cannot
hold cards, new six-deck shufflers for the social club and for bridge if needed as well as
new mats, shufflers and new equipment for the mahjong classes and the adult coloring
books. Notable activities or achievements were the semi-annual health fair on September
21St. They welcomed five new first time vendors. The sponsors provided the nicest
collection of door prizes they had in a while, including giving away a new 32-inch TV
donated by their main sponsor, Dr. Martha Rodriguez. Staff is establishing new
relationships in the community and he invites individuals as he meets them and as is
There will be presentations made this fiscal year. Amicus was at the Center earlier in the
day. United Health Care will make a presentation as would the Area on Aging and there
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida October 2, 2017
will be a number of individuals making presentations. Patrons only need to sign up for
the activity, which is free. This was open house week. It introduces people and provides
an opportunity for individuals to become involved with the Center. It will culminate with
the Annual Anniversary on Friday, but for information purposes available to the seniors,
it will continue and they waited until the snowbirds arrived.
Mr. Rolle commended staff explaining there was a situation that could have turned out
badly. He advised Staff helped maintain and sustain life until the paramedics arrived and
it was good to have staff people in place.
Mr. Rolle explained a man came to Mr. Rolle to say what a wonderful place the Center is
and he had lost his wife two years ago and the Center was a good source of comfort to
him. He just wanted to say how happy he was to be here. Vice Chair liames explained
there are a many people here that feel the same way. It gets them out of the house and
it is better than Mae Volen. She applauded Ms. Barborini and Mr. Rolle for saving a
woman's life.
Vlll. Amy Blackman āQ & A
A. Meeting for ethics scheduling
IX. NEXT MEETING: Monday, January 8, 2018 2:15 p.m.
Vice Chair liames moved to adjourn. Mr. Richardson seconded the motion that
unanimously passed. The meeting adjourned at 3:13 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist