Minutes 03-28-62BOYNTO~ BE~0~ ~ WED~A%~ MAP~!~ 287 1962. PRESENT~ This spec~ ~eet!ng ~s ca~e~ to ord~ ~y MayS~ Pipes at 3:10 P.M. Npon pr~se~t~ti~ of the ~iVic ~enter site and plus by M~yor Pipe~ 'V~ce Mayor ~ers move~ that plans and Ide'atiom as Submitted by the architects be ~c~ceDt~. ~otion seeon6ed by Co~ci~an ~{adsem and ~ua~imouaiy carried. ~_e Vice Mayer re%~es~ed that the record show that C0~ei~ ~chie was om% of the ~ity and not able to athend this special meet~g. Co,clean E~s~ mov~ the% w~ aeve~tise for bi~z on c0nst~ct}om of the ~,i~im ~emter ~ildin8s to be oDe~e:d May 7th at ~':~5 P,H.. Motion sebo~ded by ~Oo_nOi~ ~ho~ey smd ~i~Ods~ man ~&esen the Ci~ A~ministrator was Er{mted permis~ion~ by ~animoUs vote 6F {he Oonnoil to attend the 16~h a~al shops- oo~se for Cmty ~amage~s mn ~al~vmlle: iprml 29th t~ru ~y ~d. Go~cl~ Eahomey me, ed to reeensidem pre~o~s ~etion on pa~%t~ ~/csr %0~srs. Ho~ion seuonde& by Vmee Mayor ~ers and un~mensly Carried. ~e~c!l$~ ~zhorzey ~ved that the CiSy of Boynt~n,Be~eh the ~o~t of e~ms~K~ti0n f~S~ a~ tko ~el~ee o~ $-~34.00 ~be t~n from publicity f~ ~ ~ [Mc tion ~o~ed by Vice N~er S~brs ~d ~ami~0~y I~mSCrial D~o~i~- f~s amd a~d the bid in the ~o~t of $7~0.~0 bO. B~y, .Signs,, ln~. ta 0aint ~he south to, er. Notion seconded by Vi~e~ ~Yor ~ers ~ ~uimomsiy carried. [ we~ ~e~Urmed to the bi~der~ who T~e ~ty ~ttp~y asked theft ~he ~,e~d ~efle~t that the sit~ ~o~ ~h~ ~ ~ourb a~ aPprov~ is d~S~i~ as lo~s ~ ~ ~ Bmi~~ ~ ~ ~e tO~t~ ou ~i~s 3~ ~ ~ ~ block i~, ~ers Addition. from Gao~ga D~vis of t~ir app~al