Minutes 03-12-62MIt~UTES. OF. SPEC~kL ~T~ ~.~ OF CITY OOUlqC~ ~r.n I~ CITY I~LL,
~A ~o~y c~rried.
secozxtecl by i~. ,Surmrn~rs. and tmgnimously carrie~l.
of a3,3Lay~ am~t,~L~ :,~'~, seconded by lk~. _A~ct~e ~ ~~y. ogrri~d.
Pablic ~zenee.
l~y~m ~ip~s~ r~iev~l the request '~f J~ Ker-~s$1~ for ~e~aw~
lng ~r. ~Keg~s~yt'~appe~rauce be~o~e co~cil ~thia
- O
$~n~mner~s: %%rhai~hours do ~ou~-wort~? A. 7:30 a.ra4 to 6.3 p.m.
./~i~ l~i~'pgs:~ The .G~ty is in a~ pasitzan of h~g o way ~o r~e,~e, gr ~i~ of
the in~vid~ ~1 have tot~ re~se.
iVir~.,.~]~r~ e~s: Z601 Lake E~Lve - ~ThLa t,s' ~ ~ig~%y ~d, ~n =~ sit,~io~.
It d~a~t~a ~e prop~ ~ ~e e~ire ar'e~, I do ~o~ ca~ ~o llve ~ ~y ~efr~
ho~e be:~se of t~s a~d~ ~te to se~ prope~ ~se .~ the eye~ore. I ~ve
~ ~f t h~ ~ i~ ~d he there before I bou~kt ~y proper~ t ~o~ not have
bou~t ~Qper~ ~ Bo~o~ Beach,
Mr. Mad~en~ _AJce yo~ iJxtending to move as ,was told roe.sometime ago?
IVir..K~res~lel[: No. I don~ [ntahd to zno~e.
~r ~pes: ~0~ ~g ~ yaB b~n ~here ? A..Fo~ yF~rs~ The zoo~mg
if it~ hec~zn'es
~ ~n~i.ed ~nanimo~sly.
~rou~ ~ ~t:,~s 'o~n~ h~ ~ a, ~o~ t.o ~ayh~ back ~y .~a~ he wo~d
z~ ~p~d ~r~ ~c~ts ~e~dme~ t.a ~d that, t~ three
t~ re~fe~e~2 ~o ~he proposal t.o discount z~ote,.on the pro~r~ adjac~ ~o
by ~r. ~m~' r~ ~d ~O~y