Minutes 02-19-62i~[NIJTE~ 0.~ t~GUIJA!~ Iv~TIN~ OF CITY COUNCIL HELI~ AT ~CITY HAt J,, B,OYNTON BE~C~H, F,LoRID~-~J~BP~UAItY 19, 196Z Feb. 1 Zth - f~he a~d !oro~eCto unanimously c~rried. o~ ~he. ~Oceazz people of-Said d~tes. of ~Om~[s~ Club ¢. be~u~.~ ~e~ :m~, ~,5.00. ~. a~owe~. M~ion ,{ m~Wi~ .days bid be aaca~:~ ~ tha ~;~o~g bi~., HiJ C ;~ Be. ak SZ, 150.'.00 Bu~uR a ~ I~e ~O~ of $i,679.50 ~ r acommen~ed ~ Izk.~az~e ~:o cemez~ asbestos ipip~¥ the ~Ci~y A~i~st~or get a re~rt;~ich ~ gz~a.~ou~c~ ~oze ~o~io~, t~e~-~ar~, this ~1 ~bir..Archie reeved that the Ch7 Corm cha~ge the ~li~y as. to lot ~eari~ ~ ~he ~ ~d moved that i~the f~l lons de~ed ta be Pk?htic A~dtence: Tke:refare, t~S perem~ side Gar~e~ ~o~ appear. ~ leave no ~ofce~ ~ :~e me~ars of ~eI City The Otk~ r .~ue s~ion, ~ c~s~e~ ~ his, ~ea ~g ~k~ ~ W~ the ~o~1 Caste b~o~g o.ve~r ~ · ~ris~ ~ ~t.~es ~ bad ~,0 ~ Tkat ~i~rI~gz~ ~ co~ma ,i~l:~, .this i~u~ by rnak~mg_pe-~o~aI lar~p~y tax in re~g~ct;iO o~a~n~ a ~t~g 'wzhich she de~e~ to. cLomaY~a ~oz ,~:e Cas/~ro.~ about, the :i~ez~ific~tio,n .o£ ga~t~g,~ ,~gaimat a~ offez~ter ~ to d~ ~0~ l~e ~ Aa~e e~i~eer co~e~ ~a see ~ ~ty.h~, ~y us, e for Let&er f~orn A~rs. Young in regarc~Dopetiti,an oppo~ u~ed lot at Se~crezt BlvOi..and tBth ~ve~ .w~s ~ckn,avzledged by Ma~y~r_P~pes. lv~r.,A~ chic moved the request, of tko Paim Beach G aunty Council PTA for aseof ~e Comdl e~mbera 0~118~ ~ hold ~ ~ee~g ~ l~_ro .Sun.reefs moved the r~quesi for an a~ ~ Pa/mn B_each ~r. G~eg~ Ye~ Bo~k he :allo~ed ~n the am~' ~.$~7.50. ~o~on se~ed by Mr. ~o~ey ~ mnfmoasly c~rieE -5- Om ~h~ r-a¢lm~st mf J~aI~-S~£dl far ~tainimg l~:.~f L, ~, B1, 6, Moti~ s'eco-~d~d 'a-~ :~'.4,,;~e~t ~nz:]. ~m:la.,m~l~-ausly carrie, cl. . ~i~ ~r~ay read Or--ce 6Z-Z zag~tiz~ parking .of trucks in res.idek~ objectiona ~0~' f~S'.ma~er. ~ ~ied ~mo~y. Mr. ~Ie~!ezson requesSed, pezuzsiss~on ~ ob~n bi~ fez f~e hose ~ 500' - 1 I/2"t~S.~ a~ t, OOO~ c~ried. 9.30 l~.xn · / /