Minutes 02-08-62A/~NUTES Ot~ ,~CI~A-L/vf~ETIiNG HELD. BY TI-L~i C~TY COUNCIL OF THE OITYCF BOYt~TON B~CPi IN CITY HALL, TI~iD~tSD~Y, FE~BI{UAtkY 8, t96Z o GEtWE M OOt~E, CITY A'rTOI{NEY J. B,o H~RSON, CITY ADMIN. TEl~ ~,S-~ P~OETT, CI/[Y C~_J~t72K Thi~Sp~cial Meeting~as called ~o order by the l/i~¥or at 10:40 A.M. to diKpose -of ~ke Ltems left on the_3kgenda~ wke~mthe l~.egul~ G,Ou~cil Meeting of t he previo~s }~io~ld~y everiin~ ~s a~o~e~. Vice Mayor .Su~nmers moved that the.mozzth!5~ repo~s submitted seceded by Co~cil~ ~e ~d ~i~O~ c~rried. Mayor Pipes read a ~equeat from Bill lviarma~[uke .for a zoing/s~ba~ ~ariamce oa.~t ll,,Black 5,/~oodcrest ,Mem., Co~m~k~¢ moved that ~. ~ad~e he-.~ed a v~e a=d he permi~d ~< bu~ on Councilman Amchie moved that the foll~ng ~nen he appoLuted ~o serve on the.Board ~f.idjusZm~nt Iay. Sa~o Z years ~illiarn Yates Z years Merle ]~ougkty 5 years I)ave:~$wcank. 3 ye~s Motion Seconded by Vice M~yer.Summers and ananina~usly carried. Afayor Pipes annou3aced the change in the .awitchboar¢l at City Hall in that all Ci~ ~epartments ca~ now' be reached through the board and that sai~ board wi~ remain open ~e~es~ay a~ernoons. ¥ice May~r S~mers was reqaesie~lby lvlayor.Pipes to choose a~o~her ~aenaber of ~,~ctt to serve .on ~ co,~it~ee ~th ~ ~ ~eet..~th the offi~s of Ocean ~idge ta get the em ' ers of ~ g~ the~ ~i cipali~ es togeth~ o~ ~ fig~e for the ~vatue or'water lines in Oc~n ~idge~