Minutes 01-03-62 / I~LA.LL, BOYNToN BE~Ci-I_, FLORID_4,,~ J-42~UAl~T CITy /v~r. ~ickle ma~e infinity re aJ~di~ .... ~, .~o~8 ~ .... y a~ ~e ~s c~ Adviso ~=~he ~eeti~ ~ be ~d n~ ~On~y eying., i~t~_-~· regard.~ t~ re~est of ~le~r~Fie~ ~ ~d $i, 981,A0, ~= ~__ _ ~8k reg~ the =~.: P zorn. g , be gr~tedac~r~. ~, ' ~ t~e rsq~est of ~enia Be~ Clark expl~ed ~isw~u--i%sr~e%ld ~'e ~ ~er ~d W~e. lice~e~ the request be me~ed this ~ t~ C~ef ~ ~fro~ C~ef SWa~ ~he :ecom- City ~r~Y ~e, ad ~din~ce 61-41 lev~g _~s,ess~ ro~, .4dO Bt. ~ 1st ~ven~e. Mr. read~g. ' '~ ~o~d ~ final -Z- 3k r'~sol~itioiz was r'~d TeC~ezid/ZLg that effice be cre~.te, ct ~ishiixg ~!ads~.z~o~e.~l ih~ re.solmtion he. ad~l~e~l~ ~eco~idacl bit ~. :Pipes carried. Dr, /~ikes, ot~tgoing CQUr~ciIzrm~ stat.e~t it had,hee~ a p=i~ileg~ ~d ~ ch~e; tO ~e ~d reprea~:~e peop~. T~,,~A it ~ g ~g ~ ~gk ~d zt zs neces~ar, y fo~ ~mdz' ~ ~ ~e c~clu~ed ~ hl~, ~e~ . was ~ - - ~s by .~fatl ~ .f ~t ot g!~ it'~as o~r in ~a~ re. spe~s, ~ ~ ~-at s~ver~ ~e~s ~go; he ~de th~ ~e,~e~ Zha~ everyone ~ to h~ in b~i- -3- and ~oad~e~a. ~I~yor. ...... u.y - , ~ ~d ~ITY OF BOYNTON BEAV2{ January 3, 1962 NON-CML SERVICE POSITIONS City Admimistrater Mmnieipal Jmdge Judge Ad Lit~m City Attorney Planming & Iusp. Director Pmblicity & Personnel Officer Council Secretary CIVIL SERVI CE POSITIONS Supt. of Public Services City Clerk, Tax Collector & Ae~img Tax Assessor Finamce Director Parehasing Agent City Treasurer Fire Chief Recreation Director Chief ef Police Building Inspector Plumbing Inspector Electrical Inspector All Deputy Clerks continue status qu~ J. B. Henderson Martin Durktm Jack Call Gene ~Ioere Ditek Grectenbeer Ann Hilliar~ Eathleen Kirton Zell Taylor Tereesa Padgett Olive Wallace Jchn Peterson Rena Carrier Jack Taite George Johnson E~ward Swank Harold Blanchette Wm. McKechmie Leon Grum~ons January 3, 1962 ,BUILDING BOARD~ .BOARDS (chairman t~ be elected by the Boar~) Ed Hurfer~ Jack ~addex Nfs. ~m. Van Devender Richar~ Ne~lam Heward Austin Tereesa Pa~gett 3yr. yr. 2yr. lyr. yr. (Boar~ to elect ehairma~) CIVIL SERVICE APPEALS ~ N~lt~ard, Secretary te Beard (chairman te be el~¢te~ by 5 members) Olamde T. Bewles, Master Electrician Willard Bry~ut, Journeyman Electrician ~be~ Been, ~ John T~te, F~e ~lef L~n G~s, ~Spec~er (last year) (last year) (first year) (first year~ (first year) (first year) (first year) 2yr. 2yr. 2yr. 2yr. lyf. lyr. lyr. lyf. lyf. wJ.W. GTRICIAL BOARD CF APPEALS James Feldcamp, Easter Electrician Nilfer~ Bob Ssheurer, Lee Greenleaf, Journeyman Jack Stewart, Laymam PLUMBING BOARD William ~cKechnie, Inspector George James, Master Plumber C. A. Ostrem, Journeymam Frank Kirkeby Walter Nadsen, ~a~eilman INDUSTRIAL BOARD Eagene Nahlmeister Ray Zempa L~u Samyn Sam Greene RECREATION AND PARKS BOARD Earle Waters charles Gerdon John Norton George ~ite Mrs. Dawes Rutherford Mrs. Nary ~huhi Bob Nitt zemwey 2 yr. 2yr. 2 yr. 2yr. 2 yr. 2yr. 2 yr. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Stanley Weaver Rebert Ryd Bill Wehlleb Dr. Jack Ramlston Joe H~mphr ey Bill Tirsbier War~ C~mmLugs LIBRARY BOARD Nfs. Herbert Keatts Mrs. Eark White Mrs. Gaylen C~e4wim Mrs. Edy%h Hoed Mrs. Helem Brull Walter Lacey Tommie Syprett Rober Chamberlaim 1 yr. 1 yr. 1 yr. lyr. 1 yr. tyr. 1 yr. 1 yr. 1 yr. 1 yr. lyf. lyr. 1 yr. 1 yr. lyr. (last year) (last year) (last year) (last year) (first year) (firs% year) 1 yr. !yr. tyr. 1 yr. lyr. 1 yr. 2yr. 2 yr. 1 yr. 2 yr.