Minutes 02-05-62~NUTES OF i~G{ILAI~ 1ViE~.TIN~ I-I~T*]7 IN C'OUNCIL CPIA~B~I{~ AT CITY E.&EL, BC~YNTON BE~CH, FLOtLIDtk, MfLNDAY ~.FEBt~U~i~Y 5, ]~96Z ill Bruce .Pav~eI1,.Sto_ ~omeph ~p~copal Church ~ve the i~vo~ai-ian~ }Jiayor Pipes anr~oanced tha~ Air..Skepa~d x~r~uld he i~ ]~yz/to~ ~e~ck ibis ~ecLue.sclay in .regard. ~o the sewe~ pzogra~a o by Mr. Mmhoney ~d un~mous!y carried. as ~r~e~. ~tio~seco~ded hy Mr. ~ amd ~mou~ly carried. I~r. Mads~ dtsc~-ssec[tke p~obtem bronght abo~ut by ke~ea be~een b~l~g~ ge~g very ~gha~ ~ns~ng comp[~s f~m t~a~rs t~t it ckeck ~itk Mr. Grao~e~oer on ~s m~a:. Air. A~v:chie: s~gges1~ed ~ke five rna~ Board of ~d~.u~strne~t he appoint ed~ This matter to be discussJed and de.~i dod at ki~yor:Pipe~ introduced Iviayo. r MacD~atcl of Ocean ~dge~, wtzo was a member 0£ the aa~lienceo l~ir. Su~n~ra brougl%t up fc~ discussion the charg~ ~nade cha~ged ~d ~e ~e ~ade o~ a io~ge deal ~d ~ per ~o~tio~ by ~. ~chie th~/kis ~a~er be tamed aver to City ~ttorney to dra~ ap proper leg~ f~ms ~d br~ back to coa~eil for a~ion. At 7:45 p.m. the bids we.ne opened as £o~laV¢~: (See copy a2~ched~ anam~m,o~y c~rie~. 4 ~ ~m0= ~e~e~; ~e~k, Ne~ ~er sey seconded hy ~..,~:'~:e .~ ~mo.~y ca~ied. f[ids on l~o~ice. Car were ~p~ned as follows: 1. ~,~{ ~ra3~ae Find- $Z, 191.58 ~ Ford, less SZOO. .z, ~,: ~4~~ :~r~s~er, ~c, .wP~, ~ $.Zz4a,s~ ~e~'$~o, Sa~y - ~5 ~ys. M~:. ~chi~ ,mo~ed tka~ the bkd~ he turned ove~ to ~. ~honey, ~f - S~ank, Mr .'H~dex~ for~tab61~on a~ bro~h~ back to Corneal ~or reco.~enda tion. Summus seceded ghe m~i~ whi~ car~ed ~momly. Thomas Can~vaa, 509 N. E. 4t2~ 8treeZ ~de inquiry,/n r~g~rd to ceme~ ~atos pipeand re~¢~ged i~rm~ion aa to why Amerio~ made prod~ts ~e not us~ ~e base& his reasOn~n~ O~ the f~t ~at mamy p.~ple are o~ of work ~d he fe~ loc~ p~ple skould be looka~ ~ter, Mx. Plillcoa~, Z~OO Lake Ik4ve (taxpayer] ~tate,d he ~elt business sAould be~ ¢o~ed ~a Axneria~n made prad~cts, tie felt in s.a]ic~t~ng bids should be restricted io do-n~eatic zna~ufac~urers o lViro ,N.S. Bickte, Z15S~.W. 8th ~ve~e (taxpayer) s.t~e~d he ~ C ~.te~ter from Hm~nic~tt ~ ~ss~c~Kaa w~ read ~. ~ckte ~e~ ~at ~s itom ~ put out lo ~..~oney ~agges,te~ thai ~si~ss' ~we~e~ be ~e~ed in, that he felt ~a ~as Ihe f~ ~7 ~.0 ~ b~iness p~op~ ~ inve~.oxie.s p~posat f~o~ H~m~zc~ be s.~t~. Mo~ion s~conded by ~r.~s~ a~d unseemly c~rri~. l~r. ~ ~. ~raahbo2~ offereet the -~ t~e.e b~l~ng.s ~ be moved f~om r~ay pro~r~ on o~..~fore ~cemher- S1, 196Z. Mr~.S~rs. moved the o~er ~ r:ej~c~ed in ~t it~o,~d cost ~ore ~O~On ~eeo~ed by ~r..Arc~e ~ ~i~ousty A/ir. Henderson advised that there is a 6t easernez~t~ for atLlities an the prop~r~ at. ~ ~ew post ~ice site ~d he re:~e~ed the request. of I~e pos/~ offiC~ d~e~ be ~t~d ~ that_the ~ida ~wer ~d ~ C:o. h~d relea~d ~is aase~t. · be~ pr~pare~ a~d brecht backto =o~c~ ~r ~prov~ an~ ~r. H~d~rson ~o writ~ th~ ~st~ a~o~ities a ~e~a~ stat~ co~l~,s ~. ~otion sec~d by ~. ~ey and n~ously c~rried. carried. a check u~g p~b~c f~ds, them 1~ ~ 99 ~/~ ~i~ they p~d ~e l~t..~e ~ey W~: pa~ased s~ 95 an.~ if riley dollars b~t .by p~uvck~si~gas a~ove mentioned, SOmeOneI C~e Gi~, ~hen a ~ye~ m~rke): ~as. esg~hed ~d [a~ h~'he~te~ bec~se at ~aat; ~On~l '~a~ cg~t~-eX~.n<tho[n~ ~t.C~c~ nave ~e so ~o~, lot at, ~ 18 S. Sear;est ~ s~ch ~t Iarn not know tb~t [ c~o~t the~ GiA~ Cle~z"k, Trea~ttre~r, ~i~ Charg~ ~f. tl%o~e rec~rcls. ~aSy ,~e~e o F~z tfmis ~e~rd, I ~ill repeat may s~z~r:a t 'shalt ~take out tha~ all ~of theme itern~ ~w~ld because there. ~ure times when thre. e people wilt yeast to ta33¢ to the Gi~ ~h~ c~ ~ abou~ he % Aa g,o, atomg a~d work w~gh the C~ aamet I intend to let. 7QU people know all the expe~diture~ ~f tha~t water s~tem I ~sstbly c~, ~ I be~vo ~. ,~ers~ ~s do~ ~ goo~ ~ ~dl ~ work all h~s ~o do an~ rn~o£~em are ~x~r/e, nc~ a~xt ~h~y l~naw ~h~t= job~ b~t I k~o~v tha~ : ,t~0 l~UEST ~hi Ch · ow that I h~ ,~. ,~chi~-~elLabQut all ~hese the aa'y ~ ~hoUl~ b~ ~,vailable wa~ to t~z~ ~ . ao~ you t~ ~e ~0~. I ~1 .~t g~ t~o~ ~. Mend- -14- fo~d ~e t~,.~ ~tker %e~r co~it~n h~d a~ ~sc~ed ~s~. I ~ yO~ p~do~. I ~ ~ sa~ ~at~ ~We did n~ meet i~ the H~n~io~n: No, ,~'I Xo~ Si~! Yeaare ~s~n (C~ait h~ ~he record I~ th~ ~ I:~ n~ ~t ye~ give varb~ ozdera. ou put eve~h~ i~ writ~g. ~n~o~ Yo~ co~ in my o~i~c~ ~d t ~ p~t ~ve, r~h~g On z~ r~order tO0. ~ ~y. ... ~ ~s ~ctl~ wkat ~ s,~ ~ ~., It ~s the p~leg~ of ~ch .I feel all comncitmez~ are in~ereste:dJ IVir o ~-a_rchia has said ~hat I have attended meeli4zgz. Yes, ~e before ever~ reg~l~ mee~g~t 6:3~0 p~m. I.h~v~ bee~.~s~ th~ :, ~. ~zea~ I read as be ~. ~is pa~ic.~ thing 0/1 , ~his lady we do~t Tilers% ~o aec_~e+. ~ tha~. Ifc ~va~s ~enera21y tcmo~. ~ .. ~ ke.~a ~g ~ ~o~d l~to say ri~t now? ~S~ ~e m~io2 za m~ ~d seconded. rf~ts of a City Co~c~ to perfo~ .~m~e=s: I had a ~c~e: Hoho&y sec~ parlour mem~dum se~ ~ ae~t~e~ heads. O~ City ~=~ey -- AZ~e~ Th~e ~as ~o s~d I~ ~h~. ~r~ ~a~s~e~lha~ a ~o~ and I ~ .... T~ e ~s ~a~c~nd ~ his ~o~on., ~ a~p~ the ~ee~g. ~ ~O~, ~, ~her~ ~s b~ ~ne. I ~o~ ~her~ was. so~ to depa~ ~pas: The m~o~, ~-.is the v~e ~ or yea? Marley. O~s~,de of this p~r ~g~ ~p [o th~ p~s~ dat~ I ~ :~i$. ~ ~e motion you c~ o~y yo~ yes or ~o oa it. ~ i~ you. r v~? ~Oney. I c~ pdt an ~ce~on ~o that. ~p~s~ NO, yo~ c~.. Xo~ C~ m~e a ne~ mOrOn if yO~ ~sh. ~ he wa~s to. chug6 the mati~n ~d ~ke ~e m~ he may do it but ~e ~ ~t~g on a si~ted aerie.  hg~Y: ~ y~s ~ I a~. I ~eva t v~ on o~e n~. too lo~ aao th~ ~ rt o~ t~ ~nates o{ a m~. Itwas ~o~ .~e~ or whole. .~cre~: The ~ is that ~ gi~g ~ ~o~ ~ ~n~donco ~ ~ G.i~ ~aey: The mg~on is not ~ear.to ~ , ~$ this a v~e ~ c~o~d~noe in this r w~alcI be Code. The ~ keep castadia~ ~£,hooka, records of ~o~ ia s,%tbj~c~ to ~i~latix~ : pe~an ~' get them I c~ go to ~ZO- T~ s the ~z~ tk~y ~ve. the Ci~ ~m~a~r. ~ent here ~ all. do ~, the~e~ co~d go th~a~ ~els. -ZI - List of Bidders on Cement Asbestos Pipe Opened 2-5-62 1) Italit, Inc. Port EVerglades Station Ft Lauder.da~le,Fla 2) Johns_Manville 101 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga 3) A S B Utilit~SUpplies,Znc 500 N W 5th St,Box 1328 Miami. Fla 4) Florida Utilities Supply Co. P O Box 13055,Port Everglades Station Ft Lauderdale, Fla List of Bidders on Cast Iron Pipe Opened 2-5-62 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) s) 9) Davis Meter and Supply Co P O Box 270,Tkomasville, Ga. AmericanWaterworks Supply, Inc. 210 SE 12th Ave,Boynton Beach McWane Cast Iron Pipe Co. P O Box 2601, Birmingham, Ata James B. Clow & Sons, Inc Birmingham, Ala United States Pipe and Foundry Co. 3300.First Ave N.,Birmingham, Ala American Cast Iron Pipe Co. P 0 Box 2603, Birmingham, Ala M & H Valve & Fittings, Co. P 0 Box 151, Anniston, R. D. Wood Company Florence, New Jersey Mueller Co 2501 Chestnut St,Chattanooga,Term