Minutes 01-08-62BOYNTON BEAGH, FLORIDA, lvlIDlk~Ay,~J, g2q-uARiy 8, 1962 ZELL ~ ~roPdiS l~yor Pipem c,a/Jfed ~kis me~ii~zg f~r the expres:a pt~rpo~e of.diacussimg the ~zeed for a~ ~v~rall 's.~wer ~pta~ ~or BOynto~ Beaqho ~hera w~re no objectio~za az the P~lic PIearing to kerr complaints ~sZru~ ~. pro. c~ed wit~ ~is ~ter. The City: Clerk _read the reaolu~tion rqgardiug the si~d~zg of cboe_cks. ~. Ja~nes Brown, t~adra Beach. Co~niy Health t~epartr~¢t appeared a health ~and~imt. ~e~er sysz. e~ was i~per~ive. com_diti~ which no~ . ~.. M~es, r~ed informati~ aa to- whether-~r not people h~ve to co~ct to ~e se~r Mr o Bici~t~ ~eq'~estec~ i~fomzn~tion as~ to v~etker or not .people are able Mr. Ost,e¢n, Co~s;u/ting ~gi~eer, l~tssell & ~, stud t~y pri~ed w~ch ga~ a ~iety of prag~.s ~ ~e Fiscal ~ge~t,k~ c~td .~ -~anld b~ -3- f~-r gr~z sre proc~s:s~d.~m~o,~a ~he Florid~ S~ate Board o£ H~th~ i£~ a~ Z~ O0 p Snmmmers and u~r~ y 10:45 Ter~.~a P~. ~i~ Glo ~ a.d~ ~.~n, seco~dec~ bY ~iv.