Minutes 01-22-62SPECLCL/~EETING OF CITY .COUNCIL,HELO IN COLqiCIL GHJ~MBEt{S~ CITY HA~,t~, BOYNTON BEAc~t, ]YLORtDA, $3aXlU~kl{Y ZZ, 196Z xnes J. ~{ahomey, Gonncilrnan ~C~e~le ]~leor~e, ~iJ~y.l~t-~r~ey This rneeting.~a~ called to order by May, or ~l:'ipes at T:30 ~m. He advised ~ the m~e~g ~ b,e~ c~led~fez ~e e~e~, ~pome ~t~g ~hic~ ~e felt ~r. ¥~ep~d ~d ~-~Aen ~e ~rri~ed ~e l~er p~C~ ~a ~e~, a~ ~i~ give civicS[on ~f ~e wh~e ~on. to en~r into an m~ree~ent re~ng, cro~s~nE~. ~ ~ ~oney moved thee ,~sol~.fO~ ~e ~pp~a~ed a~d ~yor ~d City Glerk be ~o~ed to s~ ~t ~ ~r~ S~s aea~ed the ~ z~ which c~ied ~o~s~. M~, ,He,der'son reported on the le.tte.r/rom Florida. h~ta~e Board proceed, ~r, .~rc~e mve~ ghe ~ecomme~t~io.n ~ a~ve&, secOM~ by Mr o S~mers ~d unmo,~.ly carried. I~ reg,.rd to ~, ,Hi/leo~tas r~est ior ck~e of zon~g side Gar~e~ he ~S ~fo~e& ~ he ~ld ~e for~ ap~lfCa~io~ ~a Zont~ Upon i~q~ry by CiW.~e~k ~e W~ ~e~ by City ~r~y to proceed ~ p~ace.s~ing ~pp~c~on ~ith the ~ $Z5.00 ~pplic~on fee. Mr, Hen~erso~ teen,led th, a,t. the bi~ for ~ce car be jec~ed azad ma~ver~i~e ~.m~c~: aS ~ere ~S. o~y~$I7~0. ~ th~ h~et a~awance for trade-~ cO~d be ~de ~ Pa~ of the specf~0~a. ~. ~e ~o~ed the reco~da~o~ of Ci~ ~i~at.r~or ~h~ald