Minutes 12-29-61SPECIAL MEETING. tI~LD IN fiOIINCI~?CH~EI~$ AT CITY I-LALI., BO~NTON BF2kCPI, FLO~II~, D~/~B%T~. Zg, I9~ J, V~i~.~-A/~ PLPES, GOIJl~CIt~ P~G & tNSP~CTIO. N ~ t~ ~s~r Plan. ~ ~ .~pes ~ed ~a~, t~e ~S~tO~ ~ r~r'~ tO Civic jCe~ ~nd City Attorney read resolu/io~ pertaining/to abandonment of alley in P~ob~ris ~clditian~ lying between Block 1 and Block 2~ b~r. ]~L~ts~ mo;ed that tJ~e r,e~sol~tion be ~Qp/e~. ~o./iO~ seconded ' ~, Supers ~d u~o~ly c~ied. City ~Lt~orz~ey read ~esol~t. ion rege~rding, t~ salary of perso~uel ~r. ~s m~d the reaot~a~ be adopte~. ~ot~o~ sec~ by City. ~tto.~ey r~ad Ordinance 61-43 regardiRg Master Master P~, ~or ~a received thr~e peti~ a,s ~llows.: ~ners ~ ~s P~aa ~k, oppo~g.~-3 z~ ~d req~s~ing th~t'the zo~g be ~tA ~ ~C~p~on of com~erciaI ~e~ on .U. (Z} P~tition frQm~ A~o~ ~ Boyn~ Place, ~eq~esting that ~th.excaption of co~rc~ on U, S. ~l t~e zon~g be ~1~ ~d (3} p~ition f~om resld~s of C~na ~Ve o~iec~ to pr~pose~ zo~ o~ D~ pro~. G~i, :Pooley, 65G ~s P~m~ ~ve~e, s.p~akiug for g.ro~p r~sid~s si~t~ed ~ay boast t~ir ~o~s in g~ faith ~0a~g ~ard ~ u~gently, requested ~a~ ~-3 be ~e~e~ ~ ~ey re~n ~ ~1~, ~e d they had 51 s~es on ~eir pectin, wkich i~ th~ :~oajo~ity of ko~ow~e~s. He s~ed they ~ their komes ~h ~dezs~a~g it ~as s~gle ~ly . a trem~do~s, s~tion ~ ~1~ which.Ss not ~ev~ed wh~a~e~r. He objected to ~-3 ~ re'quest of .A~clj~sI~nent in final re.dingo e~t .~, recon:~n~da~t£on of ~a~i~mou~ly carried. ~62 wonl~[ be ~---~. '~llard ~s ~ Oo~cilma~